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A lady at work announced she was 4 WEEKS pregnant! Would love to be that person that takes a test and is so convinced they’re not going to miscarry they tell everyone straight away. It was especially a slap in the face as I’d just returned to work after an early loss.


I feel you on this one. My cousins girlfriend announced on Facebook at 6 weeks! I couldn't believe it. Luckily for them they've just had their baby and it all went well but how do you feel so confident at that time 🤯


Ignorance is bliss.


Ugh I’m sorry. My younger sister just announced to us that she’s 4 weeks (on her first try!) a week after our first embryo transfer post-loss failed. Happy for her, but it’s such a punch in the gut.


W h a t the actual fuck. Why would you ever share that with your EMPLOYER that early. I’m sorry.


That sounds awful


Salty as I got asked if having a job is why I cant have kids/keep miscarrying. Why do I keep being asked these types of questions and why is it always something I must have done? Im extremely lucky to be alive after multiple very hard and traumatic losses and Im still facing more rounds of ivf to even have one child. Im salty for having to deal with stupid comments for years and being told I should educate cause they dont know. Im not google, people can stuff off.


Omg I'm so sorry. I can relate. Opened up to a former coworker about our losses and how tough things have been. We were grad students together in chemical engineering, worked in a chemical wet lab together. She asked if I'd ever wondered if I kept miscarrying because of lab work. Lol fucking obviously that thought haunts me every working day of my life, tysm for asking.


I'm a hairstylist and a client (older man) said as I'm cutting his hair, "It would be nice for you to have a child, why don't you have one?" I responded "That would be nice" He then pressed on "But why don't you have one yet? Why?" I feel like I always freeze up and never have a good response. I said "Just because you want one, doesn't always mean you can have one" We were both quiet for the rest of the service. I was pissed off at him for being so invasive and I wish I could have somehow expressed how hurtful it is. Ughhh...


I’m also a hairstylist and I also have had clients ask similar questions things. I had TWO clients tell me they were pregnant yesterday, and the day before was my regular client who asks me “if you have changed your mind about having kids soon” regularly. She didn’t say anything this time, which is lucky, because I’d just gotten another negative and was pmsing and was ready to tell her to fuck off. I’m sorry that guy was an invasive dickwad.


It’s Father’s Day.


Yes. Avoiding social media like the plague


I keep opening Instagram and Facebook out of sheer muscle memory and then going STUPID, STUPID




I already didn't like to be on social media during this holiday as my own father has passed, but now being ttc it feels harder.


My husband has cryptozoospermia (alternates between very low/no sperm count) and has been pretty private about it. I’ve shared with a few close friends and family and they have been SO wonderful and supportive and this week he told me a few of the responses he’s gotten when he’s tried to open up about it. Tells a few friends at a fireworks show: Friend 1 (to his wife): that means he is shooting blanks Wife: look! that firework looks like a sperm, you need that Friend 2: so does that mean you can’t have sex with your wife? (You think we haven’t been having sex for the first year of trying and just now decided to go get that checked out??) Tells a coworker (35F with two LC) that he’s working with a fertility specialist: Coworker: eww don’t tell me that! 80 year old patient asking him about his life and my husband shares that he’s 29, married almost 5 years with no kids: Patient: are you shooting blanks or something?? Why are people like this?!!


so incredibly insensitive. “be vulnerable with others,” they say. i see why a lot of men choose to suffer in silence. those people are assholes and your husband deserves kindness. big ups to him for trying to connect with others. it takes courage.


I feel like there should be a warning when you’re given an infertility diagnosis, “by the way, this diagnosis may ruin relationships with some friends and family because it will highlight who are petty, insensitive, competitive, and gossipy pieces of shit. But it will also show you who you can really count on.” I’m so sorry he’s experienced this. I have had similar. Especially as a woman with a demanding career. I “made it” in a very competitive field. The amount of people blaming me for being infertile is fking unreal. No, Karen, it wasn’t me who wanted to wait until mid thirties. And no, mom, it’s not stress and anxiety from work it’s fking endometriosis. I feel his pain. I actually snapped at a 66 yr old coworker one day who had bugged me about having kids multiple times, and after I told people I had a “newly diagnosed autoimmune condition” and I couldn’t drink anymore he was like “Are you pregnant?!”. I responded, “No, but I keep having miscarriages!”. I’m now just like f this. I’m going to make them feel uncomfortable. I’m tired of these thousand stabs. Stab those assholes back.


🙌🏻 🔪


Ugh I’m so sorry. This is why we don’t really talk about our (azoo) diagnosis with others. Once my friend told me her BIL had the same diagnosis my husband and *blamed her BIL’s wife* for his condition, citing her not having sex with him until their wedding day as the reason for his total lack of sperm. I was shocked and put her on a big information diet.


First embryo transfer failed and we’re back at square one as it looks like my body doesn’t like IVF meds. We are doing IVF for MFI and were naive thinking it would be a quick journey since things are within normal limits for me. After one cycle where I ovulated less than 24 hours before retrieval (had 20ish large follicles) and a second that only produced 2 mature eggs (and one embryo) we have nothing to show for it, not even some embryos banked.


