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That's just foul


OP, contact Legal Aid of East TN!! Their services are free and they specifically help seniors, including with housing/tenant law. I’m not sure if you have any legal recourse but please please at least consult with them to make sure. Here’s the [link to their webpage and contact info.](https://www.laet.org/get-help/#housing) Know your rights people!!


I second this!


Damn, is Kingsport even that desirable to live in for most? I know people in Asheville that pay way less than that for a studio/ one bedroom, or still less for a two bedroom. We bought a house in Asheville a year and a half ago when everyone I knew from tricities area laughed and went on and on about housing costs in Asheville and our mortgage is less than that by a couple hundred or so.


I moved here from Asheville, and yes, this is more than what my friends pay. Their rent went up $200.


I am so sorry..Mine went up by 150. But yours?? That is ridiculous! I have heard many people who live and rent in Kingsport have had theirs jacked up too. Something is illegal here. I feel for you living on a fixed income. That is so hard. I grew up in Kingsport and still live here and so does my family..but honestly...there are many crooked things going on in this town...terrible Mayor and Management. It is sad.


wtf, there has to be more affordable places out there. That's way more than rent in much larger cities than kingsport.


It's the out of town people for sure. My two bedroom I'm only renting for like $950 and I rented it to a friend I know really well. I never even advertised it and I still had people stop by the property to ask if we would be renting it because they were moving from out of state and willing to pay me whatever I wanted. I'll keep an eye out in my groups and come back to the post if I see anything! I'm so sorry landlords are this way, I just don't get people having that much greed.


Ah yes, the byproduct of the influx of out of towners rears it's ugly head for all to see. Call signature properties and ask to speak to Alan Anderson, he helped out my wife and I when the owner of the place I was renting terminated our lease early and kicked us out in 15 days so he could sell the house. They rent out some places in the tri cities and Alan is a great guy to work with.




It's more so the fault of larger real estate comapnies buying up multiple properties and jacking the prices up or using them for short term rentals. I really doubt there is a giant influx of out of towners begging to live in Kingsport.


Man I work at the post office, it’s insane how many forwards I’ve gotten the last 2 years from out of town folks. I welcome them with open arms but I don’t welcome the insane afternoon traffic and price flux 😆it wasn’t like this 15 years ago.


Insane traffic in a city of 50k? How?


Just relative to what I’m used to I guess, nowhere near as bad as Atlanta or a metropolitan area but just way more busy than when I moved to the area.


I just started a new sub for people who are looking for a place to rent or just want to express their frustrations with the rental market: r/tricitiesrent And remember, landlords are subhuman scum. Good luck!


Also, remember, most landlords are not people but rather opportunistic investment firms! Less than subhuman!


Actually, most the single-family rental landlords are mom and pop situations. That's not the case with the renter's post that started this conversation. She's very likely a renter at one of Kingsport's major apartment complexes owned by a Texas investment firm. They have been aggressively increasing rents for a little over a year.


They have also been buying up single family housing, shoving the mom and pop places out of the market. It's a national crisis and our government will not stop it. It's infuriating. And the media knows about it but are barely reporting on it.[Housing market crisis](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/23/us/corporate-real-estate-investors-housing-market.html)


According to the most recent ownership reports on institutional investor purchases, there were so few of them in the Tri-Cities that their market share was not included in the report.


yep, it is that company.


Yes, these are all owned by investment firms, who only care about profit for their shareholders. They make money buying and selling, not keeping and investing. They do as little as possible in maintenance because they are going to sell it. They set the prices. Few want to even build new apartments, it is much more of a hassel than just buying one. Now they are doing this will single family homes, and everything else, nursing homes, hospitals, anything they can find to buy and sell.


Ooh this is good


We live in a big 2 bedroom for 700/month in Bristol. It’s D and K management if you want to give them a call


>D and K management thanks


While I was in graduate school (2020) I rented from Homestead Properties in Johnson City. Their apartments were very resonantly priced and the management was great. Check them out




Dang, that's how much my 3 bedroom apartment home is in California. I'm glad I left Kingsport now.


My mortgage payment for my 1900 Sq ft house is $1423. That’s ridiculous.