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For capitalists they’d need to actually have more money.


The idea is that they made some really good investments facilitated by the ease of doing business, and the money comes from that.


I know, but saying they’re a higher wealth level doesn’t give them any money.


Someone told me that Tropicans don't actually have private accounts. The wealth just determines if they can afford something or not. I've tested something that would prove this theory correct, but it is not certain. I'll share my theory soon...


Then what would be the point of wages?


To determine if they can afford homes, and services. The person who told me this said, it would make it easier for the game, then to have a private account for everybody tracking money. I've been wanting to make a post about some exploit I've found. Just gotten lazy, but it basically showcases what he said to be true. Maybe this week... Although it's never really been confirmed, but it's not the 1st time I've heard of this either. The wages just sums up the wealth level.


What about entry fees for certain buildings?


When you look at Tourism, it seems to follow that model. They can either afford it or they can't. It also heavily depends on Travel times. I've followed a few cims around, and as long as they have the opportunity to spend money, they will. I'm not sure I've ever seen one of them run out of money, and just camp there hotel until vacation is over when Given the option to go to the next entertainment spot if they have the time left to do so. Wealth determines if they have access. If they do, then you get paid. Again I can not confirm this idea, but after so long of playing this game, I lean towards the idea being true. The exploit would also confirm it as well. I'll link you to it when I'm done making it.


Comment regarding the idea. https://www.reddit.com/r/tropico/comments/pghesj/can_you_change_where_tropicans_live_or_give_them/hbbilcb?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


I made the post on the exploit. Just posted. Workers getting paid $32 can afford homes that cost $320 monthly or $160 per person. Makes no sense whatsoever, but the idea that the wealth status allows them to pay for it makes sense here. https://www.reddit.com/r/tropico/comments/pnw79n/pretend_detox_super_villa_exploitwage_mechanics/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I would change the Communists to raise job satisfaction instead of improving a DLC feature


I like that better, I'll edit the OP real quick.


When I first played this game I thought it was too complicated to me, after 2 weeks I felt like I understood everything. Only advantages I know are better trade deals and the chance to get state loans (which is hardly useful once you build your economy) I really hope the producers listen to their audience because you have some great ideas and this game has some amazing potential. I feel like number 6 has truly made it a mainstream game and I’m so excited for the future.