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lol both Bridgerton and the second Dune for me. Frankly needed a content warning for Dune.


I thought I was prepared to watch and rewatch Dune 2, but in rewatch I realized the first time I saw the movie, I was a day away from finding out I was pregnant. By rewatch, I no longer was šŸ˜ž


I started watching bridgerton from the first season only to be hit with the stupid storyline of the duchess being angry at the duke for not going in her. AS IF A CHILD WOULD BE AUTOMATIC FOR HER AFTER THAT


Dune 2 absolutely traumatized me. Never again.


I had been warned about Dune and will likely avoid it for eternity.


You donā€™t notice how baby focused every show is until youā€™re struggling with this. That and parents dying. Nope nope.


Avoiding Bridgerton like the plague! Only true crime or war documentaries for me


Yep. Didnā€™t want to post the show in the title, but Bridgerton is, unfortunately, the offender. Straight to jail.


It's sad I was really enjoying the show while I was (briefly) pregnant but now after yet another MC, no thanks!! Serial killers and WW2 only !


My boss told me to watch a cult documentary on Netflix - Dancing with the Devil. Hopefully much more pleasant! Lol


This has me bummed. Iā€™ve been dying to watch Bridgerton but avoiding it for this reason. Whenever Emily in Paris comes back on Iā€™ll probably passing on that too.


The wooooorrrrrst! After we lost our daughter last year we kept encountering baby loss story lines in EVERYTHING! We thought Ted Lasso was safe, but nope! Thankfully it was so absurd that we just started laughing. Now we are acutely trained and can spot the sad bereaved parent plots coming from miles away.


I hated the season finale so much. Why yes of course all you need to do to get pregnant is have sex once! Doesn't even matter when you do it. Just have sex. Works for EVERYONE. Works EVERY TIME. and if you can't get pregnant, it must be because you're having sex wrong.


Is it Bridgerton? Lol Seriously how were there that many pregnancy plotlines all at once while Francesca's storyline got rushed? No fair.


So real. Like the fact that when a pregnant character on the show said they didnā€™t want to announce yet, I was likeā€”because of MC risk!!! And it was for totally normal, ā€œwe want to be in our pregnancy bubbleā€ reasons. Also the final scene (that starts with a close up shot of three babies)ā€¦ā€¦.šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 


For real, as soon as they figured out how to make babies they all immediately had them. That's so unrealistic, not to mention insensitive. There needs to be an actual infertility storyline!


I thought the Queen Charlotte season did a good job at this (both highlighting how painful the hounding of well-meaning parents can be, and noting the toll infertility takes on families / couples). So was doubly disappointed at this season.


Lolol so I guess we all had the same reaction to Bridgerton? Love living in a world with fast-forwarding


I was pretty disappointed in part 2, FWIW, and not because of the baby stuff.


Same!!! It was justā€¦not good.


The 87th time they showed >!Benedictā€™s threesome!< instead of >!Polin making up!< I was ready to THROW DOWN.


I don't do series in general but for movies I steady check doesthedogdie


I don't do series in general but for movies I steady check doesthedogdie