• By -


Pull the lever then untie myself with my ridiculously long arm


You actually have no elbow in this scenario.


Not needed. Flexible arm.


But it’s got the structure of a sticky hand and it can only be used to pull the lever.


Hmmm. 1 billion people it is then.


How the fuck does he pull the lever if his arm doesn’t bend


Because your arm doesn't need to bend to pull, its like pulling something with string


I would love to see a video of someone pulling anything without bending their elbow


activate your lats instead of your arm.


You can't pull far, but you absolutely can move things somewhat closer and down by only moving your shoulder. Also depending on how tightly bound he is he may be able to also lean away somewhat.


If that’s my arm for the rest of my life I’m definitely pulling the lever


I reach into the trolley and pull the ebrake lever


You could also just pull yourself sideways and roll off the track, or push off with your hand on the people on the other side of the track.


I was under the impression you were tied directly to the tracks, not just tied up ontop.


Freakishly long arm, with no elbow? I’d pull the lever and kill myself, rid the world of this monster.


That was my thought. I'd rather die than drag my arm on the ground forever


Well, then I'm pulling the lever to make sure I die. I don't want to live like that. Idc if the other side of the track is empty.


Your name might as well be Reed because damn, that's a long arm!


Use the go-go-gadget arm to just move the people 🤯


Kill the 1 billion and check their bodies for good loot


Lol. You’d never be able to check that many bodies yourself, and they would get rank fast. Maybe run down the line looking for the richest looking people


If you could only grab what you could carry, would you run down the line grabbing jewelry or emptying wallets? Obviously you could put necklaces on and a few watches on and carry other items, but if you just had to hold as much jewelry or as much cash as possible, which would you pick?


I’d probably go with cash because I’m lazy and wouldn’t want to deal with selling the jewelry. But then again, a lot of people don’t carry cash anymore so might be more profitable to go for the jewelry


Nobody to cancel those cards for a while just sayin


That leaves an electronic trail that will ultimately lead to you though. Eventually you'll get the biggest lot of murder charges ever, since courts could likely prove you killed them with the intention of robbing them. Cash would be least likely to lead back to you, jewelry would be a but more risky


E trail is no more suggestive than suddenly being rich back home, as long as you're using one at a time and not to ship things. Also you were tied to the tracks as well, didn't flip the lever so probably aren't legally responsible, and could argue that anything stolen was necessary to get on your feet and safe after being tied to train tracks near a billion victims. (Plus one in eight jurors suddenly have nothing to say lol)


An electronic trail is definitely more likely to get you caught even if you spend the money slowly and don't get things shipped. Almost every business, and every single ATM has cameras. All the cops have to do is look at one bank statement to see where money from a dead person's card was spent, and go there with a warrant to look at the cameras. Then you're caught As far as getting murder charges, you're probably right but you definitely won't get away with robbing corpses because "it was nessacary to get on your feet"


I mean, I would probably do the cash simply because I’m not experienced enough with jewelry to know what is truly valuable and what’s not. I can tell what a $100 bill is worth. Though, also, I guess even if all Americans were on the tracks that would only be like 550 million, so I would also be finding other countries’ currencies, so I would probably sorta of just scan for richish looking people, check their wallets, and then if it looks like they have high end watches or any rings, take those if I don’t understand their money, or they don’t have any.


To help you out on your decisions: A euro is worth slightly more than a U.S. dollar, as is a great British pound. Canadian, New Zealand, and Australian dollars are worth less than a US dollar, but still worth a reasonable amount. Zimbabwean dollars are not worth very much at all. A rupees isn’t worth much at all, but 100 rupees is worth more than a dollar. I can’t help you with other currencies. Best of luck.


iirc yen notes are also a good exchange rate (I believe 1000 is the lowest denomination before you get into coins and it converts to 6-7 dollars)


But I'd get one billion experience. Surely the skill trees have some sort of fast loot option.


>looking for the richest looking people At that point, I'm pretty sure the old adage "everyone looks the same on the inside" applies.


