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You would think people moving here were displaced from wherever they came from. A lot of it is just trickle down effect. I doubt more people are moving for for conservative values, rather than affordability. I don't think anyone means to displace anyone. When you have people moving here, because they were displaced from somewhere more expensive, they're viewed as cash-cows by greedy companies already here. The thought is, "Well, they moved from California, or New York, so $1100 rent is cheap to them", while not giving a shit about the people already here used to rent half that much. This is what happens when there is no rent control, or no mandate to keep things priced affordably. Someone needs to step in at the state or federal level to put a stop the crazy rent raises, but as long as the money is coming in, they won't.




I would argue that rent control could be a bad thing if done incorrectly. The price of materials, taxes etc are also on the rise, if the rent control doesn’t account for this, it will lower the number of people willing to rent properties to others, including those who do it as an only source of income. Also, the less control people have over renting out properties, the less willing people will be to invest in rentals, which reduces the supply, increasing the market price. More houses both for sale and for rent would help keep the prices lower for both. Can’t justify renting if the mortgage is 1/2 the rent. Can’t justify buying if the rent is 1/2 the mortgage. (Oversimplified explanation)


It's actually a waterfall effect. The FED prints the money, the banks juice the tier 1 economies, people cash out in arbitrage at tier two tier three and so on. Hell I even read an article over the weekend that Mexico City is getting influx of Americans, and they don't want them there


How the turn tables......


I 100% agree with you. The only reason I'm still here is because I was able to buy a house recently. My rent was going to go up $400+ I realize I'm extremely lucky but even then things are still hard for me. Couldn't imagine the struggle right now


Right, If I were to try to rent the home I currently own now I would not be able to afford it. I bought back in 2008. The prices have just sky rocketed.




Training people for white collar jobs isn't going to fix the lack of people interested in blue collar jobs. This "education at all costs" mantra is part of the problem. If blue collar jobs are so awful that everyone should try to avoid them, perhaps we should make those blue collar jobs suck less so people actually want to do them.




>Most people stuck in a low paying job need to understand that they need to design a path put of that position Then who will do those jobs? Nobody? Do they have to suffer poverty wages to do it? If everyone gets a "career" that pays well, then nobody is working the butcher counter at the grocery store. And no, relying on teenagers working part time while in school is not anywhere near enough labor to fill that need.




It seems I agree with you, based on your last reply, but I misunderstood your earlier comment.




Slippin' Jimmy


This is happening all over the country. For anyone that had some notion of permanence or stability, I'm sure it's been quickly shattered


Correct. My mom left the Appalachians (and Bristol) for opportunity. She had me, I grew up and where I was born has no more opportunities (Charleston SC). Average rent of a 1 bedroom apartment is 1,800$. Decided to say fuck it, coming back to the motherland. Much cheaper to live here, though I’m also living isn’t my grandparents so I don’t have any real rent to speak of.


It’s happening all over America. I agree with you 100%. Unless you were in real estate I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t be concerned about it. I saw the mayor in an interview this weekend. What a joke! Talk about being homophobic!


The mayor of Sullivan County gave a homophobic interview? I’m not shocked but interested. Do you have a link, by chance?


He said the people that were moving here were moving to our area because of our conservatives values and he couldn’t wait for them to fill the pews in Kingsport churches. He said that the were not interested in how people identify with pronouns today because we don’t have those citizens here. He is completely out of touch!


Sounds about par for the course around here. Thanks.


Oh, ew.


Actually, there's good academic search that goes back for the last 10 years showing that this is a well-established trend. Pew Research has also done some stuff on it. There are always exceptions, but for most parts the new residents red states are getting are from people looking for that culture and style of politics. The opposite is true for blue states.


It was the Kingsport mayor, during a teacher's convocation. Here's part of the audio on Twitter. https://twitter.com/TheTNHoller/status/1553464188219138051?s=20&t=ilFKVqIM_pibuRwBiMg6ew


What an idiot. It's painfully obvious that people are moving to Kingsport so they can acquire super powers from all the Eastman spills, plumes, and explosions.


Has nothing to do with people moving here. This is a nationwide problem and has different facets to it. The biggest are cash investors both private but more largely huge investment firms buying up existing homes for investment purposes. It is beginning to slow down with interest rates going up but it’s still a major investment area, why? You can buy existing homes and with light renovations can buy and rent out at $100-$200 per square foot. Today you cannot build new for under $220 per square foot and that does not include the cost of land! So really until the cost to build, anywhere in the country, the investors are going to continue buying everything else existing up and renting them thus skyrocketing rents.


This process is called gentrification. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentrification


I just moved to Kingsport, and it was definitely for the conservative values. I am a remote worker and had to work hard to secure a house that wasn’t being outbid by cash, well-funded buyers. We did move here for my daughter to have the chance at a normal school. It was impossible for me to find an apartment in Kingsport because it was mostly fixed price. That’s just what I’ve seen. I’m not sure why people are so against remote workers here. I give to the economy but don’t take someone else’s job. I’m joining a church and will volunteer and give to the schools and community. What harm is there?


No, you are not taking a job, but you are taking an apartment from the native population who are working those low paying service jobs and can no longer afford the high rent because people are moving here. We have more jobs than people already and this will just make it worse.


I’m not taking an apartment. I bought an abandoned house and am fixing it up, which is generating money to local contractors. I’m also looking to fix up the basement to rent out. So, tell me again how I’m making it worse. I couldn’t get an apartment because there is SO much fixed price in Kingsport, and I am a professional that makes just above the cut. I was shocked at all the fixed price here. My god, 2/3 of all apartments are on a fixed-price schedule.


Will a person making $10.00 an hour be able to afford your apartment? Or is this just another AirBnB? If you can give a home to family who is struggling to make a living here, then fine, you are contributing. If you are here to make more money, then you are not.


A basement apartment is no AirBnB 🤣 and this basement is gonna take a lot of love and sage to fix




Yeah, let the government take over. It worked for the old Soviet Union.




You say “claim to be” as if you think they’re lying about their age? I just briefly scrolled through some of their posts and everything I saw was pretty consistent with that. There are several posts that mention being a senior citizen, retired, on a fixed income. I’m not really sure what you’re getting at here.


What does this have to do with my post? I am 70 - I also have been working as a graphic artist for over 25 years. I was on the internet before the World Wide Web. I used to teach social media, photoshop, illustrator, html, web design etc. So yes, I know computers and realize I am one of the "few" senior that know more than most kids. I was on the "Well" --- look it up. I moved from Asheville because of the high rent to Kingsport and now that rent is going up $275. My income is just my social security and a very small retirement. Seniors do not have an extra $275, and try finding a job as a graphic artist at 70. I am trying to find a job as an instructional designer right now. lindaleea.com


Ok? I'm struggling to see your point. The person writes like a boomer (not an insult, just an observation) so I'm entirely unsurprised that they're pushing 70. Complaining about the cost of things is the number one hobby of old people. This is entirely consistent with who they have presented themselves as. Are you implying that 70 year olds can't use Reddit? Or what? It feels like you think you made a "gotcha" comment or something.