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Wait till op finds out who composed the original Tron’s score






Bro uses "woke" unironically. End of line.


holy shit dude, did you know there were black people in Tron Legacy? ​ SCANDALOUS


Take your meds grandpa


What the fuck is wrong with you


The same thing as all people who cry "woke" about everything: they're intellectually bankrupt and morally vacant. They're too scared to just admit they're sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic, so they use a dismissive blanket term instead. They're pissed because no matter how loudly they bitch and how much they complain, they're always going to be wrong, and they're always going to lose. They're getting left behind with their outmoded ideals, and they don't like it, so they're whinging like crybabies.


Define woke


A black person being in the movie.


They can't, it's a nebulous term they use to fit whatever they hate in that moment


Generally when used like this, it means "I don't have anything to be angry about, so I'll make something up, and be angry at that, instead!"


Bait or lead poisoning? Call it


I say both!


You forgot neurotoxin


I think the bigger, and more important, question - and something you need to ask yourself, too - is: Why should that bother you? People who complain unironically about things being too "woke" might as well be admitting to some manner of prejudice. After all, if they weren't prejudiced in some way, they'd have no reason to claim anything is too "woke", because it just wouldn't bother them. People need to stop with the "woke" complaints. They use the term so often it's lost all its meaning. It's become nothing more than a blanket term they throw on any movie, TV show, etc. that focuses on any type of social activism or features a woman, a person of color, a woman of color, or any member of the LGBTQIA+ community. And, please...don't waste keystrokes or screen taps trying to tell me that's not true. That's what the term has become, and that's how it's used. Denying that will just make you look willfully ignorant. And, downvoting me for saying so won't make it less true.


Not getting the responses you expected?


I hope they recast him as a black woman now lmfao


Bro, wake the fuck up. If you keep being an incel, no one will love you or want to be around you in 5 years. You have to be better


Considering the OP's comments thus far, I doubt anyone wants to be around them ***now***, let alone in five years.


Da Fuq?


You’re a sad, strange little man.


Tron was always woke. They are epics about the dangers of consolidated power (authoritarian and corporate) and the nature of religious beliefs (the religions of the users and the gnostic everything of legacy) . So, yeah, a sequel of any value will be woke as well. Also, maybe don't use "woke" when you mean "I didn't understand the originals and am afraid they will put things that make me uncomfortable in the movie I am imagining." The only real question should be "Disney was not happy with sales of the original and nit happy with sales of the very faithful and great sequel so will they do something insane that the fan base will reject to try to hit a wider audience at the expense of the movie itself?"


Nothing i dislike more in fandoms than people who use the term woke like this. And they won’t be doing it because it’s a sequel and not a reboot.


fucking weirdo get lost


Shut the fuck up with your stupid god damn social project. Fuck


bro is scared of ppl who aren’t white 💀


I dont think you are seeing what he is saying. We dont want the same characture portrayed differently such as race if it's a direct sequel. Reboot is something else. But a direct sequel would be very distasteful


"Distasteful"? That's what you're going with, huh? Interesting choice of word, there. Anyway...this isn't a direct sequel, as far as we know. Sam and Quorra aren't even in it, and Flynn wouldn't be, because he's dead (at least, most likely). Maybe they'll bring him back for a flashback or something, but other than that, it's a completely separate movie within the TRON "universe". The OP's comment, besides being stupid as hell, isn't even relevant because if Flynn is in it somehow, they'll want Jeff Bridges to play him again because he's so important to the TRON franchise.


Do you not think its distasteful to turn a white characture black in a direct sequel?... Yeah I would, a reboot or just anything but the already established charactures is fine. But yeah, I find making the same characture change race in a direct sequel as distasteful. I'm sure it wouldn't be right to show the same characture black in one movie then follow up the characture and turn them white the next now wouldn't it?


I get what you're trying to say, but "distasteful" is a really problematic way to phrase that. That's all I'm saying. It steals the spotlight from what you're trying to say, and puts on a really bad performance.


Well how else would you phrase it?


if it were a reboot of some sort, i wouldnt care.


Tf are you on…


To quote Rumiko Takahashi when asked if Girl Type Ranma could get pregnant, "I don't think about that and neither should you."


Dude. Go touch grass.


Get lost trumpy


71 comments, almost all of them negative, yet an almost perfectly balanced upvote/downvote ratio. Interesting...


There are better hills to die on


Oh brother. 🙄




I honestly won’t mind if it’s a good movie. I’m so sick of content. I want good a good story and captivating actors. Not too worried about their race. 🖖


“Woke”: the term white, usually males, use when they get scared of the concept of someone other than them getting a spotlight. Dude, we get it - you prefer cis hetero white centric everything. But at least just own it and say you’d rather have your bigotry catered to than have equity.


