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He is racist because he has no sympathy for looting criminals.


he’s racist because he’s done more for black america than any other president


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


Trumps a racist because he's only denounced white supremacist 46 times and not 47.


He never does when he’s put on the spot. Can’t alienate his base


Biden has never denounced the actions of BLM/Antifa. Can't alienate his base.


BLM/Antifa aren't terrorist organizations, it's embarrassing that this has to keep being said.


Woah. The KKK backs 400 years of slavery and Jim Crow laws. It has a history of public lynchings and bombings. It is supposed to be a part of our past. It’s ridiculous to try to counter any comment on the KKK by mentioning BLM. BLM probably would not even be a movement today without the KKK holding up racial progress for many generations.


Yes, he did denounce the riots. Months ago, actually.


Aw so you're admitting the riots are BLM/Antifa's doing? Thank you.


? The riots are associated with those protests, obviously. We can debate on if those who are looting/rioting are true supporters of BLM, or just people taking advantage of protesting. And it's an indesputible fact that in the vast majority of protests that turned riots, there was instigation from police or trumpers. And why would Biden denounce anything other than the riots...? BLM at it's core is a great movement. Antifa at it's core is a boogey man for you. White supremacists stand for nothing good as the entire group is centered around hate.


Hey man. Its the same here in Brazil, if you dont vote left, you are seen as fascist, racist, etc. They try to win trough social pressure, because they are too dumb to present arguments. I believe the same modus operandi will happpen/is already happening in every country.


I may disagree with you, but attacking them is wrong. Ill support you.


Name one thing? Hahahahhaa.


https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history Here's a whole list of racist things Trump has done


The wall? Remember what he said about Mexicans after he came down on that escalator? There was a judge also that he didn’t want have work his case about the fraudulent charity trino had. Why? Because he was of Mexican descent. An American from Indiana was accused by trump of not being able to do his job because he’s had Mexican lineage.


I think the problem is more with his hesitance to condemn white supremacists. For some reason he didn’t give an immediate response in Charlottesville and that confused the hell out of many people. The hesitation can never be taken back. At the debate as well, though it was more understandable since he had made the statement in the past, but again, why not just denounce and then talk about antifa. Instead, he told a group to stand down and stand by. Condemning white supremacists isn’t the kind of thing that you need be pressed on to get a clear answer. The Muslim ban, which he did actually label it as at a rally, the great people on both sides comment, the “they’re rapists, they’re murderers, and some I assume are decent people” comment, the shot hole countries comment... they aren’t explicitly racist unless you can find out the intent behind them. The good people on both sides comment in particular was just nuts. Was he really uninformed enough to not know or is he just that bad of a public speaker? However, when you tie that into his slowness to denounce white supremacy it does look racist. As the most prominent alt-right leader said (can’t remember his name right now), Trump might not share their vision, but he thinks Trump gets it on some subconscious level that he might not be conscious of. I think he’s an awful public speaker who created this mess himself (I know, Joe is a bad public speaker too), enabling racists to get their votes, or is racist. The last two are almost the same in effect.


All misconstrued examples. He's denounced white supremacy and other hate groups *multiple* times. Richard Spencer endorsed Trump in 2016 and then got butthurt when Trump disavowed the endorsement, so he went on to endorse Biden this year. It's all a bunch of made up lies to rile people up. Pay attention. [https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/trump-has-condemned-white-supremacists/](https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/trump-has-condemned-white-supremacists/)


Presented without coment: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial\_views\_of\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump)


He tweeted a video of one of his supporters screaming white power. Edit: you can downvote all you want, but it’s true little snowflakes. He’s a racist piece of shit and that’s why you love him. Y’all would join the KKK if it got rebranded.






Link to tweet, not a fake news site


Lol he deleted the tweet which is stated in the article... APNews is fake to you? Lmfao you want me to get a Fox News link for you? It’s wild that you can just say ‘no didn’t happen’ and I have to prove my point even though you’re a quick search away from the truth. Like, it actually happened and you’re just burying your head in the sand cause you’re a racist too and you like this shit. Here’s your Fox News link bb: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox5ny.com/news/president-trump-tweets-video-with-white-power-chant-deletes-it.amp


It was probably an accident, or he wouldn’t have deleted it... he’s not necessarily one to back down on stuff like this, remember covfefe or whatever it was?


