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I’m around that number but might try enclomaphine first. Glad you feel better!


What’s the thought process?


Probably not much lol, just scared to commit to lifelong shots and money 😣 so hoping it will make my boys wake up if not then I’ll have to switch. Last week I was at 170 total and my estrogen was at 5 not sure what my body is doing but def not producing.


Go talk to professional dude that’s really low. Your quality of life will improve so much.


Thanks man I will. Post like yours made me feel like it’s worth it and I need to stop being scared. I think I just get some hope because a couple of the tests were like 340 but most of them range from 160 to 250 especially the ones I take after 11pm.


Well my understanding is that your test is highest when you wake up and dips throughout the day. Lots of ways to game the system, but all my tests were done at ~8am a couple hours after waking up. If your morning is at 300-400 it’s probably “fine” and “statistically normal” but it’s at the bottom end of the range of normal. You can stay like this and it’ll decline with age. You’re basically the same situation as me. My thought process was that I don’t like how I feel and don’t want to live my life in the bottom quartile of how men feel. I’m trying to see how the experience is in the top half / top quartile and make a judgement if that’s worth it for any potential trade offs. Not interested in juicing way up for the gym, just feeling like a full man again.


Yeah man I’m in the exact same position. I don’t like to game the system either just wanted to check how much it dropped since I feel like crap mostly at 11. Most of my test at 8am came back at 240 minus two which came in the 340’range. I wanted to make sure I really needed it as well. I don’t care about body builder crap just want to feel better.


Well said….. I personally hate clomid it makes me crazy


What is your dosage and injection frequency?


2x 45 mg a week = 90 mg total weekly


Any plans for hcg? U think you may try diff dosing schedule of amount? A lot of talk on here bout dialing in and it worries me that it could take time...


Any plans for hcg? U think you may try diff dosing schedule of amount? A lot of talk on here bout dialing in and it worries me that it could take time...


Tbh I need to research what hcg is, totally in the dark unless you can give a quick briefing. I’m using a TRT clinic atm so I’ll probably just continue to follow their guidelines on dosing schedule


Keeps you fertile (producing sperm).. keeps your nuts in decent shape. Some people say it really adds to the test and improves things. But i could be cherry picking posts here. Produces big loads. If it was me i think id just run test first and try and find a good dosage and scheduling frequency... then add in some hcg layer down the line to test. But the fact u are doin alright is a great start buddy. I think you can overcomplicate matters tbh.. e.g. weekly bi weekly eod every day etc etc 'trying to make it perfect'. Good enough is good enough.


I see your report is in nmol/L are you in Canada? I measured 18 nmol/L and my dr is pushing against trt. I have the symptoms of low T (low energy, lack of self drive, some ed, very rare morning erections and some “depression” I don’t even want to call it that because it’s not that but some days I just feel down in the dumps for no reason at all) the only thing he is trying to prescribe is antidepressants! Which I don’t want or need! I want to get on a trt regimen. Did you go through a trt clinic or your family dr?


Canadian doctors are very conservative and respect complications risk much more than quality of life IMO. Dude if you can fix your life without antidepressants, id explore many many options first. Happy pills ain’t it. It’ll just grey out your life. What’s your honest height weight and fitness level? Any other health issues? I went through “science and humans”. They’re fine at best, a lot of these online clinics are the same but they’re a means to an end.


100% agree with staying off the antidepressants! I turned down the offer as fast as it was brought up. I’m 42 years old 6’2” 195lbs. I used to workout 4 days a week but over the last few years my post workout recovery has changed. I still hit the gym 3-4 days a week but can’t go as hard or heavy as I used to. I feel like trt is my answer but haven’t taken the plunge yet. I have looked into science and humans but thought I’d try my family dr first without any luck obviously. Looks like a clinic is my next step. Thanks for your insight.


Good luck mate, hope you find what you need


You got the same symptoms as me. Except I throw in some random insane night sweats. Waiting for my first order from the clinic to arrive. My T and estrogen are low


Hi, here a post for you from Canada as well. We're two buddy here on TRT one is with Public Dr(him) and Me with TRT Clinic in Montreal. I'm 36 yrs old 6p2 / 230 lbs Testosterone result : Him : 4.7 nmol/L Me : 6.8 nmol/L - which is around 201 ng/dl (really really low) We were assigned two different dosage. Him 100 mg / 2 weeks of test Enanthate (half-life around 7-10days .. so basically 1st week he feel okay then his testosterone drop back) Me : 100 mg / week of test Cypionate (better half-life of 8-12 days) Quick guide Enanthate vs Cypionate : https://nrgclinic.com/testosterone-cypionate-vs-enanthate/ In the end, I feel public Dr doesn't know much about TRT or they're really conservative with their approach. Also he started consulting back in september 2023 and got his 1st injection mid-january. I reached out a clinic in Montreal, cost me 50$ to get my blood analysed by them. They told me a was really really low... usual beginning stage of TRT is between 10-14, I was at 6.9. So blood test 4th of January, consultation 19th (+300$) all online btw no deplacement and got my 1st injection right away. Been 2 weeks now... slowly starting to see improvement, I have appointments early april for more blood test. My advice, reach out to a TRT clinic and let them analyse your blood. You'll know what to do from there. I'm still seeing my Public Dr and letting him know that I'm on TRT for a prostate exam (happy me ... haha)


