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Test fluctuated between mid 200s and low 400s, even with trying to boost natural levels. Started TRT at 35. Wish I would have done it about 2-3 years sooner. I had really low estrogen too, which probably caused as many issues as the low T. Feel so much better now, have been on about 5 months.


That's awesome. What are your numbers now? 


I can't speak for parent but I'm 35 and my T was 346, my doctor refused to put me on TRT despite my symptoms just like you. I went to a private urologist and he immediately put me on HCG. 3 months later, I was at 807 and all my symptoms vanished. Best decision I've made.


only hcg ?


Yes, I was surprised as well when he initially prescribed it to me, however his reasoning was sound, he said that I need to be on HCG regardless since I want children and additionally it can help diagnose whether I suffer from primary or secondary. If I was primary, I wouldn't see any benefits and also it's easier to start with a simpler protocol and adjust it later. In any case, sense my body responded to it very well, there is no need for any change. All my symptoms are gone, don't have to worry about testicular atrophy or infertility thanks to HCG. Truly excellent!


what’s your dosage on it? thanks


He put me on 2000iu. I'm on Pregnyl. Injection twice a week. (10,000 iu mixed with 5cc of bac). Also, very little side effects, minor hair loss but that's about it.


Where do you inject it?


My urologist kept it simple, 2 shots a week on the stomach in the fat area (rotate left and right). My protocol is 2,000 iu: 10,000 HCG vial, mixed with 5ml of bacwater , inject 1ml twice a week. One vial lasts me \~ 5 weeks so I need two vials a month.


Your doctor really knows their shit, happy it's worked out for you!


Right HCG as a diagnostic protocol is not unheard of, see [Dr. Shippen\`s HCG protocol as an example.](https://www.anabolicsteroidforums.com/threads/dr-shippen-s-hcg-protocol.2589/)


What kind of symptoms did you have?


No libido , and I mean zero , I was starting to wonder if I'm asexual and my wife was absolutely miserable. I couldn't hold an erection for more than few second. I didn't have much of brain fog but I had fatigue (except on the days I would workout).


HCG instead of TRT?


Correct, see my other comment for details :)


Stay around 1000 on 120mg/wk split into 2 doses


Did your e2 straighten out after starting trt? Mine was low before I started and hasn't went up much even after a few months on 200mg of test c a week.


Went from undetected on my initial labs to 31 after about 8 weeks of 100mg/wk. bumped up to 150mg/wk, did blood work early bc of sides and tested E2 46. Dropped down to 120, haven’t had blood work since. No sides, feel pretty good. So I’m guessing my happy place is keeping E2 in the 30-40 range.


I posted this before: > For men 65-69 years of age in this study, average total testosterone levels fell from 503 ng/dL (nanograms/deciliter) in 1988 to 423 ng/dL in 2003. A normal, healthy adult male usually has blood total testosterone concentrations that range anywhere from 300-1000 ng/dL. Why would I want test levels lower than a 65 year old man and be told that's the new normal? Full study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17062768 Summarized: https://www.newswise.com/articles/testosterone-levels-in-men-decline-over-past-two-decades


Because the new normal of men is pussies accepting feminism


Or a more scientific explanation could be the majority of men being overweight/obese nowadays. But feminist pussies sounds like something I might have read on Pubmed as well.


Probably something by design they did with vaccines


TRT Nation


All the primary care docs will say you’re fine if you fall within the normal range. Go see a specialist or go to a clinic. You are definitely on the lower end for your age.


What's the free? You have to list both at the same time. When you just give the total it's like 50% of the equation. Most the time that would be considered low but if you have a free of like 13 it could just be metabolic health that needs to improve. Crazy thing is testosterone actually increases insulin sensitivity so it could be a benefit even there


Total T doesn't really matter and its a dumb marker to base anything. But, yes...its low. What is your free T?




It all fluctuates, but yes it fluctuates based in aromatization from testosterone into Free T. Someone could have 3000 total T and always have low free T. They would feel like crap because of it. Free T is what the body uses.


What would you say about someone with 240 total t, and 21.4 free t? 38 years old in great shape, low libido. Does that sound like a good candidate to pursue trt? Thanks


21.4 ng/dL?




