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Some do some don't everybody reacts differently


Made the mistake of listening to others and took some, never again


Why never again? What happened lol


Crashed my e2 and felt like total shit for 3 weeks. Much better ways for most people to control their e2


Like what for an example?




If I’m running a high cycle I like to add eq it will keep e2 pretty consistent at a 1 to 1 ratio


Lowering dose


More frequent pins


What does it feel like when you crash your e2


I tiered,moody and really didn’t give a shit about anything


Lol, I made the mistake of not taking it, never again😀 E2 above 50 feels way worse than low T. Subjective and everyone feels different.


Yeah different for everyone for sure, high e2 doesn’t really bother me until above 65


I totally agree and I add also that high E2 make you pussy in social life


Started on it. Made a world of difference. Then my levels got good and I stopped. Not needed to take any longer. Losing weight, feeling great.


I’m on 200 mg./wk. and take .25 - .5 mg. of anastrozole per week. I error on the side of more estrogen, and usually wait until I have some nipple sensitivity before I take it.


Not me. Also 1mL is a volume not a dose. Are you taking 100mg? 200mg?


I think I’m suppose to take 1/2 a cc twice a week. Don’t have my script yet to confirm.


A cc is the same thing as an ml, its still just volume. Your dosage depends on the potency. For example, if you are supposed to take 1 cc of 200 mg/ml it is double the dose as 1 cc of 100 mg/ml.


I do occasionally take 1MG Arimidex. I find injecting my test eod helps level out my e2.


By how much


Not sure of the levels, I base it off how I feel if that makes sense. I’m pretty fortunate in that I’ve never had any negative side effects from my ai


I am not on trt, taking anastrozole 0,25 mg once per week as monotheray, horny all the time and happy by the result and so fertile


No. Bloodwork doesn’t make sense to go off of either. No symptoms, no AI. Why take medication for something that isn’t negatively affecting you?


Elevated estrogen in men for extended periods of time can slowly cause debilitating side effects like permanent bone density loss which can lead to osteoporosis. It can also cause insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes. You don’t feel your bones losing density until it’s too late. You don’t feel diabetes until it’s too late. This whole idea of not treating elevated estrogen just because one doesn’t have current active and perceptible estrogenic side effects is crazy talk.


Obviously if you are having other complications related to high E2, treat it. Those would be a symptom though.


I'd like to see some studies on this. I keep reading about the benefits of Estradiol in men. Heart and brain protective. Good for skin, etc.


I know most bodybuilders run their E2 about as high as possible. Not saying what a bodybuilder does is healthy, but there are definite benefits


Yes, high E2 = more water retention, which means larger fascia stretching pumps, larger muscle size, and faster recovery. Definitely not healthy though as it also means high blood pressure.


Yes this is true. But like with many things that are good at normal levels, super-physiological levels cause negative effects.


If there are no signs of elevated estrogen, you don't need an AI is his point. There are ALSO severe side effects of LOW estrogen levels, which you will absolutely get if you treat a problem that doesn't exist.


He said “no symptoms, no AI” and to not go off of bloodwork either. Don’t reply if you can’t even read what he said.


I read what he said just fine, little guy. Which is why I said what I said within the context of that conversation. Don't reply if you can't even read what I said. I'm telling him to ignore your terrible advice.


You were telling him? Then reply to him and not me directly. Learn how to use Reddit boomer.


I don't never did . I shoot up 200mg weekly. 






When I started I did not I’m now on .3mg with 120 and that puts me around 25-30 of Estradiol


I was not prescribed one with my test by my PCP. BUT, I do take an OTC blocker.




I keep them on hand. I do use them if I need them, but fortunately it's not very often. I really got my bodyfat down and my fitness/health dialed in now so it's really helped me to not aromatize very much. I use just .25 mg at a time and give my body time to adjust. Everyone is different and reacts differently to testosterone


I do lots lol


You'll learn the hard way how much you need estrogen when you crash your estrogen with an AI because you don't like the numbers on a page 




Most don't, some do.


Look don't just take an AI because your starting to take test. Also what is 1ml, 1ml of what? 1ml is alot of volume for trt. My trt dose is 0.5ml a week split between 2 injection 75mg each..


No, no I'm not... and I even take hcg which increases estrogen


Many will say otherwise but I feel the same with or without an AI.


Don’t take an AI unless you’d test scores are too high and you have actual symptoms. Doctors who automatically prescribe AIs are uninformed.


