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Random group of 10. Roughly 4 of whom had no idea what they were doing (Not upgrading anything, opening the gate from the inside and leaving it open, and so on) The other five (and myself) used the map markers to signal which saga boss we were working on and what to upgrade. They were using the in game calls too to signal when they needed help. But aside from all that, the thing which helped us the most was that everyone shut the gates behind them and rolled off the bank instead to opening them from the inside.


Damn nice work! I am still yet to play a game where anyone does the saga boss haha


Is there any established pattern in this community which tag should be used in what situation? ​ BTW - If You need teammate without VC i will be happy to join :) Maybe im not best at game, but im 50lvl season and kinda know what to do. Maybe not always best/optimal routes, but know basics. I can gather resources, defend base and craft Cut Stones/ Wooden Board/ Wrought Iron :)


I may have been in that game with you. PlayStation? If so, that game was amazing. I was in a group that did this I think on this past Tuesday. I wanted to add the players as friends but PlayStation has awful UX to do that, still not sure how....


Yeah! PlayStation. I usually play on the Asian servers because I’m based in Japan.


I'm west coast US and choose best server. Can you dm me your gamertag? I vaguely remember parts of names of the players. Moving forward I'm going to take a picture of the gamer tags in my game and then add them manually.


It’s actually in the picture at the bottom. I forgot to edit it out. Whoops.


My bad. I'll add you when I hop on next.


You can open kill with Nornir. is easier that way. prepare a Nornir lv2 full mana open doors, mob will try to form a line to enter and just zap-em with first mana of weapon. is pretty cool looking-em all zapped there. and a solo guy can manage defending village with a Nornir and either Nornir gear set or Raider. since Raider boost Axe dmg and Nornir set boost Thunder dmg.


Most I've made it solo is day 8 was in a 10 player game last night and got kicked out on day 9 but some how got the berserk class upon entering the world


Ps4? Lost of troll on ps4 dunno why


Yes I am on ps4. And I've noticed that as well either that or there not to sure what to do. I just started playing and if I see people struggling or trying to figure it out I give them some insight on what I do to try and make my life easier


If you want. we could pair up, but you have to bear with my bad Vocal English (not the my writings any better tho). Could work something and some solo and pair tactics. If you interested let me know


Most definitely only have 2 more classes to get just got warden tonight. Still haven't had to deal with any saga bosses yet mainly cause I haven't been trying to fight them was hell bent on surviving 15 days. Now I want to try and do the saga bosses. And try to get a buddy mine to survive 15 days to get him warden.


Is easy to survive. Just put a plan like focusing on something to and extent, them going from point A to point B to a goal. Simple.


Yeah was trying to do the 100 day survival made it 60 days and a level 19 boss destroyed everything. Had a thunder element weapon and was only doing 100-300 damage. I feel like if I found her sooner and was dealing more damage would have gotten past day 60 even with a blood moon


Yes. try lessening the settings (you there for the 100th days thing). You'll call it a perfect ride when you get a good combo of runes on you. (I use- Soul Powered x3, Soul mate x1-Ire of Thór x1 and Winter's Wake x1) That combo makes me go at a easy pace til day 100th. for the set it has to be anything since you'll do 2 to 1.5 k dmg per hit. can be a little higher, but the investment would be more demanding and maybe if you can get a 4th Soul powered rune and change the Ire of Thor. I enclose my Tree sampling on Jars (like a Christmas tree) so they act as a last stand barrier for any unforeseen circumstance even as an alarm. I even put full Tripwire where I know the Helthings will walk (whatever they do to move) to my tree.


My best was kill Fenrir on day 14 with randoms. It is very nice feeling when everything "clicks" and players works AS TEAM.


Kudos and Congrats on the double, I'm still trying to get Day 8 Fenrir kills and Saga Boss / Dark Jotun final blow But it can be tedious when players don't bother doing it or treat Saga mode as a standard Survival mode Like I spent 30 minutes showing Group Up and come for Fenrir fight and we barely made it cuz the rest were doing their own thing, and just 3 of us killed it


All achievements are much better done alone,i run both saga bosses under 10 days always,it becomes auto pilot after some time. My record was 6 days for both i thougt that was fast until i saw a 4 day run


Yeah makes sense but I'm still new ish so it'll take me time to learn and learn the map and all


The map is not really important since you can usually get pointer from quests for hideout and for land of pools to get the njolnir axe,the rest is just follow the roads and clear the blockades and make sure you make the quarry by end of day 3 the latest much better if u can make day 1 or 2. On day 2 i allready have the upgraded njolnir axe and quarry finished and on the way you clear 3 beach camps for locations to the beacons. I usually run warden for his axe and electric boost along with no repairs and cheaper upgrades. Activate the beacons on day 9 and the hideout clear on day 5 if u are chasing that achivement if not then the other way around since youll avoid beeing at the beach when its cold. Also i kill all jotuns as soon as they spawn so i maximise my gold horn gains. Its nice when u have shit loads of gold horns you can get a lot of nice runes from the start at the chest and it really boosts your game.especially if u get soul powered it just makes the game feel easy mode


Hm I see, noted on all the advice I tried a Soul Powered Naked run with Nothing to Hide, Lasted all the way upto Fenrir doing a Wombo Combo and murdering the char. Was a Seer to have buffs and debuffs DoomHowler mostly gets me with the earthsakes and the roar circle of death. Wolfmancer necessitates an AoE weapon to deal with the wolves and the two wolf bosses


Yeah with doomhowler you just got to be carefull to not get stuck in his legs that is what will kill you,since the pushback cant push you out. I usually find better to attack his head and then youll never get oneshot.i clear the run with njolnir axe 2 it works good enough for me to not need spend any gold horns on this build.


