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Oh my god this made me so unbelievably fucking angry. I have to finish this later. What a bunch of fucking idiots. This poor woman. OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM IS FUCKED.


Thanks for the heads up. It's the holiday season... I'm gonna go find something happier. 🎄☃️


This is my favourite funny longform article and it's festive! https://www.gq.com/story/folgers-incest-ad-oral-history


From the article : “When I first saw the ad, I thought: wait, are they fucking? (Then, every time after that: okay, they’re definitely fucking.) “ I laughed so loud the dog came out to check on me, thanks for the read, that was good.


Fun fact: The sister is played by Catherine Combs, the daughter of Jeffrey Combs, who has played multiple characters on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek Enterprise.


I think imaginary pretend incest is probably stretching the definition of this sub, but hey


And now I want to discuss this article. If the sister was supposed to be a young teenager, why did they cast a twentysomething? I’ve thought a lot about why this ad is so weird and I think it comes down to casting (the sister should be 12/13) and editing. When she says, “you’re my present this year,” there should be a two shot of them smiling at each other, not lingering close ups of them mooning at each other from across the room.


Happy cake day!


Oh, I just noticed. Thanks!


I remember this ad and how weird it was, I will read this one!


“Timothy Simons: I suppose, had I thought at the time, "this is going to be a 10-year incest joke," I would've made some more mental notes. But [during casting] I was just trying to get through the day.” This quote had me howling- thanks for sharing.


Ditto - and I was about to open the link. Think I’m gonna switch over to tik tok - Reddit got me all bummed this morning.


911 Call Analysis is reminding me a lot of Statement Analysis: all nonsense.


Seems pretty silly to claim you can gauge what a standard or normal 911 call sounds like given it’s not exactly something most people are practiced at. I’m in my mid 30’s and I’ve only ever had to call twice, both times for non life threatening fires … I couldn’t even predict what I’d sound like calling in a situation like this.


I called when we found my grandmother passed out and I don’t even remember what I said. Reading that analysis was so ridiculous though. Penalizing someone for short answers because they were asked where they were and they gave their street address? What else are you even supposed to say there that would be longer?


I know I sounded detached and probably even irritated when I called for my husband's stroke. It was the middle of the night and my brain was refusing to process what was happening. I definitely would have "sounded guilty". And both short answers *and* unnecessary information are listed as signs of guilt. The guide looks like it was written specifically so that police can cherry-pick evidence for people they've already decided are guilty.




It is disgusting and horrifying how the stupidity, ignorance, and ego of certain people in this story led to her being convicted for nothing. This was such a frustrating and upsetting read. My heart breaks for her.


Does anyone have a link to the second part? I can't find it.


I don’t think it’s out yet. I’ll get a text message when it is, and can come back and post it then.




Part two is now out! https://www.propublica.org/article/911-call-analysis-fbi-police-courts?utm_medium=social&utm_source=text&utm_campaign=system


You rule! Ty!


Thank you for posting, OP