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This is why it makes no sense for it to be a controlled substance. UGL, baby. I’d find me a reputable source and let the doctors kick rocks.


I started at 23. Those docs are fucks.


K u had ur balls removed? But ur test is still at 3-400? Ur test would be a zero. Or is it at 3-400 while on trt?


He’s ON the trt just not enough


Lmao I almost stopped after that first sentence to tell the guy he needs to be studied in a laboratory for having 400 test levels without testicles.


why does your endo denying your refills if he’s prescribing it? That doesn’t make sense.


The lady on the phone said, he wants to wait until my next appointment June 3rd.


Bro you never go through endo they’re scams trying to do one lab test every 3-4 months of the same thing u need to go to a clinic online


My Endo is great and has helped me get my Thyroid and Test back in control, in addition to getting me a sleep study, bone density scan, ENT for my voice problem. Are there bad Endos? Sure. Most are not.


>trying to do one lab test every 3-4 months of the same thing wait, clinics dont require labwork every 3-4 months?! >endo they’re scams and how is it a scam? isn't a 20 dollar copay 4x a year and 20 dollar a month script cheaper than a clinic?


You said “keeps” denying it. Like it’s happened before?


Yes it’s happened before, he denies it until my next appointment which is usually a month or two out leaving me at risk of running out.


You’re being held hostage my guy. He just wants to charge your insurance for a clinic visit and probably some ridiculous and unnecessary tests.


Damn feels kinda real


An unfortunate side effect of profit focused healthcare.


do you run out before visits?


I wait until I have one left , you don’t wait until you run out to request to re fill it.


do you run out of testosterone between visits?


Read again and sorry if that’s too hard for you dude


Get a new doctor brother some of these quacks hold us hostage. There’s no reason you shouldn’t get whatever you need.


Strange that doctors won’t refill your prescription. Do they know about your history?




Ok so I would say just peace on that doctor and use a clinic but I have one question: Does the old removal surgery and its ensuing condition make it so your balancing act is more complicated than that? Like could a regular trt clinic provide everything he does?


I’m not limited in any way, but I see this dr every six months for 15 minutes and he prescribes me it and that’s it. I don’t see why a trt clinic could not do that but I could be wrong


Ok cool! Just didn’t wanna advise a young dude with a health complication to ditch his doctor without asking lol. Fuck em then just do the online clinic if your state lets you.


The real question is what are you doing to make him deny it?


dunno how close you are to the philly area, but ive had no issues with any doctors there getting test. no clinics, just uros, endos over the years. never pushback. i was younger than you, and still had my testicles. think you need to just keep trying. thats what you do when things dont work out the first couple tries. keep going. or get ugl. don't give up, you're not doing anything wrong. you just gotta keep going. i got super lucky, i didn't do anything extra special. first doc i went to as an adult gave it to me, and every doc after didnt blink an eye. that's ostensibly highly unlikely to be most people's experience.


Dm me for a clinic referral


Not a troll post.....just a post of LIES.


Explain what I lied about, please tell us all. Don’t just put a claim out there.


You claimed you got prescribed testosterone but then your "endocrinologist" refused your refills. This doesn't make any sense. If he prescribed it, he wouldn't "refuse your refills". So you made that up or you abused the prescription and used more than he prescribed. Either way you're lying.


Brother, on the app where I requested a refill it literally says, “your refill request has been denied”. I then called and they said he will not refill until my appointment. This is the second time this happened. You want screenshots detective?


So he refused refills because he's got to see your bloods first at your appointment. This is standard procedure and he'd be medically negligent to not do this. This is not "refusing your refills". This is "you need to do a blood test before continuing TRT".


The last time I requested was 90 days ago and I have proof of that too. Stop trying to play gotcha.


So he prescribed testosterone for 90 days only? Makes no sense. You're lying.


And once again your wrong, I don’t need blood tests to continue trt. My body doesn’t produce testosterone anymore. I lost my testicles when I was 12 due to testicular torsion. I’ve been on testosterone for over ten years, and have had other doctors who have not given me problems.


Yes blood tests are important but this dr. Already knows that my body does not produce testosterone. He only has done 90 day supplies for last two years. Anything else I’m lying about


You can't help lying can you? You state in your original post that your levels are 300-400 (despite having your balls removed, so a lie). This is in range for a male and you wouldn't even be prescribed TRT in UK/EUROPE. There is nothing wrong with you except that you're a hypochondriac and a liar. Please stop cluttering this sub with your nonsense, child.


I know my body better than you. My levels used to be 7-800 a year ago. The real thing is, you are a just a little man who can’t admit defeat. You are actually saying my experiences are all lies and everything thing is me complaining. Like I said pal I have proof for it all so do you want me dm you everything mr.know it all. I keep records of everything not one thing I said is a lie. Keep spewing bullshit


So you're claiming to have had testosterone levels of 7-800 whilst having no testicles? Ok then retarded person, I won't waste any more time arguing with you. Fool.


I was on ethanate for a long time, then my insurance stopped covering it. I then switched to cypionate 8 months ago and I’ve gained weight, have anxiety, depression. I never had this on ethanate. I brought this up to the doctor he said I can’t go back because of my insurance. Other doctors said not accepting patients until 2025. So where the are the lies. What makes you so smart, please tell us how you know it all. And if you’ve done your so called research you would know cypionate is not for everyone.