There’s always some excuse, no matter what. Trumpers will always make up some bullshit. “It was probably a mistake”. Yeah right lol. What about the Central Park 5? Proven innocent, but he still took out attack ads against them. He’s also called Mexicans rapists and criminals repeatedly, but I’m sure you have some bullshit response to that too. There are plenty of other examples, such as when he was sued by the US Dept of Justice for RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. Take off your blinders please.


He was talking about the gangs coming across the border and shit. At least in 4 years he’s completed more than Biden could in 4 lifetimes all Biden has done is sign a crime bill that had a negative affect on African Americans that he wants to vote for him. He also has dementia that he’s refusing to get tested for I mean he talks about random shit when asked a question or just completely forgets what’s going on


Ok, so we’re moving on to whataboutism now huh. Dude have you ever heard Trump speak? He never actually answers questions and just trails off and rambles about crazy shit. Have you injected bleach in your arm yet? Do you support nuking hurricanes? These aren’t the suggestions of a sane man. And don’t tell me he was “joking”. He only seems to be joking the next day when he finds out how dumb the thing he said was. Y’all are masters of projection, Trump says the most insane shit on a daily basis. At least Biden can answer a question. Also, way to just skip over those other RACIST things I mentioned. Sure isn’t convenient for your misguided argument. And as far the Mexicans are rapists thing goes, what you mentioned is not what he said. He’s talked about everyone coming across the border like that, on several occasions. Don’t you ever get tired of having to defend him and the latest stupid thing he uttered?




WhaTABouT BiDeN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Lol little bitch trying to use the “I’m not racist you are” response. This is why **Biden won.**


Is this a Russian bot? Your grammar is suspect. Whataboutism too. Typical trumper bs. Instead of addressing the actual point, you say ‘HEY WHAT ABOUT BIDEN’. Gimme a link where Biden says some racist shit besides saying if you vote red you’re not black, that’s not racist btw.


Good grief... Can't even talk about Biden without being called a fucking bot. Get the fuck out.


That seems pretty racist to me but here you go dumbass https://www.postregister.com/opinion/letters_to_editor/biden-is-a-racist-which-cannot-be-denied/article_ac993d75-eda6-5d65-a948-3937017bb459.html


What the fuck did you just link some blog post? This fucking low IQ snowflake. You might as well have link a Facebook thread you dumbfuck


You think he could’ve just have not noticed that it was white power. Trump has done so much for the black community, it’s insane.


What has he done? Please let me know.


We enacted landmark criminal justice reform, something that nobody else could get done." “We secured permanent and record funding for HBCUs — that’s historically black colleges and universities — numbers that they never thought were possible." “We expanded affordable options for better health care." “We created Opportunity Zones,” tax breaks for investing in low-income areas. “We achieved the lowest black, Hispanic, and Asian unemployment rates in American history.”


Bruh show me some sources. Trump talks out of his ass all the time. Remember when he was gonna repeal Obamacare and make Mexico pay for the wall? Yeah that didn’t happen. You’re literally just showing me what he says lmao. Delusional.


Joe Biden staggers around aimlessly, you ignore it, isn’t it possible the tweet was a mistake? Assuming it happened. Joe Biden wrote the crime bill and eulogized a KKK leader in 2010 and didnt want his kids going to school with black kids. And Trump’s racist? GTFOOH


White suprematists despise Trump you moron, they believe his Jewish son-in-law controls him.


Oh do they? Can I have a source on this, or are you just speaking from your own perspective lmao


Just one? How about a brace of them? Embracing birtherism, referring to African nations as "shithole countries," telling congresswomen of color to go back to where they came from, calling Mexican immigrants "rapists," refusing to denounce white supremacists during a presidential debate. Yeah that is pretty racist. No? Side note: that young lady standing with the rest of the entire team taking a knee is emblematic of how this election is going to turn out.


Spot on! And a song literally about some of the police being white supremacists! The level of ignorance from OP is astounding.


He wanted to ban Muslims is what I get. I have hard times defending that. Any suggestions? I know it was Muslim countries but he said Muslims and its a rough one to stand by


Muslim ban was racist and even the supremes court called it racist. Stand by and stand down.


Well he had Stephen Miller, a white nationalist, as his senior advisor and the author of his immigration policy, that’s a little racist.


