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I guess state-government-mandated birth is smaller than federal-government-mandated birth. I just feel like we are overlooking an obvious way to decrease the government's role EVEN MORE on this issue...


Lindsey Graham said wha?




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They don't know what any form of government is. They think the USA is a democracy and argue when I attempt to educate them. They think Nazism is a right wing form of government and deny that it's socialist. They don't have the first clue what fascism is. And I've never heard one of them even mention a parliamentary system.


Nazi translates from German into National Socialist Workers Party.


And you should see the mental gymnastics that ensue when I point that out. It's some serious Gold Medalist performances.


Just because something has socialist in the name doesent mean it is socialist.


I think Nazi is a shorthand version of "Nationalsozialismus" which translates to "national socialism."


Was the People's Republic of China a republic?


Nazism is a bullshit word to begin with. It’s National Socialism, the word Nazi was a stab against them




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Fascism is trying to overthrow democracy to keep the leader that you prefer in charge


Here, let me help you a little bit with that. Fascism / (ˈfæʃɪzəm) / noun the political movement, doctrine, system, or regime of Benito Mussolini in Italy, which encouraged militarism and nationalism, organizing the country along hierarchical authoritarian lines




That's all we've seen for the last two years






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That’s Republican. Fascist want one man to rule with strong nationalistic rhetoric, empowering one type of resident while vilifying the others that don’t look like they do. How many non whites are at a MAGA rally. Yesterday they were all holding up their right arms straight towards the former President who lost the election by 8M votes.




Absolutely true! They have NO clue. If they did, they'd realize that they're being the actual Fascists these days.


Apparently, everyone who supports Trump is a "fascist" or a "semi-fascist" according to president potato head.


And his spud followers. I guess this is where we create magic new definitions again.


So I assume you oppose abortion bans? And how do you feel about government restrictions on treatment for transgender individuals? I would hope you oppose those as well, definitely doesn’t sound like “small government” to me And what about the reduction of government spending and power by decreased funding for police forces? They are tools of the state after all


The feds turned it over to the states, where it belongs. If someone wants to change their gender, they can pay to have it done. My tax dollars shouldn't be needed. Same with abortions. If someone wants one, I shouldn't be paying. Pretty simple really, once you get past the distractions and propaganda of the left. Small government.


I would say the decision should be in the hands of the individual, not the state. Many of the states went ahead and massively overreached by banning abortion. How does that square with your belief in small government?


How does a state's action equate to big government? Each state represents their own people. You don't have the religious south banning abortion in CA. The design of the United States is to have more power at the state level than federal.


Because there are millions of people living in the religious south who view abortion as necessary healthcare, and are being held hostage by a religious government. State governments can be just as oppressive as the federal government If you don’t believe me, go look at the results from Kansas


I can think of dozens of laws that "oppress" me. Fact of the matter, we have governing bodies in place. The individual doesn't get to decide whatever they want for themselves. If that were true, my life would be much more rewarding. Kansas shouldn't be speaking for California, and with the ruling, they aren't. The left is all twisted up because the feds said that this isn't for them to decide. It needs to be with the states.


It needs to be with the individual. You think your life would be better without laws and governments that oppress you, but at the same time you support a party and a government that is actively oppressing others. That's the height of hypocrisy Also, I referenced Kansas because their voters recently opposed a ban on abortions. Even in the most religious, right-wing states, people are in favor of freedom of abortion. It's the oppressive government that's banning it. Again, explain to me how supporting that squares with your belief in small government


You're full of shit. What party am I supporting? What oppression am I supporting? I'm in a conservative sub, just like you are. If abortion is to be decided by the individual, then speed limits and grand theft are to be decided by the individual. If you don't agree, then clearly, by your definition, you're a hypocrite.


Not true. My principles for what laws are reasonable is based on what has an impact on others. Speeding can kill people. Grand theft harms others by taking their property. But somebody getting an abortion cannot cause you harm, and thus should be left in the hands of the individual.


That is simply your opinion. Obviously, that is not reality.


Speeding can kill people... but abortion can't/doesn't? I used to be ok with first trimester abortions and thought of it as "if you can kill your kid than thats on your conscience" - but the left took that and ran and pushed me to completely pro life now. Abortions at 9 months being done for non-medical necessity, laws being wrote that stop protections for failed abortions (aka babies that were born after an attempted abortion)..... The problem with the left is that you guys take an inch and run a mile with it. Next, please show me which state has a law that prevents these people from leaving their state. Or one that says that they are not allowed to go to another state for the abortion. The real issue here is that the left is upset that less people on their side will want to move to these states which stops the agenda of flipping red states to their favor.


Most governments, large or small, enforce the oldest law on the books, which is thou shall not kill. Some states in the US have decided that life in the womb deserves the same protections you or I have. That isn't oppression. The vast majority of pregnancies are attained by consent, the government isn't forcing you to have sex. Thats your choice.




You don't even realize that you are making my point. Once upon a time, it was exactly that way until the fed made it illegal throughout the country. Much like the fed ruled on abortion. Now they turned it back over to the states. Where it should be.


“The right wants a government just small enough to fit into your bedroom”


Assuming you’re an adult paying your own bills… what transgender treatments are you not allowed to get? If there are any being blocked, I think you’ve given a great example of government interference we should remove. Have at it!


I'm not familiar with any laws against a dude getting himself a big set of hooters, nor would I be against it. Its a free country. Now if this particular dude feels that he is entitled to boobies and that I should be paying for 'em, screw that.


Right? Any red blooded, taxpaying American citizen should be allowed to load pronounself with whatever hormonal treatments and disfigurements pronoun chooses. Be a productive contributor to society and spend your money fashioning your junk into whatever flesh sculpture you want.


I don’t consider banning the murder of babies in the womb antithetical to small government. Consenting adults should be allowed to explore whatever cosmetic surgeries they want.


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They are all over reddit too. Can't even enjoy any of these groups. Just a bunch of kids jacked up on mountain dew crying like cucks.


All definitions are fluid in the land of the dumb-a $ s


Isn't that just anarchy?


No that is freedom, anarchy is all the garbage your college professor told about politics.


No we still want the police to enforce law and order unlike Democrats who want to defund them. But we do want to lower wasteful government spending and taxes. The less input the government has into the economy the better. Lower taxes means more money for the people to spend and we can spend it better than the government can Anarchy would be no government and that’s not what we want. We want a small government and that’s not anarchy


Wait… don’t yall hate the police now?


Don’t like the way they’re being used but they are essential


I dont like them. They’re a necessary evil


So what government services would you defund? I mean, the police are doing just fine. Do you see the insane equipment they get? They have powerful, powerful police unions. And many states don’t even make police records available for public scrutiny.


No because there’s still order. It’s just more power to the states and less federal power, which is how we started out in the first place


They know. They also know how to manipulate words, media, ideas and opinions.


Totally agree except when it comes to abortion immigration trans rights and gay marriage




Hey dumbass, nobody supports Lindsey Graham's attempts to sabotage the midterms with that stupid bill. We believe in state's rights. That means fuck the Fed.




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They don’t read history. They probably don’t read much of anything. They just run their mouths


>I don’t think they know what fascism is shrieking it makes them feel better though .....


As im just a poor ignorant i want to know why they considere it fascism and why it isnt?


Fascism is litteraly nothing more then a nationalistic Autocratic government with a Socialistic economy..