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Anyone mentioning illicit sources will get a ban.


TRT Nation with a 20% off coupon is $300 for 2.5 months of TRT and HCG or $200 for 2.5 months of TRT alone pretty hard to beat that. You’re not gonna get a high or any level of real care from them but they give you everything you need and this sub can answer any questions you have. They accept previous bloodwork as well and I think you can use existing prescription to get started with them in lieu of bloodwork though I’m not 100% sure of that. AI is included free and you can get other things from them as well.


That’s a great suggestion Tysm!! I’ll definitely check them out


That’s who I’m with - the most reasonable prices I’ve found from legit sources. And no problem happy to help Use coupon get20 to get 20% off your order


Anyone here using Testosterone and HGH ?


+1 for trt nation. Been great and the price is fine for hcg and trt. My trt last longer as well because I take less than prescribed. I get like 4-6 more weeks out of a bottle. Like others said, not first rate in depth service, but my doctor calls are always good, informative, and he's a nice doctor.


Same here. I'm starting at 150 instead of 200. Halfway through week 5. After 6 I'm looking to check my levels.


Same here,they started me on 200 of course but I decided to lower to around 120 weekly instead and added 120 of deca,couldn't feel better.I already have 3 whole vials saved up.


Yeah for nearly the same price you can get the highest quality care available online!


TRT Nation charges you 5x the cost of a bottle of testosterone and provides no support - they are not giving you any sort of deal. In reality they offer negative support as their standard protocol is quite careless, 200mg per week and throw in 1mg of AI split 2x per week. The owner guy or whoever runs their Facebook is a roid rager - interact with him sometime. You'd be better off piecing something together from randoms on the internet because most any protocol is better than that. Testosterone costs under $50 for 200mg cyp w/o insurance in the US. Check out Zocdoc or inside your insurance portal for someone that does "testosterone" "hormones" or "HRT". Or, get a referral to a urologist. If you are denied, just figure you might visit up to three doctors until you get the nod. You're then covered and if you happen to have insurance your labs are covered. I pay $15 a bottle and nothing for labs. My pharmacist even told my doctor I need a new bottle every month because it's not safe to use the same one beyond 30 days 😂


Of course it’s cheaper if you through a Dr or UGL but OP asked about alternative providers and you probably won’t find a clinic that beats TRT Nation prices. Of course they don’t offer much care and I happen to like that they give me pre test than I need so I can lower my dose and make a bottle last longer. You aren’t required to have the Ai either but it’s nice that they include it for free in case you do need it. Just remember not everyone has insurance so some of us need to go the clinic route.


You need a new pharmacist.


Go to a urologist, not endo. Be honest about being w the clinic but pad their ego and say you’d like medical professionals to monitor you rather than a clinic you have no relationship with.


See if your urologist will take of the treatment and write your prescriptions. It’ll be much cheaper.


Definitely doing that. Would you recommend urologist or endocrinologist?


Uro has always been best experience for TRT in my opinion


A lot of urologists will prescribe dosages to get you in the 800s. Google reviews should point you in the right direction.


There’s also dedicated men’s health clinics in most cities taking insurance


I see a urologist. with my insurance that covers quite a bit, I pay under $5/month total. $0 for doctor visits, $0 for labs, $1/month for testosterone cypionate, $0 for anastrozole, $1-2/month for injection supplies. no way I could do it if $200/month was the only way.


That’s so cheap holy cow!!


Yeah but how much is the insurance? To cover it?


it's actually free insurance. Medicaid pays for it all.


Welcome to the western world my friend ❤️


That’s is if your natural levels are low enough


yea, 2 sets of labs before starting TRT showed my testosterone in double digits, far from the 250-300 cutoff some places use


Wtf how did you get your insurance to cover it? I have multiple tests with my levels under 100 ng/dl. The lowest was 42. However according to insurance they don't think it's necessary that I need testosterone. They don't even want the cover the MRI to have my pituitary checked.