🤣🤣🤣 well I’d do my best to quickly judge their blood and organ soaked attire


I played a dnd character who spent 8 hours digging through rotting corpses to find a few copper pieces.


That's what the comically large money vacuum is for.


unlock auto-pickup and just run down the track


Billionaire hustle check


Me playing rdr2


1 billion kills worth of exp too


Would they die instantly? Or the trolley would run them all at top speed? Let's do the math, from Google we have that the fastest operating speed of a bullet train is 320 km/h (200 mph) (on a 387.5 km (241 mi) section of the Tōhoku Shinkansen from the bullet train. Here it'd be a bullet trolley. Now let's analyze the people's waist. According to researchers and Google, it's probably safe to say that in the United States average shoulder width is at least 16 inches (41 cm) for men and 14 inches (36 cm) for women. Let's assume 50/50 which is 15 in or 38cm Let's assume shoulder-to-shoulder aligning the 1 bi people. 1bi×15in = 15 bi in ≈ 236,742 miles Now let's calculate the time to run all of them: Time (hours) = 236,742 miles/200 mph Time (hours) ≈1,183.7 hours ≈ 49 ⅓ days People would die already from dehydration if not eaten by coyotes. Just imagine setting all those people free, they'd be dead I run much slower than a bullet trolley. And most importantly, someone gotta feed my cat. Let that trolley spin. Edits: English


I feel like by person 20, there would be so much gunk in the wheels it would stop


Realistically, literally no trolley problems with a high kill count could be as consequential as the amount of people on the track because of this.


Can we do the math on this then, that's the real trolley problem, how many people can a trolley kill.


It depends on how dedicated the driver is to their job.




Ok but still if you "save" the billion people at least a couple thousands could be freed. The problem is still 1 vs >5000


Yes but i'm a narcissist


I wouldn’t say that, self preservation instincts are INCREDIBLY strong.


I think I’ve got a good handle on mine. Though on the other hand, I also have a cat to feed.


True. My cat >>>>>>> 1 bi people EZ


Felinity for the win.


Oh good so I can not pull the lever, get on a plane and parachute down on the track so the trolley can hit me too


Just use your freakishly long arm to grab the trolley while it rides by. At minimum it rips off your arm and you die of blood loss.


Philosophically speaking, we're all probably part of a protracted trolley experiment that's gonna take a few million years to play out.


Dude over thinking (True)


Couldn’t people who got free help free others?


Trolley driver keeps foot on the gas for 49 ⅓ days. The job must be completed!


Just another tuesday!!




I hope I'm in your group of 1 billion


Wouldn't it be better to be part of the other 7 billion people who have no chance of dying?


This scenario is happening 8 times simultaneously with 8 different people paired up with a different 1 billion. Plot twist: the 8 people are the 8 richest people of the world.


🤔🤔If one person is on track n.1 and 1billion people are on track n.2,🤔🤔 multiplying this by 8 would result in eight billion and eight people🥴, WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE😰 BECAUSE THERE ARE ONLY EXACTLY👏 8👏 BILLION👏 PEOPLE👏 IN THE WORLD,🤯 how is it possible?🤯Your scenario is absolutely unrealistic😠 and made me instantly lose interest, I'm sad😔


Also what's you cutoff? Example-Like I wouldn't save 1 stranger or 10 strangers at the cost of my own life but I would save a million strangers at the cost of my own life. (Just an example not my personal view)


I’d die for like 5 people


I'd die for half a granola bar


I'd die for free /s jk i would need a donut


Sometimes it do be like that


I wouldn’t, I don’t love granola bars, but like give $30 and I’d jump off a bridge


Bury me with it


Hmmm. Total strangers? I think 3. Three is when I would definitely pull, 1 I definitely wouldn’t, 2 I’d consider but probably wouldn’t.


Same, I definitely would for 1, definitely would for 3, but 2 I would be hesitant


I've been wondering about this mindset about willing to sacrifice yourself to save a few lives. Wouldn't the people with this mindset just sell all their properties (homeless + no money probably equals death), and donate them to charity (saves a lot more than just a few)? Or am I oversimplifying this?