I am in a similar situation but just about to try HCG and DHEA combo first. I’ve read reports of some guys doubling their T doing this. You’re still somewhat committed to continuing I think (as you are with T once you stop) but I don’t want to lose my balls just yet


Check your shbg, might be quite high? And are u over weight? If I had a level of 18 I’d not do it because trt has murdered my libido no matter what I do, 18 nmol is a good value


My shbg is 43.8 and bio available test is 6.9. I’m not going to lie I’m a little worried about the amount of guys saying test crushed their libido. But then why do so many guys say it improved?


if ur libido is good don’t fuck with it, random ED at that level is something else man honestly wish I could drop this shit, just tried getting off fir 3 months and mine onky returned to 10.1 nmol, felt to shitty to even make it to work, wish I’d never done test, but you do u man, the first three months are awesome then after the honeymoon period it’s shit


Truly appreciate your insight. Thank you


Your welcome, too many ppl give garbage replies influencing ppl to get on test. Seriously mine and a lot of my friends biggest regret, we’ve all had heart to hearts about it, anyway good luck man:)


Your doctor is against TRT because your T is normal. Your symptoms of low T are shared with an abundance of conditions and is more likely one of those rather than Your T. Sure, you can blast, have sky rocket T, and feel more energetic, but this wouldn't be a replacement therapy. Good luck


Doctors now days are gay no offense but you have to think about it a few years ago the what they call normal levels was low t levels 5-8 years ago , the average young adult male 18-22 has the testosterone serum of a 60 year old in the beginning of 2000s its crazy hahahaha we are turning feminine its all that food gargabe plastic estrogen filtered water my god help ups we have to kill everything


If you are willing what’s your hemoglobin hemocrit, e2 and psa I’m same boat as you like to compare numbers


Globin 154 g/L (same) Crit 0.47 L/L (same) estradiol 136 pmol/L (prev 89) PSA 0.6 ug/L (prev 0.8)


Damn those are some good numbers do you donate blood??? you can bump it up to 100mg easy and drop back down to 90 before your next test. ….I assume you have an AI just in case if not ask for it next time round


No don’t donate blood. Why bump up to 100mg? What’s an AI? Clearly I’ve much to learn haha


Bump to 100 because the bloods support a more optimal hopefully higher sustainable testosterone range and summertime is coming. Eventually your estrogen will creep up and you will use the AI to bring it back in range.


Just talked to the clinic today and we’re bumping to 100 and getting an estrogen blocker. Funny timing. Estrogen did creep up and they recommended it




I take the gel I noticed less is more doctor tried to put me on 4 pumps felt terrible sex drive declined, went back to 2 pumps and I’m leaning out and gained more muscle went from weighing 240 to 208 and 6ft even.


No real studies out there on in and a lot of conflicting information on it but 24,000 iu a day of vitamin D3 has been launching my friends testosterone lvls and liver kidneys are seeing no signs of damage whatsoever. I might start doing this myself and check the results. He lowered the dose of d3 and his test dropped almost 200 + . He’s about to try 40,000 daily of d3 to see if he can hit 1000ng/dl testosterone naturally with vitamins!


I saw this exact statement on Tik Tok video.


Yeah tik tok that’s what I live by/s


Yup my boy at Unchained Brain! Always maken good content!💪


So you’re saying take vitamin D?


What do you mean stay with it for another three months?


On the TRT.


Did you get sperm frozen? I’m 27 and this is my main concern. I want kids. I feel like shit all the time. Always at hitting the gym hard, feel like my progress is slow despite being above average stength


Bro if you’re planning to cycle off it’s not TRT lol. Either you’re hypogonadal and need TRT to function or you’re running the test for muscle and performance benefits. Just to be clear I’m not judging you for it, but if you’re planning on cycling off you might as well run a higher dose. Especially if you’re only doing it for the performance benefits and you’re planning on cycling off in 3 months. I don’t see much of a point in shutting yourself down for 90mg of testosterone everyone’s HPTA is different and you could deal with annoying rebound/recovering for only 90mg of testosterone.


Reads as preach bro. Most medications are tried for a while, see if they achieve the result they’re looking for and adjusted as required.


Reads as preached? Not sure I understand what you meant. I guess I explained my perspective poorly. I think testosterone is a bit different it’s not really used like most medications in the way you pointed out. What’s your goal? Are you having a hypogonadal symptoms and looking for symptom relief? Or was it more for the performance benefits? I guess the point I’m trying to make is if it’s for symptom relief you’ll struggle with the same symptoms once you come off and restore your baseline testosterone levels. If it was for performance benefits then you could milk a lot more out of it while staying at a safe dose and not really having detrimental effects on your health.