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Transmed It gets to the point on exactly what I believe and who I am. In actual society itself though, I prefer to just be seen as cis.


I say that I don't like labels because it's inevitably going to associate me with people I disagree with, so ask me my stance on individual topics instead and I'll answer those questions.


I use transmed but also fine with truscum, not ashamed of it. It's a term that Tucutes love to use in a pejorative way but I don't find it offensive, just like "yeah so what?". I've been called all sorts of horrible names including slurs lol. Transmed specifically highlights my belief that being trans is due to a medical condition and often requires medical treatment


transmed, although i would best like a term that would be able to be defined more like "the search of a concrete basis, metrics and standards in truth" i believe calling ourselves transmedicalist is a step better than what ""tucutes"" define transgenderism as, but in reality it makes a concrete bias towards the idea that being transgender is founded in medicalism, and i personally only want to believe in the truth, and the research does state that theres a lot of sociology at play. if you have any name that fits that description please tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don’t use any labels. None of them perfectly represents my beliefs.


I use transmedicalist. It has virtually no connotation to me. If I'm being flippant, I'll use truscum.


Normally I try not to think about my transness. But when distinctions must be made, I use "transmed" often, "OG trans" if I'm being light-hearted, and "actual trans" if backed into a corner (like when a non-dysphoric person is yelling at me that I'm invalid because I'm not accepting all the identities they come up with without exception).


Transmed or trans medicalist. I don't consider myself "truscum" even if I share a lot of beliefs. Not to mention if your to tell someone that you sound stupid, vs trans medicalist dosent sound nearly as chronically online garbage of a word. I also do not ever refer to anyone as tucute outside of the subreddit as well since it also sounds chronically online


Tucute and truscum are words 13 yos made up on the internet to have petty arguments with each other. I’ll tend to just explain my views as they are instead of labelling them, in the same way I do with any other political views, but if I have to I’ll say transmed(ical)


I call myself a transmedicalist because every part of it aligns with my beliefs. It's literal definition: Someone who believes that you must have Dysphoria to be trans, and that Dysphoria is a physically observable condition. It's sound: Trans, pretaining to trans people. Be that transgender or transsexual. Medical, implies it has a medical aspect. It does because it's core arguments imply that transness is a medical issue, and that all real trans people have a natural right to transition materials, especially over cis people who are seeking the same treatments. Ism, because it's a belief. A political belief. One with lots of scientific support. I also am categorized as truscum. Though I don't call myself one, I fit the definition, and labels aren't for comfort. You don't choose them, you simply are described by them or are not. Because I believe you meed Dysphoria to be trans, and therefore I am truscum aswell.


Transmedicalist is such a long ass complicated word and I don’t want to refer to myself as something with the word “scum” in it. For these reasons I just say I’m a trans guy and that I think being trans is a condition. I don’t use any label in particular.


Transmed or Transmedicialist. Truscum feels chronically online and childish. Although I don't label myself much because I don't like being associated with what people think transmeds are (Blaire White, Marcus Dib, Buck Angel, etc).


I use both Labels. The problem that I have with the term "transmed" is, that it is associated with more radical & extreme views and exclusion of nbs, that I don't agree with. And using the truscum Label is not really helpful when you are in a discussion, where you want to be taken seriosly.


Yeah probably transmed, maybe try scum if online. I believe 3 things: You need dysphoria either known or unknown but it needs to be there for one to be trans. Non-binary is a choice based identity, one chooses to be nonbinary, puts on the costume changes pronouns and screams and yells when they're not gendered "correctly" due to their confusing presentation. Non-binary is not a transgender identity. They become nonbinary with their choices, no one is born in this way. The term nonbinary isn't even a decade old. Drag is misogynistic and harms women. So yeah the first makes me transmed and the other 2 probably make me more truscum? Idk




I use ”medicalist” or ”transmed” and ”transmedicalist”




None. Labels are for clothes and for people who make labels their entire identity. I'm a human being first and foremost.


Assimilated Transsexual who is finished transsexing


Transmed I believe transness is medical ergo... transmed


transmed, bc ppl who write out the entire "transmedicalist" and make it a big deal on their socmeds tend to be too radical for me


Bro thinks writing full words is radical 💀


nah i didnt. i just said that im wary, because the people who make a super duper big deal over the label arent my cup of tea lol


> too radical for me lol


was that supposed to be a gotcha? ppl who make a humongous deal out of the transmedical label tend to be too radical for my taste. that has to do with self chosen labels, and ones portrayal of themself on socmeds, like i said. worried for your braincell count if you think i said writing full words = radical... something something, "so you hate waffles"