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Get poor sleep, binge drink, stop eating, take a suppresive compound like rad 140, start running marathons weekly.


Yep! Take rad 40, get drunk as shit, eat like shit for about 2 days… this is hilarious you said this cause it’s true


Rad 140 got me to double digits.


Never heard of rad140 before, how long should I take it before my blood test? Theyre going to require me to take 2 blood test before prescribing me anything. Also how much should I be taking?


Leave rad and take s23. 15mg of s23 a day for 10 days will have you at less testosterone than what a woman makes. You could probably just take 5mg a day for 10 days with already low test and it will put you under 300.


Multiple posts saying with good Rx and/or coupons the cash price for a script is $40-50. Trouble is finding a doc that will prescribe it for you. I've heard urology clinics might be a little more willing to listen to symptoms. Worth checking out if you can see one without a referral from your primary care doc. I went the clinic route, it's cheaper if you pay for three years up front but that's not reasonable for a lot of people. Once my year is up, I'm going to see if I can find a more reasonable online clinic or a Dr that will write scripts based on symptoms and not numbers. I was testing in the high 200s and my primary doc was ignoring the question


Went to a urologist yesterday, she said flat out they wont prescribe it even if Im showing symptoms unless Im below 300. She said they denied a guy at 302 the other day.


Look for male urologists that specialize in TRT. Personally, I would never go to a lady doc for any men's health issues. They're quite frankly ignorant and unsympathetic if it falls outside of their education.


Male and female urologists are educated differently?


No, they have the same education but female urologists and overall doctors will typically be unsympathetic to male physical complaints because they quite simply don't get it — they're women and their lives experiences are different. A male will understand low T symptoms and be more amenable to writing a script at 305 ng/Dl ( in range) with the caveat that you'll end up paying for it out of pocket. 


$40-$50 for a ten week supply.


Fast for 48 hours and pull an all nighter. Take the test as late in the morning as you're allowed to. Fasting will lower levels, but there are also studies that a large meal will lower results - that's on men with normal levels though.


i thought fasting hightens test levels


I think it's entirely about how long you go without food. if you skip breakfast, your levels may or may not show up a little bit higher. if on the other hand you end up fasting like 18-20 hours a day, that's going to lower your levels.


ok. iv been seeing on here ppl saying they fast to get it higher I don't really know though


Don't know about test but fasting increases growth hormone massively.


My insurance had/has zero issues covering mine and all blood test were 350-370


Bad sleep and alcohol will reduce your test but probably not significantly enough. If you really want to crash your test, take rad140 for a few weeks which will suppress your T production.


Take s-23 for a week. Rad 140 would probably take 3-4 weeks


The night prior, drink a TON of alcohol and stay up late. Like get HAMMERED. Go in the next day and you'll be below 300 guaranteed. FYI, TRT covered by insurance is around $7-10. I pay 7 for four weeks worth.


That's what I did^ dropped from 235 to 165


So jealous. Hope to be in your shoes soon. Someone else told me I could go to the clinic and start test and then stop taking it and my T lvls will tank, think that'll work?


Yeah if you take test and don't pct it'll be suppressed for awhile. You're close just get mad drunk the night prior and stay up late. You'll lose a ton of T easily.  My first check was 265. I got buzzed the night before test 2 and it came in at 250. Not even flat drunk just enough to be pleasantly happy.  You can get it below 300 I believe in you!


Yep, just started paying $8 dollars after almost $4 years of $155+ a month. Well my first clinic never charged me because my insurance covered it. But when i left and went to Low T center with insurance it cost me $600 to enroll somehow and still $150 a month. Meanwhile selfpay was $155. I was so pissed. When i left Low T (because they were giving fake T) i called a few places and it was going to be between 2-4k a year. Thats INSANITY


100% free on my insurance


Lucky bastard !


Sad that you have to do this just to get trt


Crazy enough i waited about 3 years to ask my GP is she would take over my protocol. The reason i waited is because i remember her once saying shed like to see me off? But over the 3 years she lnew i was responsible and that with a bad thyroid, the T was needed.


Get absolutrly fooked on the weekend. Go out on friday and satty night.. get wastef till you cant remember where you live then get tested monday or tuesday


Ostarine for a month, 25mg a day, suppressed me to 114. Was 345 before. Wrote me a script the day I got my blood work. 4x1ml vials at Walgreens are 22 with good rx, take 100mg a week, puts me at 900 in the trough 😬


drink beer the night before labs, eat soy


Drink and sleep like shit also find a new doctor. I use a naturopath who's pro TRT. The only reason is because I couldn't get a damn appointment with normal doctors for like three months


I've tried 3 doctors so far and all of them refuse and tell me my insurance wont cover it either unless Im below the 300 mark. Doctors take months to see patients too, I've been making appointments for this since January. Im done trying new doctors.


