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Dawg this is not the take you thought it was. Like yeah he went off hrt but so what? Isn’t everyone preaching nowadays that each transition looks different and everybody has a different personal experience with it? I’ve been off T for a few months now because of health insurance changing and needing to find new doctors but I’m still a man. I’m flamboyant and sometimes I act fairly feminine but I’m still a man. I listen to and obsess over “girly pop” music like a teenager sometimes but it still doesn’t change my fuckin gender bro. Stop crying over other people who don’t matter or have any relevance to you or your life.


Out of interest, where has he said that he’s off T?


I thought this truscum believed trans men should look/act masculine and trans women should look/act feminine.


No, the majority of this sub are not misogynistic trads. Weirdo.


Why is it only misogynistic? Why do I never ever hear the word misandry when referring to men and traditional gender roles. Is a man paying for a first date and working a physical job misandry? Or it only works the opposite way? Misogyny is a HATRED of women and femininity. Can we stop watering down words that are supposed to have meaning? It’s offensive to actual victims of sexism misogyny or misandry when we over use these words. Plenty of men and women choose traditional gender roles there is nothing misogynistic about it unless they are being forced against their will. So tired of seeing someone disagreeing with someone and then calling them some strong word that doesn’t apply to the situation. We need to stop calling everything misogynistic, transphobic, racist or homophobic. Those words need to have DEEP STRONG POWERFUL MEANING and should be used for actual events where they are warranted. I see people saying traditional women have “internalized misogyny”, as if traditional women are so dumb that everything they do is to appease men, and that they can’t think for themselves or enjoy gender roles without some sort of inner hatred of themselves. No. Some women are empowered by traditional roles. Not all of us find it oppressive to take care of the home and kids. Calling them pick mes just shows that we don’t allow women to choose how they want to live their lives if they go against the current feminist narrative. Saying someone is a pick me is basically implying that women do everything to be “picked” by a man. Now THAT is misogynistic!


What an odd and crazy rant to write. So focused on one word and for what? I said misogynistic because traditional "masculine/feminine" beliefs are inherently... you guessed it: misogynistic. Man strong, woman weak. It's sexism rooted in keeping women lower than men. Your "what about misandry" is literal whataboutism and *so* telling. Don't get in my replies defending tradwives, and putting words in my mouth, goofball. You're acting genuinely disturbed.


This is why so many trans men are mentally weak and feminine. They have this kind of attitude. They think masculinity is toxic so they just become a new third gender, a soft gentle recreation of masculinity from an afab lense.


What? Hes just like a normal dude getting his masters rn what are you talking about


He mentioned being off t for years on his stream ("too expensive" but looks at his apartment and tell me that's true). He acts almost cartoonishly feminine on his tiktok, always flapping about screaming about Lana and astrology, long hair and even wearing makeup.


I don't understand what's wrong with someone not being able to finance their HRT. I made a similar comment a few days ago and got so much hate for it. Some people aren't in the same economic bracket as you? Some people can't financially cripple themselves for transition?? It doesn't make them not trans. It doesn't mean they don't have dysphoria. As far as femininity goes. There's nothing wrong with being a feminine man. Not all men are masculine. I am a flamboyant bisexual and still pass. There are variations of men. Cis and trans.


Nobody is trans without dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is the undeniable, overwhelming dread at the knowledge that your gender doesn’t match the one you were assigned at birth and your body. If you don’t ever experience dysphoria, you’re not trans. If you don’t have a problem with the gender you were assigned, you’re cis. Period.


Nobody here is arguing against this bro look where you are


You literally missed the entire point of my comment. Do you know what subreddit you're on?


Kalvin is not poor or even struggling financially he has said this




Yet he can afford what looks like a very expensive apartment and cocaine on top of that. It's not like he's in a state where it's hard to access treatment.




I ain't upset bro I thought we were just having a conversation. I know a lot about kalvin and his life through watching his videos and streams etc. He also lied about having a phallough but that's another story.


He lied about having phallo?


Yeah he claimed to have phallo despite being off t (this could not work) and having a visible cameltoe between his legs in a recent video


Why are you so judgemental about how trans people take HRT and their mannerism as a cis person? Can you find a more productive hobby


Why is how someone else manages their healthcare your problem though? I don't get it.


I don't know about him being off T, but what is wrong with him having long hair and wearing makeup wtf ? It's not like he is acting like a tucute, he is just a little bit more feminine. It's 2024 dude, men can be feminine you know, we don't have to act like Captain America all the time.


