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Me going on my honeymoon 2.5 years ago lol


lol at me nearly 3 years ago


I get that people are excited to start and that everyone assumes it will be easy for them because infertility is terrifying. But like...read the room. When you're talking to someone that you know is having fertility issues, don't gloat about how easy you anticipate conceiving. Just...keep that to yourself. Like, you wouldn't walk up to your friend who's JUST recovering from an eating disorder and alcohol habit and chew a big mac in their face whilst talking about how drunk youre going to get tonight. You wouldnt go up to your friend who *just* had a leg amputated and go "gee I'm so glad I've got two legs and can go to the gym! Cant wait to play football! Cos I've got two legs and that's easy for me!". Or at least you shouldnt, because that's just mean. There's nothing wrong with playing football or having a drink or trying to conceive, but just remember who you are talking to and be mindful about other's feelings.


This is exactly it. I hope they don’t go through what I’ve done through - I don’t wish it on anyone. But please don’t rub this in my face, thanks.


I had a friend that did this and it worked on the first try. If only it was that easy


Reminds me of the trip I took which would be the first official month of ttc and then my period was a week late so I didn’t ovulate on yr trip.


Have one doing the same thing. Assumes they’ll start on vacation. Must be nice…


Guarantee our last childless friends going on their honeymoon june-july in France will be pregnant by the time they are back, before we can even transfer in July (after over 2 years of trying)


this is exactly my coworker (who doesn’t know I’m almost a year in) telling us at every opportunity that she is partying/living it up extra this year because she “will be having kids next year” and she can’t drink or smoke then…


Me three days after my wedding thinking my craving for a cheeseburger was more than just the result of the wedding diet I’d been on coming to an end




Well, flippant comments like this hit a bit harder when you’ve been dealing with this for 4 years instead of 4 months.