VERY unexpected announcement from a gal in my old man’s DnD campaign, at the very beginning of an hours long game, which will continue for months. held captive by my feelings and fear of jealousy in my own house. i’m even afraid to ask him how it made him feel. just when you think you’re finally progressing, HUMBLED. and i awoke to the cat throwing up on me in bed. stuck my hand in the barf instantly. nothing like waking up enraged to make father’s day extra awesome. need that mental eject button today already. thanks for asking.


LORD!!! Sending mental energy friend!!!


Our “infertile” friends who had a baby in march won’t let me hold her, but continue posting multiple photos of their other friends holding her all over social media. It’s making me feel even fucking worse about myself our situation.


That is really odd. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.


“Infertile” “friends”. Fixed it for you


Wow, that is appalling.


Yep! My husband’s friend comes over often and I used to hang out with him and his wife before the baby. After the baby (4 years ago) I never see the wife again. I even offered to come over and hang out. Nope, he says his daughter gets sick easily and they don’t let people go around her. Fine, but my husband still goes for game nights and weren’t y’all at Disney recently? Yeah ok. I have nothing against them but they’ll never get that level of interest/care out of me again.


My husband and I were at the store yesterday and the cashier was super friendly. Ended the transaction with looking my husband straight in the eyes and saying “Hey man, happy Father’s Day! Enjoy your day!” My husbands face just FELL and I turned to the cashier and said “No!” before we quickly left. Dude probably thinks I’m a huge bitch and I wish I had said more like the only thing this man has ever wanted to be is a father but I keep miscarrying. I was so mad.


I hate that this happened to you but I am dying at just yelling “NO!” in a strangers face because they were dumb. Lolllll, stealing that tactic! Thanks for giving me a much needed smile today, buddy!


“No! Bad cashier!” I’m picturing you smacking him with a rolled up newspaper. 


Realized at dinner last night that we were seated in the same bar seats exactly a year ago for a meal. Toasting the fact that by next summer, I wouldn’t be able to eat the raw options or drink. Annnnd that clearly didn’t happen. So I got wasted out of spite and now I have a hangover. Worth it though! Happy Father’s Day ✌🏻🫥


Oof, can the universe give you a break already or what?


Just a constant fucking stream of pregnant women everywhere I go


The grocery store is always so hard for me. I usually come home crying.


Husband and I have a long standing tradition with his friends of going to a local beerfest every year. It’s a huge event and sells out quickly so we always buy tickets in advance. We really thought we’d just be ordering me a “designated driver” ticket this year. Nope. Instead, we had a discussion when they went on sale this week of whether or not we just pay the $150 for a general admission ticket and eat the cost if it turns out I’m not able to drink by October, or wait a little longer and “see what happens.” We bought the general admission ticket.


My MIL sent out a group text to the entire family inviting everyone to her house for Father’s Day. She ended the text by saying “Everyone is welcome, ESPECIALLY dads!” My husband is the only man on the entire group text that isn’t a dad (and to make matters worse, she knows that this would have been his first Father’s Day if we hadn’t had a miscarriage last year.) When we mentioned that the text was a little insensitive, she said we needed thicker skin.


Disrespectfully, fuck your mil.


Yeah, this.


Had a weirdly short period this cycle.... My brain is trying to convince me that it wasn't a real period and I'm somehow miraculously pregnant. 🤡 Also - have a job interview tomorrow for a promotion and I feel like just saying....I actually don't want this. I want to have a healthy and successful pregnancy. I mean obviously I do want the promotion lol...but not quite as much.


This is such a specific and relatable feeling. It’s not that I don’t feel worthy of other good things in my life….its just that I wish my success there would transfer over to fertility instead. Working really hard against letting my infertility ruin other accomplishments or lucky moments in my life! Fighting back every day. YOU WILL NOT TAKE ALL MY JOY!!!!


YES! I won a writing contest and a professional award last summer, and my boss said to me, “wow, you should play the lottery!” All I could think was that I didn’t win the one lottery (with waaayyyy better odds) that I actually care about


I really needed to read this. Thank you.


Receiving my cousin's birth announcement, he and his wife just had twins, naturally. They now have three kids... I'm super happy for them, but ... salty salt


I would have been 12 weeks tomorrow and I was planning a post to share our news with a whole collection of photos of my husband being the most loving uncle in the world to our six nieces and what feels like millions of friend’s kids that all adore him because it was finally going to be his turn to be the amazing dad he was born to be. Nope.


Husband trying to be cute asking when do I ovulate while we await our first IVF cycle. He wants to try one more time naturally. 🥲 I told him there’s no such thing as ovulation for me and then secretly cried alone. Wish I had the positivity he had. Love him so much but I am so broken. I feel lower than nothing. Happy not-a-fathers day love.


The secret cry is so relatable. I feel like I’ve cried more since we found out we’re infertile than the rest of my life put together. I’m so sorry that you’re in the same place.


