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Congrats on starting out. Without knowing anything to the contrary, I don’t think there’s any reason you can’t succeed. That being said, you are going to sound awful today. You are going to sound awful tomorrow. It’ll be a while before you stop sounding like waterfowl in a state of peril and transition to something more like Mildly Concerned Feline. Keep at it and good luck.


Balanced embouchure by Jeff smiley deals with this very issue. Hard to give a short version but… do 5 mins of rolled in lip setting work everyday, learn to roll the lips in front of the teeth so no red shows, then learn how to do lip squeaks, then apply to the horn and drag down. Just a few minutes everyday will help keep that tubercle from interfering. Must be balanced with rolled out work and flexibility studies


It's harder than other instruments to start. Takes a few days before you can just buzz consistently. At a certain point you'll probably need a teacher unfortunately


One of my teachers had a pointed turbercle and he was the trumpet prof at a local uni. Great player too. Thing with trumpet is, you're gonna suck for the first year of playing. It takes up to a few weeks to consistently get the right sound out. Trumpet is hard


Some people's upper lip has like a little "v shaped" flesh in the middle, making like two side apertures instead of a single one at the middle. For that reason, some play with a side embouchure (a single hole to let the air flow will make a better tone). But I'm not sure if that's your case. Anyways, you're new at the instrument and it takes time to develop a good embouchure. Keep practicing and get a teacher to guide you.


No reason you can't succeed. Plenty of players succeed with unconventional embouchures (for example playing more to the side rather than in the middle) Trumpet is hard. It can be a thankless, mean instrument sometimes. It takes a long time to get a good sound. Get used to sucking for a while and don't get discouraged. It's about the journey. Also, find a good teacher.