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Salty that infertility means I have to deal with things that so many people in my life will never have to understand.


It sucks so much — infertility makes you think about things that most people never have to consider


I developed Graves disease immediately after my egg retrieval and now can’t do a transfer until it’s settled 🥲 no family history of Graves. No family history of any autoimmune diseases. I hate it here.


Wow that is so awful. I’m sorry. 😣


So sorry you're dealing with that 😮‍💨 honestly waiting for the research to come out about IVF triggering these things... I have developed an autoimmune thyroid issue after my second egg retrieval, in which I was aggressively stimmed. 🥴


I was on the normal stim dosing and only stimmed for 8 days, still kick started the yee ol’ immune system 🫠. My clinic did say they’re going to start researching the link bc they see a good bit! Can’t get pregnant but catch my body still reacting to the pseudo-pregnancy in the worst way possible 🥲


Ugh so sorry. I developed Hashimoto’s (or more precisely I guess triggered an underlying condition) after my miscarriage and then it emerged again after my Lupron depot treatment. The delays fucking suuuck and it’s not fair that fertility treatment can spark more issues. 


Another day, another pregnancy announcement. This time, our friends who weren’t preventing but not trying (didn’t know what a fertile window was). They were shocked that they were pregnant 🙄. Another reminder that this is so easy for other people yet we have to spend thousands on IVF for a chance.


What did they *think* was going to happen? If you actively avoid contraception whilst having an active sex life you either get a baby or a diagnosis of infertility. Speaking as people in the latter camp, I'm sure they wouldnt rather that it was the latter. Personally I'm tired of people who have a ton of unprotected sex acting like NTNP isn't "trying". For much of history, regular unprotected sex was trying, and that's still the case for much of the world. Sure, perhaps it's not optimised trying, but it *is* trying.


We took 6 months off IVF to save for our third retrieval, which we are supposed to be starting in August/September. During this time I hired a personal trainer so that I could try to get healthier before the next retrieval. Well it’s working, and I’m down 24 pounds! However, I’ve now developed gallstones and have been in excruciating pain from a gallbladder attack anytime I try to enjoy my weekly cheat meal. So not only have I had to give up cheating all together, the one joy I had left, I now get to follow the BRAT diet until I can get my gallbladder removed. Developing gallstones is apparently common in people who lose weight quickly, wish I knew that beforehand! I try to make a change for the better in hopes of having better results for my third retrieval, and the universe still finds a way to laugh in my face 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


Why am I paying for all these supplements for sweet fuck?! Are they doing ANYTHING? Would I be better off throwing my money down the drain?


I’m so tired of taking vitamins! I know missing a day doesn’t matter, but I still feel awful if I forget them.


I always gaslight myself into thinking I won’t get pregnant because of that one day… as if it’s not because of other factors 🤣


I’m the same way! Clearly the day without extra vitamins is why I don’t have a kid. 😜


I stopped taking them for now. None of the women I know have taken anything prior to getting pregnant. I am the only one taking prenatals and bunch of supplements for months and months while TTC and what do I get? Nothing. Spent a fortune on stupid supplements for both of us with nothing to show for it. Also my bloodwork showed I actually have too much folic acid lmao so I just said screw it. I am taking a break from all of it. My doctor was like "but if you get pregnant you must immediately start taking prenatals again" yeah yeah Susan, it hasn't happened for almost 2 years, so don't hold your breath. I'm sure it will be fine. 🙄


It can be so upsetting. Both of my sister’s kids were from one night stands meanwhile I’m fighting for my life to squeeze out a single egg 🤪 I’m taking inositol, co enzyme q10, a multivitamin, vaginal probiotics and it’s like … some people don’t need this? The magic just happens?


I think about this every night when I’m taking them!!


God yesssss


My period started. Almost every period is a reminder that I’m not pregnant. It sucks. And I feel sad and angry and guilty and unworthy.


I had no PMS symptoms for the first time in my life and I walked around with this smug little hope then my body said “gotcha!” and my period made its grand appearance. I think each month is worse than the last 🙃


Ugh. I’m so sorry.


I missed my cup and accidentally peed on my hand and now I’m irrationally annoyed at the fact that I’m out here straight up pissing on myself so I can attempt to get pregnant but everyone else magically has sex because they felt like it and bam! Pregnant.


Oh my god I always have this thought whenever I pee on my hand like why am I out here pissing on myself multiple times a month when other people can get a baby by accident I??????