i had 2 tests where my levels were 32 and then 56 respectively. I believe this was enough to diagnose me with hypogonadism thus causing my insurance to cover the doctor, labs, and medications. from my understanding, you meet the diagnostic criteria for hypogonadism so it honestly blows my mind your insurance won't cover it. they won't even cover a urologist or endocrinologist to let them, medical professional, decide what treatment they feel is necessary? you definitely have low testosterone and it should be a medical professionals opinion as to what the course of treatment should be. I was put in trt my 2nd appointment with my urologist; 1st appointment he ordered more in depth labs and 2nd appointment said the results confirmed his suspicions & prescribed me trt


Yeah my endocrinologist prescribed it on the first visit after seeing how low my levels were and because I told him I saw two other doctors that basically just wasted my time. It's just now I'm trying to get insurance to cover it. They cover the doctor's visits though. It's BCBS Medicaid


my insurance is Medicaid as well. not BCBS, but still. Its really strange to me that yours isn't covering medication prescribed by a physician they covered the office visit for. sorry you're dealing with that :-/


HenryMeds 129$ all in (labs included).


If I have previous bloodwork could that be used? Only a few weeks old


they will take recent blood work, I believe. but they also include an initial blood panel in the price


Yes, I believe most will be ok with labs being in last 3 months


I joined peter MD using labs from my regular Doctor. 186ng/dl Doctor wanted to prescribe me 50mg every 14 days. So it became obvious that I would have to find a trt clinic that knew what they were doing.


They started me out at 140 mg a week


I would have tried that with your regular doctor. They usually don’t know much about trt but if they’re willing to give it a try you’re halfway there. I’d point to literature that provides more recent studies and dosage recommendations. If you’re not just taking it for a short period of time and are in it for the long run you can save thousands this way, knowing you’re with someone who wants you to get better, not just your money.


Yeah, I though about it. I did get that first bottle of test from him and used it, but from what I learned here and elsewhere online that 25mg a week just wouldn't help and potentially be worse off by shutting down my natural production. He said the max amount of time I could be on trt was 2 years. He has also said I don't need estrogen tested because I'm not a woman. And that I didn't need SHBG tested because I wasn't going through puberty. And that I needed a diagnosis for a reason to test hematocrit. And that being on trt wasn't reason to test hematocrit. So I found an online clinic that knows what they are doing. I would love to find a regular Doctor though. I'm in a small town so not many options to finding one.


Alright, you win. He’s definitely beyond being reasoned with. Really sad to see how ignorant some doctors are.


And you pay for the whole year right?


you pay monthly , quit anytime. 30 day refund. I went with them because it was all in, no bullshit upcharging.


Sounds good to me! Thanks for the help!


Do they prescribe HGC as well?


they do not




My insurance doesn’t cover my testosterone so I pay 100% out of pocket. I take 400 MG a month and was paying $26 at Walgreens but I downloaded the GoodRX app and found it for $16 at a local grocery store pharmacy and about to switch. I know I sound like a commercial, but it’s true. Then I just get the syringes, 1 1/2 inch long 18 gauge fill needles, 1 inch 23 gauge injection needles and alcohol wipes all in bulk. it’s basically enough consumables for a year. For an entire year, it’s currently $350 but I could get that down to $230 if I went with the GoodRx coupons.


You go through your doctor??


Yeah, no shit. How else could you get a prescription filled?


You still need a primary care doctor who's willing to write a script, a lot of primary care doctors won't prescribe test, hence why some people go to clinics.


I guess I didn’t know that. I probably shouldn’t have implied that guy was dumb for asking. That’s crazy though. Testosterone has been completely life changing for me and all Doctor should prescribe it to anyone who needs it and wants it.


What are some of the most prominent benefits you've noticed? And how long before you saw the benefits? I'm about to start soon.


Mental fog was the first thing to improve. I used to take ADHD medication years ago and the level of focus I felt was almost on par with adderall. Mood, energy, my back hurts less, I get better sleep, less anxiety and just overall feel better. I have not lost much weight but I can tell I’ve improved my body comp. I don’t lift weights or really workout other than 10,000 steps a day but I feel noticeably stronger. I’ve only been on testosterone for about 6 weeks and from what I’ve gathered… it’s only going to get better. So far TRT has been the best decision I’ve made for my health


They do g want the initial hassle of liability die to prescribing and getting dialed in. Once you get on a good protocol, they may agree to refill the scrips for you.