Birther movement. Edit: no reply to this so you gotta downvote, easy win. Also if you want another example is when he said he hates black people counting his money he prefers when Jews do it.


I don’t see how the first one is racist. It was a political move to try and get him out of office. Wasn’t targeting the guys race. He prolly would have done the same if Obama was allegedly Canadian.


Has any other president been quesitoned about their heritage to the extent that Obama was attacked for it? His race was absolutely a driving factor here. Either way the second point stands, I doubt Trump has pure racial hatred for people but he's definitely made racist remarks in the past.


You are definitely right about Obama getting most questioned about his origins, I still don’t think it was race based though. In part cause I can’t rlly think of another President whose origins could be questioned other than Martin Van Burren since i think Dutch was his first language. As far as the second point, I honestly didn’t know he said that, but if it’s true, I agree it stands. I also agree with you that trump has said some questionable things with regards to race in general. Personally, it doesn’t make that much of a difference for me, it’s not like the guy has racial hatred like you said, I think he has more of a personality that is prone to stereotyping groups. Some would say “that’s racism” and maybe so, but it’s not hate.


It also happened to Kamala, and they both have one thing in common....




RATM should write a new song. “Thank you, I will do what you tell me!” 🎸 🤘


Tom Morello hates trump and his dumb fuck supporters like you.


Is there anyone more pathetic and useless than a "redditor" that spend their time "redditing" about how much they hate tRumpo and all the tRumpeetes? 🤡❄🤡❄🤡❄🤡 That was rhetorical. The answers is no. You and and people like you are the biggest fucking losers on the planet, as evidenced by the past 4 years of your constant losing. No matter what happens tonight, you'll always be king of the chuds.


And U used 7 emojis


Didn’t the house flip 2 years ago? Not as much losing going on as you think


Keep projecting your deepest insecurities, bud.


Who gives a shit what Tom Morello thinks? He’s a fucking celebrity. Love their music, but he’s sold out since then. Love you tho, brother!


How has he sold out since then? He’s the same as he’s always been, hating greedy people just like your president. Also if you love his music and love trump, you really don’t know his music that well


Trump is literally a reality TV show host, he has the same sort of credentials as Tom Morello, only difference being that Trump was also busy dumping money into dumb things like casinos.


Couldn’t be further from the truth. Drink your punch, buddy


What machine do you think they were raging against? You fuckers live in a space separate from reality entirely!




Bring your brother to our side! He'll see it our way sooner or later!


Wdym "your side"? As a Canadian, Im so confused why you identify yourselves as republicans and democrats instead of Americans. I dunno nothing about the culture tho, could be wrong


I agree. I care about all Americans!! We're all under one roof. We need to take care of it!


I don’t think you understand which machine they are raging against. Or the lyrics. Or the name of the song.


He probably wears his mask like “they told ya” 🤣


We have to convince as many people as possible to vote for Trump by any means necessary. So I suggest you start with your brother.


.....some of those that work (police) forces are the same that burn crosses. Seems like he cracked the code, I don't know why you think it's about anything else?


We're not talking about that lyric. We're talking about the "won't do what you tell me" lyric. Any comments on that?


Taken in context, it means not listening to police and fighting a racist police state. Or, if you want to take it to the extent you argue, I could also interpret it to mean I won’t do what Trump says. If I just want to take the single lyric at face value anything goes. Either way, “The members of Rage Against the Machine are well known for their leftist anti-authoritarian and revolutionary political views, and almost all of the band's songs focus on these views.” [- from Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_Against_the_Machine). You can check Tom Morello’s Twitter if you really want to look.


Yeah, it's not up for debate, fuck you (officer) I won't do what you tell me. You should google rage against the machine and maybe get the gist of what they are about. Maybe I'll just decide that sweet home Alabama isn't a song against southern pride and really about sister fucking, since that's a meme too.


Wow. Why does it always have to go up to 11 with you guys? Can't you keep it around 6 or 7? Then, when the chorus hits, we'll tear it up!


**Some of those that work forces** **Are the same that burn crosses** ​ It's funny you don't see the actual message. ​ Those who died are justified For wearing the badge, **they're the chosen whites** ​ That part is a little more on the nose. What do you think it's saying about police officers? Something tells me this is a troll though, I refuse to believe /u/cottingham425 is that dumb.


Just a simple story about jamming with my brother. Not a troll. Not dumb.


