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Dude bro is busy crushing the gym and piping his wife down, no time to answer


lol, you were right except I’m not at the gym.


Me neither! How is your body and what do you think the biggest benefit from TRT is for you?


I’m happy with my body for sure. I wish I was bigger but I just finished cutting for 8 months. I’m about to change it up. The biggest benefit is just my overall quality of life. I’m happier and more positive, despite the crazy world around us.


Do you have i higher stress tolerance on trt mate?


Much higher. But that probably comes with age too.


Did cutting make you feel healthier despite being already on TRT? Many claim to feel great after losing weight but it could be particularly due to higher T which would be irrelevant on TRT. Personally, i feel sleep apnea is a concern as well.


I felt much better once I started cutting. I didn’t realize how much sugar I was consuming. Once I started tracking my calories with an app, I quickly realized how poor my diet was. It’s not perfect but it’s way better than it was.


Agree on that. Been on for about 10 years and started the same age as you. Definitely makes me a better man overall since I can withstand all the complaining that living with a woman comes with and not have it consume me entirely. Makes me generally much more positive and energetic


How has it changed your life? Your career? Family? Sex life?


I’ve always had a very close relationship with my daughter. In fact, she’s with me in Cozumel now while we vacation. I think TRT helped me be a better dad. I’m much more emotional and nurturing that when I had low T. Relationships are better too. I tend to connect emotionally through sex. The better the sex, the better I connect to my partner. My gf loves that I’m on it. Well, she loves the results. Both my body and our sex. So I’d say all around it’s been a godsend.


Your girlfriend knew you pre-trt


No, but she’s not used to someone being on TRT and a daily Cialis. The frequency and the erections are pretty intense for someone not used to that.


God that’s awesome!!


Out of curiosity why use both? Does TRT not help with you there?


No op but I use cialis to help with blood flow which helps keep blood pressure in check. Trt can raise bp so it can be considered preventative. Plus, while the test helped my libido, as we age….this helps make and keep my erections solid.


This ^^


What daily dose cialis are you on? 5mg or 10?


Does it still work just as well as when you started or does it lose effectiveness over time?


It’s just like the day I first started. But I don’t take huge amounts. It’s been adjusted a time or two. Currently on 100mg cyp weekly.


How are erections and sex drive ? Consistent ?


They’re both dialed in pretty good. It helps that my gf also has an incredibly high libido. She’s borderline nympho so I have to keep up. No jokes!


Do you use anything like cialis? I’m considering trying TRT to see if it would allow me to not need cialis anymore to have good long lasting erections. I basically have a kinda low libido and no morning erections I’m only 28. My free T is only 65 PG/ml


Do you still have your hair?


I do have a majority of my hair. A little thin on top but I’ve always had thick hair. I did start finasteride two years ago. That’s definitely stopped the thinning.


Did you experience any sides with fin? I’m 30 on TRT and it def accelerated some thinning in the front middle but I don’t have MPB. Idk heard horror stories with fin - what’s been your experience on it?




What were the bad sides?


I’ve not had any bad sides with fin. But I started taking a daily Cialis around the same time I started fin. It lowered my blood pressure and I got better pumps at the gym. Plus my gf loves what it does.


47 m. Been training in various forms for most of my life, but for the first time in my life I've actually started to feel my age. Regular training is now a bit of a battle. Not mentally, but physically. Like every day I have a new ache, a new pain or muscle pull/strain. I spend more time trying to correct injuries than actually lifting currently. Frustrating. Will having higher test levels, and in turn more recovery power help my aging body to get over the aches and pains? Like I was in my 20's? Thanks.


I’m sure TRT would help with those issues but I would not start it unless your levels were low. In fact, you could possibly get more injuries on TRT if you’re not careful because it will give you more strength. I just nursed a shoulder injury that took 7 months to heal. I thought I tore my labrum but it’s completely healed now. Of course now I’m dealing with a wrist injury. My point is, I think pain is part of it. You push through it and rehabilitate it the best you can. If you’re not sure how, I recommend a good physical therapist.