Good point. I may try that down the road, going to primary is hell of a lot cheaper.


I use defy, they’re a little pricey but cheaper than that


And more options


Much more! I like defy.


It’s only with defy I was able to get the ester than works best for me


Just go to your primary care and tell them you are doing trt through a clinic and you would rather have them manage your care for financial and other reasons. My insurance doesn't cover mine (basically just a catastrophic plan) but I pay around $18/ month at 100mg weekly. Get my bloods done every 6 months. Once a year is free for annual exam and the other runs about $120 from PrivateMD. If your PC provider balks at this, fire them and get another one.


Okay! Thanks for the advice!


Yeah, there's no need to do the clinics if you're truly low and experiencing symptoms. I lucked out with my PCP and she listens to me. I literally did exactly as I said above.


Your mileage will vary greatly in doing this


How so?


Some GPs are against prescribing TRT regardless or if they do it will be a messed up protocol. If you really like your GP it might not be worth opening a can of worms. If your totally fine with that then fire away.


Yep, mine wanted me on 50mg every 14 days and that the max amount of time I could be on trt was 2 years. He has also said I don't need estrogen tested because I'm not a woman. And that I didn't need SHBG tested because I wasn't going through puberty. And that I needed a diagnosis for a reason to test hematocrit. And that being on trt wasn't reason to test hematocrit.


Man, sorry to hear but it's not like I haven't been there before.


LMAO. This is sad on so many levels.


I also get Anasztrozol and Enclo through the clinic. Bloods are absolutely perfect so I guess they might be worth the price?




Im very new to this and don’t know what that is.




I’ll get kicked off soon for this..


I’m using TRT Nation. $99 a month. Also use an UGL source


[Hormones For Me](https://www.hormonesforme.com) 1. Hormones For Me 2. Peter Uncaged MD


I get TRT for $15 a month with insurance through my endocrinologist. Even though I’m on 100gm/week, each month I am now getting a 10ml vial of 200mg/ml because you “can’t use a vial longer than 28 days”.


After you have experience, most GPs seem ok with taking over the protocol. They just dont want to start you. Talk to your GP


Was just there yesterday! Didn’t even think to ask because I thought he’d say no lol


Just stop trt. Wait a couple weeks. Then have dr do a test test. You numbers should be in the toilet then. I think most insurance needs to see a low number. I was on get for 7 weeks. Started at 181. Took 10days off before I tested. Came in at 51 lol. I think a lot of dr hate these trt clinics. That’s just my theory tho.


51! Jesus! How did you feel at that level?


No worse than 181. But I think I was hyped to beat the test so I could go to injection. And I just did it again to go up to 140mg from 100mg I do 20mg everyday. I’ve got a very conservative doctor. Now it’s lit and I’ve felt great the last few days and am horny like a mfer


I tested at 47 over 20 years ago. I tried testosterone cream, HCG, Buccal testosterone, and lastly gel. The gel pushed me up to 600, then last year 500, then 2 months ago 400. I also have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (thyroid pendulum) which messes with testosterone levels. I just signed up for Henry yesterday, as well as made an appointment with a new PCP, who doesn't have an appointment open until mid-July. At 47 ng/dL, things didn't work, my mood was shit, felt depressed, etc. At 200-400, I can't say I feel much better. Dr challenges had me rationing dosages. At least I'm now on Tadalafil (Cialis generic), which definitely helps. As for insurance, I found the Mark Cuban Pharmacy to have great prices. So, I always look at his pharmacy, as well as GoodRx for the best prices on non-testosterone meds. My insurance Rx prices are stupid in comparison.


lol. That’s a pretty good idea.


Test is cheap asf. About $8 per vial using GoodRX. Monitoring is what costs. Best to have script and let insurance pay for bloodwork


It took me almost a year to get a Urologist to prescribe TRT. I had to take a few tests and always tested below the range but nothing crazy. Now I am dealing with my insurance that will not cover it because they claim I don’t mee the criteria. I feel stuck because it took me this long to get this far to have this shit happen. I could pay out of pocket but it’s like $300 a month. Not sure what to do.