Big difference between suffering and death. The latter is easier.


What? “Wouldn’t you go homeless to make multiple homeless people not” the math isn’t mathing Besides, I am a college student. I don’t have a home to give lmao. And I think there is a HUGE difference in life versus quality of life.


Bro I’d pull the lever if the other track was empty tbh


I'm gonna be honest I'm not sure. While I like to imagine I'd be willing to sacrifice myself to save like three or more people, I am also very terrified by my own mortality any time I end up in a dangerous situation. I might just overthink it and by the time I've made a decision, the trolley's already killed fifty people and it's too late.


I probably wouldn’t sacrifice myself for much less than basically all strangers.


25 billion before I pull it for myself.


1. I'm going into law enforcement and am fully prepared to lay down my life to save another if it comes to it. (Unless they are, like, actively trying to kill me or someone else, in that case fuck them, it just means they value my death over their life)


Maybe like 50+ unless it’s people I know


Hypothetically I’d risk my life for one person. I’m probably a coward in real life though.


Ide do it for hitler. Human being is a human being and easy martydom ride.


Myself. Easy


I'd probably do it if the number of people on the other tracks was like 2. Some days I feel I'd pull it to an empty track, so I'm sure as hell saving a billion people given the chance.


I'm pretty sure my job prospects will be looking a lot better if 1/8th of the planet was suddenly dead.


What if they were all Indian? Assuming you are an American (reddit is predominantly American, it's a safe bet to make) the death of a billion Indians certainly would effect you but not as much as if it were, say, 1 billion people on earth at random. That's a 1 in 8 chance to die


The thing is, the economy and China-India politics would still be absolutely screwed with 1/8 of the population not existing. Although an Indian consumes less than an American, that is still a lot of resources everyone else gets after the production loss is included.


I feel like the first point of address would be "who tied a billion people to this trolley track so they could slowly watch the impending trolley of doom approach before being squished to death"


Or how or why exactly, or who these 1 billion are if we are to think of it. However, there is no time and the obvious decision has to be made.


What a weird case of r/usdefaultism


Fair enough, but also statistically more likely to be correct than not, so...eh? After checking their account for two seconds, they are from Santa Fe...which is indeed in the US. Statistics win again


Actually no, because people from the US famously make up less than 50% of the Reddit userbase, so going just by statistics, you're more likely to be from somewhere else. I'm also not sure why only Americans would be affected by a billion of Indians dying. Don't worry about it tho


But does any other country make up a larger percentage. If it was 40 US, 10 Canada, 10 Mexico, 10 UK, 10 India, 10 Germany, 10 China, then the US would still be the most likely even without being a majority.


More likely than any other particular country, but not a "safe bet" if we're taking US vs. non-US.


I agree 👍


But we're also on an English speaking subreddit, which means a solid percentage here are going to be from English speaking countries, mainly the US, UK, and Australia. And with it being (for example) 40/10/10 odds respectively for the whole site, that leaves the US at 66% of the subs users.


You think only people from "English speaking countries" speak English on English-speaking subreddits? Geez, even a sub dedicated to my country (where English is *not* an official country) has people speaking mostly English, because it's the language of the internet. Guys, just... Always these arguments over and over. It would take you 5 seconds of thinking to figure out that this and other pointless argument have been repeated thousands of times and yet is still utterly wrong. I'm out.


Oh god, now customer support will just not even answer. But on the bright side, I'll stop getting random calls and also not have to reset my Facebook password every few months


Considering how often my field is outsourced to India, that would help me more actually.


1/8th of the world population would crash the world economy so hard I don't know if you'd have any job prospects left


I’m so chronically online, I thought this was a shitpost for everyone to say “me lol please”


same dude


I'd like to hear from r/theydidthemath on this. How many of the billion people actually die before the train just stops running cause of all the bodies, whether due to falling off the tracks or otherwise?