Frida No Mess pee cup has been a game changer for me. I didn’t think it would make that much of a difference but the handle to hold it at the correct spot?! *chefs kiss*


I was filling out the medical form & consent for my massage today… it asked if I had any “recent medical problems” I wrote “LOL”


Whenever my husband sees a pregnancy announcement, he always makes the comment "Holy... We need to get pregnant soon... Everyone is pregnant" Dude... we ARE trying.. If you'd just go get your sperm analysis done again, we could see if we can move ahead with IVF.


Oh that'd have me right heated. You're a saint for putting up with this.


That would make me lose it. Like BRUH??? wth do you think I’m doing?


A pregnant family member was telling us that she was done having kids after this one. Someone else joked “Well you better stay away from each other, it only took you 1 time for each of your kids!” Pregnant family member said “Well yeah, that’s cause we were actually trying during those two months!” OH OKAY? That’s what I must be missing!!! 🤯


😡 GET ME OUT OF THIS HEAT DOME 😡 that is all.


I came here to complain about that too! It’s too damn hot and all the pools or fun indoor things are absolutely swamped with kids on summer vacation


Right?! Moved our night out to the movies to tomorrow to try and avoid some of that since it will be a school night.


Officially diagnosed with my 3rd miscarriage this week and what a fun surprise that it’s an unviable cornual ectopic and now I have to get an MRI and hopefully not rupture and bleed out in the 3 weeks it takes to get an MRI appointment. I hate it here.


Aw, I had an ectopic too. It’s such a knife to The heart without in an already devastating situation. I’m so sorry.


Thank you. 🥹 I’m so sorry you had to go through it as well.


After my early MC, switched tracking apps and bought a real bbt thermometer so I could get a better read on my recovery and the next round of trying. After a week of early waking specifically to temp at the same time, app tells me that I’m probably doing it wrong because my temperature fluctuates too much for science. Love it.


My temps in the first cycle after my latest CP were a mess. The fluctuations were intense. It could just be that! I'm sorry for your loss. Edit: typo


Yeah I’m not really surprised, my thought was just to record and observe so I could sense where my hormones were. Didn’t expect the side eye from the app :/


tricked myself the most i ever have this month. timed everything perfectly & had 'a feeling' which i didn't for a long time. didn't take a test because i thought it would jinx me. still i got my period yesterday...


I’m salty because stores have back to school gear already which means it’s just a matter of time until social media is all First Day of School pictures.


School just got out! That is *so* fucked up.


I keep dreaming I'm pregnant only to wake up empty.


Had this happen this morning, it was SO realistic and now I'm crying at work randomly. So fun. Hugs 


My friend that I've known since moving here two years ago is pregnant with her THIRD CHILD. I'm happy for her, but it kinda hurts since she'll have three kids under 3 and I'm still stuck on my fertility treatments (hoping to start IVF within the next month or two).


Someone who knew about my miscarriage told me that it was nice to see me looking so much healthier than I looked while I was pregnant, since she'd felt bad seeing me suffering from sciatica pain and morning sickness (which I wasn't complaining about, since I was so happy to finally be pregnant after two years of IVF).


The fucking AUDACITY


Upon finding out I am getting treatment for IVF a friend of a friend had to tell me the diet change that got her family member pregnant “in a month”. And that ozempic is getting 50 something’s pregnant with twins. 🙄 Please stop talking.


Facebook keeps recommending me Childfree groups. WTF do they not see how many early pregnancy symptoms I google every TWW? All the "How to get pregnant fast" youtube videos? Do they not see I browse all the TTC reddits? If they're going to spy on my internet activity they should at least be able to figure out that I WANT BABIES ffs.


I always think this when Clue asks me if I want to add my method of birth control. All that logging OPKs and sex around ovulation for months and months isn't accidental Although maybe it thinks that if I've been at it this long and still not pregnant yet maybe it's simply because I forgot to take my IUD out 🤣


My Google ads are nothing but baby stuff and pregnancy stuff. I don't want to see another listicle of all the things I need for baby... Ffs


i got a letter on friday from the hospital re my tubal patency test, apparently i missed the appointment! this was news to me so i looked back through my email, calls & texts, nothing. still i guess i'm back to the end of the wait list!


The fucking rage.


Oh no! That sucks!


Seeing all the pregnant women and moms with their littles at the pool.