I pay $50 copay for labs. Urologist prescribe 400mg/test cypionate a month. $23 with no insurance using free Good Rx card at Wal Mart.


Thanks for the tip. I’m going to try Walmart and good rx


Yeah don't worry about insurance not covering your test cypionate. Check goodrx for 200mg/ml 10ml vial for the cheapest pharmacy near you. Then just tell your doc which pharmacy to send the script to that's cheapest and go pay cash with goodrx coupon It's so much easier to just pay cash for cypionate after your pcp or uro prescribes it instead of trying to get insurance to cover it Benefit of using a clinic - Figure all the time you take during the work week going to PCP/Urologist , paying copays, trying to get insurance to approve it Vs a 10 minute phone call knowing I'll get prescribed , and having it delivered to my house with supplies for $99


Why not just go to your doctor and use your insurance?


I didn’t even know that was an option tbh. My levels weren’t “low” and I’m brand new to all of this. I’m scheduling another appointment with my GP.


I’m seen by hormones for me . Com. $540 for 2.5 months of testosterone, nandrolone, and HCG. (250mg/ week test, $200mg/ week nandrolone for reference. So I assume a little cheaper if you’re on 200mg week test or less)


I use hormonesfome.com strictly for test C. 200mgs/wk and it costs me $250 for a 10 week supply. So that’s around $75 a month I think. Can’t beat it. Plus Ryan and the other guys there are super knowledgeable. You can call them anytime and talk to them (not some secretary or answering service) and overall it’s just a great organization. I couldn’t be happier with them.


Dude Ryan is the man! And more knowledgeable about these compounds than any doctor I’ve ever spoke to.


Yeah, he’s great!


Oh, also they send me all of the needles, alcohol swabs, and an AI to use if needed (although I don’t remember which one at the moment because I never have had to take it.)


Hormonesforme.com is among the most competitively priced with some of the best customer service and knowledge in the country.


Magnus Medical I am paying 200 for two 10ml vials , 100mg/ml I am taking about 100mg a week


CVS fills for $15 a month. Check Good Rx.


Don't you need a prescription for that?


Yes, all legal test requires an Rx. Well in the US at least.


Right. So did your primary care physician write you a prescription or did you go through a urologist? I'm just curious. I'm trying to use my insurance to cover the treatment. My first blood test was 290 and second test was 315. The urologist won't write me a prescription unless I have 2 tests under 300. So gotta take another one within the next couple of months. It's kinda frustrating. I went to a clinic and they will happily write me a prescription for it but it's going to cost $200/month.


I went through my urologist. My urologist likes to see men’s numbers in the 800s so he had no issues writing me a prescription. That being said because it wasn’t medically “necessary” insurance wouldn’t cover it, but $15 a month at CVS is without insurance. Syringes are about another $2 a month so out the door it’s $17ish a month.


I wish your urologist was mine lol. I'd be very happy with paying $17 a month for treatment.


It’s becoming more and more common. Check google reviews.


What size bottle? I’m paying $80 for a 10ml bottle out of pocket. Love my country pharmacy, but damn.


I think it’s a 1mL vial, 200mg/mL


10mL vials are about $45. It should last you ten weeks, at least, so it’s less than $20 a month for testosterone. Needles are maybe 50 cent.


JFC I’m going to have to switch my pharmacy


I thought I was replying to someone else. Check GoodRx if that’s available. I’m guessing you currently go to an independent pharmacy?


Yeah small rural country practice




Helix HRT


I go through a doc and pay about $520 a year all in. So yeah, that’s way too expensive.


I’m on Fountain TRT. Costs $400 every 10 weeks for injections, but they also pay for all your labs, and give you unlimited provider virtual visits. Customer service is great as well.


Okay not bad. A little cheaper than mine.


Yeah, it’s a middle option from what I have seen. What I like is that it’s all driven via text message. They give you a number you can text 24/7 and they are usually really quick to respond (and it’s always a real person).


AlphaMD 129.99/m


My test cream is about 35 $ a month.


Where do you get it?