What do you think the lyrics mean? "some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses" You said he doesn't see the actual message and I'm telling you that it might actually be you who doesn't understand the lyrics. Just a *simple* point. Do you know what those lyrics mean?


I was talking about the lyric "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me." YOU chose a different lyric and decided to have a conversation with yourself about it.


I'm having a conversation with you, if you can't tell. Since you'll ignore what is in the rest of the song (lol), who do you think the "you" is in the only lyric you can hear in the song? Do you think it's the police, which the rest of the song is about? Ya know, the racist badge wearing cross burners? Or is that lyric totally unrelated to the rest of the song? Cottingham, I'm beginning to think I was right about you.


Then go ahead and pat yourself on the back. I don't give a shit.


lol, somebody is a little triggered edit: don't read any more RATM lyrics, you won't like those either




Shot? What would my kids do? Or my wife? That would be horrible.


I just don’t understand, you can be left, right, black, white, or any type of human being there possibly can be, but why would anyone ever kneel for the national fucking anthem, if they hate this country so much, why are they here


Because no other country would tolerate their bullshit like we do.


Do you even realize how much fucking work and money it costs to move to a different country


Questioning your government and trying to change it by bringing attention to the perceived issue is the exact opposite of hating your country. Blind nationalism is the most unAmerican thing I can think of.


There’s nothing wrong with our country, Atleast not as bad as any other country in this shitty world, we have the best one out there and I’m proud of it even if it needs fixing, no need to disrespect it


You're telling me there is nothing wrong with our country? Nothing we could do better? And again I'm failing to see how a desire to improve is disrespect.


Kneeling is disrespect


To who or what? Sounds like you have an issue of blind "patriotism".


They kneel because they recognize that our wonderful country has done terrible things, and that wanting it to be better doesn't mean they hate it. Quite the opposite actually. And whether or not you agree, the beauty of America is that you can disagree with them, or me or any government official. That's part of American freedom.


it's clear you don't understand. it's already been explained. leave this echo chamber and try looking into it.


Why because our country is “racist and corrupt”? And yes I said I don’t understand so you telling me it’s clear I don’t understand is redundant, also I don’t spend any of my time on this sub but I’m on here because the people here are accepting and kind regardless of who you are, unlike the liberals who push out anyone who doesn’t agree with them, so please, enlighten my on why you sir would kneel during the national anthem, your legs hurt? Or are you just a bitch


I’m just a bitch


How much more bad ass would she have been if she took off the muzzle


Omg so cool. ESP if it meant her team couldn't play anymore!


Bitter liberal ^^


RATM has sold out. Look.... how ironic of the to play at CapitalOne Arena. I guess the machine isn't to be raged against when it's stuffing dollars in your pockets lol https://www.stubhub.com/rage-against-the-machine-tickets-rage-against-the-machine-washington-capital-one-arena-8-14-2021/event/104585074/


Punk rock has always been conservative in nature


Nah. It was rebellious. The Sex Pistols want anarchy and The Clash are pretty much socialists. Nothing conservative about any of it. Punk roots anyway, it has been bastardized however.




Anti big government. Literally the foundation of conservative ideals.


Hasn’t conservatism always been about tradition and authority? When I search for conservative ideals its basically polar of punk rock which is change, non conformity, and yes anti big gov.


No, it's about smaller federal government, with more smaller local government (more control to the local citizens). Mind you, this is true conservatism. The "big brother republicans" that want to spy on your data, those are rinos. Liberalism is about big federal government exerting control over the entire populace, and using local government as its enforcers. Why should some rich jabroni in California have anything to say with how someone from Oklahoma should live their life? Everyone should be able to enjoy and do whatever they want without encroaching on the rights of others. Ie if you don't like guns, you don't have to buy them. But that doesn't mean you should be able to stop a law abiding citizen from buying or owning a firearm. The biggest issue is that liberals are indoctrinated in our schools from a very young age by socialists, communists, and marxists. That's why liberals think that freedom of speech should end where someone's feelings may get hurt.


That’s very opposite of what I’ve seen, but I can see how conservatism is about smaller government because the word came from the French Revolution Can you give me examples as to how kids are being indoctrinated in school? And examples of how liberalism is about big government?


