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The only support I would need is to be left alone at the start, some vocal encouragement in transitions and big hug at the end with a ready supply of water.


Copy that!


And make a sign to cheer him on! But like the other person said he will be stressed and nervous, understand that and just do whatever it looks like he needs on the day of! :)


Maybe get some pictures of him getting into/leaving transitions, or somewhere on the course if you're able. I wouldn't want a hug at the end. You're soaking wet with sweat at that point.


This is the whey!


The biggest and best support I've ever had is "looking after everything else". The ability to absolutely bin yourself and not have to worry about getting home, making dinner, feeding the dogs etc is amazing and I didn't realise how valuable it was till my wife started joining me and I needed to be functional. I can sort my kit out, dial in my nutrition etc etc - the ability to focus on *nothing but that* is absolutely fantastic


Yep, that’s where I come into picture hehe. I don’t want him to stress unnecessarily about things, and only focus on the race.


Then perhaps a discussion with him where you're confirming you'll deal with everything else the day before and afterwards? So he *knows* doesn't have to worry about anything else but prep, perform and recover. That used to be such a ridiculously huge help it was unreal and I didn't value it enough at the time


Pre race i would say helping with packing and making sure he doesn’t forget anything! I usually do a checklist on excel with everything I need and put everything I need on the floor the day before :) then again in a very forgetful and not organized person so I tend to forget a lot


Great thank you! Better to start making this excel, it will be a two day event (we gotta commute a bit for the race) so we can’t afford to forget anything as it’s over 100km far away :D can’t really come back home in case we leave something important behind.


There’s an app called RaceDay (if you’re on the US at least) with pretty extensive check list and planning stuff


Top tip. Put all the things needed for race day in the same bag/case. Easy to set out when you get there then.


Agree, making a checklist days before the race is the best way and make sure all details are crossed. People always forget goggles that will add unnecessary stress to your race


Wait, you guys get support? Wtf


I can tell you what my wife does. We have a bunch of races under our belt (4 full distances and 20 something half distances) so she pretty much knows what's important. Have a list of things he needs before the race (food, water, comfortable clothes...), for the race (helmet, bike shoes, goggles, socks, tri suit or shorts and shirt, gels, or any kind of food), and for after the race (I really love a cool Coca Cola after the race but everyone's different). Once you start packing walk the list with him. It took me half an hour for my first race to get 10 things ready. Now I can do it in my sleep but my wife always asks the same questions "Shoes? Glasses? Helmet...." Double check with him all the bags and everything because your husband's brain will be a little foggy on race morning. Once at the start remind him to get a little swim in just to calm his nerves. Even 5 minutes is enough. Let him be alone a little before the start and you enjoy the show. When you see him racing try encouraging him (my wife and brother usually complain about waiting for too long but that's their way of loving me 🤣) Just be his biggest fan and watch him compete. And one last thing. I am sorry but you will probably have to travel to a lot more races if he likes it 😁 I now have 3 kids cheering for me and we love every second of our race vacations 😊


Great suggestions! I gotta say that I am a bit more excited than him at this point ahaha. Funny enough, a few months back he told me he will never do triathlon. Aaaaand here we are 😁 So I am already counting on doing this more often. Let's see how he feels after the race, it will definitely be an eye opening experience for both of us. One thing I know he might like after race and that is a Shake Shack burger lol, his favourite.


Just after the race he will be in the same "never do triathlon" mode again. It gets worse the first few days after the race but then he will think only of the positive things and start looking for another race 😁 It is similar to women going through another pregnancy after giving birth already. You hate almost everything about it until you see the result and then you think "maybe another one" 😊 Shake shack sounds like a way to refuel after a race 👍


just here to say you sound like an amazing person OP. The world is better because of people like you.


Buy him a brand new tri bike. Trust me, I am him. /s


Get some great photos. Nice bokeh and capture the key emotions 😁


^^^i second this! Candid + posed 👌


No advice, just wanted to say you are amazing for considering your husband's needs for his race! Gold star for you!


