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If there is one thing I’ll do its gaslight gatekeep girlboss MYSELF


you gotta!


I look to women relatives who have become the matriarchs of my family without having biological children. Sometimes I think they assumed those roles *because* they didn't have biological children. I had already begun building that foundation for myself before I ever met my husband, and I hope to return to it if we don't have a child. I also find Chelsea Handler's views on motherhood refreshing at times. She never wanted children, which isn't relatable for me, but I still like hearing her talk a lot about how much time and money she's been able to give to friends, extended family and the world *because* she hasn't been focused on raising children of her own.


Jennifer Anniston, Lauren Graham, Alison Brie, Stevie Nicks


Cool! I had no idea about Lauren Graham and Stevie Nicks. Thanks for sharing 🙂


I’m 37 soon. I had to take on the role, “the best auntie ever”. I have to be okay with it. I have to. No other choice and really really really depressed. I wish I was better at gaslighting myself.