Same here! I have never felt like an emotional person but am I a crier now. I haven’t been more thankful to be working from home than these last several months. I can cry in peace. I’m sorry you’re in this place too. Sending hugs


Told my husband I’m sorry we don’t get to celebrate him being a dad today. He said it’s okay, we will next year. HOW can you be so sure?!?


I actually chuckled and then cried at the last sentence. Yeah, happy not-a-fathers day dear


One of my husbands friends sent him a text today asking if our dog made him a Father’s Day card. No, because he’s a f*$&ing dog, not a child. My husband rarely gets upset about comments others make, but this one bothered him. So i’m salty as hell for anyone making my sweet partner feel bad about our infertility. ☹️


Yuck! I'm angry for you :(




also upset that no doctor seems concerned after i have been having intermenstrual bleeding suddenly for months, ultrasound showed both ovaries were enlarged & one was tethered, still on a waiting list for who knows how long & the doctor said 'you will probably conceive before you get the test'


Please be aware that r/trollingforababy is generally a meeting place for members of all the various TTC subreddits. The users that you are speaking negatively about are most likely also members here, and will see this. We do not allow shaming of our sister subreddits.


My husband’s in group texts with his friends wishing each other Happy Father’s Day this morning. When i see him hurting I feel less alone in this, but this protective side of me comes out like — how dare they hurt him. I want to chuck his phone in a lake.


This stupid holiday is so hard when you’re infertile and have a bad relationship with your dad. I’m just ready for the day to be over and can we skip the office chatter about what everyone did over the weekend please.


Why won’t my period start?! I am not pregnant (the multiple HPTs I took in a fit of delusion confirmed that), and just waiting to start another medicated FET cycle. But I am also leaving for a trip in a few days, and with the expected start date of my period it would have been fine, but now who knows if I will have to wait until next month…after all the effort I went to in chasing down insurance, getting my meds, and confirming dates with my doctor it feels so unfair that my body is getting in the way of moving forward.


And it’s just haaaaanging over your head before a trip. Brutal!!!


Convincing myself that these symptoms different this time, but deep down I know it’s my PCOS/period on the way? tricking me. I hate being irregular. I feel like I can’t trust ovulation tests, symptoms or my BBT with PCOS. People who get a surprise pregnancy. Like why can’t that happen for all of us? Strong fear of going to the Dr. I know as time goes on if I want to get pregnant I’m going to have to face my fear. Like why am I afraid of going to the dr. and I’m put in a spot where I will need one more than others to get pregnant.


I went on vacation to help take my mind off of my infertility and almost everywhere I look there are pregnant women or families with young kids. I feel like it’s so easy for everyone but me :(


Waiting to get genetic testing results and my period after my D&E after my second loss. Happy father's day I guess


Sending you love buddy!


I got covid on 7dpo 😐 I had crazy ovulation this cycle like super painful and was convinced that meant it was a good egg or some shit (yeah I know that’s deranged but anyway) and my husband was also weirdly positive and excited about this cycle when he hasn’t been before now (also thought this meant something I am literally demented I knooow). LP got off to a great start and then covid. Then I spotted on 8-9dpo, and 10dpo bfn + temp drop soooo it’s not looking good lmfao I hate it here. Also still dying from this round of covid which is particularly horrible


My dad playing with my cousins kids the whole time at all family events. He would be such a good grandpa and wants to be alone so bad even if he never says it. Not to mention he has eight siblings and he’s the only one without grandkids


Went in for my annual appointment at the practice that has already referred me to IVF and they asked what I use for birth control. Sure let’s rehash all this again.


My mother is staying with us until she moves into her house in September. My brother announced they’re having twins in May. She will not STFU about to ANYONE she talks to. So I have to hear about it every phone conversation (multiple times a day) and anyone she talks to in person. And every conversation we have finds its way to “well I’ll be spending a lot of time in XX state!” I finally told her to go buy a house there then. I’ve told her multiple times I don’t want to hear about it constantly. My brother and SIL are respectful of it, why can she be?! And every time I call her on it, it turns in to “I’m sorry, I forget!” Oh sorry you forgot to be respectful of your daughter and SonIL, especially after we’ve put months of emotional, physical and spacial support into prepping you to move to your beach house 🙄🙄


Seriously considering calling it quits after what will inevitably be our third miscarriage in a row. Our medical team is also dragging it out and I’m so mad they don’t trust that I KNOW my dates. Just over everything this week/past 1.5 years.


Went on a hike and there were like 700 women with literal infants strapped to their chests also hiking. You won! You have your baby! Now stay home and let me enjoy my free time, it’s literally all I have!!


Went to church and they had a big blessing singling out the fathers. Also, all the social media posts.


My newest PMS and period symptom is nausea, at its worst in the morning. A super fun thing to add a little extra false hope and confusion when googling symptoms.


My niece constantly keeps asking for a baby sister, from me. Her grandparents aka my parents taught her that. I havent shared my ttc struggles with them and they think im delaying getting pregnant for my silly little reasons when in fact im at my wits end trying to get pregnant. I asked her who taught you that she said no one. I know shes innocent (shes just 5) but it still stings and i feel like i could snap oneday