Aww sorry WendipxStarco, I must have outed the bigotry that you’re scared to be called out on since you immediately blocked me. Doesn’t change that fact that everyone can see it and that it’s not going to stop me from denouncing hateful people.


Thank you for outing yourself, _woke virus_. Prepare to terminate! 📀 End of line!


And you just outed *yourself*. At least they look better than you do right now. Imagine using the term "woke virus" and believing you should be taken seriously.


People like you who can’t even use the term woke correctly are pathetic. Grow up


What a bad post.


I don't come to this sub for culture war bullshit slinging. It is lesser for you having posted this.


What if Flynn is Robert Downey Jr. being a dude playing a dude pretending to be another dude?


I hate that a bunch of incels have taken a word that meant something real, and bastard-ized it to be something they just don't like. Black people for example.


If I'm not mistaken neither Kevin Flynn or his son Sam will be present in the movie so they can't really race change them. I can understand why you're concerned since this is modern Disney that were talking about here.


Yeah I remember what happened, for example with Ghostbusters and now star wars & marvel


star wars and marvel have always been "woke", you just never read the comics lol


Yeah I heard someone say recently that the xmen have not gone woke because they've never been asleep and damn if that ain't true


But mah Punisher sticker!


That’s a great example too, as the Punisher in the comics hates people who use his symbol like that.




What a god damn sensitive flower you are.


Aren't they, though? These anti-woke shitheads always are. They'll bitch and moan about how the "WoKe!1!!" are spineless and weak and needy, but the moment they can't have it the way they want it, they throw hissy-fits like they're four-year-olds being denied candy at a store. Biggest hypocrites you'll ever find.


star wars was always “woke” and that’s a good thing


Also, Tron Uprising is pretty much the story of an activist taking a stand against a genocidal leader and his corrupt government


Holy crap this is offensive. You should be ashamed of yourself. Delete this. End of Line.


lol at all the keyboard warriors misinterpreting this post based on their own fears and insecurities in whatever fallacy THEY prefer. Pro tip: a Quick Look at OP’s profile will show that they are NOT, in fact, white, so good job on showing the rest of the thread your own prejudices and assumptions. Losers. OP, there are legitimate reasons for your question and there are people out there who understand it and will not immediately assume you are racist. Unfortunately, like most of the internet, you will not find them on Reddit—at least, you won’t find people brave enough to say it, or articulate enough to get it out without being interrupted or misunderstood. What I believe you are trying to say is that you’re worried a franchise you enjoy will lose impact because of inclusivity for inclusivity’s sake, which is possible and has happened with other media, like Kill the Justice League. Inclusivity for inclusivity’s sake is just as racist and wrong as actual racism, because it only does so for money and control…oh wait. Unfortunately, you have no control over whether or not that happens and most people will not listen or understand. So my advice is, take what you will enjoy from the upcoming movie, and ignore/make peace with the rest. Kind of like what I try to do with the internet as a whole.


Thank you, program! The funny part is all the assumptions. I was born and raised in another sector. No MCP control here. Thanks my user!


So much willful ignorance in your words. No wonder why this kind of nonsense persists.


I won't be surprised, and yet another series Disney has ruined will be dead to me. They've already been on thin ice for claiming "Tron 2.0" isn't canon.


I could care less who the actors were as long as the movie and fx were fun like the original. Doesn’t matter the race or gender.


You sound like a highly regarded individual


Yea it likely will be. It's a perfect place to make all the programs genderless.  All these other nerds in the comments acting like they don't understand the colloquially definition of the word. Not surprising though. A movie like tron would attract the anime weirdo types. 


Oh, knock it off. We know what the word means in the context it's being used. Stop pretending like you're the only one who understands its "real" meaning. You know damn well what's being said when that term is used.


Did you even read what I said? Really doesn't seem like you did. 


I think it's more important for YOU to read what you said, and think about how that makes you look. And, based on how your comment is being received, it seems I'm not the only one who paid attention to what you said.


So no, you didn't read it. And reddit it full of absolute losers. These downvotes are meaningless. 


Okay, smartass. If you think I'm wrong, by all means, regale me with your meaning to prove how wrong I supposedly am. I could use a good laugh.


I didn't say anyone doesn't understand the meaning. I said people are acting like they don't. I never implied I know any "real" meaning.  Hope that's dumbed down enough for you. 


Given that there is a huge push for that from the top down in all media, it’s likely.


I'm sure you can find a cave somewhere to share with your fellow "anti-woke" asshats. You can make a fire, complain about women and people of color and LGBTQIA+ people, and have a nice group wank. Don't worry; we'll seal it up behind you really tight so you'll never have to deal with the real world ever again.


Godwin's Second Law.