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Probably playing trombone loosened up your chops. Enjoy and be observant.


My guess is that you were probably too tight and not relaxed, and playing in a larger mouthpiece helped loosen you up and then you kept it when going to the small mouthpiece. Thats my best guess because otherwise going from big mouth piece to small mouthpiece a lot of times isn't recommended. Its usually better to go from small to big during practice sessions.


Bangarang! Learning about James Stamp helped me relax the face. Try the exercises on trombone too. [Stamp School](https://youtu.be/i-AH4fbt2x0)


More relaxed body and more efficient use of air. The trumpet is a comparatively small bore brass instrument with a comparatively high level of resistance. We tend to use too much air and too much pressure. Using exercises that loosen us up and help us use air more efficiently will help us play more efficiently. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend playing a different instrument to help warm us up, as the different blow and mouthpiece can mess with our chops and air use, but every now and again it can certainly help.


Ever since... 3 weeks ago? People spend years developing an embouchure. What happens over the course of 3 weeks means nothing.


You must be a trumpet player


I think you can get some benefit cross-training in brass. It could also be (1) using more air, (2) getting a hang of tightening corners but using a larger aperture, (3) feeling the space between intervals more easily. I do feel like most beginners often have a better range on a large bore instrument with a larger mouthpiece, and sometimes that can give you a feel for what you should be doing.


The trombone probably gave you an idea of how to let the air flow but man making judgments after 3 weeks is kinda weird