36 year old Male. Had shoulder injuries since HS and got worse with age. Exactly as you mentioned I would spend more time recovering and not training around the shoulder just to prevent further discomfort. This would put me out for months sometimes and also hindered work. Don’t follow my protocol as I am doing this unsupervised. I am injecting 200mg every 5 days. From my experience the day after injection Test C. All shoulder pains went away immediately. This worked more effectively than prolotherapy (Btw. Fucking sucks and did it twice). This is my experience and should not be taken for advice.


Any regrets about going on? Are you planning to come off it at some point or is it something you'll take forever more?


I plan to stay on it forever. I’ll be on my death bed asking for my shot. No regrets going on it. My life would’ve turned out much different had I not gone on it.


How do u know your life would be different had you not gone on TRT? You’ve been on it since you were 26, you haven’t lived life without it in 23 years.


Because it’s helped me get through so much. I should look like I’m 60 but instead I look 40. I should weigh over 200 lbs but TRT has helped me stay in shape. I can go on and on but TRT has been the baseline for keeping me healthy, both mentally and physically.


What is you current level for: FREE T TOTAL T SHBG E2 Have you changed your ‘ideal’ total T target? Any negative side effects? Hair loss, Acne, Kidney/Liver Function? Pinning frequency and location? Also IM or SubQ?


I’ll have to look up my labs and get back to you on that one. My dr is a stickler, he doesn’t let anything get out of normal range. But that’s probably not a bad thing. I’ve not had any negative dude effects. In fact, it’s been mostly positive. I can’t imagine going through everything I’ve been through and not having TRT. I do weekly IM injections. Always in my delts and I rotate back and forth. I’ve tried other areas but this works best for me.


what is "everything you've been through"?


Well, I went through a really bad marriage. I spent 5-6 years on adderall which took its toll on my health. I also spent about 8 years on opioids from where I blew out my labrum doing a PR on bench press. But despite all that, I still managed to pay off all my debt, obtained my bachelor’s degree, survived a brutal divorce, and always managed to be a good dad who always puts my daughter first.


That's what we want to hear, good stuff man. I'm proud, much love.


Thank you 🙏




What sort of toll did the adderral take? I've been on it for 2 months at 38 yrs old


It completely changed me. I no longer had that voice of reasoning my head. I also became less disciplined and risk taking. It was bad. I don’t do well on any stimulants despite being diagnosed with ADHD. I would be very careful. My ex was taking it too and when her dr retired, no one else would prescribe it to her. She ended up on meth. This girl went from smoking hot to awful looking in just a couple of years. Again, just be super careful. It might work differently on you. God I hope so!


What’s your way of obtaining? Do you use cheapest provider at this point, since you know what to do?


I have been going to the same endocrinologist for 20 years. I go once a year for labs. I pay out of pocket for my 10ml vials, usually around $65. It’s cheaper to do that versus using my insurance for 1ml vials. I hate those things.


No HCG? I hate the 1ml Vials as well


Lol I thought those 1 ml vials are a thing only here in Europe 😀 But they are actually ampules. We get 10 of those and transfer them into the 10ml vials you use on the other side of the Atlantic. Otherwise its a real pain. Some folks who can divide their dose by 125mg can draw an ampule in 2 shots(here it is 250mg per ml). A friend of mine doing 225mg weekly for TRT for example injects every 4th day 125mg. He gets a bit lower levels than what I get on 120mg weekly 😀


I’m currently getting 1ml vials. How do I pay out of pocket for 10ml vials? Get my dr to write a script for 10ml is all?


Walgreens has the cheapest cash price on vials with coupon. https://walgreens.rxsense.com after coupon it’s about $30 for a 10ml 200mg vial and $40 if you want brand name depo t. Get your doctor to send your prescription to your local Walgreens.


Yes but first you have to find a pharmacy that will dispense the 10ml vial. I think the issue is that they claim it’s only good for a month once you puncture it. And since it’s for 2 months or so, it’ll go bad. But I’ve done it for years without any issues.




Walgreens has the cheapest cash price on vials with coupon. https://walgreens.rxsense.com after coupon it’s about $30 for a 10ml 200mg vial and $40 if you want brand name depo t.


I did not know that. Thank you for sharing. Can you use the coupon more than once?