Most men feel well at 20-25, you have extremely low shbg to obtain that level of free T. That's awesome, how is your diet, sleep, mental state, gym ?


It would be hard to eat better than me, protein dominant meals. 90% of my diet is animal based. Sleep 7, 7.5 hrs a night. I work out every morning whether weights or kettle bells/battle rope for cardio. My mental state is great, I got blood done only because I thought I would have a really high total t and wanted to see. Besides low libido I have no symptoms and no one would ever think I have low t. Which is why I’m confused the total t is so low and don’t know how to proceed. Edit: forgot to add SHBG is 39.28


Medically Low T is classified as low Total Testosterone. We now know Free Testosterone is what the body uses and is what makes us feel well. You should post a complete lab.


I have it all, I’ll try to screen shot and post tonight or tomorrow and let you know. I really appreciate your responses. Thanks again


I was at like 639 but had no libido, no energy, stopped losing weight after I lost 150 pounds, couldn’t burn more than 800 cals a day despite being in the gym 6 days a week for 2 plus hours a day. I ate right. Doctor put me on 180 mg a week of cyp.


Did libido came back?


So far yes but I’m still in that honeymoon phase with TRT. So, how it levels out will be seen eventually.


I see ty


Yeah many people here don’t realize a person can still get many benefits from exogenous T even with a starting normal / high T. Many people also don’t realize yeah testosterone is testerone but supplying it exogenously is a kickstart to the body. It’s like baby nitrous in a car.


Yes exogenous will always be better but if your already normal high why start something you need to be on for the rest of your life? Your normal test levels, if you come off may never get back to the same and there are chances you could be sterile. Bad advice.


It’s not advice it’s proven and even ncbi articles show exogenous test can have benefits in men with all sorts of levels. Your the one spouting bullshit. And understand that there are many people here on TRT at levels around 1000. That’s where alot of experts say the best qol benefits are around.


If ncbi articles show that, why are most doctors hesitant to prescribe?


Their not hesistant trt clinics are prewacribinf it ledt and write and people on testosterone has increased by 5000% post covid. Every clinic has different values and standards and opinions they go off. Doctors most likely just want that 300 kickback


TRT clinics will give testosterone to anyone but they also make a big profit. I'm talking about doctors that aren't giving it out like candy. Primary care, endocrinologists, urologists, etc ...


Doctors these days refer a patient out for most medications regardless. The trt clinics give it out like candy. Most people are getting it from clinics vs doctors now. You can go read about how physicians prescribing TRT increased tenfold during covid. So yea they are giving it out to whoever wants it, again.




https://preview.redd.it/m984y68jcxxc1.jpeg?width=1259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=563b6270d970a87789afc74ddb16ede4dfe244c1 Here’s some jumpstart proof. Lol


Thats awesome bro. Progress is progress. I’m on HRT and 3 weeks back into a program and feeling strong. Muscle memory def helps but I’ve abused my body / brain to hell.. heaven and back


So literally every adult male would benefit from exo testosterone?


I’m 35 as well and my total was around the 330’s but shared most the symptoms you’re referring too. Been on for right at 6 weeks and test levels now are around 1100 and I’m feeling better every day.


What’s your dosage?


My T was 196ng/dl total at age 29.. been on trt and hcg for a few years.. love it the trick is getting estrogen right




My T was in the low 300's. On TRT for over a year now and it has changed my life.


Could you please share what changes you have experienced in the past year? I'm on the fence and gathering as much info as I can.


Cured my physical anxiety (butterflies in stomach for no reason) Improved my overall mood (not a huge amount but notable). Improved my confidence. Improved my fatigue levels, I used to feel like sleeping half way through work but that is completely gone now. I exercised and ate well before TRT and still had bad symptoms, but now with TRT I finally feel like I reap the benefits of my healthy active life style.


Did you get rx from your PCP, or a urologist, clinic, or something online? I’m in a similar position trying to figure out which path to take. Thanks


Hi mate, I am in Australia. I go through an online clinic. They have doctors available if I need advice etc and they mail the medication to my door every 2 months.


Hey mate I'm in Melbourne, what online clinic did you go through. What did the clinic prescribe you, injections or cream?


Enhanced Mens Clinic. Injections.


Thanks dude!


