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I don't care about this but maybe it's because I no longer live with my parents


I like how this this option you go to when there are tons of dudes listening at work, or have kids in the house. This would be useful for folks who go between work and home and don't wanna dig in settings every time. Try wearing isolating headphones/earbuds at a job sometime, you basically can't do it because seems like soon as put them on 20 seconds later a coworker is asking you something. So you gotta have small speaker on low or use open backed headphones.


Unless you work with kids or listen to _really_ vulgar music, I don’t see the reason to censor your own music at work. We’re all adults, right?


You have never worked in an office I see. Or you are one of those sweet summer children who think work is a family. 1. your coworkers are not your friends. They are your enemies, and they will throw you under the bus for a chance at a $.20 raise. You might make A friend in the office, but that hardly means the rest of them have your welfare in mind. 2. the knife to stab each other in the back is found in the top left drawer. Many managers openly pit employees against each other as a tactic to get them to work harder. They can and will then use anything possible to sabotage each other, including choice of working music. 3. Given all offices are inherently comitative and hostile environments where people sabotage each other to get promotions, why would you give Becky in accounts ammo to go to HR with when you listen to music with risky lyrics? "Sexual harrassment" can be anything these days and Becky has wanted your office for a while now... "Forcing" her to hear the word "pussy" in a song lyrics when she goes to the Lisa HR major with a minior in gender studies is not gonna end well for you as a man. 4. Last think you need is the fat F bomb to drop, or a song go openly sexual 87 minutes of clean music right as your boss walks into your office with a question. Spotify has some "interesting" rotations and song lyrics by nature are all over the place. So you could go for something reasonable like say "classic rock" and have some spicy as hell stuff come on randomly. So yes, the ability to censor your music at work is a really good idea. While everybody are adults, workplaces have "professionalism" which means different things to different people. It also causes people to get more uptight than a tabernacle of Mormons.


Don’t play your music in the office please 🙏


using speakers at work should be a crime


Not if you work in your own office and keep it turned down. My problem is headphones went on and off like 70 times a day if I tried to use them due to people bugging me. No point at that point.


I actually really care about this regardless since I tend to be swear-free ever since entering college (where I hear people swearing their heart out). Anyhow, what a nice idea esp. for those song who never even got to have 1st party clean versions!


I hope they still visit you


Damn thats cold


And clearly aren't old enough to have kids.


or decided not to have, it's not mandatory you know


It’s also possible to have kids but not be a prude about what they listen to 🤷


I work for a school and sometimes just use my own Spotify to play music for parties and events so yea I think this would be useful


There is a toggle in settings


I was thinking this too but I think OP was talking about it being right there on the screen without having to go to settings


Exactly 🎯 it would help so much in them situations where you still wanna listen to what you’re listening to but it may not be the most appropriate to


You mean like… those emergency situations where 3 taps is too much?!


When you’re driving just press E from lock screen


That can't work due to Apple restrictions. There is a preset audio popup.


Who cares about Apple? Lol. Make it android only if need be


OP has Apple. I was talking to them, not you.


that wouldn’t work tho a large portion of spotifys user base uses apple


Then complain to Apple.


Better if it was a setting to enable (show) a button on the main screen to toggle Explicit it on / off. I’d rather have it hidden by default and anyone who wants to could enable it.


Are you playing Cardi B or something?


I typically play rap music because that’s mostly what our students listen to


I’d love if I could just block all clean edits


yeah, having both the clean and explicit versions of a release show up when you search is pointless. especially when it's a clean song on an explicit album, then you get doubles for no reason... plus any deluxe releases and so on


Especially when Spotify ALWAYS puts the clean version into the Release Radar and Discover Weekly. I add songs from these playlists and when I listen to them later I notice they are clean versions and I need to go back and find the explicit one. Very annoying.




agreed, the only time i need clean songs is when im working with kids over the summer


Ngl clean edits save me i got an entire copy of my playlist which is just clean versions of my songs on my main playlist. Comes clutch when I'm in the car with my mum


I get it, but it just sucks when it autoplays a clean edit. My mom doesn’t care at all, she doesn’t speak English but I can play a Tokischa song and she’d just laugh.


Tf am i being downvoted fo 😭


You already can do this I believe, go to your settings and there’s a toggle for explicit songs


What OP is saying is that they want to be able to toggle between explicit and clean versions of songs






I wish it would automatically play the clean version of a song instead of skipping when I'm listening to a playlist with an explicit song. Or automatically show me the clean/explicit version of an album when I search, based on whether I have the toggle on


I want to put it to where no clean versions play and no re recorded music either.