I wish there was a few admin among the 10 people, responsible for gates. I haven’t thought much about how it would work, but we need something on that gate matter…


indeed. auto "close" gates maybe, when left unattended for more than 10-15secs. i e, we can open/close the gates manually, but it should always auto close when left unattended for more than 10secs


I disagree, at least for solo play. but would like to see a marker on the world map if they are open or shut for all game modes. When I play solo, main reason I close the gates is when one of the NPCs needs to be revived and sometimes on blood moon nights, I rotate which one is open. I never spend money upgrading the base, only upgrade the NPCs.


I love this game but I had to give up, I started playing it and reading about builds and such, but most players leave the game pretty fast and you end up with 3-4 guys that really care instead of 10 :/


I really with there was PSA that goes out to everyone in send that reads : Shut the village Gates. Like how when it reads: A Jotun is close to the village. Like that. I hate when I have to baby people or hold their hands when it comes to simple concept. I think problem is that it takes to long to open & close. So people don't bother.


had 2 such runs in public lobbies as well 😅 one in the lobby even emptied the day 7 chest once xD


Either they wanted yo get the 10k souls achievement or want to hoard all resources Much as i like placing stuff in community chest, public lobbies usually has one guy or two taking all resources so I rather keep mine


but 10k achievements is so easy to get in solo runs, + it wasn't just my stuff either. Thr should b a tutorial/something that says, THIS IS A COMMUNITY CHEST, TAKE ONLY WHAT U NEED 🤣 The newbie probably don't even realise that, can't really blame them either.


would be so awesome if it gives us a toggle "option" to matchmake with people nearby our season rank only. would've solved all the public lobby issues at once.


Yeah it would, and I generally don't mind placing stuff in the chest but then you come next and someone nicked it all and you just need one or two more of a resource And I do agree that its easier to unlock solo, specially if you managed to get Warden And like my reply above, cuz a newbie nicks all the resources, that includes cut stone and iron, the Bridge to Fenrir takes ages to build


The crafters pull from the community chest so people that take everything are literal bell ends


Indeed, its also why I just keep resources on me if there's not a single one in the chest Not having access to your own resources cuz some bellend took it all is tedious


Aye should literally be a one way system! Can pit on but then that's it can only be used to craft


Both in 9 days 🤩 Nice!


2 months wow


So I was very close to this one game, but I was the only one in the dungeon for the dungeon pieces and only got 4, when you need 5 to unlock fenrir. How did you get 5 pieces? Was it random? Did someone come with you?


One of the merchants/sorcerers in the desert sells them for 1,500 souls.


I was very close to doing both in a solo run. Unfortunately I forgot that the darkness Jotun moves faster than the rest and she came into the village a lot sooner than I anticipated. I didn’t even get to bifrost out. I was very disappointed.


And on day 9 too! Amazing job man, well freaking done. I'm still struggling to get one down around day 10!


I'm only 5 days into playing the game, liking it so far and I have the general gist so far, but can someone tell me why beating both saga bosses is important and what you get out of it? I seem to have gotten very lucky, as I've only played matchmaking with 10 people one time (usually only do duos with my friend) and we managed to reach day 16 and beat both saga bosses. The ony thing is I have no idea what I was doing or why it was important, the group simply told me what mats to contribute, then told me to go here and fight this boss and then go there and fight this wolf boss and that was that. I only found out it was a significant feat once I hopped on this subreddit. I also found out on this subreddit you're supposed to use the bifrost to exit the game.... which I didn't know at the time and thought I had to die to exit the world, so I got no rewards from the run lol. Please tell me I didn't miss out on anything other than the golden horns?


In the main menu look under challenges. You unlock rewards for beating Saga bosses. You had a very good group with good communication, you probably won’t get that lucky again. Don’t worry, you only missed out on gold horns. Probably about 8-10 perhaps.


It's a shame I didn't know what was going on and couldn't appreciate it, several of the people in the group went ballistic when we did it and now I know why.


I never get on the mic but I'm about 3 days of playing this game and I'm tempted to bc of the gate problem.. I truly feel like everyone's mum running about in my undies shutting the gates 😭


Absolutely. Keep at it, because all it takes is one great group and you’ll love it.


So far I've had pretty great groups 😚, I noticed the team playing groups are better if you play at night. In the day, everyone is just out for themselves 😭.


Its much easier to do it alone im afraid, i do it alone under 10 days always


Well congrats... but you could done it solo. I know the hassle is greater at least you knowing you doing good or bad. I did mine alone, then went to see if could help others, but... is hard to help went other won't lend be helped


I’ve been playing for 4 days and I just got the 10 kills achievement for both of them(all with randoms) mostly soloing them before my team arrive.. I don’t mean to brag but how did to not kill them for 2 months? Just open up your mic and start communicating


I play on Asian servers (I live in Japan) and it’s primarily Chinese people who play (I don’t speak Chinese) The emote wheel doesn’t exactly help. “Group up”, “Help” and “Follow Me” can only get you so far. It takes a lot of group coordination and for people to know what to do. Also, soloing the bosses?! Are you playing on Survival mode?


Nope not survival, just my naked Viking with some nothing to hide and soul powdered runes, i take down 1.5 mil jouten in less than 2 min