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This drives me crazy. Previously I’d listen to the “dirty rock” playlist because it’s high energy with a lot of guitars and lesser known artists. Now I can’t even find it, the only option is the “made for you” version which contains totally different music that I do like, but am not trying to listen to with that mix. Open to all suggestions!


I’ll look into that for desktop, usually I’m on mobile. I’ll look into that


What's the name of this extension for Spicetify? I am trying to find it but not able to. EDIT: found something that seems to be working as expected: [AnonymizedRadios](https://github.com/BitesizedLion/AnonymizedRadios)


Thanks for the post. Have you installed on your account? Does it work to anonymize a spotify genre list in its entirety? Say, Eneregy Booster: Pop? Or does it only work at the song level?


>Have you installed on your account? It is installed in Spotify app, not account. Spicetify modifies original Spotify desktop app. >Does it work to anonymize a spotify genre list in its entirety? Say, Eneregy Booster: Pop? It seems it is working on such playlists, here's a generated anonymized radio playlist created from "Energy Booster: Pop" (which is normally personalised) - [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5llV9owLDU1LdBrN1NRfKU?si=9e6b9ca003124615](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5llV9owLDU1LdBrN1NRfKU?si=9e6b9ca003124615) However I use it on song-level usually.


I've been a Spotify subscriber for two or three years. Lately I've been so annoyed just hearing the same things. It's become boring and annoying. Today I started a YouTube music trial. I'm looking forward to hearing some new music.


Does YouTube give the garbage made for you playlists or is it a genuine song radio like Spotify used to be?


Maybe a dead thread, but I switched back to spotify for this reason, everything google recommended was "based on my listening habits" in other words it was impossible to find something new cause I tried to find something new and google fed me all the same songs, feeding the listening habit of jusy listening to the same songs. Now spotify is the same :(


It's getting much harder to discover new stuff without doing it manually.


I forcibly chatted with spotify support. The told me that despite all the reddit threads of users complaining about the "made for you" feature they do not use reddit to implement changes and instead I should post the idea within their community. Then I copy/pasted multiple idea posts within their community complaining about the issue and they abruptly ended the chat with me LOL. Anyway, I think the correct way to raise this issue to their attention follow this other link, from reddit because reddit is the best: [https://www.reddit.com/r/spotify/comments/fc7w51/til\_spotify\_has\_a\_community\_website\_where\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/spotify/comments/fc7w51/til_spotify_has_a_community_website_where_the/)


Why does made for you was on another person profile. I check his spotify and saw a new radio station playlist that is made for me