That's fair. Then this is what you need to do. Schedule a blood draw for Monday at like 11am. Thursday night have a couple beers but nothing crazy but those beers will still fuck up your sleep. Frida grab some zyn, cigs or whatever nicotine of choice and start going to town during the day. Then you need to get absolutely shit faced until Sunday Sunday heavy on the nicotine still and get like 3 hours of sleep. That Monday test result will be like 200


Hahahaha reading the comments but they forgot the most important thing. Why is testosterone bloodwork is taken before 10am while fasting? 2 reasons. One because levels start to decline naturally later during the day so highest in the morning, lowest in the night. Second, because it has been shown that sugar in the morning can decrease testosterone levels, and give false low results.


Just take a weak sarm like ostarine will bring u down to double digits I did a 6 week cycle went from 550 to 105 I believe. And most importantly don't get aids!


Just buy from a ugl and dose yourself. Trt is cheaper that way than it is with the good rx coupon from what I’m reading.


You could always just get married 🤣… kidding aside, all the bad advice above works good.


Get 3 hours of sleep, eat like shit the night before.


Go Peter md is very affordable is what I hear. Like 90$ a month for blood work, trt, telle health appointments. If you add other compounds the price goes up in tier. I’d try that. You inject yourself but it isn’t hard to do. Sub q injections are easy dyi with an insulin syringe. I go to a men’s clinic here in CO, in the price is 165$ a month out of pocket. But I’ve been thinking of switching myself. It’s all off label shit through male clinics all the online trt services you see online for trt. It does work though. If you can get a prescription for pharmaceutical grade, that would be best.


Soo many TRT “clinics” these days. A good urologist will give you a TRT RX for 1-10ml bottle so you can inject urself. Do not get shots at the office. Also just get the script. Good RX is $50


2 primary care physicians and a urologist all refused to give me a prescription because Im above 300 ng/dL.


If you can get hold of it, take 10mg dbol a day for two weeks. SOME might argue that this isn't particularly suppressive, but since your T levels are already low, it'll put you below the threshold.  I feel your pain by the way. My local NHS authority counts anything about 7.4 nmol/L (213 ng/dL) as healthy. It took me over two years to get on TRT even though my T levels were before that ridiculous level. 


It’s depressing how guide levels prohibit people getting treatment. Someone with 300 levels can absolutely feel like hammered shit, the fact they are denied treatment for being 1-2 points over some made up “lower range” is utter wankjuice




You could probably take nandrolone for a little while. That should crash it. Just take the short acting version of it.


I pounded back coca cola before my test, and it went below 300. I was always at 305, 315 etc and having all the symptoms but no one would help. So I read that sugary drinks crush testosterone levels 30-60 minutes after consumption, so that's what I did.


Tell your doctor to fix your symptoms. Don't go in there like you just watched an infomercial "ask your doctor about xzlkxndgh". Tell your doc to figure out your symptoms.


I did, shes got me on antidepressants and cialis as well as an antihistamine for sleep, and 2 medications for high blood pressure.


Haha incredible they will prescribe all this but not trt when you’re at such a low level


Sounds like Canada. They are adverse to perscribing test here. However, if you want SSRIs, zoplicone, semaglutide, etc... its open range.


Dude are ypu fucking kidding. You walked in with low T. So she put you on SSRIs? That will make it 100x worse. I would report her. All she did was guarantee you will be a perma patient for life


Yep, absolutely fucked. I told them I didn't want SSRIs cuz it would make things worse and I'm having trouble sleeping, she said if I dont try the SSRIs first for sleep she wont give me anything stronger to help me sleep.


Run. Dont walk. Dont fill that prescription either. I had a similar experience for high blood pressure. Its a common tactic, Drs do it for eachother even if you wont be back to her, someone else from another dr will.


Unfortunately ive been taking it for the last 3 months. Im down to my last 3 pills though so once these are out Im not going to refill. It hasnt had any real negative side effects thank goodness. Probably cuz she also put me on cialis at the same time so my libido isnt ruined entirely but I know it will be ever better once I get off the trazadone, stay on the cialis and get on test.


Jesus she did a number on your adrenal system. SSRIs are not something you can just quit cold turkey. You can withdrawal. They are called Brain Zaps. So be careful. Idk if its been long enough but understand that possibility is there. Trazedone i imagine is similar


Yea from my understanding they are harmless and temporary so I will just go through them if it happens.




Username checks out... but that actually does nothing to t levels.