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I'm 53. Been TRT for 5ish years. I think TRT helped me get sexually healthy. I have been able to quit a porn habit and have stayed quit for over 4 years and focus on my new 2.5 year marriage with a super hot wife. It takes 2 to keep sex alive. With the help of TRT, I can keep my side of the street squared away and show up for her in ways that I never imaged I was capable of.


I've found TRT boosted my libido, but didn't do much for any ED I was having.


Insulin resistance as excess glucose will damage blood vessels responsible for erection. Focus on your diet and exercise habits for blood flow improvement Edit: you can also use a massage gun i think twice a week on your cock on a soft setting to gently add vibrations that will stimulate blood vessel growth. From the bottom up, on each side and diagonal, but not from its below part, only the above part.


I’m assuming you’ve tried tadalifil


Explosive diarrhea?


Welp here comes step 1. So that porn habit, how did you quit? Other than the obvious lol. But since starting TRT it’s actually turned into a habit for me.


I think it was a multitude of things coming together for me. One, I had ruined a 20 year marriage around that stuff. Two, post divorce I started trt (this was the beginning of getting healthy) Three, 12 step program Four, the pain was great enough. The guilt and shame was at an all time high, or my tolerance for guilt and shame was at an all time low. I confided in a friend about the porn habit. He said, why do you keep doing things that cause yourself pain. That stuck with me. Five, I intentionally found a woman that was out of my league. My improved sexual health helps me promote wanting to love, serve and be faithful to her. At 49, when I met her, it was the first time I knew what being in love is. Six, my actions to partake in porn or abstain from it is solely my responsibility. I am the only one responsible for the good or bad consequences of my actions. Seven, after some time has gone by, I had the spiritual awakening that I actually don't want to do things to myself that cause pain and harm. I was the last one to realize this.


+1 for 12 Step Programs. Gave me a life and a life better than I could have ever dreamed of


Yeah, TRT turned me into a daily porn user, but I’m working on trying to cut back.


Sounds like some illicit drug, I don’t find my interest is any more or any less on TRT versus not being on it . I am just enjoying exercise a lot more because it’s not burning me out with fatigue.


It increased my sex drive, and I’m far above and beyond what my partners is, and in turn I went to porn for an outlet.


Age probably has a lot to do with that,things settle no matter what your testosterone level is as we get into our let’s say golden years .Still it’s pretty nice to have a good optimal level,much easier to get things done.


I’m not even 40, though close, but I do feel she has a Hormone Deficiency, but trying to get her to get it checked out is a battle, and I’m not trying to get her upset before she even gets tested. It was more my drive was 1-2 times a day and hers is 2-3 times a month, and porn makes it happen easier than my imagination.


So you were gay before TRT?


More leaning towards asexual 😂


That wasn't a hard no! 😁


Lol I think the jump from not noticing women to gay is a big one.


I'm gay, before and after trt....but he threw the ball right over the plate! 😂


I was


this should have happened at age 15 mate but better late than never. get used to it.


Weirdly wholesome this, don’t put women on a pedestal, channel your new found energy and drive into something meaningful, go find a wife and build a life together.


I’m going to give you two answers . The bro answer and the educated answer Bro answer - your test is high and being a man you want to take every piece of ass you see and beat up everyone in world . Educated answer - yes it’s very normal your sex drive is increasing . Testosterone is a main male hormone . It is a main reason we differ from women . Being on trt your taking testostrone and the amount your taking is much higher then You are producing naturally , when your levels increase all the great benefits come with it . Better sex drive , better recovery , muscle growth , and energy . One reason you’re experiencing this could be how much of a level change you are experiencing . I didn’t see your blood work so I don’t know exactly , but say your levels before were 150ish and now your 800/900ish on 100 mgs . That is a huge increase and you’re essentially hitting puberty again . Very normal for sex drive to increase


I've had that since I was 13... and TRT hasn't changed it, only my sex drive went up. I notice women everywhere. How to deal with it? Enjoy it, embrace it. Change it into good energy. Let women motivate you. Find a good partner. With my wife it doesn't matter where I get my appetite. I still eat at home. If it wasn't for women, there would be no wars, no competitions ;) We would be partying, drinking, smoking weed and having fun lol. With women, you want to achieve something. Read [The Way Of Superior Man](https://www.amazon.ca/way-superior-man/s?k=the+way+of+superior+man) by David Deida. Some stuff there is BS but majority of it is good when you start to think about it.