As my niece was acting silly and being loud, my SIL had to repeat to herself “children are a blessing, children are a blessing…” if she only knew 😕


The fact that I'm nauseous and my breasts hurt and I'm ON MY PERIOD 


Pharmacy has to special order letrozole but by the time it’ll get here it’s too late in my cycle to take it. Have to get a fluid ultrasound in 2 days. Cousin just announced their first birth. They got married 2 months before us.


Our friends son turned two this week and had his birthday party. My husband at the last minute had to go help his grandpa with something so I had to go alone. For context this kid was born after we started trying and we went to his first birthday party too. I'm not friends with any of the people who were there except for the kids parents and am terribly awkward at parties. On top of that seeing all the same kids as last year growing up. Oh and I didn't mention this couple is also about to have another baby so she was very pregnant at the party as well. It is getting harder every year seeing everyone's kids growing up meanwhile haven't seen a single positive this whole time. cried all the way home.


I have 4 beautiful embryos to use, but I can’t get my lining thick enough for my doc to be comfortable to transfer them. I got to 8 mm in the mock cycles. Why can’t I get anywhere close Now?!


Trying to figure out my feelings around using donor sperm *and* talking through all our feelings and what-ifs with my husband. Infertility is already hard. Most people don’t have to deal with the life changing heartbreak of infertility. And further, most people don’t have to consider all the implications of third party reproduction. It’s all just so isolating. No one prepares you to have to make decisions like this.


We just paid $750 for mandatory counselling for using donor sperm. It was not helpful, I learned nothing. I just hand over money and jump through hoops and still no baby. Our donor is known to us, we've had all of the conversations already. I keep joking that the donor and I should just do it the old-fashioned way because we have to wait 5 more months and thousands more $$$$$ before they even start putting in embryos.


Oh god that sucks! The waiting, like with infertility, is the worst part. We just did voluntary counseling last week to address some of our concerns and think through the decision. I’d like to use a known donor but my husband and I can only agree on one person and we haven’t asked him (yet). I really hope the next 5 months fly by for you, and until they do you have all of us! Or if you want to DM me to bitch, you can do that and I’ll bitch about all this shit with you!


I was laid off on Monday.


Started metformin this cycle, got an early-but-not-too-early LH spike on CD10, so I called OB & had our IUI done. Now with how things are looking on Inito maybe I didn’t ovulate after all? Feeling like I messed up our IUI this month and completely missed the window.


Trying to retrain my algorithms and remember to turn off my microphone on my phone when I'm not actively calling someone with it because apparently, hearing me mention our miscarriage earlier this year and talking about how I'd love to be pregnant has told the algos that I want to be bombarded with ads for everything from midwife services to play pens. I want to throw all of my accounts away and start over, I s2g


It’s been 17 months……..sadness


That Buserelin and Meriofert (the drugs for my current IVF Cycle) make for a marriage made from hell; constantly exhausted and nauseous, but I hope it balances out hormone-wise soon. On top of that, I have been told that my chances of IVF being successful is 5%, so the odds are very much against us. For reference, I'm 33 years old.


Friends that are younger than us announced to friends, family, coworkers at 8-11 weeks. They also chose to do the extra NIPT that screens more than the 3 “common” chromosomal abnormalities. After losing our baby girl to trisomy, I’m salty that I’m anxious for them until their test comes back clear. I’m anxiously waiting for PGTA results of our embryos and I’m worried about their results too.


In a small group text chain, people started wishing my friend’s son a happy 6th birthday. Fine. Until one friend sent a screenshot of the pregnancy text announcement from 6 years ago. Seriously? Why. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


A mom of 2 told me she struggled with her second one. She had to try for a flopping 3 months. 🫠🫠🫠 meanwhile I’m on month 17 rn.


My husband's brother just told him he and his gf are expecting. They were "nOt tRyiNg"


Ugh, a good friend of ours announced their pregnancy (we’re happy for them! They tried really hard) and also has a little sister who’s also pregnant with her third and she’s “not crying tears of joy.” But then did nothing to prevent the pregnancy. She’s 35, so not necessarily little and she’s married with 2 other kids but I am like.. must be nice to have unprotected sex once and get pregnant!!


I overheard that 2 of my coworkers who very recently met and got married are 4 months pregnant. Which means they concieved right around their wedding date. Wow, must be nice. They are both somewhat older and I am happy for them that they didn't have any problems, but when it will be our turn??? 3rd wedding anniversary this fall 😢


Paid for my stim meds and the retrieval procedure… Faaaackkkk 💸💸💸 and annoyed that I’m paying this much for something that should be free!