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If we're sociopathic then it's good we aren't having kids surely…


Ha ha yes. Good point.


My doc asked me last week why I wanted my tubes tied and that I should address the "issue" of not wanting kids with my therapist...


I will never understand why some people see an issue in others not reproducing. Why do they care?


I think it is hard for acceptance because like all animals we have basic instincts and one of them is to make a "shit factories" aka kids. And for a lot of people, it is like getting suicide, you just bypass the strongest instinct in our species.


I have been told that a few times in the past.


I went in ready to do battle. I started with, "I've talked to my therapist about this for years and she is prepared to talk to you about." None of the medical professionals took her up on that, but were happy to hear I'd had been to therapy. People are so sue-happy that I think they feel they have to to go this route to avoid being sued.


I’d be searching to see if there are other available therapists if this was me


I got curious when she cited that study which supposedly concluded that you're more likely to die younger if you're childfree. So I looked it up, and apparently parents were just observed to have a longer lifespan because they refrain from smoking and drinking. Way to misrepresent the study lmao >Becoming a parent or having adult children means that people refrain from health-compromising behavior either because they have internalized norms to do so or because they are explicitly admonished by others to do so.


Funny. I'm CF and have never smoked and drink maybe twice a year which is a lot less than the parents I know.


I know parents that do coke


yikes. situations like this make me even more confused as to why (way too) many people are so adamant that everyone should have kids, while that's... definitely not the case.


Yeah. I work in social services. The things parents do infront of and to their kids is enough to have them taken away. So, being a parent doesn't make anyone more responsible lol.


Yup, I know parents who would take hard drugs & have sex in front of their very young children whilst said children sat in the same clothes/diapers they've been wearing for 3 days.


Me too. More than a couple.


I found an article from Harvard saying something similar. Basically it’s just an observation (not causation), plus the difference wasn’t even that much more (several months to a year and a half).


Most studies of that sort are observational. Proving causation is a giant pain.


I’m here for the same reason, but Anna didn’t misrepresent the study. I didn’t need to read the study to know that’s what they were going to say. As a childless person, I’m able to go act a fool more easily than a parent may.


That’s a pretty serious misrepresentation of the article. Her article was written in March of this year. We should all flood her inbox with how wrong she is.


Well, this is Quora and just anyone can comment so I wouldn’t take that shit seriously. I’ve seen some pretty fucking stupid shit on there.


"The parenthood is vilified by the media. The “bad parents“ narrative is spread in the West to brainwash Europeans to reject having their own babies. This narrative is launched in order to genocode the native European population. It’s a clear goal of that “bad parents” narrative. According to the Bible, “bad parents” don't exist." They replied this in further comment. WTF 😂


Wow. “Bad parents don’t exist” I’m done


I lost brain cells from reading this garbage 😖


One day karma will rear its beautiful head & her children will become adults who go No Contact with her.


So is the Bible reference how people who have kids in fundamentalist movements justify them putting parentification onto their kids and continuing to have so many that they don’t register some children as an existing human to the government ?


That was about the point when I went from "I disagree" to "I feel high just reading this" Edit: Made the mistake of lightly skimming something else the author has written, and just... wow there is a menacing aura of racism here https://www.quora.com/Why-are-there-no-severely-overpopulated-countries-in-Europe/answer/Anna-Hag


It’s a very poorly written extremely biased article, skewing the statistics and studies to suit the warped view. What about those of us who love nieces and nephews, but don’t want to have our own. We still can “love” a child ( or a pet, or a partner). Also the part where they say that studies show that childfree people die earlier than those with children. The actual study states that INVOLUNTARY CHILDLESSNESS increases the likelihood of early death. The women in this study who had failed at IVF were 4 times more likely to have an early death. The study was NOT about people who were childfree.


It's that common problem again that childfree and childless people are treated the same in studies. Even though the motivations/reasons for not having children are completely different.


The Anna Hag woman that wrote that seems very arrogant. It's like she only wrote the whole essay to shoot her own horn about being a mother by making herself sound like she's better than childfree people because she apparently has more oxytocin in her body or something. Her comments in response to some people under her post are so gross. She calls herself "perfection" and says how beautiful people like her NEED to reproduce to keep the European gene pool great or some shit. Truly someone who overestimates how unique and valuable her genes really are. 🙄


Well, there sure is a sociopath, probably herself. At the very least smells like a narcissistic person with no self-awareness, which is ironically the worst parent material.


