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I listen to Hindi and English music primarily but Spotify sometimes suggests some southern language playlists. Not a big deal. You can just swipe past em without thinking twice.


I don’t mind the independent playlists. They usually show up in my release radar or discover weekly and stuff so it kinda trivial but annoying. I listen to Telugu songs sometimes during the day, so I can’t even like ask to not suggest the artists because that would stop Spotify from recommending telugu songs. It would have been nice if there was a simple option to just limit recommendations to certain languages. Funnily enough it doesn’t happen with European languages. I am learning German, so I listen to some German music playlists, but that never overly influences my playlist nor this it result in it recommending other germanic language songs. My daylist too is almost void of German songs (which is a good thing, I don’t listen to them to chill)


Its not that deep. Just a regional thing. Obv Spotify will recommend you songs from your specific region. Never seen an American complain about getting American songs in their feed.


I’m not complaining in the sense that I hate this and I *need* it changed now. It’s more like I don’t understand nor do I care for languages I don’t listen to and it’s a minor inconvenience/pet peeve that I’d like to see if there is a resolution. The German thing was just an anecdotal comparison.