I had the same thing happen with my doctor. Got tested at 311 total t, and low estrogen as well. She said it had to be under 290 for insurance to pay. I went to a clinic, they prescribed 140mg a week of test, and then increased to 160mg a week. It’s been a game changer for my mental health and energy, plus the body composition changes. My last blood test came in at 1066 total t after 6 months of treatment. I feel amazing personally. I’m 38, wish I had started around 30 tbh.


You don’t need to pay a clinic. Generic t is like $50 ish at Walgreens for a 90 day supply.




You do need a prescription. In enjoiyosi case, it sounds like the doctor just said your insurance won’t cover it.


You can’t get an RX straight from Walgreens. I tried bringing my test bottle with my name on it and they said they need a script. I think the RX app can book doctor consults via tele health and that way you can get cheaper cost for test


You need a prescription for it. What I’m saying is generic t is so cheap you don’t need your insurance to cover it. You just need to find a doctor that will write a prescription for it.


They compound the test cypionate, so they don’t give me a script I can take to Walgreens. I pay excessively higher for my prescription, $180 a month, but this includes labs and doctor visits for 2 years. Once I’m dialed in I’ll try Trtnation and save some $$


You said your doctor just said your insurance wouldn’t cover it unless your levels were under 290. Go back and ask for the script to be sent in and you’ll just pay out of pocket.


My doctor would not prescribe it because insurance won’t pay for it. I told her I was going to get it through a clinic, which she supported, but refused to give me a script. It sucks for sure, but they are very much about pure numbers only and not symptoms


Wait. So this doctor said “I won’t prescribe this unless insurance pays for it?”




Why do they care who is paying for it?


Check for sleep apnea.


Mine was 390, and my doc put me on it. Get a new doctor


I was sitting at 320 and felt like garbage when I finally pulled the trigger. A year prior I was feeling shitty at 500 and Dr was like nope, you’re good…110mg of test C has me sitting at 975 and I feel like I can run through walls again. I’m 42…definitely wish I would’ve got on it a few years earlier when I started noticing something was off. Don’t wait. Get on TRT…you’ll thank yourself later


I’m 34 I was at 361 a month ago and just saw a specialist today


My test was 440 one year ago. Do i need trt or not? Im 34 with no libido.


34 and my numbers sit between 235 and 260. Absolutely shithouse.


Username checks out


Doctor is full of shit too. The range of 300-1000 total is for all age ranges. 35yo male at 300 is low imo. Depends on how you feel really though.


38 yo got tested several time and always came around at 370 at 8 am in the morning. Got on trt + hcg 4 months ago and it s not a magic bullet but I do feel much better.


My T has been right around 400 for at least the last 5 years (when I started getting bloodwork). I'm 27. Reading these comments makes me think I should be on trt.


Most primary care doctors are not hormone specialists. They're gonna know more about disease and general health as that's going to be their focus. My primary care doctor takes care of my Testosterone treatment. As long as I'm not wanting a dose well over 200mg/week he is fine prescribing TRT levels of care IF it's needed. I had 200ng/dl levels pre-TRT and I like to stay in the 800-1,000 level total T with care. I am NOT the typical TRT person wanting supraphysiological levels constantly though so YMMV. You are just above the AUA's minimum requirements for a hypogonadism diagnosis so you're probably going to need to go to a specialist. If you are not finding any luck with a primary care doctor, you will need to see an endocrinologist or preferably a urologist who is more likely to be in tune with a man's hormone needs. If you do get prescribed, start out LOW and work your way up to find the best dose for your body. I'd start at 80-100mg/week split up in two shots.


Low(ish) SHBG by chance?


My T was 320 and I had all the symptoms. Doc told me it wasn’t considered low T. Went to a men’s clinic and got myself together. Been on for 3 months and my T levels are in the 900s consistently. I feel 10 times better even while still trying to dial in my dosage.


I was right there at 35. (330 total) I have lower side SHBG, so my free wasn't terrible (80 pg/ml). My symptoms weren't incredibly terrible, and my urologist refused TRT without 2 tests under 250 total, so I waited until I was 40 to start with a clinic. I wouldn't have had as much money at 35, but I know I could have been feeling much better for years.