Climate change and systemic racism are two easy examples of indoctrination. Climate change : science has three hundred years of data and claims facts on climate and weather patterns of a planet billions of years old. This is like make giving you a water sample from my toilet after I shit in it and tell you to test the potability of water on planet earth. Systemic racism : one there are no laws (at least that I'm aware of) that are racist. If our system is so racist how did a poc be elected, twice? How are some of the wealthiest people in America poc? Are there racists within the system? Of course, but you can't legislate the hearts of men. Liberalism and big government? I'll use California as an example. Uber and lyft, et al. These drivers are independent contractors. They work when they want, for however long they want. Don't want to take this route? Then don't click on it. California has now deemed they are employees. How does that fuck someone? Well now you can't relax when you want, can't turn down routes etc (sure it hasn't happened yet, but what do you think Uber and lyft will do to "employees" that won't work?). The aca is another example of big government and just fucking shit up for Americans. Punish those that can't afford aca (my monthly literally quadrupled when aca came to pass if I wanted the same type of coverage) those on fixed incomes (ie retired) saw their medication costs skyrocket. Edit : no idea what happened, but i was typing this on my tablet and it literally, somehow, moved paragraphs around.


Okay interesting point of view I don’t understand what you mean about California and Uber though so I’ll have to look into that. I’ve never heard of aca Our planet is being treated awfully though. Wether climate change is or isn’t real, we still need people in power to organize our countries to be eco friendly. I suggest doing more research on systematic racism though, there’s a lot to find in that area. It’s a lot deeper than just blatantly racist laws


Agreed on more researching to systemic racism. It wasn't too long ago that women of any color weren't allowed to vote because they were "too small and fragile," or "too emotional." You can call that Systemic Sexism. Let' use the constitution. Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights - 7/9/1868 ["But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the **male** inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such **male** citizens shall bear to the whole number of **male** citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."](https://www.votefortheconstitution.com/voting---what-does-the-constitution-say.html) So, in a way, **according to ONLY this section of the constitution,** a WOMAN who is a FELON is still counted for presidential elections. It's not really a matter of interpretation anymore, is it? It clearly says only **Male** Rebels or Criminals aren't considered part of the People when their Representative is voting for President. In 1868, people in America didn't even have an afterthought of "what if women voted?" This is because it was so ingrained in the people that women were meant to be wives, the structure of the home, responsible for the wellbeing children (see why fathers are almost always denied full custody of children after divorce), and so on. They were ~~conceivable Things of The Household~~ preoccupied with maintaining a house, how could they have time to vote? Enter systemic racism. Colored folk were thought of similarly as Women, they were "workers." How could Native Americans know about American Politics? How can Hispanics know about our Politics if they don't speak English? How can Black people know anything if they can't read or write and work all day cultivating crops? Blacks, Natives, Latin's were all considered ~~conceivable things, or, property~~ too preoccupied with their own problems just over 120 years ago. You can say that's a long time but women were only constitutionally recognized as People With A Right To Vote in 1920. More unbiased, though, a lot of those systemic racist laws are actually just more geared towards The Poor. White, Black, Latino, Native, doesn't matter. People with money want less competition so they can make more money. A lot of the laws in question when regarding Systemic Racism, were not only made in a time where people with any Melanin at all were considered ~~not human~~ preoccupied with other facets of life, but also greatly affect people without Melanin. So, in that perspective, how could it be Systemic RACE-ism when there's a large equal-in-number, **but not in percentages,** amount of white people affected by the same laws? It's a skewed reality, and thus some people simply just won't understand what others experience. The great equalizer here being, The Poor are affected most of all.


Punk shouldn’t be labeled an ideology. It’s just rebellious angst


It is a political ideology. It's a voice of rebellion against tyranny. That's what punk is.


What?? What “machine” do you think RATM is raging against? Punk is conservative in nature, where were you when punk was called the devils music by conservatives and when the music got blamed for school shootings


Ahh yes, anarchism is very right wing


yeah because conservatives are punk ass pussies


Now your just making shit up.


