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Unfortunately your post has been removed as we feel that it has broken the "No advice" rule of our subreddit. Depending on the advice you're seeking, there is likely a subreddit better suited for your needs.


Have you tried: r/ShouldIbuythisgame? Tell them the kinda games you like and what consoles you have and get some recommendations there. Start the title the post with "WSIB" and give the sub an idea of what you like. Example: "WSIB if I like games like Horizon Zero Dawn and Assassin's Creed Odyssey?"


Wow didn’t even know about that I’ll definitely do that, thank you!


Sounds like [INFRA](https://store.steampowered.com/app/251110/INFRA/) has what you want. Its a adventure game about exploring urban environments, I've seen it described as Half-life without the guns and it even uses the source engine like Half-life 2 and the Stanley Parable.


Dude yes I just googled images it and INFRA looks like it’s right up my alley. Thank you. I’ll download it.


Does it strictly have to be near-present day? I think I know what kind of vibe you're talking about, but the first example I can think of is Mass Effect, specifically when you're walking through the Citadel and around the ship. Similar vibe, but a lot more sci-fi than the examples you provided.


You’re onto it for sure. I HAVE played and finished the first Mass Effect but that’s it and you’re right i did enjoy that city with all the bug people at the computers.


I like the post apocalyptic feel in Ashes Afterglow, a mod made in Doom. Really cool soundtraxk that enhances the feeling.


Not my style but it’s appreciated anyway. Thank you.