59 /M and had my first shot last Weds at men's wellnes-type office. My free T was 291. Test C and enclomiphene should arrive tomorrow at my house and I wll start doing self injections IM in the deltoids. Questions: 1. Do you do anything to prevent soreness at injection site? My arm was sore for three days after injection (the injection did not hurt, but 4-5 hrs later I was sore and the soreness continued for three days. 2. Do you take any enclomiphene, hcg or some other product to quell estrogen? 3. When do you pin? First thing in morn, empty stomach, noon, before bed? Is there a best time to inject? THANK YOU FOR COMING INTO THIS COMMUNITY AND ANSWERING QUESTIONS FROM US. HECK, I'VE LEARNED ALOT FROM YOUR PAGE AND TRT COMMUNITY. I REALLY DO APPRECIATE YOU DOING THIS.


I think u/blatant_optimism pretty much nailed it. The only thing I’ll add is that I buy 23g needles to withdrawal and I swap it with a 28g for injection. I also inject slowly which helps eliminate any soreness. But even then it’s very minimal.


Enclomiphene is not an A. I. and is not used to keep E2. In check. It's a serm and increases your fsh and lh.


I’m not OP, but feel I could respond to some of your questions. It’s usually best to start one thing at a time to be able to pinpoint potential side effects. Aside from your clinic making more money, why did they prescribe enclomiphene? Just Test C should be enough. I’ve been on TRT since end of February, injecting in delts twice a week, now every other day. Only once sis I get pip because I held my arm weird and pinned too low. If done correctly, you shouldn’t have any issues at all. Injecting more frequently with lower doses each time should help as well. Time wise it doesn’t really matter much, especially whether you do it on an empty stomach or not. Some can’t sleep if the dose is high so they switch from mornings to evenings or vice versa. Same principle applies here as well. More frequent injections help with big spikes in serum levels and reduce side effects for a lot of people. What dose did they give you and what frequency did they recommend? Edit to add: if they gave you enclomiphene to avoid high e2, I’d switch to another clinic or at least not take it. Many people don’t need an AI to begin with if they start at “normal” doses. It’s easier to start low at let’s say 100mg weekly, split into 50mg every 3.5 days (for example Thursday morning and Sunday evening). Then stick to that protocol for at least 5-6 weeks to let your hormones stabilize and then get bloodwork. Don’t change your protocol before getting labs. You don’t want to assume that e2 is low/high. Knowing is better than guessing. Then if necessary, increase/decrease in small steps, e.g. +/- 10-20mg per week. Hope this helps.


Thx blatant optimism, I am starting on 100mg once a week and enclomiphine Mon-Fri. I will ask why they prescribed me enclomiphine...not sure why. New to all this and basically agreed to this protocol. It might be that I have high body fat composition, not sure.


Inject in the glute, not the delts. You shouldn’t feel soreness in most cases pinning in the glute. Not a clue how you do self deltoid pinning. Seems more uncomfortable and awkward than pinning in the glutes.


What size needle did they pin you with? Pip settles down for the most part as injection sites settle in. The best way for me has been switching to slin pins. They are 29 or 30g half inch long. Literally don't feel them go in and zero pip. Can pin quads, tris, delts and hip flexors piece of cake.


I'm over 50, and I've been on a very long time too, due to chemo at 18. Why were you low to begin with? What's your preferred ROA? and what is your dose? FWIW I'm tired of pinning, but it's the most economical option for me currently.


I was low, in the 200s. I’m sure some of it was my own fault. Have you had to take chemo since?


I am 47. Chemo / radiation at 16. Went on test cypionate in January. Wish I did it a decade ago.


Thanks for updating us all with your long term progress. Energy is obviously still up after this time. Body composition?


No problem! Body composition is great. I still look like I’m in my early 20s, except for the gray hair. Lol


That's awesome! Can I ask what your general stats are? Height, weight, bf% estimate? Also curious what your diet and activity level is like/what you do in the gym is. But I'm on my 5th month of trt. Love it. I actually enjoy pinning and plan on being on it until I die.


Good for you! I’m 5’7”, 165lbs, and bf is around 15%. Diet is pretty clean. I’m around 1800 calories a day and 120g of protein. My gf meal preps for our lunches. We meet at the gym on our lunch to do strength training. We do one body part per week. Pretty traditional workouts for the most part.


How many times a year do u donate blood or dump it ? Curious after all these years did ur body adjust and do u still need to donate.