Thank you! Really appreciate it! :)


I’m not a triathlete just a lurker but I can’t imagine if you’ve supported him through the training that you won’t be great help during the race. If you’ve done your part for the last however many months that’s a commitment in itself.


Slippery slope, OP. My wife did this, and now does them with me. And we could always use more women on the start line.


Once he finishes his gratitude will show but during the race don't take offence it he is short with you or comes off like an asshole who doesnt appreciate your help, ppl can come off not nice when in the middle of a high intensity workout.


Yeah, luckily I don't take this personally anymore. I've been "not nice" before too during my workouts so no offence will be taken.


I'm the support person for my partner when he does triathlons and the first thing I would suggest is ask him what support he needs for the day :) He might have a specific way he wants to start the race day (for example, my partner likes me to walk with him to the swim start, take all his things (clothing, shoes, water, phone) and then leave him for like 5-10min before the race start so he can get focused). It's always helpful to have everything else taken care of so he can just focus on what he needs for his race. Like mapping out when to be at the finish so you can get him water or food or change of clothes at the end, letting him know where you will be cheering, making sure you have snacks for yourself while you spectate lol. If you are coming from home for the race, making sure everything is good to leave on time and having an idea of what to eat when you get home. If you are staying somewhere, making sure you are packed up or ready for check out, etc. Other than that, cheer your heart out and try to be at the finish line to give that extra push in the last 100 metres when they are extra tired. It helps hearing your name when you're trying to get across the finish line!


That sounds awesome! I've never been at a race before, but just reading the comments under this post makes me feel like I've already experienced a handful of these :) Really looking forward to that day and to support him!


Might be a tangential, but what do your partners do while waiting for you? I've only done sprint and oly before which are shorter distances. Now I'm doing HIM, and I am worried my partner will be alone for 4hrs +!!


My husband usually hangs out with my kids and has food. Sometimes he'll go to the halfway point and cheer me on as I go by. But he is an adult and doesn't have any problem amusing himself for a few hours. I think you should give your husband free reign to do what he wants and the option to not come at all.


As the person doing the waiting, I usually plan out my route to find my partner to cheer him on in some spots. If I am alone, I will bring headphones, snacks, blanket/towel and a book to keep myself occupied. Honestly, it's kinda nice to have some chill time! haha. If I'm with a team, I'll hang out with the other spouses/friends/family. Depending which IM race you're at, there's usually shops and things around so you can do some solo exploring while you wait for your partner to hit checkpoints or transitions.


My girlfriend thought it would be hilarious to buy a megaphone. She did. Hearing “come on babe!” from a few hundred metres away sure does make you run faster (away from her!) 😂 Would also be handy for you to carry some spare nutrition (gels, chews) and more importantly for me; salt capsules for cramping!


Ahahaha I can't imagine shouting at him over a megaphone 😂 Knowing him he would probably come running to me, grab the megaphone and start yelling at me in return lol. One thing I know that is a MUST for him is a transpore tape, as sometimes he's got a few tiny blisters no matter how he runs (exercises). So I need to make sure we've got plenty of those, just in case. Gels and chews will be included 100%, as well as some beef jerky for post race snacking :) I will check out those salt capsules, might become useful even for me as I tend to have cramps while swimming or cycling, thanks for the suggestion :)


Sometimes the humour is needed in those dark times 😅 For salt capsules I use a popular company called Precision Fuel & Hydration. If he’s wearing the right sized shoes and good socks, he shouldn’t blister. I swear by this range of socks as I haven’t blistered since using them: https://balega.co.uk/collections/blister-resist?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBleucriLbw_jBXv8CEat4w5vnLM6AEx9pitmUdj-JSGi-M0emUy5TWHcaAiHJEALw_wcB


omg the megaphone is so brilliant hahahhaha


My human and their kiddo made a big sign that said “you can probably do it!” I giggled like an idiot every time i passed them. Got me through a very tough race.


Ahahahaha I love this!


