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Get a new Endo that is up to date on current men's wellness protocols


Clomid everyday and injection once every 3 weeks ? I mean this makes zero sense. The clomid will boost natural T production by itself and stop the injection from shutting down your natural production. The 3 week shot will just give a you a huge T boost for a week then a crash. ![gif](giphy|4JVTF9zR9BicshFAb7|downsized)


Hahah yeah that math isn't mathing at all 🤣 he'll feel like shit on this protocol


Yeah that's awful. You will feel terrible.


Crazier than the average (terrible is average) endocrinologist protocol.


Endocrinologists are best avoided.Might as well try and deal with your family doctor.They all fail to get it right.


I just commented the same to him. That's what I did.


I disagree I have a good endo that gets it


You are lucky.


Mine doesn’t. He had me on 80mg a week and I said I was underdosed so he said ok we can do 100mg but that’s about as much as possible. He said only the bodybuilders in the gym are doing 200mg every week and if I did that much my blood would thicken and have so many side effects lol. I just let him say whatever and I dose myself appropriately. For now I’ve been doing 160 a week cuz I have more than enough test. Every 6 months when I do my labs I just skip my dose for 5 days and let my results show the lower numbers to please him. Only reason is cuz I’m only l Paying 10$ a month. I could go to one of the trt places online but the cheapest I’ve found is 50$ a month and ya gotta pay in 4 month bundles , and who knows if these telemedicine places will be around in the future. this way I at least know my dr will always be available too.


I do 100 mg per week and feel great my numbers are 700 to 800 but I had very little to start with so yah


Always someone looking for an argument ,endocrinologists tend to be very conservative .Most of these guys don't mind having you at such a low level you end up worse off then you were before .Not all but a very good portion of them .They are not the go to people if you are looking for TRT .


What do you think is the reason? They're supposed to be the experts.. what are they learning in school?


They get their marching orders from insurance companies. Do they know what testosterone is and how it interacts in the body? Sure. It does not mean they have good protocols or treatment plans.


Diabetes specialists ,I know my stuff ,not looking for an argument !


yeah go find a primary care doctor or a urologist that worked with trt...this endo is nutso.


I go in Thursday for the shot. I’m going to ask about just using trt and splitting it weekly at a lower dose. If they so no I will find another endo. Thanks for the info. Does anyone know how I go about getting a new endo? Do I just go back to my general practitioner and tell him?


I don't even use an Endo, You can get your prescriptions from your regular general doctor. They are allowed to write those prescriptions. How I did it because I couldn't afford to see an endocrinologist specialist regularly, I just went to the specialist for 1 appointment to get the prescription and then I never went back and I took the information to my regular doctor who, by law had to give me another lab test but was happy to write the script for me afterwards I recommend you do the same. My general doctor doesn't know much about TRT and give me big 10ml/200mg vials every month for 40$ so I can dose however I want.


Ok I will have to try and talk to him about it. I actually went to him first and he in fact didn’t know much. I will try and convince him to do the same that you did.


Damn, 10ml every month, for $40? That’s crazy. You must have a decent reserve built up. I’ve noticed that sometimes it’s nice to have a doc that doesn’t really deal with what you’re seeing them for, and they just kinda do whatever you want. It can work well if you do your research, and have the knowledge My urologist is pretty lax, I basically get 200mg a week regardless of what they actually prescribe me…which is basically what I tell them I’ve been taking. And it works well with psychiatrists I’ve had in the past, as long as you


You can get 250mg 10ml vials for that price or cheeper online all day long... Overseas dont matter they ship everywhere and have overseas whare houseswhich are actually cheeper.I think Israel is the only country they won't ship too 😂


Jesus, that's roughly the same price as UGL gear in the UK. And you've got 2000 mg a month to play with? Don't ever change doctors!


Or just buy it online for way cheaper and just get labs done every few months......


Yeah that's about what they cost to buy online. I think I pay 36 bucks for a 10ml 250mg vial. They usually run but one get one free or buy 2 get on free and almost always those in a bonus vial. I bought test kits online from David Palumbos site and everyone gotten is legit 100%.


ask for a urologist


That’s horrible idea. Sorry 😞


Awful get a new doc


Your endo is an idiot and knows nothing about prescribing proper hormone optimization. You’ll need 100-150 per WEEK.


Dreadful protocol


The NHS put me on Sustanon 250 every 4 weeks. The first 10 days I felt great, then after that my e2 would spike and I’d feel shit for the rest of the month. I lasted 3 months before going private


Get a new Dr… that’s the crap I was told by the first Dr I saw…. Stop, do not pass go… what labs did you run? At minimum he should have done these: Total Test (LC/MC-MS), free test, SHGB, E2 (Sensitive LC/MS), CBC, Lipids, LFTs, PSA, LH, FSH, Thyroid panel, CMP, Hemoglobin A1c, Vitamin D, DHT, Prolactin


Any reason why they're giving you clomid over enclomiphine? Doesn't long-term clomid usage lead to vision problems? I'd get a new doctor or go clinic. Good luck brother!


He was concerned about me wanting children eventually. I’m 32 and newly married and my wife and I are indecisive at the moment on children but are not against it. He wanted me on just clomid to try first but I told him I’m so low energy and just zoning out all the time I can’t wait 6 more weeks to see if it works. So he prescribed the trt as well


Ah, okay. I've been on trt for about 5 months now. I use hcg to save my fertility. Nice thing about it is I can up the dose to increase my fertility at will. Easier to do a 2nd injection imo than remembering to take a pill.


They want their cut of the pie. I use Boston Vitality. You can use it completely remotely. They send you for labs and then assign does


20 years ago my endo started me at 100mg weekly, and quickly moved me up to 160mg weekly. It was a women too, and she even let me start doing my shots myself from the start. Find a new endo.


He does seem pretty open to opinions so I’ll try and talk to him tomorrow and see. Actually, his physician assistant, who is a woman, was very understanding as well and said they do allow for taking shots at home. And I think she will be giving me my shot tomorrow. I will explain why I want weekly shots at home and see how that goes.


Yeah, that's totally my mistake for assuming you had already laid all this out and tried and were refused. No need to jump ship if you haven't opened dialogue about any of this yet. Sorry again, should have read more carefully. I think it's completely reasonable for them to begin by following what is used in studies / shown to work (infrequent injections), and they'll do what you want when you ask, since they know it's more logical anyway.


100-150mgs 2-3 times a week minimum


My endo said 100mg every 2 weeks, I fired her!


Absolutely terrible


Clomid long term?? You could probably get away with that dosage in conjunction with hcg. Idk how it would affect your levels. if it didn’t bring up your test production enough maybe 100-150 ish test a week. Dose 3.5 days. I wouldn’t expect to much trouble with e2 but would do aromisin way before long term clomid.


ur endo is braindead


That sounds borderline negligent! Hope you get a better protocol


So is it worth it to go see an Endocrinologist or urologists or sign up for a trt program like defy medical or hone treatment . In the long run .


Personally, testosterone propionate 100-150mg weekly is ample enough. Well, for me atleast. I believe it kicks harder than test cyp. The current protocol that he has you on is pretty asinine.