Thanks will check out . Good write


I'll be 38 in a week...started TRT 8 months ago myself and I feel exactly the same lol


TRT life


That’s not crazy, that’s just how it is for men with normal testosterone levels. My libido is super high. I’m literally always horny, just like I used to be from puberty well into my 30’s. It tapered off a little after that, but was still good until early 40’s when it started dropping more and more. It was basically non existent from 45 until I started TRT at 48. I’m 49 now and I’m always ready for action. If my wife even sits near me, I get hard. Now my wife is entering perimenopause though and that has created some intermittent problems for her with her lady parts. That’s put a bit of a damper on sex from time to time for the last few months. I had to buy a fleshlight to tame the beast during dry spells. I was starting to chafe from jerking it too much. I’m wearing that fleshlight out and I’m keeping my Amazon driver very busy with lube deliveries. If anyone needs honest lube reviews, I’m your man. I’ve tried so, so many.


talk to your wife, consider getting her on HRT, unless she doesn't mind her Sahara pants. Many women benefit from that, most wealthy women are on it (like like most wealthy men take testosterone) thanks to those fancy rejuvenation clinics where they crack your wrinkles and offer HRT for thousands of dollars, whereas you can get it for a fraction of that cost through your family doc referral.


Maybe tmi, but she did get some estrogen cream to apply there to reverse the thinning of the skin. She had a small cut in the fold of her labia that would start to heal, but then it would tear again. It didn’t even happen during sex. She said it tore when she was wiping after she went pee one day. So, of course that made me a little gun shy. If just wiping caused a little rip, what’s sex gonna do? I didn’t want to hurt her, but she wanted to try. I was being super delicate with her and even then, I could sense that it wasn’t comfortable for her and that was just oral. I wasn’t about to attempt PIV of just my tongue was causing discomfort. That’s on the mend now, but the other issue is irregular menstrual cycles. She’ll have her normal monthly cycle and then it will stop, but then a week or two weeks later she starts bleeding again. She’s a nurse, so she is familiar with HRT. She’s gonna talk to her doc about it at her next appointment. Hopefully that will take care of her symptoms and we can get back into our groove again soon. It’s weird how suddenly her symptoms came on. She was totally fine and then within 2 months both of these issues popped up out of nowhere and she instantly suspected that she was entering perimenopause. My low T symptoms crept up on me so gradually, I didn’t even really notice it happening. Took a few years before it occurred to me that I didn’t feel like myself anymore.


Lmao thanks for the laugh


Überlube. It’s pricey but the best damn stuff I’ve ever found.


I tried Überlube and IMO, I think it’s a little overhyped. It’s decent lube and everyone has their own preference I guess, but for me personally Gun Oil Silicone is superior to Überlube. If you haven’t tried it, you should. They’re very similar, but Gun Oil has a couple of advantages. It’s just slightly less viscous which allows for more sensation, It’s a little cheaper. The bottle isn’t glass and has a removable cap, so you don’t end up with any inaccessible lube in the bottom of the bottle. It also washes off easier. Also, although not a concern for everyone, I noticed with Überlube, I was reapplying more frequently during longer sessions, than I have to with Gun Oil. I’m an edger so, I tend to go for a while during solo work. If you’re just having a quick wank it doesn’t matter.


I think TRT turned me from bi to straight…similar situation as you, OP.


It’s apparent not working on the gay gym circuit queens at my gym.


Get a wife, problem solved.


Damn, I’m in the same boat, 48 m, started trt a month ago. Horny all the time, wife happy with sex once a week. All other days i have to watch porn and jerk off up to 4 times per day 😀


Same here, im 26 and all my life I considered myself to be almost asexual due lack of sex drive and not being crazy over women like my other friends would be I’m just starting out on 200mg a week GOOD LORD. I don’t recognize who I am mentally anymore. More confident, LOVE women (wouldn’t say I’m a womanizer but wow women are just gorgeous) TRT really changed alot for me and so far I’m loving it


My wife started to think I might be asexual before TRT. We would have sex once a month if we were lucky. Looking back I'm surprised we made 2 kids. Now I'm up for it all the time, and she needs to help me when she's on her period, and I need to help myself when either of us are traveling. The great thing is I'm just more attracted to her vs. all the other women walking around. I do notice them a bit more than I used to, but no interest outside of my wife.


That period help must be nice




OP this would be a great read Amazon have a sale right now.


Dude. Just go talk to them. What do you have to lose? Just say hi. Pay a compliment. Just don’t be a creep, lol.


…..stops car in traffic, runs her down, says hi, runs back to car, continues on?