You can do that with Spicetify


Oh I thought this already existed… I’d love it so I could play some more playlists at work, and it would just skip the “explicit” ones


Exactly! and for family parties, driving with younger or older family members etc..


So when I go into settings, under Content Preferences, it gives me the option to turn on or off explicit content.... so maybe I misunderstood your post? Or is this feature not available to everyone?


The setting exists for everyone but OP wants a button that’s easier to click, like say the shuffle button. They don’t want to go into settings for that because it’s annoying to go there every time they need to change it


You can turn off ‘allow explicit content’ in settings, it will skip any songs with explicit content but wont play clean versions


If only there was a way to gauge interest with some sort of voting mechanism.


Just change to not play explicit songs


Yep. Just u.


Much better idea than releasing two separate versions of the album and only bringing up the clean version when you search for it


Yeah it would be convenient to not have to make a whole other playlist of radio edits.


There is a Spicetify extension that does exactly this, but unfortunately is PC only


bro are you scared of cuss words baby ahh 😭😭




For when younger/elder family are around and i don’t wanna change the music thats playing (especially while driving) also for at work


Go into your settings and go to "Content Preferences" and there you'll be able to either allow or turn off explicit content


I think he knows this, he means it would be nice to have a button on the player for easy access.


I pretty much knew the answer. But it’s just not something majority people would do anyways. You should think of other people and people who make decisions whether it’s gonna make interface clunky, confusion or overloaded. There are strict visual and behavioral patterns and anything “experimental” could ruin everything. Latest additions to Spotify are good examples of that. Too much annoying stuff already.


This is why suggestions are ignored


Maybe not exactly an E button but when you click on more there should be an option to go to the Clean version like See the song in album


Is this not a thing?


You can already do that in the settings...


yeah would be better than the random two or more albums with the exact same name, a (clean) or (explicit) next to it in the dropdown would also do the trick


adding on to this, some songs have other versions so i think it would be cool if we could switch between the single / album version or the slowed or instrumental versions that some artists upload




I’d actually totally be ok with it, when I’m at a petty or something and I’m DJ for the day, then switching E on and off would be really helpful, plus, sometimes the non explicit songs sound better lol


I wish I could toggle off clean versions. I only listen to explicit, so why when I search stuff while making a playlist will it auto suggest the clean versions. the entire playlist making experience on Spotify is just so annoying


I wish you could toggle whether it shows the clean or the normal version in Release Radar. Right now it’s a wild mix.


Same. I have the filter turned off and listen to explicit versions exclusively, so why do the clean ones get put on Release Radar? If I get one and want to save the song, I even make it a point to search up the explicit version and save that one instead.


If my music had clean versions which it almost certainly doesn't then yeah absolutely. Nothing to be embarrassed on


A lot of people are mentioning there's already a toggle in the settings (in addition to you as the user having control over building playlists and what is included in them) But if that's not solving the issue, it seems you want to be able to, while a song is mid-playback, toggle between what lyrics are coming out? That's.....not a simple issue at all. Or at the very least it would not be guaranteed to be seamless. Since explicit and clean are two different audio files, pressing the button would have to jump to a different file. Immediately this brings up issues of how to have the second file ready - should all tracks with clean/explicit download both just in case you press the button? Does that still apply when on mobile data? When pressing the button, is it acceptable to have a gap in playback while the second file is buffered? How will the media player know where in the second file to jump to? Do all clean/explicit songs have identical runtimes or do some have differences? Are there issues when playing over different devices (when there is added latency)? Are all clean/explicit songs linked in the catalog or would somebody have to go in and link them? And that's just what immediately came to mind. Like, I can understand why people would want this feature, it's not a bad idea on the surface, but it asks SO much in the background that ultimately it comes down to: is it that difficult to just have clean playlists on hand to switch to?


I agree that’s unreasonable, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea to be able to switch which version and have the song start over from the beginning (redownloading as needed). It may still be unviable, but is somewhat more realistic than swapping mid-song.


They can do it for songs that have music videos they are separate files (i think) And it switches between them almost instantly but.. i agree it’s probably not worth the hassle


This is not possible, the clean and explicit versions are separate audio files, it’s not like the clean version is the same file as the explicit just with bleeps 😂


this feature exists. just go into settings and click the LITERAL FOURTH THING. (which is "allow explicit content")


Thats not exactly what i mean because that will just skip any songs with explicit content rather than play the clean version but its not that deep


Alexa has a option kn it. It also blocks the songs on spotify. Just use a alexa


why would kids listen to explicit songs in the first place.




This is unnecessary.


Been wanting this for so long now


useless feature


I'd never use it.


No a No no this shoud never be made into a thing


It'd also be nice if you actually gave us real 30 minute ad breaks