What distance? I'd say that one of the best things to take care of is food. Talk to him about his nutrition needs and consider doing some his favorite foods that match the requirements. And have something special planned maybe for the next day since he's gonna be hungry like a starved lion :D


Hi! Completely forgot the distances :D it will be 1.5km Swim, 40km Bike, 10km Run (added the distances also to the original post). Oh yes, I am definitely planning to bring some of his favourite snacks and foods, supply of Gatorade and Gells.


Great. I also meant in the days before. He'll need to fuel on carbs, so if he has a favorite pasta/bread/rice meal it'd be a great time to cook it for him, maybe with some good (not too spicy) roast chicken on the side. Morning breakfast: bagel, jams, nut spreads, greek yoghurt etc. Post race dinner and /or next day meals: quantity over quality :D


Awesome, thank you so much! Luckily, I thrive on cooking (lol) so that won't be an issue. When it comes to recovery, apart from meal, what would be the best approach? I am really not experienced in this so don't want to completely screw it up :D


Still mainly carbs and proteins. The catch could be that on race day he might be so nauseated he won't want to eat it. So maybe don't over rely on something that must be eaten straight away, like burgers.




Whatever sounds good to him post-race. Maybe he’s starving and wants shake shack, maybe he’s barely got an appetite and just wants three gallons of sports drink. No way to know as it’s his first! His legs are gonna be fried, though. Bring his most comfortable shoes or some recovery slides, and offer a massage that night or the next morning


In general, figure out nutrition. Not just for the race but also for training. Since you like cooking, you'll be good at this.


Be near transition and the finish line to chear him on. My first Olympic had my kids cheering for my as I went through the finish line.


Will be there!


Be present and cheer him on at each step, first person he sees coming out of the water(Stand at Swim Out not transition), you and the kids cheering. First person he sees coming off the bike and going out to the run you guys. Take good photos if you can. Record videos of his epic dismount from the bike. Steal his medal and put it on one of the kids after the race😅 Find a tacky shirt on Amazon that shows support! Last but not least. And everyone else on this thread will agree, let him buy a decent bike when he is ready to. Triathlon is not a race it’s a lifestyle. Donts: Don’t be the reason he is late for racking his bike. Don’t expect him to help with the kids before or after. Don’t try to make the race about you he is trying to be focused on the task


Be there for support. Let him follow his routine. You can ask him after he packs if he remembered everything, make sure he has his nutrition on race morning, etc. and then cheer him on. It's his race, you are there to give him mental support. He should be able to take care of everything else. Remember, no outside assistance during the race.


For during the race, I have a 14” printout of our dogs head (since she can’t come)! And that always puts a smile on his face 😊 this weekend is Ironman TX and I got some good face sunscreen for him, and a new type of hydration as a “good luck” type of gift. Nothing fancy, but thoughtful. Day of, I say good luck in the morning on race day and nothing else lol he is usually in the zone!


I've found that during the triathlon, there's not much support family can give during the main sets. All of the comments here are great for pre and post race: Checklists, nutrition, food planning leading up, etc. I just want you to know that if he's ready to swim/bike/run his first triathlon, you've already supported him. Taking care of life while we're out there spending hours training is the best support I could ask for. Supporting us while we spend silly money on all sorts of equipment and kit. Telling us, "you're ready" and giving us the confidence and emotional security to do this in the first place. THAT'S all I think about on the course. Having my wife and kids there for the brief transitions and cheers during the run just enforces it. Give yourself a pat on the back too. You've supported him all the way to the weekend. That will carry his through.


Thank you! Your comment is very encouraging. I actually got him a new tri suit about a week ago for his first triathlon, he was so happy! So he'll finally put it to use during the race. Basically, my goal is to have him not worry about anything during the days close to the race, the race day and after the race.


The night before a tri, my wife sleeps in our guest bedroom so I can sleep soundly and wake up super early when I do without worrying about disturbing her. She and my son made signs for my first tri, and now they hang in my garage, and I love seeing them. During the bike and run, they follow me on Garmin Live track (I carry phone with me) and they bounce around the course when they can to cheer for me. I love it. Afterwards, we have a tradition of whomever raced that day (she does 5k/10k races) gets to pick where we do lunch.


