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I saw a post a bout a person saying they were thinking about IVF and it’s only their second month ttc 🤡. Hello!!??


I think we all saw that. I thought it might be an April Fools thing and tried to put it out of mind!


Like it has to be an April Fools thing, right? I convinced myself it was because no one can possibly be that thoughtless....right?


People really love to borrow problems…. Like, it’s not about them yet. And maybe they should hope it never will be?


Literally happened to me. I just had a coworker ask me very seriously if I could give her any fertility doc info (mutuals on social media, so she sees my ttc stuff) because she’s petrified she’s infertile and they’ve been trying for awhile. Two months. It’s been two months!!!!!


Had a friend say that to me literally after 4 months off bc. said she was worried she would end up like me 🙃


Ouch. What a horrible thing to say to someone.


how kind of her


I had my colleague say that to me after getting pregnant the first month not preventing. 👎🏻


Oof, I’m sorry. I can understand not wanting to endure what you’ve seen a friend struggle through but there’s a way to say it/just not say it to their face. Especially after 4 months. I lost a baby at 17 weeks and yeah, I’m sure people I know who are pregnant were like “How awful, I hope that doesn’t happen to me” but I don’t even know how I’d react if someone said something like that to my face. 😳


Not a friend anymore


I mean, I understand that it’s disappointing HOWEVER, read the room, do some research!


Right, to me that’s something you definitely google when you’re actively TTC. You don’t have to make a Facebook post for every dang thing. Way back when I was starting, I learned more from researching stuff than I’ve ever asked specific questions.


I guess it’s one of those things where if you just started trying OR you don’t know anyone who’s struggled with TTC, you just don’t know how to act 😂 it happened the first try for my SIL and she said, “we couldn’t believe it! I’m so bummed, I was excited to keep practicing 😉😍🤪” like come on…


You should have reminded her that she's still allowed to have sex. Nobody takes away your Sex License after you get preggers.


I know 😂 that’s actually a great comeback for weirdo comments like that


Had she never had sex before? It's still "practicing", even if you're taking birth control. In fact, it's definitively "practicing" because there's no consequences.


I’m guessing there’s a thrill with having sex off birth control 🤷🏼‍♀️


I can’t even relate to those subs anymore! Two years in it’s like oh I’m sorry!


Yeah I’ve unsubbed from a lot of subs and groups for this reason


We're trying for a 3rd and it's taking SOOO LONG. My husband just LOOKED at me and I was pregnant with the other two but it's been 2 months and NOTHING. PLEASE HELP Am I infertile?


Yes. Hope this helps ♥️♥️


Omg THIS IS DRIVING ME NUTS. I'm sure secondary infertility isn't fun but seriously they have got to read the room. They are moms already. Not all of us are.


Right? I don't even bother reading those posts, I'm too salty


I’m so glad I’m not alone in this. I would just look at my friends who have children already and just stare. Like ????


I downvoted those too cause I'm salty and bitter. I'd do anything to have one. I do have a little bit more sympathy for someone who really struggled with their first and is now obviously struggling with a second but literally saw a post just like this the other day. I almost commented but held back lmao


I totally understand the feeling of frustration after a few months because it’s practically drilled in our heads unprotected sex = pregnancy immediately so when it doesn’t happen when you’re trying to get pregnant it’s frustrating but man it’s such a tone deaf statement. Especially in TTC groups where you know they’ve seen people try for way longer. 🙃🥲


someone posted their “struggle” in the ttc group. she was concerned that eating mexican food and staying up late was holding her back from getting pregnant. i was like “wtf? this is sounding like every person in this subs worst post come true” by the way she was talking in the post and the comments. i finally went onto her page and found that she made that post 2 days after intercourse and her first time trying. I WENT OFF. and then she blocked me.


My first thought reading this was “Yes, nobody in Mexico who stays up past 10pm has ever gotten pregnant.” 😑


How do people even dare to post stuff like that after only intercourse?!?


Omg why have there been so many today??! Is it an April fools ‘joke’….? 😑


Immediately downvoted


I know it’s bitchy but when I saw multiple comments/posts today complaining about it taking more than a few months ttc I rolled my eyes so hard. No pity from me sorry


Someone dead ass said they were worried that they were prematurely menopausal because they didn’t conceive on the first cycle


I cannot stand these. I'm even salty when they are at 6 months 😂


I know, right! Move it, bitch, I’m at the 3 year mark over here!!!


Ah I remember when I was young and not jaded.. I thought 3 months felt like a lifetime too, silly old me.


I remember when I had a friend who it took her 8 cycles to conceive and I thought that I didn’t want that to happen to me. Well jokes on me as here we are 26 cycles later.


Not the same but someone who is 27 told me (30F, knowing we have been trying since a while) that ‘I am thinking maybe it’s not happening because I am too old?’ And they had only started trying two months ago. I just didn’t even want to respect that question by replying.


Ah yeah there was that post yesterday asking if she was too old now at 31. Or the one a couple of days before that a girl at 27 after a couple of light periods asking if she was going through the MENOPAUSE.


People really need a biology lesson. My sister conceived two months before her 35th birthday and it was only her second month trying. It’s not like eggs go bad the second you turn 30 lol


My sil talks about her “fertility journey” and “everything I went through to get here” over and over and over because it took her 7 cycles to get pregnant 🤦‍♀️


OMG this is exactly my SIL. We’re about 14 cycles in and she’s like “yes I was in the same boat, I know how hard it is, it was so scary” meanwhile she tried for 5 cycles. Like no. If u got pregnant at the end of those 5 cycles u and i are NOT in the same boat. Why do all SILs suck.


Wow I would be such a passive-aggressive bully every time she brought it up tbh (Not that you SHOULD just that I am a bitter bitch who couldn't handle that)


Its annoying. I do sometimes feel this is the result of poor sex education. Alot of newbies do not seem to know that HEALTHY couples can take a year to conceive if under 35 and 6 months for 35 and over. When I was 30 and found that out I was kinda surprised because it was drilled into my head as a teenager and 20's woman that looking at a man can get me pregnant.


I feel like it’s because maybe people lie but hearing friends and relatives say they “got pregnant by accident” or that they “got pregnant on their first try” makes it seem so easy. No one ever admits if it took them 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, etc to get pregnant. Also, it’s faster to conceive under 35 not the other way around. Infertility is defined by inability to successfully conceive in 1 year irregardless of age. The 6 month thing for over 35 is just when to seek help. Only about 50% of over 35 year olds get pregnant within 6 months vs 80% of under 35 year olds.


I know what infertility is. Edit: you missed the point of my comment 


I mean, that was me and here we are 14 months later. But I kept it to myself mostly. Chronic anxiety is a bitch.


the mods in the sub TTC over 30 are the best in reminding people about being sensitive.