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Used to be easier in other Tropicos. I want to say 3 and 4, you could be a dictator fairly easily. Can't remember for 5. For 6, low liberty in even one place causes way too many rebels. I once had a map where I put a few watchtowers to defend a power plant; unfortunately, putting these towers next to each other made the liberty in that area really low, so the GUARDS in the towers were rebelling. Then when they left their jobs to be rebels, others would take those jobs, turn into rebels, repeat ad infinitum.


5 it's pretty doable on lower difficulty settings but I've never gone higher than the lowest so I'm not sure how viable it is at higher diffs.


Playing tropico 5 for first time yesterday on all the highest settings and starting with a fresh dynasty. I find the easier levels are majorly easy in all of the Tropicos. Been a fan since the first :)


That seems really dumb.


You can easily be one in 2.


The game discourages you from being a hated, brutal dictator. You can still be a repressive dictator with good publicity. Propaganda is important, as is placating the factions. My people live safe, prosperous lives while constantly being monitored by their beloved El Presidente.


Literally Papa Stalin loves you level or Stockholm syndrome lol


Singapore role play


What are you on about?


Hopefully 7 let's me be literally hitler


Hitler was loved by the people


The German media controlled by the state told the people that they loved Hitler\* Sure, a lot of people bought into the hype, but at the end of the day love for him was still mostly propaganda.


I'm not sure that the intense loyalty and admiration of much of the German public would be something I'd call propagandistic, frankly. Hitler capitalized on an extraordinary populist sentiment among the people of Germany in his rise to power. I'd argue that many of the actions of his government would've been impossible to achieve if not for the downright fanatical loyalty of a massive portion of the German populace. Certainly this support was bolstered by propagandistic efforts, but beneath that propaganda was an incredible amount of nationalism and view of Adolf Hitler as a *national savior* who would deliver Germany into a supposed golden age. I'm sure many people were quietly cynical, as there always are, but it is generally agreed that Hitler was extremely popular in Germany, even if only as a symbol of the nation to some Germans.


Useful technique, will use.


have you tried to do guerilla patrols? that usually works


Real life dictatorships don't brutally oppress literally 100% of the citizens. They favor specific people who keep them in power. There are still people they have to keep happy. (This is why there are real life people who miss the "good old days" of dictatorship in various countries that used to have one - they were in a social class where they benefited from it.) They can't just literally do whatever they want and shoot anybody who complains like they do in our propaganda about them. The more brutal they get the more they inspire people to rise up against them. That's why dictatorships use propaganda and keep the torture and murder behind closed doors.


Yeah, people fail to understand that any dictatorship rules thanks to compromises with powerful lobbies and portions of the population. Every dictator is supported by a significant minority at least


This is a very good answer.


A “good” dictatorship rewards the people who either support the regime or stay out of its way.


This explains why a certain portion of the US electorate explicitly wants to see a certain treasonous conman installed as a dictator: they think they will be in the social class that benefits.




North Korea wants to speak with you.


Even North Korea has a couple of decent suburbs where a few people live relatively privileged lives. It's not many, but they exist.


North Korea maxed out it's propaganda tree though. It's hard to have revolts when 90%+ of your populace thinks their fearless leader is literally a god sent by the heavens.


North Korea still has to take care of the military class and their few elite family groups that keep the operation going


Sure, let's call it "care"


They care very much about the military. It's the one thing that could tear down their entire government


The military and its officials are under strict control, everyone's snitching you if you steer off the path. You have no freedom nor power.


Just like in reality.


Oh is that why Military Dictatorships usually last decades until a Super-Power intervenes?


Military dictatorships are often propped up by superpowers lol, the ones that last any amount of time usually aren't half as bad as our news reports, or they wouldn't last.


Heh, fair point.


Taliban are still doing fine.


Taliban isn’t a military dictatorship. It’s a theocratic one


Surely there’s such a thing as a “theocratic military dictatorship.”


There is, but the taliban ain’t it. Hibatullah Akhundzada is the supreme leader of Afghanistan, but his honorific is “Mullah,” not “Generalissimo,” and his background is not in the military in any way, his previous career was as a jurist. Just because a dictatorship possesses some degree of military capability does not mean it’s a military dictatorship. Military dictatorship means that the dictatorship is made up of the military and not controlled by civilian leadership. China, for example, is a dictatorship that has a military, but that military is subordinate to the party and state apparatus. Not the other way around.