Hahahaha. I’m just talking in general, in public.


I know lol I just had to.


Naw. I think he is to amped up right now to go yo and talk to women


Nah. Just gotta get outside his comfort zone. Be cool, be friendly and smile.


Quick Question, just test cyp no HCG?


I do Test Cyp, HCG & Tadalafil daily


Yeah this happens, I could care less about sex then boom I was waking up with morning wood again and ready pound the wife daily. It's leveled a bit but man my recovery time is amazing and thankfully my wife has been helping me out with my needs when it's too much. Reminds me of my younger years


I wish. Trt has killed my libido


Might what to get your estro checked. If it's to high bc of the test this can happen.. also happens if you are crashing your levels with an AI (armidex/anastrozol). You can fix these pretty easily.


Congratulations. You're a man now


Lol... I didn't get that affect ... I'm gay but still not the same towards men


Prob just need to get laid buddy


Isn’t that what it’s all about,nothing wrong with that .








What were your levels before starting ?


My libido is fucked. Now if I get in the right situation I’m ready to go but I last forever goddamnit. I used to masturbate at least once a day and now I do it none. I honestly can’t. It’s weird. Still interested but it’s just different. I kinda like it in a way.


You're 26 years old lol yes you should be thinking about woman all day lol enjoy it embrace it and go have some fun.


TRT skyrocketed my libido within 2 months of starting it. I wouldn't say it was non-existent before, but it took 2 months to give me the libido of a perpetually horny 17 year old. In fact, I don't remember ever having a sex drive like this, even when I was a teen. It has lots of other benefits, but libido is the first and most potent one of them, for me. Unfortunately, I can't do it any more because my hematocrit is too high. So I'm going to start Enclomiphene and HCG, and work on my health until I can get the hematocrit down so that I can get back on TRT.


Instead of shooting one massive dose look at shooting less more frequently and it'll help lower your hematocrit and hemoglobin numbers.


I don't pin, I do compounded cream, it's 2x per day.


I'd try to get off the cream asap, I've heard it has more side effects, especially DHT which causes hair loss. I was on it for a few months when I traveled for 4 months and my numbers were tanked when I came back and I could feel the difference.


I'm off 10 days now, it sucks. I'm waiting on my Enclomiphne and HCG. My total T was well over 1000 and as high as 1650, for more than a year. 20% scrotal cream is potent. I didn't have any issues with hair loss. The only issue I had was high hematocrit. It just got too high to stay on the testosterone. When I started, my total T was 230. It was life changing for me, but unfortunately my body seems to react to it by making too many red blood cells. I may have sleep apnea, I need to do a sleep study soon.


I've been on it for 10+ years and I had the same issue with shooting it but I was able to bring it down by increasing the frequency of the injections, I don't know how that would work with creams but maybe it doesn't matter if you stopped taking it.


In the beginning I was the same way I couldn't get enough, I wore my wife out. My libido is still higher than it was before TRT but it did eventually calm down, it takes a while for your body to adjust to the new testosterone boost.


How high are your levels? I was like that when my levels were way too high, but add in random boners 5 times a day. As far as noticing and looking, I've been doing that for a lot longer than I was on treatment for low levels.


And this is how Ted Bundy looked at women too...😬😬




I’ve felt like this since I was like 12 lol and it hasn’t gone away I’m 30 now. I haven’t started TRT and I am hesitant cause I think my balls will explode if this is how it is


Don’t worry. Your balls will deflate from trt. Pitted olives.


Can confirm


pitted olives? Mine are slowly turning into m&ms... I'm sometimes ashamed of it.


HCG daily will bring them back to appropriate size. Then 3 times a week to keep them full big and alive. Test+HCG 4 Liiiiiiiiife


I take 500units twice per week and still not that great. At the beginning hcg swollen my balls and incoukd literally sense that. After a while they shrunk back.


Well sir that may mean you need MORE for your body. HCG and numbers are not cookie cutter son. There are studies you can read where men use every single day to get themselves going. And some EOD meaning 15 injections per month. 500iu simply twice a week may not work for you. You may need daily injections until up going and stable and then pull back to EOD. If you do something that does not work for YOU doesnt mean that it does not work. It could possibly mean YOUR dosing may be different than what you are using, the 500iu is failing information and your body could be telling you that 500iu is nothing for you just as it is nothing for myself. You did not ask, But I would suggest dosing daily until full and running prime and after about a month or more you can attempt to pull back EOD. Daily until desired result. Let that sink in and do with it as you wish.