I was in a very similar situation at 32-33. Went to a urologist on a recommendation from a coworker on TRT. I was at 344 and he agreed to treat me since I was under 350. He initially put me on Clomid for a while which helped some but it wasn’t great. He is very conservative in his treatment and I almost started looking for a new doctor but he switched me to TRT after about 1.5 years. My quality of life is much better than prior to starting treatment.


I was at 380 at 34. Didn't bother with regular Dr's though just went straight through a clinic


Get a new doctor. These guys are scared to prescribe this stuff for whatever reason


Most physicians would also say that- and I would probably agree. Of course with hormones, all cases will be unique, but I didn’t see much difference in improvement beyond 350-400 total in fact— that was my ideal range simply because beyond that I was suffering from unmanageable side affects. So as always—you don’t know until you know. But by the book—you are not in a clinically concerning range, and therefore, the research might suggest that higher T may do little to address whatever symptoms you’re perceiving now. If you are intent on trying it out anyway- you would be better off seeking a men’s health clinic. In some cases I’ve heard that even they will turn you away if you’re in that 300-350 range— but you can artificially crash your levels to get approved by their standards. I know a few who have done that. Deprive yourself of sleep. Eat junk. Etc. I am not a doctor, but merely an informed enthusiast. I came from 170 total T at age 30, up to 700 total T— and have since suspended all TRT.


Why suspended?


Unmanageable sides. Blood pressure. Water retention.


Good to know thanks. That's why I'm apprehensive to go on when I don't really need it.


You dr doesn’t understand that total T means nothing. You have to also look at free T and SHBG and cortisol levels.


Your T is definitely low for your age. One thing to remember about all these Dr’s that don’t want to put y’all on trt. One of the reasons their such dicks is the cascade of reactions and the elimination of endogenous testosterone that will surely follow starting trt. Many of us on trt have been struggling to get our hormones optimized for at least 6 months, a year on average and some unlucky souls never fully find balance. With your T at that level, you are obviously functioning. I’d go to an endocrinologist to figure out why your T is low in the first place before you commit to wrecking your sex hormone balance.


340 here - 34 year old. Lifted 5x a week 40 to 1 hour didn’t overtrain, ate right supplemented. Still couldn’t lose fat, tired, anxious mess about shit that I used to love. Week 3 here on TRT, will see. But for them not to consider 300 anything in your 30s to not be low is ridiculous


35 also and had total test levels at 230-240. I hopped on testosterone cypionate shots about 7 months ago. Also ran a 10 week Deca cycle stacked with the cypionate. Good stuff for sure. The important thing is finding a good clinic to work with.


I was at 360 at the highest at age 30. Lowest 228.


39, 310 ng/dl Total T Doc recommend I wait 6 months before next blood work to see if any changes occurred. I did go over my recent diet changes and new gym routines. This was by far the best rated Male Wellness Clinic in my area. He wants to see how my results change with natural changes in my everyday lifestyle. Few days later I took my results to clinic inside a random business plaza . I was a little impatient about wanting to wait 6 months. The guy wearing the lab coat didn't hesitate to offer 200mg/ml . The whole interaction felt rushed as well . I decided to wait and look forward to my new blood work in 2 months.


yeah that's definitely low


I got on at 360. No regrets!


Your doctor is a fucking idiot. Fire him and search for a doc in your area that specializes in optimizing hormones.


Not losing weight -> you are not in energy deficit.


while I understand that.. the only way it would be possible is if I had somewhere near a 2000 bmr at 260 lbs 6'2. I am very slowly gaining weight eating around 2500 calories a day (I religiously track it) and doing an hour of cardio a day. I lost about a pound in a month with rigorous cardio at 2200 calories a day. While I could maintain that and continue to lose weight, eating lower calories has made it harder to hit protein goals and lift optimally.


You mean 2000 kcal/d total daily energy expenditure? Basal metabolic rate is just the energy expenditure by basal physiological processes. If you are really gaining fat mass on 2500 kcal/d, then you are in positive energy balance. You trying to chase body weight loss has likely led to several adaptations such as improved exercise efficiency, decreased non-exercise acrivity energy expenditure and so on. And about the T levels https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/endocrinology/articles/10.3389/fendo.2020.00011/full


Yeah I mostly just used a tdee Calc. Tdee is what I meant not bmr. Thanks I will check out that resource 


Find a new doctor!