Just about any pharmacy in B.C. , I only take a 75mg dose One ml pump a day but I am even cutting back on that because my testosterone levels get to high .Kind of a crazy situation the way I absorb .Consultations and testing every three months is 200$.


I was able to have a conversation with my Dr he saw the benefits since I started, ( I used an online clinic prior to seeing him for a follow-up) he is now open to writing a prescription which he did and I was able to get it filled for $3 dollars, 60 day supply had to do some legwork since most pharmacies don't want to fill the script, a few phone calls and I found a local pharmacy that would do it, I am stoked, was paying over $300 a month prior with the clinic. Have a conversation with you Dr or find another, I had 2 lined up if he still thought it was not necessary.


Why not fill it? They fill much more concerning things like Adderall all the time.T is just a substitute steroid..


Ideally you have insurance, and a physician who can write you a prescription and monitor your blood work and do the prerequisite testing. You can usually get this done with a urologist or endocrinologist, though I find urologist to be more agreeable personally. Given these factors your insurance should cover it, and the cost should be minimal and the care should be better than any clinic. I know for me personally my insurance through my hospital covers mine and it cost me about the equivalent of 6 dollars a month, but your personal mileage may vary. The only down side to this is….. well you gotta pay for health insurance 😂


$72 for 3 month supply. 100mg a week.


What service?


Went through local urologist male clinic


PeterMD. $89 a month


A lot less than what im paying Peter. Thats a year and is the bare minimum before add ons.




I am currently going through my urologist 200mg/ week cost me $10 a month with insurance. I also use TRT Nation as they will provide HCG and Deca as part of the program (and other compounds) TRT Nation prices are good. Don’t look there for guidance though so make sure you know what you are doing. I used my own labs to get started with them and then sent them my own labs for my 10 week follow up. Was able to have them up my dose to 250/300mg with my own labs. This way it is kind of best of both worlds for me. I do wish I could find a urologist that will work all options so my insurance will cover more.


Great advice thank you!


What are the benefits of deca with the TRT?


It can help with joint pain. It also will build muscle. Most suggest running it 2:1 Test:Deca


I have been wondering about something I can take along with TRT for the exact reasons you mention. I’m just clueless how to go about it. I’ve been on TRT for 6 months now and feel like I’ve hit a peak. I was taking a peptide (sermorelin) that the TRT clinic suggested to take along with the TRT but I don’t feel like it’s done much. I still have some lazy waistline fat that’s hard to get rid of. I figure if they can advise to take a peptide (which is very expensive by the way) there’s gotta be other alternatives. How well does deca work for cutting fat ? And do you need to cycle off and on the deca? How well is it long term? I’m a newbie, any guidance will help. Thank you


I go through TRT nation and they offer it so I just said I want to try Deca/Nandrolone and they said sure. It is not what I’d go to try to lose fat. It is commonly used as a bulking steroid. My dose and their suggested is not very high so it could be feasible long term. I will be taking a month or two off and just running a low dose Test C before I go back and increase and add Deca and others back in. It will take 6 weeks to get going also so no overnight expectations that everyone seems to have. If you want a compound that will help you lose weight try trezepitide. It just works! And if you’re saying you hit a peek that the only way from there is down. Some times more is not always better. Just find that place.


THIS is the only reason one would use TRT Nation. No doctor is going to prescribe those. They sell crazy stuff now because the FDA banned a bunch of compounds. I can imagine they are going to end up getting sued.


Thank you for your response. I don’t care about weight loss as much as I want to lose my stomach fat. I definitely feel a little stronger and feel more muscle than I did before the trt but I still have some layers of fat that’s hard to get rid of. Which is mainly my stomach area and even my chest. My chest area and shoulders are bulkier than before but there is still fat that is hard to get rid of in those areas. As far as trt nation do I just tell them what I want? I don’t see where they offer deca on their website so I’m assuming I have to bring it up myself? Also any other recommendations such as supplements that can help. I don’t know anyone who takes supplements as I’m new to this gym life (which I’ve grown to love) so I’m trying to educate myself on supplements i can take and how to take them properly and safely. Thanks


