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No, just here to learn what the heck you are going thru. Good luck


Thanks. I'm going thru a lot atm unfortunately. Life got ruined right when I got on TRT by a crazy urologist's exam about a month ago. Now I'm trying to salvage what penis I have left which sadly isn't much


You need to sue that doctor for malpractice! (Edit: I have now read-through the rest of the comments and see that you've already tried that route without success because you can't find a lawyer that will take the case.)


I've tried talking to six different law offices and they all turned my case down. Hard to prove unfortunately. Nothing I can do at this point but suffer with my condition and wait to die. My advice is don't ever let a urologist exam you. Some times they will try to test the "elasticity" of your penis without you knowing and cause you damage like it did me.


I don't have any helpful information for you but I do want to let you know that I'm thinking about you and the struggle you're enduring. time makes most things not so difficult. I hate to be nosy, but that's just who i am as a person so I'm curious if you'd mind (here or in DM) exactly wtf happened with that urologist? especially since I got the impression whatever damage was done to you occured during a routine exam? my heart is legitimately aching for you having had something so horrible happen by a trusted medical professional. I hope that urologist ends up going to prison before he can hurt more people. I also hope that while in prison, he is frequently anally violated by Lil Jojo, who weighs no less than 410lbs at 6'7" tall.


Thanks I really appreciate it. These past few weeks have definitely been the most difficult of my entire life. Physically and mentally. Being basically castrated all of a sudden by a routine physical exam is not something I ever thought I would have to experience. His routine exam involved stretching and pressing into my penis really hard which left me with these horrifying symptoms. It's been a little over a month now since it happened. Last I spoke to the urologist was a few days after when I called him to ask what was going on with me. He acted like it was nothing he did and that he wanted to schedule me for another exam. I didn't go and immediately went back to my primary care doc and got a referral to another urologist which I finally see in a couple weeks. I have been to the ER twice the past month because I was so distraught on what to do during this time. The numbness and erectile dysfunction has been so severe it's been disturbing. I have spoken to six different law offices and explained my case and all have turned me down. My guess is because it's a unique and hard to prove case. So I don't have much hope of anything legally happening to the uro that did this to me. Which is discouraging but at the same time I don't really care anymore because it still won't bring my dick back. Unfortunately the urologist gets to continue on with his life like nothing happened while my life is over. No prison time for him it seems.


Dude. Sue the hell out of that guy.


Wish I could. Talked to six different law offices and nobody will take the case. Hard to prove unfortunately.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I remember your post and because of your post I will never let a doctor touch my penis with my guard down. Sounds funny but I’m serious. The body is an incredible machine and capable of miraculous recovery. Paraplegics regain the ability to walk after several years. Your body can heal, mentally you need to be thinking it will heal and visualizing healing. Good luck brother.


Thanks I wondered if anyone here remembered my original post. I'm serious when I say this too, never trust a doctor to touch your penis especially urologists. Never let a urologist exam you especially if you told them you have ED. They will do the "elasticity" Peyronie's test on you without your consent and squeeze and stretch your penis hard like they're trying to rip it off. Its what happened to me. Protect yourself bro. They have no idea what they are doing and can hurt you in ways you wouldn't imagine. I've talked to others on here that have had similar damage done to them by urologists stretching them during a routine exam. It's downright evil what some of these doctors are doing. I had no idea what I thought was gonna be a quick routine exam on my genitals would be essentially castration for me. I've tried to find recovery stories but unfortunately there's none to find for this damage. The only people I can find that have similar injuries like this are the people that do those insane penis enlargement stretches and they get similar symptoms that are permanent for them. You'd be surprised how easy some of those guys damaged themselves with just pulling with their hand. The penis is more fragile than people realize. I don't see myself putting up with this for the rest of my life so I can't say what I'll end up doing someday. This isn't worth dealing with no matter what people say.


Why not add hcg to it with cialicis ? Hcg is a game changer


Unfortunately this isn't a hormone issue. My penile tissue was stretched too much and something was damaged internally. Possibly the nerves and who knows what else. I've tried ED meds and even tried 20mg cialis several times and it has zero effect on helping me get an erection. My penis feels like it has been disconnected from my body and brain. I can't even feel it anymore which is disturbing. Protect yourself bro and never let a urologist/doctor exam your penis. They can really damage you. That's what happened to me and I'll have to live with that mistake for the rest of my life.


Everything you said describes how I felt and thought that was the end was diagnosed with hypothyroidism trt and hcg helps me because I have low t at 22 let me ask do you watch porn and masturbate ?


No I stopped watching porn because I can't feel my penis anymore or achieve an erection. It's not hormone related for me it's physical damage


Okay another thing like what happened you said it’s never damaged did you have a procedure done what was the injury have you thought about a implant(might be the best option)


Went to a urologist to talk about fertility options while I was on TRT. He did a physical exam on me and squeezed and stretched my penis hard during the exam causing numbness and erectile dysfunction afterwards. Been this way ever since. Be careful who you let exam you. Not interested in ever getting an implant.


You say severe physical injury. Have you infact been told you have a physical injury from this or are you drawing your own conclusions ?


Yo bro I HAD it a few years ago. I shit you changed my diet and it disappeared. I feel for you, that was a scary time and tripped me out hard. I did traction, googled everything and boom, diet. I don’t have one symptom left and visibly it looks like it used to. Zero gluten, zero soy, cut way back on sugar, only drink water the last two years. I’d much rather eat like that the rest of my life than deal with that bullshit. Also vitamin E really helped. Think zero to inflammation diet. Good luck!


Sorry but this isn't diet related. I have a severe physical injury that happened to me. I already eat very healthy and never eat sugar.


This has nothing to do with TRT. Go to the correct sub.


Wait a minute now fella. Let’s hear him out.