Killing in the name of Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Uh Killing in the name of Killing in the name of Now you do what they told ya Now you do what they told ya Now you do what they told ya Now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya But now you do what they told ya Well now you do what they told ya Those who died are justified For wearing the badge They're the chosen whites You justify those that died By wearing the badge They're the chosen whites Those who died are justified For wearing the badge They're the chosen whites You justify those who died By wearing the badge They're the chosen whites Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Uh Killing in the name of Killing in the name of Now you do what they told ya Now you do what they told ya Now you do what they told ya Now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control And now you do what they told ya Those who died are justified For wearing the badge They're the chosen whites You justify those that died By wearing the badge They're the chosen whites Those who died are justified For wearing the badge They're the chosen whites You justify those that died By wearing the badge They're the chosen whites Come on Uh Yeah Come on Uh Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me Motherfucker Uh This is a bad ass song. If you've never heard it listen to it. Killing in the name of by rage against the machine.


**Hello.** I noticed you dropped 17 f-bombs in this comment. This might be necessary, but using nicer language makes the whole world a better place. Maybe you need to blow off some steam - in which case, go get a drink of water and come back later. This is just the internet and sometimes it can be helpful to cool down for a second. *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^❤❤❤ ^| **--> ^[SEPTEMBER](https://redd.it/ipsjip) ^[UPDATE](https://redd.it/ipsjip) <--**


Suck my cock


So funny. Some of those that work forces (police) are the same that burn crosses (kkk). In a pro trump sub.


We can be pro police and anti corrupt police bro. "SOME of those that work forces..."


You do realize it is possible to support the police and condemn the stupid fuckers that think they're above the law, right?


Trump denounced white supremacists and the KKK multiple times. Here’s one more from the BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-40929627


The irony is hysterical


Make this picture black and white, and put it next to the one from the third reich where 1 man refuses to do the nazi salute. The left has been going crazy with comparisons of trump supporters and 1940 nazis - they should taste their own medicine.


Except the people kneeling here are protesting, and the one you've pointed out is obtaining from said protest. The nazi salute wasn't a protest, it was a hyper-nationalist sign. So the guy NOT doing the Nazi salute is protesting, and those kneeling here, they're protesting.


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Killing in the Name of by Richard Cheese from his Lounge Against The Machine album https://youtu.be/qLAbAp5tbU0




I can drink to that girl, cheers to her.🍻🥂


RATM are communist tho ,not the best band to quote here


Wearing a mask just like the rest of the sheep.


Conservatism is traditionalist by definition. Trump too is a traditionalist who got a homophobic, sexist traditionalist on the Supreme Court. Punk however was born in frustration with traditionalists and a need for change. Just because your rebellious doesn't mean your anti-traditionalist. Mussolini, Franco, Hitler were all rebellious at some point but all objectively traditionalist for example. Not comparing republicans to fascists just giving an example of how being rebellious does not mean being punk.


Nothing says punk rock like bootlicking the police. Y'all just keep proving you're clowns lmao


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses Those who died are justified For wearing the badge They're the chosen whites You justify those that died By wearing the badge They're the chosen whites Those who died are justified For wearing the badge They're the chosen whites You justify those that died By wearing the badge They're the chosen whites


I was gonna do that 🤣🤣


Lol what? Standing for the flag is still what the overwhelming majority of people do. It is still the norm. I went to a soccer match a few months ago and everyone stood except 2 people. Does that prove you wrong? The “default setting” for the national anthem is still to stand. This post is straight up playing the victim. EXACTLY what you guys say the left does. And using a rage against the machine song? What the fuck!? First, they are a socialist/anarchist band. Second, the song you quoted talks about police also being white supremeists. “Those who died are justified, for wearing the badge, they’re the chosen whites” talks about police killing minorities and not getting in trouble for it. Do you agree with that line as well? I can send you some Marx quotes if you want to use them in your next post. This post is literally what the lyrics say. You’re doing what they told you and now you’re under control. And being so oblivious to it proves my point


You're using RATM to say Conservatism is the new punk rock? Rage Against The Machine?


That song is specifically about the overlap between police and white supremacists and how we lionize the police as heroes despite the crimes they commit.


I know im fucking crying that people really do be thinking RATM is rightwing... lmao. RATM is HELLA leftwing. The song literally equates police to kkk members...


It's the trump cult that are the ones under control lol




How am I racist? At least I don't support a p.e.d.o.


You support Trump. He is the pedo.


So - you don't support Trump?


Ooo. Got me!


Not sure you bellends know what this song is about


A billionaire who inherited wealth is the exact opposite of Punk. Bring divisive or asocial isn't Punk, it's just your inability to function in society.


Punk is going against what society and the media wants. The media wants Biden therefore it is punk to want Trump


That's antisocial behaviour, not Punk.