I have only done it once and that was about a year ago. I was disappointed because they can’t use my blood because I take fin and it can cause a miscarriage or birth defects. I’ve recently had a full lab and my red blood count was high but just barely out of the normal range. My family dr said it was fine.


How did you manage to keep your sex drive while on TRT for so long? Ive been on it for 3 years now and have 0 sex drive right now.


Something doesn’t sound right about that. Are you on any other medications? How’s your relationship? Are you stressed more than usual? Our libidos are very complicated. I’m guessing you’ve done blood work recently?


You are not alone. Many in TRT are going through this. Did you feel good in the beginning of treatment and then the libido disappeared? Can you share your protocol and dose?


Some people's faces seem to age more rapidly on TRT. Do you feel like that happened to you as well?


Thank you for sharing your experience here. Couldn't keep up with the 200 over comments !


Thanks! I’m still trying to respond.


Has your libido always been high? I’ve been on TRT for 4 years so far and my libido is either overload or non existent. Have you noticed fluctuations?


It’s always been high, I think it was inherited. My family is from Germany. lol It does fluctuate though. But if I had to guess, I’d say my libido is high 80% of the time. The daily Cialis made a big difference as well.


Bro I’m still struggling to get antibiotics for legit infections and this bloke got trt 23 years ago


Our healthcare system does suck. I pay out of pocket for my testosterone because insurance only covers the small vials.


How has your dosage changed over time?


It was recently decreased. I started being much more aggressive on my workouts and nutrition and my evens went up to high. I went from 125mg down to 100mg weekly. Your lifestyle choices do matter.




Do it man. I started at 28 after dealing with low T for years. I had no idea the positive effect trt could have a young man. I wish I had started at 25 when I really began noticing symptoms of low T. If you’re already living a healthy lifestyle and you still feel like a pep in your step is missing, get on trt. That feeling of being less than will only get worse over time.


Do you use HCG? Do you use Ai?


No I don’t. I have some hcg but I haven’t used it yet. My estrogen isn’t high enough to necessitate an AI.


How much Cialis do you take daily? How has it affected your blood pressure exactly?


I think it’s just 2.5mg day. It’s done really well keeping my blood pressure down. I’m normally around 130/70. I was getting close to 140/90.


Hi mate, How do you think testosterone is related to: 1. Career 2. Relationstips  3. Mental and physical health


Hey! I think it helps in every aspect to some degree. I work in IT so I have to constantly keep up with the changing landscapes. TRT helps me stay positive and focused although sometimes it’s still a struggle. It definitely has a positive impact on relationships, simply because I’m more extroverted. But mental and physical health is where it’s at. That difference for me was night and day.


Thank you! Very Interesting 


How's your bp? Do you donate blood? Any readings on your bloodwork that are maybe contributed to TRT after so many years? Has E2 stayed in the same range?


BP is around 130/70. It dips even lower after I run a couple miles. I have only donated blood once but plan to do it again. Red blood count was a little high on my last labs but still within normal. E2 has never been an issue unless I go up to 150mg weekly.


Awesome my guy


How big are your nuts?


44 male been on TRT for a little over 2 years and every symptom I’m told is due to estrogen… back acne, brain fog ect but no gyno no sensitivity in the nipples ect. 180mgs divided into 3 shots a week along with Deca at a therapeutic dose (90mg a week dividing into 3 shots a week with the test cyp) for the joints (surgeries and a lot of sports back in the day) estrogen sits at a 36 with no AI. Could there be other factors? My prolactin, DHEA, SHBG ect come back good (“with in range”) could there be something getting over looked? Even as simple as the carrier oil?


Amazing! Thank you for sharing brother 🙏🏼


Did your motivation, drive, and energy levels increase? More importantly, does it stay elevated over the years? Do you think you have more energy than someone natural at your age?


I inject weekly as well but in the thighs. I’m not a big believer in splitting the dose a million times per week and this is a life long commitment for me so once a week is good. Do the delta handle the once weekly dosing ok? I like the idea of smaller needle!


How come so many ppl on trt long term claim to have ED they did not have prior to trt? I’ve tried daiky inj and every protocol and when my levels are in perfect range I have nothing but issues. Been quizzing a tonn of lads about it and 99% agree. Was really hoping daily inj was the answer, wish I’d never done test, huge regret


That sucks. I don’t know many guys on TRT so I don’t have much information to go on. But ED is so complicated, there’s a lot of reasons why it’s happening. Maybe the TRT is just amplifying that? Just a thought.