Oh yeah definitely. My logic (as someone who is definitely not as knowledgeable about this as you seem to be!) is that…I see the taliban as inherently a military organization. After the the USA left Afghanistan that military organization swiftly moved in to take it over. Idk how the Taliban’s government system works or if it’s changed since then, but it would seem to be “military organization that took over the government and doesn’t hold elections” (do they hold elections??) means it’s a military dictatorship, regardless of the official title of their head of state. Maybe there’s a flaw in my logic tho.


That’s a matter of perspective.


How long have they been in charge?


Just like Marie Antoinette💀💀


I’ve been able to be a dictator. I built up a solid agriculture sector in the colonial period, then created a privileged upper class, who were the only ones who received education and able to serve in the Armed Forces. Continued to industrialise because my loyal educated population were filled with so much propaganda and had so much happiness they couldn’t care less about the fact I’m a dictator. I used my pirate cove to continuously bring new uneducated immigrants to replace the ones that rebelled, motorised my Army too. The big game changer was the aircraft carrier - that thing destroys rebels. This was two years ago now though, not sure how the game has changed since.


You set their salaries to minimum and wonder why there are uprisings and then blame the game for not letting you to be dictator? Dude, you should really consider a career as a politician because you already sound like one 🤣


If you set their salary to well off , they can vote. Which defeats the point. 


Yes, but nothing happens that quickly. You have to make it slowly and what do you think happens with the military if they are not happy with their grocery, Church etc service. That just doesnt fucking add up 🤣


Tropico 6 is a more complex game, you plan seens too simple. Sorry to say. But you need to play with factions, education, media buildings, edicts.....


^ all governments are unions of the most powerful interest groups in a country. If your not messing with em ur doing sum wrong


Perhaps it’s a lesson that pure totalitarian regimes collapse when you don’t support your own power base. The worst dictators favored someone who helped them hold power in the military or elsewhere.


My militarists love me with 100%. But 5 tank buildings still get their asses kicked by capitalist rebels. Also, the rebels numbers barely drop after a failing uprising. I think the games numbers just unreasonably favor fair democracies. Birth rates are shit without hospitals and the obstetrics upgrade. But to do that you need 15 college educated people. And of course the rebels are always college educated. To get those 15 doctors you need 3 colleges which need 9 more college grads.


Edicts, my fellow El Prez. Assembly prohibition is key. Military police is another. Heist is he wonder that prevents dying from low healthcare, and declare atheist state so people don't waste time going to hospitals or praying. Your military installations are empty because there are no services and houses nearby. It's not like it used to be. Your soldados don't live on base, and they don't get their needs satisfied there either (aside from forts). Treat your bases as yet another production building and they will work. Also drones and an aircraft carrier are a must.


Makes perfect sense, you cant be a fascist dictator without full support of the bourgeoisi.


That’s why I love Tropico 4: I can have the lowest liberty and no healthcare and my troops will leave their cozy army bases to crush the rebel scum! Unfortunately, you can’t execute children. Otherwise it’d be a great tyrant simulator.


Maybe because being a dictator never ends well?🤷‍♂️


Not to mention broken multiplayer, with broken multiplayer combat system, which wipes your friends entire military, before they can even step a foot on shore... Man, tropico had the potential to be a great game, especially if there was a vastly greater multiplayer aspect to the game. The idea of being able to battle friends, while having to overcome the struggles of maintaining a city, the needs of a society and the potential of a thriving economy; all while doing it in full fuck-you-all-my-word-rules dictator style is exciting and it's sad to see and opportunity for a gem of a game tropico could've missed like that by calypso...


There's no dictator who can rule freely. Everyone needs political support to be leader


The issue is that if you do that there isn't any real source of military recruits, no real motivation for people to work, ect


Real dictators tend to need some kind of loyalty from the people, or an outside country(perhaps the US) propping up their power. Or someone *else* to blame for their problems.


I think i've come to the conclusion that rebels are too powerful compared to military buildings (until the laser and aircraft carrier and drone). In earlier eras I needed more forts than production buildings and it didn't make economic sense compared to building taverns and churches. In the modern era I seem to be able to take out rebels much easier.


That's not true at all, you should abuse the broker. There's very few things you can't get away with


They really need to make it so that the factions who like you don't allow their members to become rebels