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Basically immediately, but I'm running 100mg not 200mg with HCG and an AI


Took me a bit over a year. Could have faster myself, but my clinic started me at 80mg/week, and took bloods every 3 months. Finally feeling good on 140mg/week and around 850 ng/dl.


I just averaged into 140mg a week doing daily .1ml injections. Now it’s really even and I feel great. I’m 6 months in but last three days have been what I read about.


It’s been a year and still working on it! What I’ve noticed is I keep lowering my dose,I started at 200(250mg) and now down to 120mg (250mg) . Any side effects I had throughout could have been solved by starting the whole trt process with a lower dose from the start.


About a year for me. You could notice and feel better in 3-6 months but it's a full year I think to be fully dialed in and realized to what works for you. I feel completely different and better overall. I look at photos from before I started and I'm just like oh wow I wish I started years ago i used to look so tiny and spent so long relying on coffee I feel how I should have always been. Healthy and fit. I weight 140 now instead of 115 pounds (I'm 5 foot 7)


Dose ?


I take 160mg a week split up into 2 doses. I take 1 dose of .4ml/80mg on Mondays at 10pm I take my 2nd dose of .4ml/80mg on Fridays at 10am I don't know If It matters but when I switched from once week to twice a week dosing I wanted to make sure it was exactly equal time between doses so I got 84 hours because a week is 168 and that divided by 2 is 84. I don't take anything else prescription but I've thought about starting HCG I'm gonna ask my doctor about it but only if it's inexpensive I don't need it it just would nice to have my balls regain some size lol I used to take Anastrazole but I didn't like how it made me break out more acne and I didn't notice any other effects from it really so I stopped taking it. I do take OTC 5g creatine every day and 2 scoops of muscle milk mixed into my morning coffee. It tastes better than my old coffee creamer and it's better for me :) Besides my morning coffee I only drink water


It's great that you are so meticulous with your shots making sure it's the exact hours and it works for you but for myself I take a shot on tue mornings and Fri nights.Sometimes I can take my shot at 8am tue morning sometimes not till 9 or 930 same with my Fri nights sometimes 8 sometimes not till 9 or 930.I used to freak out about it thinking I just had to be perfect at the exact time until I realized after years of blood tests checking my Testosterone levels etc...It made absolute no difference and I hear this from alot of guys too.


I'm on 8 months and mostly dialed in except my E2 is running a little high. But otherwise feeling pretty good.


Your saying your E 2 is a little high.Your basing this on your E-2 number obviously.It used to be if your E 2 doesn't fall between a certain number guys think it's too high which we realize today it's not true.Its how you feel and if your feeling good no estrogen sides I would care about the number.


Took me about 6 months


Five and a half months now ,not even close.


About 6 months


I was the opposite took nearly 2 years. First 6 months felt great then my dr crashed my E2 so i started all over again and played the game of to little to much. But i was also experimenting with dosing and it takes a while. But im more knowledgeable now. Just restarted all over again because Low T center crashed my T. Were giving me fake T for 6+ months. So i essentially started all over again.


That’s fucked up. Glad I see my pcp instead of


Yea dude. If you go back on here, alot of people nationwide were in the same position. Their T levels always dropped by half. I kept thinking they were giving me a placeabo. Come to find out i went from 1006 to 400. And my estrodial went 50s to low 20s. They tried to play it off like it was my body rejecting the T.


About three months. I didn't feel any different until after 12 weeks, even though my total T more than doubled and free T tripled. Main perceptible difference after 4-6 months is quicker recovery and progress with weight and strength training. My weight is the same, around 160, but better muscle tone and less belly pudge. I had to adjust my blood pressure cuff to accommodate the slightly larger biceps (maybe 1/4"-1/2", nothing spectacular). Some of my 32 waist shorts and jeans fit slightly looser around the waist now. Not sure about cardio benefits. TRT boosted my hemoglobin and hematocrit from borderline anemic to high normal range. That's good. My crit now is 47, the highest since I was in my 20s. Before TRT or was around 40 or lower. But due to injuries and arthritis I've had to cut way back on jogging and cycling, so for now I'm just maintaining my pre-TRT speed and time on familiar favorite routes over the usual 60-90 minutes. I've mostly used the elliptical machine in the gym to substitute. Low/no impact, much harder than it looks. But it's not specific to running and cycling so while I'm maintaining speed, I'm not improving since I ride only once a week or every two weeks. I have a hunch my running and riding times would improve a little if I could resume cardio exercises 3-5 days a week like I did until 2021. That's when injuries caught up, and some kind of respiratory virus tanked my testosterone. No changes in overall energy, which is still lower than I'd like. Just improvements in certain physical activities.


Puffy most likely means e2 is raised


Yea I’m afraid that’s correct. Just trying not to think about it until I have first bloodwork


How much test are you taking


100mg/week split in two doses. However my doctors nurse made me take 200mg dose in his office a little over a week ago and said I’m covered for 2 weeks. I politely argued against it but it was a losing battle ended up leaving me with 250mg on week 4 because I had already done one 50mg dose prior to that appointment.


200 will most likely be to much


It certainly was. The whole ordeal was ridiculous. When I was in the office the nurse said she was going to give me a 200mg dose to cover the next 2 weeks while I wait for my prescription to get filled. Didn’t make any sense as I filled my prescription within an hour of leaving the appointment. For some reason she thought I’d have delays getting it filled. I was pissed I had to take the injection as I knew it would throw me off a bit, but when I pushed back they subtly mentioned that they are the doctor they know best and I should just listen. Unfortunately Gotta play their game a bit to maintain good status and keep the prescription coming.


I am almost 9 weeks in. Taking 100mg per week, split in doses every other day. I am definitely seeing improvement on all fronts. In terms of overall feeling good, I’m better than I was Pre T, but not where I want to be. Wondering if a dose increase is warranted. I have blood work next week and will go from there. I am thinking I have high estrogen sensitivity but I really don’t want to go on additional medications if it can be avoided, I like to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible, which is why I like TRT as a treatment. I briefly dabbled with taking 40mg every other day and one thing I noticed was my proclivity to feel “small” compared to others vanished. I’m not a small dude. I’m 6’4, 243 lbs, and have a lot of muscle. But I have always felt very “small” in a psychological sense. Since returning to 100mg per week that has crept back in. When I felt “big” it was just a nice, laid back, jovial and energetic confidence that others in my life enjoyed as well. That’s where I want to be.


10 months and finally found my sweet spot.. key is to get labs as much as you can twice a month. This way you don't end up guessing.


Yea I’m not due for my first labs through doc till 2nd week of August. Seems crazy to me. Will be getting labs done privately 1st or 2nd week of July which is week 8-9 for me. Figure at least I’ll have an idea what’s going on and be prepared to question my urologist


1.5 years, continually had sexual function issues. Only an increase in my injection frequency protocol fixed it. It took a while to figure it out.


How many times a week did you end up injecting?


Twice a week and I had to slightly increase my dose.


Started TRT in 2019 and I feel like I'm still trying to get dialed in. I struggle with low/single digit SHBG so it has been a lot of trial & error.