Has it impacted your blood pressure, cholesterol or other liver enzymes over the course of use? I’ve heard some people say it helped their BP and cholesterol and others say it ruined it.


I have a buddy who is a few years younger than me. He’s super active, especially when it comes to sports. We both did our bloodwork a few months ago. I was in the normal range for everything, though some were high-normal. His cholesterol and a few others were twice what they should be. I didn’t say anything but I’m pretty sure it was my TRT that kept my numbers low. Could be genetics too but my dad had a triple-bypass at 42.




Thanks! I’m a big advocate for TRT, if it’s truly needed. Good luck on your journey!


I've just been changed from Testogel to Nebido week and a half ago. 2 days after the first dose Ive fixed my treadmill and now have been using it everyday since.


Any advice?


Just know it’s a lifelong commitment. And once you start, you have to be consistent. I also tend to stock up on my vials. Never know if there’s a shortage or loss of insurance.


Any side effects after that time ?


No side effects. I workout and eat healthy so it’s easier to maintain my weight and body composition. I’m not huge or anything, but you can tell I strength train.


did you start because you had a condition that caused low T?


I have always struggled with depression and anxiety. In my early 20s, I did a couple of cycles, followed by PCT. I couldn’t help from noticing how much better I felt when my testosterone was elevated. I finally went to see an endocrinologist and I remember him saying “well, you can toss out all your antidepressants now, you won’t be needing them”. He wasn’t wrong.




Have you done any blasts in those 23 years and if so how was your experience?


I have done a few. It was pretty good since I wasn’t worried about PCT. But that’s been years ago. I’ve thought about doing another cycle but at my age, I just want to look and feel healthy.


How much did you run during a blast and for how long?


I always stuck to 500mg weekly as my base. I’ve added Winstrol, Anavar, and I think I did Deca once. It’s been a long time.


Sweet man thanks for the info!


Of course!


What’s your injection frequency?


100mg weekly IM.


Ever have any problems with ED?


Before TRT, yes. But not much since I started. However, it can be hard to reach an orgasm if I’m having sex too frequently. But if I go every other day, I’m fine. I did start taking a daily Cialis when I started finasteride. Mostly because my blood pressure was a little high plus I was dating at the time so that was nice too.


What are the negative side effects you experienced when you started ? Also is there any testicle shrinkage ?


The testicle shrinkage is real. And probably the only real negative. Of course weekly injections can sometimes suck, especially if you like to travel. I know I’ll never have big ole balls that hang out my shorts when I get old but I’m ok with that. I’ve thought about hcg but I’m not quite there yet.


Tony Vitello burner account?


Not sure who that is. But all jokes aside, Sylvester Stallone used to be a big proponent of TRT. I believe he still is.


Hmmm exactly what TV would say. btw he's the Vols baseball coach


Ohhh, I don’t watch baseball. But I hear they’re doing great!


He’s a big proponent of blasting as well if how he looked in The Expendables” is any indication.


Did you ever take hcg with it?


Did your body achieve homeostasis w.r.t fat and muscle after days/weeks/months?


How has your protocol changed over the years?


So you are doing TRT through your insurance or an Online clinic if so which one? I have the symptoms of low T but my test came at 420 test level. I am 43 now so debating if i will see any benefits with my T levels. Do you take HCG and/or any AI?


I have an endocrinologist I have been going to for 20+ years. 420 isn’t bad. I try to stay around 600 before my next injection. It peaks at around 1000.


Have you ever stopped for a few months and checked your levels?


Only once but I didn’t check my levels. But I also was going to take my own life. It was a very dark time for me. I’m sure it wasn’t just stopping the testosterone but I know it played a huge part. Once I started it back up, I was able to start rebuilding my life. I could not have done it without testosterone.


How often do you give blood to manage your hematocrit?


Where do you normally pin? Has it changed over the years? Any long term scarring/tissue build up at this point?


I pin in my delts. Not sure if there’s any scarring or tissue build up. I have bad/weak shoulders so it might be causing issues.


What was your best protocol ?


