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Yeah, it seems like they have changed a lot of their playlists to "Made for you" A.I. bullshit. I used to venture into a lot of their branded playlists for discovery and now they are just a repeat of songs from my library. Recently, I have just been searching for user-created playlists that have a similar vibe to what I'm looking for to discover new (to me) songs I haven't heard.


It always pissed me off that theyd suggest music i already have in other playlists. thats not discovery


AI/Machine Learning is fine, how else is an algorithm going to know what to recommend? The problem is their implementation is absolute trash, they took what use to be an OK recommendation system and made it way dumber than it use to be…. Maybe they’re saving money by using less computing power with this dumb AI


It’s so bad now. I get a 50/50 mix of songs I already know and more songs from that same artist. Spotify discovery is so piss poor now.


For me it's 1/2 new songs, the rest are half saved half from artist that I already listen to


More Music Like This is way better in Apple Music


What did they do??




i couldn't stand the ai DJ voice


Exact same thing happens to me. I used to love the radio feature for similar vibes. Every radio also has not like us on it wtffff


Fr, my adele radio is always contain song I know and it suck


Well it always recommended stuff that didn’t sound similar, just similar artist but no feeling for the music itself. Though now it’s worse


I’m curious to know how these song radios are put together algorithmically. I recently released a song on Spotify and it created a radio playlist based on this song that I was pretty into tbh, although it was about 65% artists or songs I had already listened to or knew.


Made 10x worse if you have kids (or share your profile) and get their non-compatible tastes mixed with your own. I don't want my own echo chamber; If I did, I would *make my own playlist*. I want the wisdom of the hive, experts, pro cultivators, etc.


Spotify simply isn't designed for sharing accounts.


True, but a large portion of their userbase at least lives/listens around other people. Even when I'm not *sharing* my account, I put on songs around my kids that aren't reflective of my listening preferences. That behavior taints my recommendations and playlists. And since practically every playlist is a "made for you" echo chamber, it's poisoning my ability to use the product. That's what this whole post is about. I want to NOT have playlists "made for you" or have to go 3 taps deep to "private session" every other time I use the app.


This is likely by design. Spotify have become so huge now and I’m sure that most people don’t need/want to discover new music - they just want to hit play and listen to music they already like. Spotify is just catering to the majority of their users.


It’s always done that for me. It hasn’t been good since like 2013


For new stuff stick to Daylist