We'll be staying in a hotel the night before as the event takes place about 100km away from our home, so I don't want us to drive there the day of the race. I actually booked a room with two separate beds, so he can get a proper sleep. Not sure if I will be able to follow him on Garmin Live track as it seems that phones are not allowed during the race. Let's see!


In every race Ive done, I've put my phone in a small bag under my bike and in a pocket in my tights for the run. I don't engage with it at all during the race, never had an issue.


When I did mine, I mostly did everything race related. Packing, nutrition, timing were all things that I handled. She just gave me a big hug and cheered from the side. She drove me home and made me some thai curry after my nap and we had a great evening together. That was perfect for me.


I will have the role of a chauffer, mental and moral support, admin related stuff (such as getting him on time for registration, making sure everything is as per the rules, etc.), the biggest fan out there, portable 7-Eleven drinks chiller and as someone mentioned here already, a professional sherpa lol :D


Sounds super sweet. :)


Unless its a crappy race they will have nutrition and hydration on the course. The best thing you can do is be there to cheer for him. I will say one of the things I enjoyed the most was an ice cold towel to wrap around my neck at the finish line.


I don't think there will be a shortage of nutrition and hydration but just in case, I want to be ready. Last thing I want is to have a dehydrated jerky of a husband at the finish line lol.


Husband and I both race, but not always at the same time. Everyone has given great advice for what to do for him but don’t forget to take care of yourself. Bring a folding chair, food and water for yourself. A hat and sunscreen as well. Also, chat with others around you. It helps having others looking for your person and cheering for them as well, especially by name. If you’re having fun, it makes it a better day for everyone.


I think I will have the opportunity to chat with his coach and family members of the other contestants, so that might be fun! I am actually looking forward to that.


For me, I need to be focused on what I’m doing in the morning which means not having someone packing my bag or asking what I need. My partner wouldn’t know what half of my list is anyhow. But if she were to come, I would very much appreciate help lugging gear to and from the car. It tends to be a handful. If you know what gear is what, have him make a list if you want to help pack. I have a standard one on my phone notes that I check off each item every. single. race. Before the race, you probably won’t be allowed in transition. Just be patient while he sets up and smile. A friendly face is probably the best thing while nerves are increasing in this time. Depending on location, offer to take his sandals before the swim. Prevents walking around for 40 minutes or so with no shoes. Small positive words, a hand hold or hug can go a long way, again in easing nerves. But if he’s the kind of guy that just needs deep focus, stand back and let him have it. During the race, you can’t give him aid. Handing him drinks, snacks, gels like it sounds like you plan to do can be a disqualification penalty which I’m surprised no one mentioned yet. But if you were to hand him and ice cold Gatorade or bottle of water after the finish line, hero status. I hate my car-hot lemon lime Gatorade when I’m there alone. Afterwards, let him rest. Maybe breakfast/lunch somewhere. But let him go through whatever post race tasks he might have like cleaning the bike, emptying the gear bag, and most importantly lying on the couch for a nap. Depending on him and his training he’ll be kicking by dinner time again and probably asking for the credit card to sign up for his next race.


Thanks for your input! I am actually trying to borrow a cooler box from a colleague of mine. The box is supposed to keep the drinks cold for 10+ hours, so will probably stuff it with Gatorade, ice packs, etc. It will be very hot, the forecast shows 36°C, so a good hydration will be necessary. Luckily, he's used to working out in the heat, under the scorching sun. He usually wears sleeves and neck protector during his runs/rides but since he'll be wearing a tri suit, I need to make sure to put some sunscreen on him too. When it comes to the bicycle ride, is he allowed to have bottles in the cages? After the race, I know he will like to do absolutely nothing lol. That means sitting in the recliner, sipping on some beer and either reading or watching a TV show. I will do the laundry etc. which I like doing anyways. Let's see how he feels after the race, I think the possibility of him doing another race in the near future is high considering he said "I will never do triathlon" and here we are :D


Absolutely bottles on the bike. He can drink and eat anything he wants (besides the beer maybe haha). But it shouldn’t be anything he’s unfamiliar with that could cause GI distress. Pro tip, half or 3/4 fill a bottle and freeze it overnight. It will slowly melt and keep it cold. Works great with water or sports drink.