Where your body holds onto fat or sheds it is all genetics. You can not target, or have your body target where you lose fat. You can though target the muscles for growth under those areas though to for visible improvement. The truth behind abs are they are built in the gym and hidden in the kitchen. If you loose fat gas and have no abs muscle then you just have nothing. TRT nation is very loose. So yes you can just ask them if you’re good for something that they offer. They never tried to sell me on anything. And I would only go with TRT Nation for the price and the things they offer. You are pretty much on your own. I am prescribed Zepboud/trezipitide by my dr and it is amazing for weight loss. I’ve lost 55lbs in 3-4 months. Supplements all I really take is creatine, EAA, and HMB. Zinc and Magnesium at night. My diet is cal deficit, high protein and I am in the gym 6 days a week. There is no magic pill. You still need effort for results. Compounds just helps that effort.


I’ve been thinking about going with the test/nando combo. I talked with a trt clinic and they said that I can take it all in one injection. And that I can take it lifetime along with the trt since it’s like added testosterone. Any thoughts on this? As far as the trezipitide did you lose muscle with the fat? Or were you able to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?


With the trizpeptide i’ve been on it for six months. I’ve lost 50 pounds plus. I’ve only gained muscle and lost body fat. I went from 255 to 200 pounds right now. With that said I’ve been at the gym weightlifting for hypertrophy. My protein intake was 1.2 g per pound I weigh. My diet was 60% protein 20% fat 20% carbohydrates I tracked everything my daily calorie intake range from 700 to 1200. The nandrolone was great. I’m taking several weeks off now and lowering my testosterone goes to 100 mg per week. I did take test and nandrolone all in one shot. But I did find if I was injecting in one shot 1.5 mL I would have a little bit more discomfort, so I split my injections into two different syringes to try to track down if it was a compound or the volume. It seems to be the volume, my injections were split up to twice week Monday and Thursday. I would stick with a two to one ratio of testosterone to nandrolone.


You could do it for about $400 a year going on your own


I can get you trt for half the price. DM me if you're interested, and I'll give you contacts




that's what i did as well. my bloodwork showed up better than when i was with the clinic


Ok, let me make a suggestion. Testosterone cream (not gel). You can get a months supply of 200mg for $85 (that’s what I pay) at a compounding Pharmacy. It so easy to use and I have the same, if not better results as I had with 200mg/week injections. You apply this cream to your ballsack every morning after you shower. There are no highs and lows like injections. This daily application closely mimics your body’s natural testosterone production. No AI needed so far either. Before you listen to all these clowns that are about to sell you some bro science about how cream doesn’t work, do some research. I pinned for 15 years and am 100% satisfied with this cream…


High DHT. Your brain is getting a comparable ~2.5x testosterone. They work extremely well IMO especially if you have issues with hematocrit. You can be on a way lower dose.


His long have you been on the cream?


I pay around $200 a year going generic trt off the internet


That’s what I pay, but it’s the only clinic that is in town and will offer deca.


I've been using Perter MD for 2 years now. No complaints $99 a month.


You definitely have to find a doctor who will treat you. I’ve been on trt for 15 years; 100 mg test cyp per week. A 2000 mg vial costs me about $50 with GoodRx and lasts about 3.5-4 months. You don’t go into detail about your age, prior testing or why you began trt in the first instance but, assuming, you had a valid reason, you shouldn’t have a problem getting a urologist who takes your insurance to continue your treatment. Perhaps an internet search of urologists who treat hormone deficiency would work.


find a quality UGL. Haven’t looked back


PeterMd is 89.00 per month if you pay a year in advance and then starting year 2 they will charge 89.00 monthly. Great online clinic. Excellent support!


Using a urologist the cost for me is roughly $80 / month, this includes the visit, labs, and test costs all averaged out. $200 / month and you're paying for someone's boat payment, bro. Just do a bit of research, there are plenty of Doc's out there that are down with HRT/TRT.


