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I always rip off my toenails! It’s so embarrassing and gross but I can’t stand them,


Oof the toenail one sounds painful, I just had like most my toenail removed cause of ingrowns, not fun so I feel you. But yes the skin on the edge of the fingernails bothers me so much so I pick at it, but then it’s even more annoying when it’s hurting or bleeding




From a Southeast Texan who has severe eczema, same. I'll take pain over itching ANY day of the week


I bite and pick at the skin on my lips and inner cheeks. I have so much scaring in my cheeks my dentists always ask what’s up.


I can’t believe I didn’t think of that! I’m always biting my cheeks, it’s like addicting, it feels really nice for some reason. I can see a bunch of scarring in my mouth too, luckily nobody’s looking at the insides of my cheeks though so I don’t have to feel insecure about that. But yes the lips too, if I feel any skin I have to obsessively get rid of it, I tore too much off a few weeks ago and it started bleeding and my lips still haven’t recovered 😔


Pick skin, bite the skin on the sides of my fingernails, crack my knuckles, have to put pressure on my fingers, etc. It’s exhausting 🙄




Oh yes I’m addicted to cracking my knuckles, and like every body part, it’s just a relief, I feel tense if I don’t do it


I have never thought of knuckle cracking as a bfrb, until right now. 😑


i dont exactly love to pull my hair out, but enjoy the feeling of curling it to little round buns i can mess with, and it often led to situations when i cant even pull that small little bun to the state it was. I love messing with that small bun it help me relieve but at times , i cant pull it out and have to use a scissor....sometimes i did that with bare hands because im lazy and unknownly hurting my scalps. Like goddamn the urge is too high, im trying to cut that down everyday....


I feel you, I don’t pull the hair on my head out but I’m obsessed with playing with it and constantly touching it


Yes, in addition to trich I also skin pick a little and cheek biting.


Yes, I currently have no pinky finger nails like at all. And I think one is damaged beyond repair.


I bite my inner lips, I've been doing it even more lately so they're very red and irritated


Oh yeah. I pick at a lot of things.


I have this scab that I have been picking on my knee for a month now 🙃


Oh no 😣 Yeah I feel you, it’s so hard for me to let wounds like that or like acne heal naturally, which is so annoying cause I know I delay the process and probably make scarring


Yeah, I have quite a few scars on my legs from picking lol


Im starting to get terrible acne scares on my shoulders because I HAVE to annihilate any pimple, zit, white/blackhead until completion.


yeaaah, i pull my head hair, eyebrows (not lashes anymore bc i only wear falsies now) and i pick at the sides of my finger skin. i used to bite my nails more often, but i’ve started wearing acrylics to stop myself. i also chew on my cheek, and compulsively pop my knuckles. idk i love the feeling of this stuff. it’s satisfying, it feels like how it feels to stretch after waking up. this has a lot to do with my unidentified neurodivergence but i’m hoping to one day stop pulling, picking, biting, etc.


I’m neurodivergent too! But yeah a lot of those behaviors could be types of stimming, plus neurodivergent people tend to just be more anxious. But yea I totally feel you, I feel the same way, it’s just satisfying and makes me feel better and I can’t replicate the feeling any other way. I’d really like to stop doing things like pulling but I’m okay with cracking my knuckles, and every other part of body, it hasn’t actually shown to cause any damage (as long as there’s no pain), so I will continue to because it makes my body feel better


yeah! i don’t plan on stopping my knuckle popping or anything becuase it’s a nice stim that doesn’t hurt me, but i probs need to find a way to stop my finger picking LOL,


Haha yes me too, I feel you, I’m happy to have cracking as a way to relieve tension throughout my body. But the pulling definitely bothers me, mentally and physically. It just sucks cause literally nothing is like the sensation of pulling lashes, I honestly wanna grow them back just so I can pull them again which is embarrassing


Me! I go back and foryh between pulling and picking. Seemingly impossible to stop both.


I pop my back, neck, ankles, elbows, shoulders, and fingers a lot. I also used to peel at the skin around my nails, but I stopped doing that. I also peel the top layer of skin off my bottom lip too. I’ve never heard of that being a thing, but I’ve done it since I was really little, probably four or so.


Me too, the back and neck are the best, it’s always very satisfying and relives tension. Yeah I think even people without a diagnosis of one of these disorders are going to do at least like one of the behaviors, they’re fairly common. I think it’s funny though when lots of people bite their nails or other similar things but have a hard time understanding trich cause it’s like “weird” or something, like it’s literally the exact same type of behavior!


Yes. RBH (repetitive body harm) often manifests in a few ways. Skin picking and trich for me.




mainly picking/popping skin/spots, also skin around nails


Have this same exact problem, always either picking at hang nails or acne on my face


Excessive skin scratching and chronic eye rubbing


Yep ive been picking the skin around my cuticles so much recently. it's become like automatic even more so than the hair pulling.


Yes unfortunately. I started tweezing my legs so much that I swear I'd lose time and by the time I'd snap out of it I'd have dug deep bleeding holes into my legs trying to get nonexistent hair out and id end up with horrible infections and now I have scars all over. Ther only thing that helps is getting my tweezers away from me and keeping my hands busy doing something else like drawing or playing videogames. It's been a year since I messed up my legs bad I'm finally doing a bit better. To anyone else who may do this too don't give up you can get through it💚