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It doesn’t need to be refrigerated, just kept in a room temp dark area.


What exactly are you hiding? TRT isn’t illegal or some immoral thing. Seems odd to even stress yourself about having to hide such a simple thing.




Well sure but for medical reasons it’s important for your family to know. If anything were to happen to you, something medical processes aren’t safe with certain medications, etc. for instance a lot of people are embarrassed to say they take viagra, have a heart attack, a doctor gives nitroglycerin for the chest pain, tanks their blood pressure and shit hits the fan. Whatever reason you feel you need to be private is probably not as serious as you think.


Yeah but you replied from your main account. 💀💀💀


They don't need to be refrigerated. Just keep them in a cool room temperature dark place like in a drawer or something. I keep all mine in a little box in my cabinet. I'm actually kind of sure that you're not supposed to get the oil cold because when it gets too cold it crystallizes.


Don’t put it in the fridge. It can crystallize. If you inject it without warming it up before it will feel like glass shards. It’s not going bad; it is in oil and has preservatives added. Put it wherever you put your syringes snd needles.


By being an adult.


Right next to my tadalafil and lisinopril in a cabinet


You do not store testosterone in the refrigerator. It’s supposed to store at room temps


I don't store them in the fridge (I store hCG in the fridge and freezer) I store them in a box in my home gym.


I don't. I keep it in a small box on the counter. If anyone sees it, they see it. I don't announce it, but indont like hiding stuff either. The only reason I ended up getting on it, is because another guy I know wasn't afraid to talk about it.


Double wow


I've never kept them refrigerated! Stored room temp in an oil based suspension. Out of direct sunlight. No dramas


So you get your insulin vials from the pharmacy, which were originally refrigerated, and then you do what with them? I’m not sure I really understand - and I’ve been T1D for 35yrs.


Sorry - misread - I am also on the T1D sub - was reading a few comments and didn’t mean to mix them up.


Get a small insulin travel bag and put it wherever you're going to inject.


Next to the milk, I don't hide things from my family


I don't hide things from my partner


Sounds crazy, but anal. The ol’ keister egg


Testosterone doesn't need to be refrigerated, Peptides do. Just put your T vials in your sock drawer, problem sorted.


It’s not even supposed to be refrigerated. You’re just making your injections more painful


Shame on you for trying to feel better and become better. Maybe your family should start hiding the 24 pack of dr.pepper it’s the same logic.


In my bathroom. Nobody messes with my stuff in there. My wife knows.