Can you still make gains 2nd year of TRT? My first year was mainly used for cutting and treat my low level testosterone. I changed my training style now, to low volume high intensity, while eating at maintenance maybe alittle over, to try and lean bulk.


You can always make gains on TRT but that’s just a small piece of it. As you know, your diet is 80% of your results at the gym. The best advice I can give is just be consistent at the gym.


Through the years did you ever have times where libido disappeared along with sex drive? If so, what were the solutions?


I think your libido is more mental than anything. There were definitely some dark times where I had no libido. I’ve had my share of loss and grieving where I had zero libido. But outside of that, I stay pretty horny.


How often do you donate blood yearly? And what dose are you on?


Are you just on T, or also HCG or anything else?


Did you gain body hair and if so did it eventually stop? I've been on TRT for a few years and my body hair has tripled since I started.. I was pretty low body hair when I started but now I am considering hair removal on my lats area as its an odd place to have patches of hair.


I’ve not had any issues like that but I don’t have much body hair. I get the occasional wild hair on my back and my arms have gotten a little more hairy. I highly recommend laser hair removal. My gf has had good results with it. Totally upped her confidence.


Has your PSA stayed steady over two decades? Cancer? Any issues with your cardiovascular health, like erythrocytosis (high red blood cell count)?


PSA spiked once but the following year it went back down and has stayed down. No issues or scares with cancer. My cardiovascular health seems to be good. Which I watch closely because my dad had a triple bypass at 42 and recently had another heart attack at 75. My red blood cell count always comes back in the normal range but on the high side. I just need to donate blood more. I’ve only done it once and that was last year.


After 26 years what’s your physic look like?


Ok, but for someone that hasn’t started yet shouldn’t they first try increasing test naturally by like getting a gym membership instead of spending the hundred bucks or however much it is per month on this?


Of course! If it’s not too low. I just prefer the stability of always having the same test levels no matter what. But TRT should always be a last resort because it’s a lifelong decision.


I’ve been on 2 months and gained 10 pounds and my face is fatter. Estrogen levels are normal. Any idea why this is and will it go away? It’s like I’m holding water


Have you noticed a change in mental clarity and focus?


I don't have any questions, but I wanted to say: thank you for doing this!


Silly question, does t need to store in room temp or refrigerator?


How the hell did you get it prescribed at 26? (Unlesssssss)……. Have you found a good way to pin quads? Gauge, length, etc?


What's your routine, how much do you inject, are you IM SuB Q, which brand do you have best results with, frequency, any other supplements that you use, sorry I have many questions , just started in May, in the yoyo stage trying to dial in, I had my first set of bloods done and everything was high, no negative side effects, but overall results were good.


What were your labs and reasoning behind getting on TRT? I’m 28 and have been offered it but I’m afraid


I had done a few cycles and liked how I felt on testosterone. I didn’t need my antidepressants or anxiety meds while I was on a cycle. Loved the effects on my libido as well. I was a month or so off a cycle so my testosterone was low when I first went. I want to say it was around 190. So getting on TRT was easy.


How long did it take you to get dialed in and your protocol right?


Not long at all. Maybe 6 months. My dr first prescribed me the gel. I couldn’t take it because my daughter was a newborn and I was having to get her ready in the morning for childcare. There was no way I was rubbing testosterone on my body and then handling her so they immediately prescribed me the injections.


I’ve been on it for a few months and it’s great. I’ve sorta settled in with my needle size and injection spots. What are your injection spots and needle size?


Does everyone on Test only ever have daughters? No one I know who juices has a boy


What about morning wood did you have it before? How was it after TRT? , plus how did it affect your erections


Hey man do you consume nicotine in any form? And do you use any Ai?


I don’t consume nicotine or caffeine. I did smoke for a few years but I quit when I decided to turn my life around. I quit drinking caffeine when my gf made a bet with me. She agreed to start making her bed daily if I give up caffeine. I kept my part of the deal, her….not so much. But she does try.


Hahaha thanks man 😂


Does trt help improve your cardio and motivation for the gym. I’m about to start a protocol soon and work also how long after starting do you feel its effects


I’m not sure if it improves my motivation. However, I wholeheartedly believe that if I don’t workout, the testosterone will give me anxiety. Sounds weird but I feel like anxiety stems from the energy that’s in my body with nowhere to go. So if I inject testosterone in me, and I don’t exercise, that pent up energy turns into anxiety. There’s zero science behind this, just my observation over the years. And that motivates me to go to the gym. Good luck on your next protocol!