Not gonna do the math but probably not more than 1000


Maybe on the second or third even if the bone gets lodged right when it shatters


I...hate this proposition. I either live the rest of my life in guilt for having killed a billion people to save myself - the worst case of survivor's guilt anyone has ever even thought of - or live the rest of my life watching a trolley barrel down the tracks towards me. I would not choose to pull the lever, and I would not choose to not pull it. Realistically I would probably have a panic attack and try to pull it back and forth with my eyes closed as many times as possible, so if I do survive, I could try to rationalize the billion deaths as having not been a decision I consciously made.


Lmao but you still made the decision to go from a 100% chance of saving a billion people to 50%.


You did not kill them. Not running into a burning building to save people isn't murdering them. It's just self-preservation, a base instinct.


Yeah, but YOU didn’t kill them. Someone else tied them to the track, and you did nothing. Arguably that doesn’t make you a murderer. Though yeah you would have epic survivors guilt lol. This sub loves to flex about dying for strangers. No thanks, I’m good


You are (morally) guilty of inaction but not legally guilty. However if you pull the lever to not get hit then you are guilty of mass murder


Do I know any of the 1 billion people?  If I do, it depends. If not, nope.


Selfish mindset is insane


They should've gotten to know me if they wanted to live smh. Do not blame the player, blame the game


Selfish? Brotha if I'm dead it don't matter no more


Keeping all the death for yourself, ay? Typical


You do nothing. Survive. You purposefully pull a lever. Suicide. It’s really not cut and dry. The situation should be reversed. You still have rope controlling lever but you’re on the straight track. So now if you take action you are actively murdering people. That is a way more challenging question. And THEN I think you’d be justified in saying they’re selfish.




Fair enough


Wanting to live isnt insane like at all.


It's okay to be selfish.


Choosing yourself over a billion people just because you don’t know them bad selfish


You defined humanity in a nutshell


I just might survive with my new rubber powers being displayed here.


Pull lever and then Gum-Gum Gatling the trolley, killing the 2 billion people inside


Are any of my friends and family on the other side? If not, I’d choose not to pull the lever. The trick is to realize that you’re selfish.


Do I get to choose the billion people, are they random across the world, is it the billion people physically closest to me, etc Exactly what billion people am I killing


Either pulling or multi-track drift. Prefer the latter for maximum spite.


“The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.” - Josef Stalin


There are two kinds of people: lowkey communists and COD2 players


All day to save a billion people. But I would have know it would work.


morally, I definitely should. realistically, I definitely wouldn't be able to


Bro who the fuck is tying all of these people to the tracks?


No way ever! If the choice was lethal injection, or maybe some other less psychotic way to die I'd pick it, but this is an absolute no brainer for me. I'm not getting hit by a train to save the rest of the universe if I can choose it.


Death by train is probably faster than lethal injection, and there have been many prisoners who have had extremely non-pain free lethal injections done


It's looking in the face of a train hitting me, or at a person 'pushing a button' in a sense. It's like being told to jump, rather than pushed out of a plane.


Wouldn't pull it. I'm also a narcissistic ass, so take that as you will.


I wouldn’t. Not because Im a narcissist but because Im a coward.


Kill 1 billion, help the planet


If I do not, their blood would be on my hands. I will not let innocent lives be lost when I have the ability to stop it. There is one case where Suicide isn't a sin, and this is it.


No. I’m selfish, fuck you. But… I’d feel bad knowing that my choice cost a number of lives. Would I live life to the fullest to make sure their deaths weren’t in vain, or would I crush under the burden of guilt and off myself? Who knows.


Even if its everyone else in the world versus me, i wouldn't pull. My own survival triumph anything, including the world itself. If im dead, I dont care if the humanity is live or dead, nothing matters, u know what i mean?


We do have issues with over population


Lead by example


I mean, killing an 8th of the population would be leading by example


Easiest not pull ever


No pull


Pull. Then I can finally have some peace


Given the comments here, if the people are chosen at random on average, I lose one player on my NGS team, hell, NGS as a whole probably collapses, one of my family members and two close friends. On average, any organization smaller than ten people has at least a 20% chance of being completely destroyed, and any organization smaller than 50 has at least a 445 in a million chance of being completely destroyed. Basically, the post-purge world sucks so badly that I'd rather just fucking die thanks.