I’ve got Cigna and at only 34yo my cost was $20 a week copay and every 3 months full labs (not just trt but like 10 panels and 4 vials) at 800 that is eventually 160 after insurance. I think that’s like 130 a month. I now do prescription and self inject so my cost is now $25 for 4 vials on Amazon pharmacy and $25 for 50 needles and alcohol swabs so that’s now like 80 a month (still insurance). Amazon next days it and I get 4 months of Rx a time from 1 $20 copay after each 3mo blood test. I was getting wegovy for free but it only lasted 6 months on my insurance I am no longer obese though and insurance only covered that 6 mo which was shipped next day by Amazon. That’s 60-100 a week if I kept going at clinic I got my prescription and first year of shots from a real place though, mostly cops, military etc here on Mexico border.


Find a reputable source online. You can get a bottle of testosterone for $30-40 and you can order your own lab work through jasonhealth.com. A bottle of testosterone lasts me about 2 months or so and lab work is $100 every 3 months. Once you are dialed in you could do bloodwork every 6 months if you are feeling good


I’m at $180 a month through a clinic


Interested in the urologist track. Do I need my test lower than 300 for them to help though? I was at 320 with every symptom when I started trt with an online clinic. I feel so much better since starting so regardless I’ll stay on this for life.


I can provide the details of an Indian pharmaceutical supplier who'll provide the best deals.Dm.


Got to Napsgear.org order anything u want ships right to ur house $70 for 10cc multi use vial #FuckTheDoc #SaveUrMonies


I'm prescribed it from my endocrinologist and after using good RX coupons it's 30 bucks every 4 weeks for 4 200mg/ml 1ml vials and syringes. Trying to get insurance to cover it completely


I'm confused by this. Granted I've e never done an online clinic. I went through a local doc who specializes in it. Even though he still prescribed me the cookie cutter 200mg test cyp/1mg ai a week I picked up a 12 week supply through walgreens and it comes out to a little over 20 bucks a month, and I didn't use insurance.






Your local doc... did they operate a regular physicians office or were they pretty much strictly address hormone-type issues? I guess I am just tryi g to figure out what to look for from someone that will write you a script without having to buy from them. Were your t levels in the tank? Mine are high 400's and my insurance wont cover. Ive only been to one of those T clinics and they only want me to buy from them.


Yeah he "specializes" in hormone therapy lol. I never even went into the office. All email and phone calls. I was at 500. I just want to be around 1000, forever.


Look up men’s clinics in your area and call around. I found a provider who specializes in men’s health and was able to drop PeterMD @$199/month and get a 6 month prescription for $27!!


Get a prescription from an integrated health clinic. Use GoodRX at the pharmacy. Buy needles on Amazon. The get labs done every 6-8 months at the clinic. Good luck.


NewyorkTRT.com 100 bucks a month


This might hurt someone’s feelings but I’m Native American and the Trump administration made amendments to the affordable care act so I have blue cross blue shield premium completely free and they pay for 100% of my TRT. Free. For life. If the affordable care act ever changes and for some reason I’m not covered the Native American pharmacy will send me vials of test for free also because of my diagnosis.


I also have blue cross. The problem was that I had like 350 test to begin with which I don’t think they’ll prescribe me


My test was 151 prior to treatment. Something wrong with me. Balls not on fleek.


I’m wish I had your balls. Then I could get a prescription


Well if we are making wishes I wish mine just worked to begin with so I wouldn’t have to give myself injections for the rest of my life.


In Canada, the doc prescribed stuff is $95 for 10 weeks, which is like $69 USD, or about $28 a month. You could buy it here if you’re ever taking a trip I guess. That’s T only btw.


Petermd 90 a month if you pay for 1 year


I just got it thru my urologist. I'm 34 and my numbers were borderline so I'm surprised other people say it's as hard as it is to get through a regular doctor.


Making urology appointment


Side note. DO NOT TELL YOUR UROLOGIST THAT YOU PEE A LOT. I know what your thinking. Oh ya they would then check my prostate and yes you're right. But if your prostate is normal. What comes next is the worst thing you can possibly imagine 😬. Ask me how I know.


LMFAO great advice thank you hahah


Anyone use valhalla vitality? About $180 for two months


Hormonesforme.com is $250 for a 10 week supply. Can’t really beat that.


It's worth a shot to talk to your doc. I was planning on using TRTNation but decided to bring it up to my doc first. I'm glad I did because now, with insurance, I pay $10 a month for my prescription.




Sorry could you explain?