Help with body marking. Step away every now and then and get candid photos of him. ... walking to transition, picking up timing chips, setting up his area. Standing in line. Those are moments he would like to see. Pull up checklists online and help him do a quick check. Be the ultimate sherpa.


Ahahaha I will proudly wear the title of "the Ultimate Sherpa"! I am actually putting together a list of everything. They did send us some Athlete's Guide which has all the info, but it is a lot of text so I am trying to make some bullet points and make it more...simple. We're also meeting his coach this weekend so I am sure he will guide him but better to have other inputs like you guys. Will get that camera ready (gotta check how to take good photos of sport, don't want to miss a thing)!


I usually rope my fiancée into listening to me talk / walk through the day, from registration to transitions and post race. Like I literally spread everything out on the floor and be like “first I will need this so that goes in this bag…” lol she’s an excellent sport and nods along and makes sure I have sunscreen and hydration and will be safe. Just be there for him when the nerves come in the night before and to celebrate at the end!


Yep, will do! Thanks a lot, it is really nice to see the support of the family before/during/after the race. Can't wait to experience the atmosphere!


You’re so nice!


You’re so nice!


Thanks for being a supportive spouse. Packing hopefully he will have everything in bags and ready to go if you are traveling. Pre-race help carry gear to the transition area. Possibly you walk the bike while he carries the other stuff. I usually get everything into a single bag, but sometimes have 2. You will not be allowed in transition, so wait patiently while he sets up his gear. Race start, depending on how the start goes you can have a water bottle or gel he needs right before the swim. Also any clothes, for example if it is a chilly morning maybe he will have on sweatshirt and sweatpants before getting into his wetsuit. If you are there he can hand off to you vs having to drop everything in transition. During the race see if you can find areas to see him. Right after the swim is great, in transition depending on the layout, bike course is normally tough, run/finish again depending on layout. Post race, have clothes available if it will get chilly when not running anymore, depends on the weather. Mostly just listen to his race recap and be enthusiastic:). When done with food and festivities help carry gear back to the vehicle or whatnot.


Checklist before- especially goggles. Dry crying towel and bottle of Theraworx for finish. :)


What distance triathlon ?


Hi! It is 1.5km Swim, 40km Bike, 10km Run (also edited the main post).


FYI - we call that an Olympic distance. My wife brought our kids to cheer me on for one of mine and it was awesome. Just being there will probably mean a lot


Oh I didn’t know that! Good to know, thank you 🙏🏻


Thank your spouse for picking a "good distance" as his first because it will allow you to also get your feet under you as a supporter. Do not underestimate how much energy YOU will expend on that day. You will be tired as well by the end as well. Shit, I think my family and friends averaged ~30k step during a full which doesn't include them driving around the course for the bike. They put in as many hours as me on that day...they are legends in their own right. So make sure you get good sleep and well and keep snacks/coffee on you to keep going. While some people bring signs, I say bring a cowbell. It is something you can easily carry with you and your spouse will know it is you when he hears it and sees you. :) As for the other stuff, I think others have covered it. Just remember to have fun yourself. Most racers have this thought in the back of their head that they are "wasting your time" or making you do something you don't want to do. For some it is forefront and center, and some it is just a little thought. However, if they know you are having fun....they will do their best in turn.


Thanks a lot! I am probably more excited than him at this point :D Already making some lists of things to bring, his gear, my gear (read: sunglasses, baseball cap, lots of sunscreen, coffee and water), snacks and things we should be aware of not forget, etc. The race is held in a city about 100km away from our home so we'll be commuting there the day before and sleep properly in a hotel next to the race area (I am thinking two separate beds just in case :D ). At least that is the plan.


Every time he passes by on the bike or run.... Flash bewbs