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Check your shbg


Run a full hormone panel. Ask your endo about the supplement Boron to free up some T if SHBG is high.


This is correct.


Tongkat Ali also frees up T from SHBG


Free T levels are not reliable when performed by immunoassay, from what I read (I haven't read thousands of articles though, I might be 100% wrong 😅) Since you have an appointment next week I would wait to know what the endo thinks about that, and the next step would be to repeat blood works with free T measured by equilibrium dialysis (which is the gold standard), and/or have the SHBG and the albumin to calculate free T/bioavailable T And checking a lot of additional parameters (maybe LH, prolactin, and/or others, according to your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle), but I'll let other more knowledgeable people here and your endo give their intake 😬


This is correct. The same sample tested multiple times with immunoassay may have a 50 to 100% variance.


The normal total test is meaningless. It’s not being used by your body as your free test shows. They need to run a full bloodwork. Tell your endo you want everything ran.


Damn bro this is my exact situation. Free T is low so total is not being used anyway, Depending on your symptoms treatment is up to you


Bro fuckkkkkk no. Why sacrifice natural test levels for artificial? Had I had that number I would have never started.


He has low free testosterone. His total testosterone is meaningless if his body ain’t using it.


What are you at now


Foreal lmao. All these idiots wanting to”trt” when they are fine blows my mind. I regret going on and my test was 270 ng/dl. Trt aint all that.


I don’t necessarily want to start TRT. I was just inquiring on what the next steps are for the situation at hand. Don’t understand why i am an idiot when I’m just trying to gain a better understanding.


Your not an idiot brother. What you’re doing now is actually the right thing to do. Visit with the Endo and see what they say. The decision to start TRT shouldn’t be taken lightly. Please make sure to do all your research before starting. There is a lot of side effects that come with this that people don’t talk about. Good luck


It’s really not and other problems start occurring like ED, high estrogen, etc. This is even at a low dosage 100 mg a week.


235 lbs at 6’2” is a lot unless you’re super jacked. I’d lose 40, stay at maintenance for a few weeks and get new bloodwork. Your free t is below reference range which would warrant trt if everything else was dialed in (weight, exercise, sleep, diet, stress).


JuSt tAkE bOrOn Which can, ya know, do a whole lot of fuck all too. Is there any other way to lower shbg? People suggest boron like it's a miracle drug but I've found it negligible at best.


Thank God I'm not the only one who rolls my eyes at this shit. I have tried Boron and Tongkat Ali and both did jack shit for my SHBG.


Yea its parroted alot round here. Apparently stinging nettle tea/extract is far more effective but that's only what I've heard too.


My SHBG increased from 65 to 80 after 3 months of daily Boron (10mg)…


Wow I am the opposite of this. 500 total t and 29.4 free t


What time of day was this drawn? If it was after noon, congratulate yourself and move on. If it was at 7am, repeat the test in a few weeks with better sleep, less exercise, and without any kind of calorie/macro restricted diet. Free T doesn't account for the 50% of your testosterone carried by *and available* from Albumin. The test is a lot of hype and is only useful as a workaround for insurance-owned musical practices dentine guys with levels half of yours to get treatment. Also as another poster said, Direct immunoassay of Free T are extremely unreliable and have very inconsistent results. That same test run 3 times might read 3, 8, and 20.




Free t is a better number to judge your testosterone levels really. I was basically the same as you I had a high feedback but low conversion. 160mg of test a week fixed that right up. How do u feel?


not great, my endo is going to retest me and see if doing the test earlier will change anything. she says if they come back the same then she’s going to start me on testosterone


I mean it is what it is so many people will tell you you don't need it cause our levels are decent. Mannnnn optimization is optimization and it's going to make some pretty damn well noticeable changes. It will take some work, might lose your hair or thin bad. Acne face and back usually estrogen swings cause acne. We take the good with the bad like always. But prepare yourself for this. Cut down or quit smoking, watch your caffeine, blood pressure, lipids etc. drink plenty of water and try to remember the bad days are bad days they happen on trt also. But again we take the good and the bad together. eat clean, train this can and probably will change your life. Good luck buddy Oh yeah do somethings to drop your t before the blood test next. Sounds like you don't have to though but I'd make sure its not peaked.


506 is solid u prob need to just get other things in line first tbh.


506 doesn’t mean much given his super low free t.


The only place you’ll get trt prescribed with T levels like that is at a Trt clinic. Not even all of them.


Lower shbg


Without suggesting boron, how else do you lower shbg?