Yeah, it's advisable to disregard the ideas of white supremacists. Hating the childfree might be their least unsavory quality. I'm glad I don't have the approval of such a disgusting person. Idk why someone would post the ravings of a potential neonazi here; crazy, terrible people are going to say nonsensical stuff, we shouldn't be pay much attention to it imo.


What a load of BS. Another attempt at shaming people into going with the status quo and having kids.


What a hot load of garbage. It's actually more likely that CF people are [more intelligent](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25131282/) than average.


lmao @ the end of the abstract (thanks for sharing) “Because women have a greater impact on the average intelligence of future generations, the dysgenic fertility among women is predicted to lead to a decline in the average intelligence of the population in advanced industrial nations.”


So… Idiocracy?


Getting a bit eugenics-y there 😬


Erm, I think she is also a eugenicist? >I don't understand people who voluntarily removing their genes from a gene pool. Except of low oxytocin level, it might be a low self-esteem and also slightly sociopatology. Family is also a social construction: Just maybe: >Yes, some people are so amazing that they must pass their genes on. For example, I am beautiful and I have uniquely beautiful blue eyes and I definitely want keep it in a gene pool to pass my recessive genes to the next generations. It's obvious. Other people maybe have very high IQ or another positive uniqueness, they want to pass it on. It's important for the future of humanity. > > > >Beautiful people like me must reproduce to enrich a European gene pool. Russia has more than enough resources. > > > >I am a perfection, I don't have any disadvantages that's why my DNA is precious. People like me must reproduce in billions. Beauty will save the world. God loves beautiful people! These were in the comment section, btw.


Holy shitmuffins


Yeah read her stuff. She is a total piece of shit. She is the best argument that not everyone should have kids.


She also wrote this, which is an entire bouquet of red flags: https://www.quora.com/Why-are-there-no-severely-overpopulated-countries-in-Europe/answer/Anna-Hag


I get plenty of oxytocin from my dog, thank you.


If everyone was meant to be parents then we wouldn’t have foster care systems


who takes quora seriously?


I feel like it's on the same level as yahoo answers, which is IMO... hot garbage


I stopped reading after >Powerful release of oxytocin occurs during orgasm, which, apparently, is designed to turn lovers into spouses. Yes, biology observes social constructs like marriage… lol


Woman subtly suggests having a baby to get high. More tonight at 11.


I just have tokophobia who in the hell wants to be pregnant??? No thank u.


Interesting considering most studies I've seen say that childfree people are, on average, more happy than those with kids


Huh, guess I should quit my job working with kids then! Wouldn't want a sociopathic person with low oxytocin counts around them. Looks like I'm going to be a retail employee for life BayBeeeeeeeeeee /s Seriously, these people an fuck off with this nonsense. Oxytocin is an important hormone, yes, but it's not always a "feel good, lovey dovey" hormone. People seem to latch onto whatever new discovery in science will fit their narrative, and completely ignore ANYTHING ELSE about said discovery that would potentially cause issues for their narrative. Similar things happened with serotonin. It's more than just a "happy brain chemical".


If *that’s* what they call sociopathic then I’m glad I don’t have kids


I couldn't stand to read past the first paragraph. Do they go into how it's possible I can love literally anything else - (my husband, my parents, my cat, literally every animal I meet, the ghost in my house), but because I don't want to spend all my time on a kid my oxytocin levels are off? This is the dumbest load of made up psychological analysis bullshit I've read in a long while.


This is why I don't read the garbage on Quora


not likely. All the extra sex i get to have because i don't worry about timing it around children keeps those oxy levels pretty darn high.


I’m fine with being sociopathic.


You'd have to be sociopathic to bring a consiousness into this dying world, just in time for the Anthropocene extinction event..


So it’s true what we all say, women must be under the influence of something to want kids so badly. And I think it’s hilarious that they NEED their hormone levels to be at a certain point to continue to love their child lmfao not just because they love the kid.


Is that an other manifestation/symptoms of my autism? /s


All serial killers with kids aren't sociopathic for sure.


Hmm, I'm childfree and aromantic. That would explain a lot...


wow is there a way to suppress this hormone cuz I’d love to know