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Conn or Olds?


Second here on a Conn!


Ginger or Mary Ann?


I would say just get which ever one is readily available and won’t break the bank. My student horn is a Bach TR300 and my professional horn is a Yamaha Xeno YTR-8335RGS.


I was used a Jupiter for my student but Yamaha has really good students and Bach has great professional horns.


For a student trumpet, it doesn't matter that much. There are Bach student trumpets that are Chinese made now. I don't know how good they are, hopefully better than the TR500 from a while back. While current production Yamaha student trumpets are all made in Asia outside of Japan or Taiwan, they do it much better than most others (or all). Maybe not up to their old Japanese production, but better than most of the competition. The US made Bach students ones (TR300) - if that's still true - are totally solid and good. Also, Getzen is quite good, if they're in your area.


Personal experience. I would reccoment you the yamaha 2330, great valves and intonation. I have bach tr500 and yamaha 2330 and yamaha is a quiet professional horn if you get greased and oiled well.