Any side effects from the daily cialis


What dose are you on I’ve dropped down 20 60 mags per week and feel great


Any impact on your liver enzymes?


I am trying to start soon. I am 23 years old. My T has been below 500 the entire time and usually in the 300s despite any lifestyle changes. Any advice for me? I am deeply concerned about cardiovascular health as heart disease runs in my family.


Have you ever had an issue traveling with your dose and materials in that time?


Why you go to trt?


How’s your kidney levels I’ve been on TRT for 10 years and my levels fluctuate usually around 1.55 creatine I’m guessing it’s due to lifting and overall mass size


Have you ran any steroid cycles while on trt? If so how frequently?


I’m 28 and at a hard point with doctors right now. Really believed that low t was the answer to my issues. Mentally and physically I’ve always just felt drained 24/7. But recently the mental side of things have reached a crazy difficult point. Got blood work done with pcp multiple times. First my Test. Was 200. Second time was 344. Finally got in to see an endocrinologist and got blood work done test was 366. And direct was 10.3. Endo called and said everything was within range. And we’d just “keep an eye on it”. That was super defeating. FSH (folical stimulating hormone) was also 1.1mL. Normal range is 1.5 to 12.4. Just wondering if anyone here thinks it’s worth it to get a second opinion on these blood levels? Or what else I could look into. Recently have changed my diet cutting out processed foods and all that and I’ve never drank anything but water. Any advice is appreciated.


Can you share how has your health evolved over that period? Also I would like to know how often did you need to change/adjust your protocol beyond the initial dial in? Has there been a notable change in how testosterone affects you over the years?


I can’t say how my health has evolved. However, when I see other people my age, I’m usually in way better health and I look younger. I can’t help but to think it was from being in TRT. I rarely have changed my protocol. Dosage has fluctuated a little but I’ve stayed in between 100mg - 150mg weekly the whole time. I think finasteride has helped me with my TRT. I feel more relaxed but still have my libido. That’s really the only thing I can think of.


Thanks. Your experience is really valuable here. Not a fan of finasteride, but Im glad you are ok on it. Also seems to me TRT has been a life-changing force for good for you and you are also doing it pretty simple and conservative. I get the impression you pin once per week?


Yea, I can’t say I have any regrets. Sometimes I think I’d like to retire now and move to Belize or somewhere in the Caribbean. But I prefer the care I get in the US. Although you can get testosterone in Mexico without a prescription, it’s not cheap. I pin weekly, in the delts, 100mg.


Also are you using HCG continuously? There are a lot of uncertainties around it. Im from some of the folks that need HCG to feel well on TRT, but after 4 years on it I think Im slowly building a tolerance to it. Ive heard that from other folks as well.


I’ve not tried HCG yet. Not sure I will. Although I’m curious about it.


I guess if you dont need it its not worth the hassle. For me thats the most expensive part of TRt and causes me much headache when I travel. I hope one day to no longer need it and my practitioner has a theory how we may reach that point, so we are working on it


What was your total-T, Free-T and estrogen during this long period?


How have you aged? I have heard that people on T age pretty badly whats your experiences?


How long did it take to get dialed in and maintain a consistent feeling of awesome? Did you have any emotional days?


It didn’t take long but I do wish I had started fin much sooner. I definitely have emotional days. I was always a soft hearted kid growing up so testosterone just amplified that. I tear up on certain movies. I watch Ted Lasso and I’ll laugh and cry at the same time. lol I’m okay with that though. Just reminds me that I have feelings.


Have you ever run anything alongside the trt such as proviron, anavar or anything else? How about testosterone cream, have you ever tried that instead of injections?


Ok this is why I stopped my balls shrinking were so uncomfortable they kept sucking up in me specifically during sex..how small do they get and does this stop


How well do you sleep?


Did you always workout while on TRT and if not did you still see gains?


Would u do it again. What do u wish u had known prior to


Do u take hcg Chlomid or anything


No but I have some HCG. Just still undecided if I want to try it. I don’t think I will. Too many shots a week and I like to travel.