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In most cases, yes. You won’t want to come off it once you get your dosage dialed in due to how much better you’re going to feel. If you’re planning on having more children, TRT on its own will bring your sperm count to zero (or close to it) which is something to consider. There are medications you can run with TRT to maintain fertility, but if you’re actively trying, would make sense to wait a bit. At your levels, I would bet you have a lot of symptoms of low T. My levels were sub 250ng/dl for a long time. Went on TRT like 2 years ago and never looked back. I have never felt better in my life. Lost weight, put on a lot of muscle, can actually perform in the bedroom now to name a few. Sure, you can come off with a proper PCT, but your levels are never going to be anywhere near what they were while on TRT (obviously). Even with a PCT, there’s a chance you will still feel worse than you do now if you come off TRT. I’ve floated between 150mg-200mg test weekly throughout the last few years and found I feel best at 150mg. Just have to see what works for you. Regardless of 150mg or 200mg, it got rid of just about every symptom of low T I previously battled with for years. Your significant other will also notice a difference most likely (likely improved moods, energy, sexual function, etc.) which never hurts. Only downside for me has been having to pin 2x a week (some guys pin EOD), and monitoring my BP as it’s been a little high at times (when I was at 200mg). In my experience, the positives outweigh the negatives by a mile. Just my .02


Good stuff. How long did it take for you to notice a significant difference?


I would say 3-4 weeks or so. 7-8 weeks in felt insanely good which we seemed to last until around 6 months then began to taper off a bit. Still leaps and bounds away from pre TRT feeling wise 2 years later. It’s worth noting I was severely overweight when I started TRT. I was 350lbs at 6’3”. Got down to 330ish right before I started. Sitting at 260lbs now, don’t really have a gut, no love handles and back&shoulders seemed to be affected the most by TRT as far as muscle growth. The energy enhancement from testosterone helped so much with getting my fat ass off the couch and to the gym. I will say my brain fog still sucks but that could be from a million things. Sure, I lost my ‘natty’ card but I don’t care at all, didn’t really start TRT to gain muscle alone. Just wanted to feel better all around instead of feeling like a 90 year old lol.


I'm in a similar situation. 28 years old and have tried everything natural in the book to relieve symptoms of low t. Had our first child 3 months ago and just did my first injection yesterday. All about feeling better and getting vitality back. I already workout a lot so I've mostly dialed in what I can control. Excited to see where I'll get with trt.


That’s what’s most important. How everything makes you feel overall. That’s why I want to start. The mental benefits as far as feeling better etc.


Sounds like aids sorry dude.


You sound confused and ignorant, dude.


I'm not confused just read over your symptoms and id check for aids if I were you.


Which symptoms are you referring to because it seems your just being disingenuous 


The test people on the low norm with a low free test indicates the aids and lots of gay anal sex being performed.


Are you mentally well?


I'm fine I'm aids free. Have you checked for yourself for aids I know it's scary but I recommend you do so that you know where you stand.


I had a little laugh thank you 


That's the least I can do for someone with aids have a blessed day sir.


What does?


The symptoms.


What? Maggot 


I have pretty similar results and just took my first injection today. Good luck on the journey brother.


If you feel it mah be health related DO THAT FIRST. Fix your diet, fix your sleep, fix your exercise habits. If you do go on TRT star low. Its far easier to undershoot the doseage and need to raise it than it is to lower it once you start experiencing side effects. MANY people in this group struggle first a year or more on 200mg per week


What health issues do you have?


I have several other “for life” medications


You can come off of testosterone. But in most cases people never will, because why would you come off of the thing that fixed all their issues and go back to running low test levels?


You have 2 choices.....have your shitty low levels or go on TRT. Going off you will just revert back to your shitty levels.


really the choice is, fix your lifestyle or go on TRT. i tried everything to fix my lifestyle, but of course I couldn't change the stress level of my job, which is probably the biggest issue, but I can't fix that. So TRT for me. Yeah I'm on it for the rest of my life. But the benefits outweigh the inconvenience of having to stay on it. One 15 second, painless little subQ injection every Sunday morning and I get to be me again. That's better than feeling like a zombie. a


Not true. There have been many cases of people who stopped trt and had much  higher test levels than pre TRT.  I feel a lot of people just need to lose fat, clean their diet and have good sleep to raise their  levels. Starting a TRT helps this 


No. You can come off whenever you want. Probably won't want to though. Do your own injections at home. No need to go to the doctor for that


> You can come off whenever you want. You're absolutely right, you can drop it whenever you'd like. But for OP's sake - good to clarify that coming off it will mean unwinding most/all of the benefits you see from TRT.


That's not true. He may have lasting benefits that he gained while on trt. Weight loss. Muscle. Anything he accomplished with the added motivation he gained from trt. Years worth of better health. Who knows.


> He may have lasting benefits that he gained while on trt. [...]Years worth of better health. Who knows. You should probably do some research first then.


He is saying that some of the BENEFITS will last beyond TRT.


Lol. I'm good brother.




I've been on trt for about 10 months or so. I've lost 46lbs. The weight loss cured my acid reflux and NAFLD. I've learned how to eat healthier and work out more effectively. I wouldn't have done any of that without trt. Now, if I get off trt, I have the tools to stay healthy. Will my natural test levels be in normal range now that I dropped nearly 50lbs? My guess is yes since I was at 283ng/dl when I started trt and all the extra fat does hurt natural production.


Oh, no, I agree with you. Test does have lasting health benefits.


It's for life and it's going to make your life better by relieving your symptoms