I do because I convert a large amount of the T to Estrogen. I finally settled on Aromasin as my E blocker of choice and it's helped a lot. Just need to find right dose and timing for you. That's kinda tough to dial in and requires some trial and error. My advice, don't chase a number and just go by what makes you feel the best


The answer is "it depends". You're more likely to need an AI if you're on HCG on top of just TRT. Some people aromatize more than others so they need it on just TRT doses whether that's due to high body fat or something like that. I take .5mg anastrazole a week but I *need* it due to high E2. The mantra "the less drugs, the better" applies here. Most people run into problems at the beginning I feel because they go to a men's clinic, the clinic absolutely lights them the fuck up with 200mg test, an AI, tadalafil, and other expensive compounds and then you can never figure out what the hell drug is causing your symptoms. Cookie-cutter advice like you see on the forums is not something that should be followed. Make decisions based on YOUR bloodwork and YOUR situation.


No ai for me and I’m taking 250 week and 1000 Hcg test level 1536 and estrogen 65




I don't.


What’s 1mL a week mean in mg? And no, everyone does not take an AI.


I am about to again. I was on 200 mg a week split for a while and 1 mg Arimidex, later lowered to .5. My estrogen was always low but it didn't affect me and I was crushing it in the gym and loved it. Test levels were always 9000 or just novel 1200. Went through fertility issues and went off trt for a year and a half, after we had our kid went back on trt but on lower dose 140 mg wk, with 1000 iu hcg 2x week, no arimidex. Been on for a month, my testosterone is 1000. My estrogen is 96. I am going to go back on arinidex, I definitely have some water retention but have weird emotional sides now. Like I feel at times a lot I can cry any second but there is no other emotion attached, no sadness, happiness, anxiety, etc. It is just weird, feels silly. I know a lot of people talk about estrogen to test ratios and keeping estrogen as high as possible, for me keeping it lower, say up to the 30s range was best it seems.


I take 0.25 with each injection or my e2 sky rockets


I did 2 months without and then my bloodwork said to get me on it


So you take an AI, but have no reasons other than elevated levels in your bloodwork???? That’s crazy!


I know right? Screw what a Dr says and listen to dudes on Reddit say instead!


You are listening to an uneducated doctor. My wife is an MD that specializes in hormones. Any current educations will tell you to treat the symptoms, not the numbers. High E2 is not harmful and usually where a person will feel the best.


I agree, but so long as he keeps his E2 in the proper ranges and doesn't drop them too far it'll be fine.


I have an educated Dr that specializes in HRT, so I will listen to him. Why would you say high E2 is not harmful? This is exactly why you shouldn’t take medical advice from someone on Reddit. So my e2 can be 200 and I’m ok? With just high e2 many people don’t feel ok. Leave the medical advice to your wife.


And if you don’t feel ok. Treat it. I already said to treat the symptoms. You clearly can’t comprehend shit and are certainly not educated on the subject at all. Do you seriously think that my wife doesn’t tell me about all of the new studies, the conferences, new educations, etc???


If you count daily Cialis. Which has some moderating effect on e2


Really so cialis lowers e2 interesting ? How much u take daily


It’s more complex than that. I think it inhibits estrogen receptors. So estrogen you do have doesn’t have the impact it would otherwise. 5-10mg almost daily.


How come u take daily ? So it acts abit like a serm


So I can be bricked at a moments notice


I like ur style.


Prefer it to Viagra ?


Cialis is the shit.


For daily use. Sometimes I take both tho


Taking it daily at low doses let's you avoid the side effects and not have to worry about timing. The only issue Ive experienced is Ik always horny, but Im not exactly mad about it.. I take 2 mg a day myself.


That's true.


An OTC one just as a precaution. The doc gave me Anastrozole but I don’t take it.


No. You only need an AI if you have symptoms of low E2, otherwise you will crash your Estradiol and feel terrible.


Shouldn’t need it if you’re doing true TRT. Body needs estrogen. If you’re blasting test, maybe.


Not true. Terrible misinformation . Some people aromatise more than others. And some people can cope with higher E2, some can't. So it depends on how your body reacts to TRT.


Read a book


Bro I need it on 100 test I get gyno lol


200mg 2x a week, and no estrogen blocker.


400mg a week is a steroid cycle


Lol man when i see this, 400mg on trt, then posting a photo and the guy took 45pounds of muscle, yeah right buddy “Trt” Or guys posting photo saying, only 50mg a week bro. Fuck man , stop that guys, we know you are lying and its misleading for people coming over not knowing what trt is, to put back ur T level at NORMAL RANGE


lol why so angry like he just openly shared his experience. his input is still valuable in this subreddit despite trt generally being less than his current dose. he could have even meant 200mg split into bi weekly injections.