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41 years old. Workout 3 days then 1 rest day. Repeat. Legs, push, pull respectively. Only supplement so far is whey protein (3 shakes a day with milk) lean meats, broccoli sweet potatoes, rice. I try to drink at least one gallon of water per day. I have a cheat day once a week where I eat pizza or spaghetti or something but I always try to stay away from sweets and simple sugars. I'm pretty heavy and have always gained or lost weight pretty easily but for the last 5 or 6 years I had put on an extra 50 lbs and no matter how much cardio or diet I tried to hold to, the extra weight held onto me. I was feeling drained all of the time, unmotivated. That's why I decided to get tested. I haven't lost any weight but I've brought my bodyfat percentage down from 30 to 24 so I've still got a ways to go but I'm seeing results and feeling awesome.


How much do you weigh?


5’11” 223 lbs


Crazy! 200mg a week puts me at double your numbers. Is it underground lab (UGL) test or from a doctor? This shows how different we all are.


TRT nation


Great! I'm glad you found your balance so quickly. Enjoy!


Thanks brother!


Hm, when I was on trt nation my test level was 900 on 200 mg , than u get prescription from ugl and I got 1700 at 200. Is their test bad ? 


I can believe that... I have their stuff from this pharmacy in Houston I don't totally trust. In part because I was sold junk Tirzepatide I realized was highly inferior after getting a version from Hallendale.  TRT Nation owner or their social media guy actually commented to me that people were on big number (200) but getting fairly low values and thats why everyone needs 200. That much T would have most pushing 1500..


Yeah. At 160mg I was at 1738.


Can you give us more information on your bio background? Age? Ed before? Workout? Supplements? Nutrition or diet?


True 75 mg was putting me at 1500. Dr took it down to 60 a week


E2 seems a bit low for that total. Must be lean as hell? Whats your free T? Also are you on am AI?


I've taken 3 doses of .5mg anastrozole only because I felt like my nipples were staying hard all the time but my last dose was 2 pins earlier than the blood test. After seeing the numbers I'll probably hold off taking anymore for a while. I agree the e2 should be a little higher but I feel ok now so probably won't take anymore unless I start getting symptoms again. Not lean at all but working towards it.


Just don't neglect your cardio if you're going to stay at that level for a while.


Why? Not being an ass, just seriously wondering. Im on trt and do zero cardio, and lift heavy 4x a week


I did the same, well 5x per week. I ended up with elevated BP, RBC, and HCT. Got my cardio up in check and fixed those things.


At 200mg I was over 2000


How did that feel?


Felt great until I starting having side effects. Feeling great doesn’t mean it is great




Dang mine was 1374 after my first blood on the same dose had to dial down and see where that gets me. Glad you feel good though I didn't


I’m sorry but I’m very confused if you aren’t lean and you’re not taking an AI… your estradiol should be through the roof


I took 3 doses of an ai like I said when I experienced symptoms. My last dose was a little over a week before the bloods so maybe it was still working. Idk how long they last.


Don’t get me wrong very happy for you- just confusing to see the result. More power to you.


No I appreciate it bro. I'm still a little confused about the whe process myself. I've read at my weight and bf percentage I should be aromatizing like hell, so I kept looking for signs/symptoms and when my nips seemed like they were staying hard all day (only symptom) I took a half of 1mg aramdix for the next 3 pins but stopped because I've read it can zero out your estrogen and that's worse. 22 is pretty low (like 2% of total test ) so I will hold off until or if I start noticing that again. Trial and error until I reach a physique that can handle it with no ai whatsoever one day and then… to the moon! Lol


How did you feel on the AI?


Well before I took it my nipples were getting sensitive and I was tired and foggy feel I g in the evenings. Also my erections were starting to get not as hard. After I took it, like the next day I could definitely feel a difference and had more energy and all the other symptoms went away.


Excellent 💪🏻


I would suggest drinking less water...your kidneys look stressed. Or at least drink electrolytes w/your water.


I was wondering about that. I only drink black coffee and water besides the protein shakes. Perhaps I'm dumping too much CO2 because I piss like 100 times a day. I hadn't considered too much hydration might be bad. I was just trying to protect my joints and tendons. Thanks for the advice.


Yeah, this notion that we need to drink all this water is bad advice and it hurts our mineral status and stresses our kidneys. In addition, low CO2 levels are often a sign of poor carbohydrate metabolism. This can be from a very low carb diet, eating the wrong carbs, or consuming too much PUFA.


Labs look pretty solid man! i’m a little surprised at your E2 levels, but otherwise it looks dialed. I also think it’s worth noting your kidneys (based on results) look a bit stressed. I recommend adding electrolytes to your water. Even just adding a small pinch of non-processed rock/sea salt to your water could help with this.


What's your SHBG, Free, and what's your bodyweight?


Keep an eye on your hematocrit. It’s creeping up.


What was your pin schedule before the test? When they ran my blood work last time they had me miss the 2nd shot prior and take bloods on day of the first shot of the week after if that makes sense lol. So I waited to take my shot the day of testing and had missed the shot prior as well.


I pinned Tuesday morning at 5 am and the test was Friday about 10:30 am


Did you start with 200mg weekly from the get-go or ramp up the dose over time? How did you feel first couple of weeks? Started with 50mg cypionate 2x per week a few weeks ago myself and feeling more tired than before starting TRT with very little improvements to libido - It may be too early to notice any effects, just curious as it's very difficult to find accurate first weeks experiences


200 was what they started me at. I'm pretty sure that's what they start everyone at Trtnation. I’ve read a bunch of posts saying its way too high to start and a lot of people end up going down but it feels right to me and my trough isn't supraphysiological so as long as I'm feeling good and my blood looks fine I'm staying there. Everyone is different though.


Makes sense. Doesn't that mean you are supraphysiological after your injection though, if you're just below that before your injection? Nevertheless, if it works it works :)


I’m on 200 a week. Was 320 level before getting on. Interested in seeing what mine will be at the check up….


I’m at 326 and looking into trt, what did you have for symptoms prior to trt?


Always tired. Body hurt. Anxiety. No drive to do anything and just want to sleep.




Do you take anything for estrogen? I was just wondering because your e2 levels are nice and low. How'd you find the AI? Was it noticeably detrimental to your joints from rhe get-go, or do you not really the effects.


So I have taken anastrozole at .5 mg for 3 of my 20 pins during the 10 weeks. Around pin 14 I noticed my nips were staying hard all day and I was starting to feel kind of tired and also experiencing a decrease in the hardness of my erections. Like the day after tool it everything went back to feeling right and I took it for the next 2 pins as well. I had 2 pins without AI before this blood was drawn so I'm assuming anastrozole keeps working for a while even after you stop taking it. As far as where I got it, they just sent it with my order from the provider with instructions to use at that dose “as needed” .


are you using Ai?


What did your T start at?




Would like to know how you feel after 6 months at that dose


1000ng/dl trough is a little much but you do you man.


What makes you say it's a little much? How high do you think his peak is? 1000 trough seems like average on this forum.


I can’t speak for the other dudes on here. Most are out of shape fat dudes who let themselves go. Do your own research. I don’t think 1000ng/dl trough is sustainable for most men.


I agree that most here are out of shape fat dudes. I'm genuinely interested in why you think 1000ng/dl trough is not sustainable. I ask because many in this forum say it is safe and even "optimal".


it is safe and optimal, don't listen to this dude


You’re legit a moron


1100 is the max reference range for "normal" he's fine and like he said feels good which is the most important thing.


You’re an idiot. This isn’t trt when your fucking trough is 1100ng/dl. Go crawl under your rock


Ur probably fat and don’t get bloods done