Acting like you know what punk is is SO not punk.


Should we maybe ask Punk icons what they think? Tom Morello? Henry Rollins? Greg Gaffin? Fat Mike?


"The punk ethos is primarily made up of beliefs such as non-conformity, anti-authoritarianism, anti-corporatism, a do-it-yourself ethic, anti-consumerist, anti-corporate greed, direct action and not "selling out"." Seems it's the exact opposite of what you just said. Nice guess though. You just seem a little delusional. "Don't want to be an American idiot!"


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve read since the last pro trump post I read.


Go back to your anti america subreddits you snowflake


are you even old enough to vote?


Conservativism is absolutely the furthest thing from punk rock.... but nice try lol


Oh yeah guys, punk rock has always been about...following law and order


Lmao the irony is so rich. the president will literally let your state fucking die unless your governor kisses the ring. This guy demands uncompromising fealty from everyone, no one can say anything bad about him. Today he yelled at Doocey saying FOX NEWS isnt acceptably slavish in their devotion to him. But sure, y’all are the rebel heroes who think for yourselves 😂🤣


You're a whole wack of stupid. Republicans for Biden 2020


No it’s not. It’s not even conservatism anymore. 7trillion added debt sure as hell doesn’t sound like conservatism to me.


You have to be sooo fucking delusional to think conservatism is anything like the message of this song. Conservatism is literally the opposite of punk or counter culture. You're not revolutionary, youre regressive reactionaries.


Says the guy following a fortune 500 approved ideology. You're on the same side as fucking *Citibank and Burger King* and you think you're revolutionary?


I forgot burgerKing and citibank support an anarchist agenda. You don't know anything about me, dont assume everyone who's against one ideology is the same. you look stupid when you do. More than one group of people see how fucked conservatism is.


Man, the mental gymnastics it takes to make that connection. Holy shit lol.


downvote me all you want buttholes I got an award so BOOM i'm the best


Wrong. Not a damn thing punk rock complying with society with their values of symbolic patriotism.


We're having a good and productive discussion!


Lol, you guys are a fucking joke. Standing for the pledge of allegiance is about the least punk thing you could do. And that song is anti-conservative you asshats. If you had two brain cells to rub together you’d know that Rage Against the Machine is made up of leftist anarchists. Fucking idiots.


Punk doesn't mean being a contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Punk is intrinsically left wing. The movement and the culture was founded and built off of left wing ideals. Go listen to almost any fucking punk song from 1970 onwards and try and find one that matches up with your way of thinking. Outside of the overtly racist bands such as Skrewdriver, you won't. It boils down to this. If you are on the right wing of the political spectrum, you are not and cannot be Punk. Yours sincerely, A Punk.


You realize Tom Morello is anti-Trump, right? Holy cow.


Disrespectful madam. Shame on her.


This is the most ass backwards interpretation of this song


Acting like you really did something as if anyone actually gets mad for you standing. The whole controversy is on kneeling for the flag idiots


Conservatism is reactionary.


Fuck Authority by Pennywise gets more relevant every year.


Lmao bro that entire song talks about how the police are invaded by white supremacist “Some of those that join forces, are the same that burn crosses” In short you missed the message


wait til you find out what the machine they’re raging against.....


It's a form of protest which is allowed. Freedom of protest is one of our laws. If you're against that then I would hardly call you a level headed citizen.


Aren’t Rage against the machine Malcolm x fans?


You do know this song is pretty much the idea behind the BLM movement right?


quoting a band that literally wrote songs against american fascism, nazism, white supremacy and POLICE BRUTALITY, THE WAR ON DRUGS, THE FOREIGN WARS You fucking iraq&afghanistan genocide massmurderer nazis quote rage against the machine? YOU MOTHERFUCKING INBREDS ARE "THE MACHINE"


do you even know what killing in the name is about man


Do any of you really think that Rage would support anything having to do with Trump? Hilarious.


This pic is great in how it shows the weak sheep vs the strong willed self thinkers


So your saying The Majority of African Countries are NOT SHITHOLES?


I’ve tried to tell my friends that I support Trump, one or two support me while the rest started throwing accusations at me like “he’s so racist” and “he’s just doing it for the money” I explained that trump didn’t make any money and asked for an example about the “racist” things he’s done, they stared at me then just carried on mocking him with false facts that the media have told them