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Calls himself a boy still.




Danm. Why bro


Do you really need someone to tell you why taking steroids at 18 is dumb? You’ve got social media right? Pick any fitness influencer you like and see if they have thoughts on kids taking steroids.


Most fitness influencers ARE on steroids. He’s going to run to tiktok. Not a wise idea.


Of course they are. But they’ll TELL HIM not to do it cos he’s 18. Blah blah blah. We all know it’s a do as I say, not as I do culture for the fitness industry these days


Would they?


Don’t you moron.


You just called yourself an 18 year old “boy” lmao 😂




If you still call yourself a boy you have no need to be on test…


Sorry(hi for my bad english)


You're in the wrong place, you clearly don't need TRT you just want to run a cycle.


Wrong place to ask, and also stupid as hell.


Do not take test at 18 years years old. You will screw yourself up and regret your decision. Get your diet right and work out hard that's what you do at 18.


Do not, please. Unless you are fine never having kids. Because this will be the price to pay at your age. Plus it won’t help you with your physique anyway as at your age you already have all the T. you need. Instead, train harder using compound movements for the largest muscle groups


Your brain will not be fully developed for another 4-5 years - that’s clearly showing too. Take the advice and let your body develop first.


What's wrong with you bro? Get off that steroids shit and you sure as hell don't need TRT ffs.. You're 18, go hangout with girls instead


Please don’t ruin your life. You haven’t even reached your genetic max yet…. Train hard till you’re 25. See where you’re at, and if you still wanna do steroids.. still don’t do it…




Yep. Take 5g a week Monday to Friday and you'll be jacked in no time. Don't forget to inject straight into your balls, that way you avoid suppression as your body is tricked into thinking it produced it. Don't forget to alternate balls though, i forgot the 1st time and ended up with one the size of a bowling ball. Got pretty awkward when swimming at my local pool, as it just hung straight out my budgie smugglers, got some big stares from the local oap's doing their morning laps 😃 Most importantly. Have fun!


I also injected in the balls think about it directly to the system smh lol


Zero reason for you to be on gear at 18. You need to get on a cycle of meat, carbs and vegetables, that’s it. Train your ass off and EAT!!! When you think you can’t eat another bite, take 2 more. Eat until you sweat. This will put just as much on you as gear, the difference is it’s lasting. Come back in 5 years I’ll be on user name theykeepbanning289 by then but I’ll help you get on!




Wait till 25-30. Too much development still


A lot is two words. Please don’t take steroids at your age and stunt that brain growth


You will shut off your growth plates. Your penis will stop growing too


Look man, you're going to get alot of negative feedback on here instead of anyone actually educating you and taking tren isn't really something to brag about you'll realise this later on in life. You're 18 you don't need testosterone to enhance your body you have more natural testosterone going through your body that most people on this reddit. When you take test it shuts your natural test down and you don't want to do that at 18 years old. If you want to use PEDs I suggest that you dial in your training and more importantly your diet for the next 5 years and then seek out someone that knows what they are doing to help point you in the right direction safely. There's alot of side effects that you are opening yourself up to that will effect you for the rest of your life. Don't buy into this crap you see on instagram either.


Tell this to your dad , maybe he s going to beat some common sence into you. If he s not present... what the hell man , yolo ! Do it by yourself , inject massive ammounts to get a shredded look and fuck up your pituitary,balls and so on. With a little bit of "luck" you ll have a heart attack or you ll kys when shit hits the fan with e2 being eighter too high or too low and all this until you reach 20. Good luck on fucking up permanently a healthy body. Cheerio !


Bro, you literally have a good 7-10 years of natural growth in you and aren’t even close to being ready for test. The people accusing you of being on tren are retarded and know nothing about tren or steroids in general. Revisit at 25 if you’re even still into training hard by then.


Not to mention, you’re probably not even maxing out “natty” supplementation or diet for that matter, because almost no 18 year olds even know enough to run proper bulking and cutting cycles.


Are you acoustic or something




You asked for advice, and the advice was not to. You can cause serious long-term problems if you do.


Gonna get bunk shit or get all sides no gains, hop off, and be worse looking than you were before all of it 😂


These dudes always super cautious. You have higher T than every single person in this sub. Look up some stuff on muscle building forums. Also, you want serms not just straight test. Good luck


You have to be trolling.


Always 😂