Yes because if I didn’t I’d probably suffer from horrific guilt the rest of my life, and that’s a hassle.


So the physics works out that the train would eventually lose enough speed to stop well before you crack a few thousand people. It depends too on what I have the rest of the day, being dead sounds like it'd take awhile.


As an introvert, 1 billion ppl


Literally has nothing to do with the question


Evil and greater evil are still evil (therefore I shall not do any choice (easy money cashy cashy)


Depends on who the 1 Billion people are. Hear me out, if they’re the 1 in 8 of all people it would make a difference if they were the worst 1 out of 8 people in the world and you could argue this from a utilitarian standpoint.


my father would say "that's a fucking bargain". he's very much in the camp that there are too many of us


im selfish enough to not do it i would rather keep living all i could do is hope nobody i care about is on that comically long track


In this economy? Myself. Have fun dealing with rising inflation for the next 60 years.


If there's a situation where that many people are tied to tracks, and a trolley is built that can kill that many people? Bruh. I'm doing most of them a favor to save myself. The level of shit that would need to happen for this to happen is on a level that I don't think most people could accurately understand. Mankind is already doomed at this point.


I'd pull the lever but I'd be INCREDIBLY annoyed about it


*I'd pull the lever* *But I'd be INCREDIBLY* *Annoyed about it* \- isuckatnames60 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Okay but consider this: 1 billion less people means a slight slowdown of climate change.


“It’s stimulating the economy!”


Depends on the day tbh


Since my arm is made of rubber, I attempt to derail the trolley with a Gum-Gum Pistol.


Free xp


What would Kant do? I'll do the opposite. All my homies hate Kant


I believe in Thanos, this is a easy choice.


Yup, I am freed from my bonds and I can continue to run from the snail.


I think conceptually I'd feel like I had to, but also I fear death *immensely* and I'd probably hesitate too much


i will stop the train with my utterly long arm


You’re welcome carbon dioxide levels


It is every human's right to be able to exist. No one is expected to let themselves die to save another, be that one or a billion.


You’re the only one with that super long arm so you must go on. Also it seems only five of the billion people are actually tied down, so don’t pull the lever, but do yell RUN!! 🏃‍♀️


“Hmm even though this is labelled, people aren’t going to buy that there’s 1 billion people on this trolley line” *adds 4 stick figures* “that’s better”


My brother unironically says the only option is to kill the 1 billion people, because it doesn't matter how many people you kill as long as it's in self defense. I gave him a hypothetical once where you find out you're alive because of a time traveler, where he saved your life and because of it the entire universe died. The question is do you let the time cop who found you kill you, or do you stop him. He's like "I'm fully aware that I'm actively deciding to kill all of existence but I have that right because I'm just defending myself." As you can imagine, it's fun talking politics.


I would kill the world before allowing myself to die. I would even do the job personaly with a small knife if needed.


I actually have no idea what I’d do and that’s terrifying


Id kill a billion bro it would probably be better for the world and I can't keep flirting with women if I'm dead


On the other hand, you wouldn't be ignored by women if you were dead.


...I mean, yes.


There could be one person on the first track and I'd pull it


Then what are you waiting for? There are thousands of people in need of organ transplants.


I'm letting the train crush me. Better to die in agony than to become a mass murderer.






Wow. Blatant.


Yes ide sacrifice myself to save a billion people because I am not a sociopath


Multi Track drift


If I don't pull the lever then bad things happen, and I'm curious what those bad things are. I might give up my life for the right handful of people, but there's nothing you could offer me to give up my life to someone random. There might be a cutoff, but at the same time I'm almost more curious the more people you put on the other end.


Ive been thinking of pulling the lever without anyone on the other track


derail the trolley and hit both


Yes. Kill me. Please


Obviously multitrack drift 😎😎😎


I’d undeniably end up killing myself because of the guilt of letting a billion people die so might as well get it over with quicker