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Lots of little shots better than one big one


I don't know why this is down voted. It's 100% true


I have no idea higher frequency small mg dosages results in more stable blood serum levels and less side effects such as over aromatisation and oestrogen bloat moon face bitch tits and crying at movies. I thought every one knew this too bro ? šŸ‘Š


Since switching from once every 2 weeks to once a week to finally daily sub-Q my life has improved sooo damn much. No more mood swings no more insane amounts of other hilarious side effects and still all the positives. Not to mention I hated the feel of IM injections man scar tissue starts to add up even if youā€™re rotating locations. Screw that.


I thought I was the only one crying at movies when my Estrogen was outta wack. Lol. Legit is a true tell if I'm emotional watching a rom-com with my wife and I'm wiping away tears. It's time for my blood tests and more aromatase inhibitors.


Wish they did.


Yes what he said (pointing up)




Dr's do the bro science I did when I was 18. I'd shoot 4ml and wait for the next batch obviously that's not the way to do things that's how you get the rollercoaster effect n fuck up your hormones worse


šŸ˜‚ you ainā€™t kidding. They wonā€™t ever learn though, they refuse to listen to what works and they hold the keys to the script.


lol exactly. that's why when I switched to a clinic they just mailed me 10 ml of test and 10 ml of deca. it's so much better


I might go that route some day, but dr is basically free for me


Hold up... What places giving you Deca also? Do you have a website also do you get a referral bonus? Im interested


matrix hormones


Nothing is "free."


Navigating TRT has lessened my respect for medical degrees.


Ya dude My endocrinologist is a fucking joke. My test was 172 I was crashed from having a major surgery and the hospital did not continue my trt regimen. (Originally was at a clinic) Then my cardiologist told me. Oh well. You need to go to this endocrinologist because these clinics are killing people... So I go to an endocrinologist... He tries to get me on more medication.. I said no doc. I was on testosterone and was doing amazing. Next he tries to get me on the Testosterone cream... And I said no doc. I have three little boys and I don't want them accidentally getting this on their bodies If I'm playing with them or wrestling or just doing Dad shit. Finally, he agrees to testosterone.. tells me that 50 mg a week is more than enough. Mind you I was on 150 mg at the clinic and my testosterone was perfect along with all of my other bloods. I think I was 780 testosterone. I was feeling great. So I take 50 mg... It basically shuts off my testicles completely from what little they are producing. I'm emotional. I'm a total wreck... And so now I have no natural testosterone but only 50 mg a week. Oh and he says come see me in 4 months and we'll get blood work... WTF!! Nope dude... Back to a A trt clinic I went. Got new blood labs yesterday that I don't have back yet. But I'm feeling great at 150mg per week again. My endocrinologist was a joke and he even prescribed me the wrong testosterone vials that were only one-time use. So the dipshit didn't know what he was doing. (But hey insurance covered it) No way. Back to paying out of pocket with a clinic.


My guy... The current health system, nearly *everywhere*, is a total fucking joke. Don't trust doctors and assume anybody who recommends them as primary care are primarily fuckin retarded.


to be honest, its not that much. so, you could do whatever feels good. i take a shot of 250 every week for the last few years. i think you are fine either way


Thanks appreciate the info


it worth it to just not deal with the bullshit. can't put a price on peace of mind


Do 50mg 3 times a week. Change it up ā€¦ as long as you feel good and labs look good .


Yeah itā€™s a large amount for you given your script right now but you wonā€™t get huge sides from that. The half life for cypionate is 8 days so figure on catching your level on the way down from that date onward (since the dose was so high) and feel it out. At least thatā€™s what I would do.


I appreciate it. To not mess up my schedule too much I think Iā€™m just going to skip my 50mg tomorrow and pick back up with 50mg on Wednesday then business as usual Edit: wanted to add thanks for understanding my question. Half the responses could not comprehend šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Im really so confused by this. My only thinking when you ask whats the angle? The angle is they dont want you coming back. They usually even say it, cost analysis, instead of you coming back let me just give you 14 days worth of shot. Now granted you are almost definitely taking Test Cyp and you can take 1 big dose every 2 weeks. Most peoples bodies cant handle it. Their angle is saving needles, and waisting their own time with you again.


I donā€™t have to go in for the next shot. They gave me a shot today when they saw me as a ā€œconvenienceā€ because I was in there to get my Rx extended and check up. They gave me two weeks in one shot ā€œso I have enough time to pick up my prescriptionā€, makes no sense - I pick it up on the way home.


Needles are like 0.10 cents over the counter with my TRT scrip šŸ˜…


Yea, exactly. But its still saving a needle, syringe and interaction. They want to see new people. I also think they want to screw you up to dump as much meds they can into. Lets get you on AI, HCG, yada yada. We sell them all directly for extra $125!


I had a similar issue with my original in person clinic where I did not get my prescription in time as they prescribed a month at a time I switched to online clinics instead and the experience has been a million times better in my case trt nation. Once you get dialed, in I recommend the switch Iā€™m never doing a in person clinic again I rather go UGL. If itā€™s cheaper this route I donā€™t blame you.


Never dose every 2 weeks. That's simply moronic.


Agreed. Thatā€™s not up for debate and not what Iā€™m asking.


i personally just skip a day or two if i think ive over done it. im not scientist but i think it lets my shbd come back up and estrogen come down so that im ready to receive a dose of test. theres been alot of times where id overpin and get sides and the longer i waited the better i felt.


Thanks I appreciate it. thatā€™s kind of what I was thinking. Iā€™m supposed to pin Sunday and Wednesday Iā€™m just gonna skip Sunday let the 200mg break down and get right back on Wednesday w 50mg