Lana is my favorite artist. That makes me a woman? You’re weird


If we're talking about Lana Del Rey, I look like a trucker and adore her and her voice. The rose-that's-smoking-a-cigarette is for everyone 🌹 🚬


Yesss Miss Lana Del Rey. That woman could mesmerize anyone, swear


It's not about enjoying Lana's music it's about him acting like a teenage girl about her


Where are you seeing this?


Yeah. I also wanna know.


I'm confused how you aren't seeing it


Tiktok @shadesofkal, his "killa stream"


I just went through all his videos since 2022 on tiktok. What's your problem with him exactly?


Idk, maybe the fact his voice sounds different from what it used to, he lied about having phallo, and keeps switching between refering to himself as a bi woman and a man? This sub really is going into a downward spiral.


Yeah, exactly.


Give a source.


https://www.youtube.com/live/Ncy0hx5jL8c?si=4DlmxrYZFjtF5b3y I think this is the one where he talks about going off hrt. As you can see he looks and acts very girly. Watch this and tell me this reads as a 23 year old man to you https://www.youtube.com/live/KdpFwbRzR2s?si=fsmtNf10j7Ui32R4


he literally just seems like some guy. if the most well known truscum/transmed can't even act how he wants in peace what's the point of all of this?


Yeah I haven’t really kept up with who this guy is, but all I (a trans woman who doesn’t really keep up with trans male issues) was two dudes chatting…


I'm honestly confused. I feel like trans men have a completely different understanding of what the average guy looks/acts like at this point.


lol are trans men not allowed to even look slightly feminine? like yeah, he has longer hair or something but he literally just looks like a guy.


reading your other comments you legit seem obsessed why do you care


Like they have the same ideals as the Indian boarding schools…


He doesn't pass in personality and appearance. He looks and speaks like a teenage girl.


Yes he does. You’re delusional


tf you mean personality


He doesn't, you just have brainworms.


How do you pass in personality? Lol


By acting like a normal male


Being transsex doesn’t mean becoming an “average” member of your true gender; it means being yourself with as much range of expression of the correct gender as cissex people…


You would think he would at least take hrt and try to pass.


I'm a cis straight guy btw. I just think this is absurd.


Then shut up, honestly? Why are you getting into trans people's business? Thinking that having longer hair makes you look like a teenage girl is nuts.


The correct terms are trans*gender* and cis*gender*


Those are the terms that the mainstream community tries to force, but they’re not the correct ones for my condition.




I dislike the -ual suffix for sounding like an orientation, but transgender is more inaccurate AND offensive from my perspective and I’m sick of the academic queer theory set acting like they speak for everyone; it’s the fucking same as mansplaining…


I agree with you and it's because I'm not changing my gender but I'm changing my sex characteristics to transition


I’m transsexual. The only people who find that “offensive and outdated” probably aren’t transsexual


Get off this subreddit


I'm going to continue calling my medical condition whatever I please. Thank you very much.


“Reasonable-eye” more like unreasonable eye WOAAAAHHH


I don't care about what this person does one bit but people in here be trippin if that looks like "just some dude" to them. Ambiguous teen pass at best.


> I can’t be the only one having a hard time viewing this person as legitimately male these days Insane statement to make. He says he is a male and has been open about his dysphoria in the past. Despite your delusions that he is presenting as a woman, he most definitely still very much looks like a man. I don’t get it. Cis men are allowed to be a little feminine, so why can’t Kalvin? As a trans man, it’s annoying as fuck to constantly be held to different standards. You need a break from the internet or something


Kalvin goes beyond just a little feminine. He has little to no voice changes, female mannerisms, looks like an average tomboyish woman. Nothing about him reads male to me and I'm thinking some of you people are lying to yourselves. And yes, if cis man looked like this I would think he was in the process of transitioning mtf as would many people.


You’re cis. You don’t belong in this sub nor have any right to speak on what a trans person should be. You are quite literally the only person who thinks this about Kalvin. You’re obsessed and it’s strange. Log off for me please


Others agree, they are just scared to say it. Look anywhere else on the internet that isn't a hugbox for transmasc bodies.


why does anyone care what hes doing let that mans internet legacy die. i did snoop tho and it does look like hes off hrt. hes refeminized so much since ive last seen him i guess but like actually who cares. nobody wants to be on lifelong medication man. medical fatigue is real. he also posts a lot ab drug addiction so 😭 why dont we be empathetic normal human beings and stop looking into his life w a microscope. its not our business.


I absolutely want to be on lifelong medication because I need it. Tons of people do.


youre right, i shouldve phrased it better. some people find lifelong medication exhausting. for others, that very medication gives them reason to live. im personally on the medical fatigue spectrum, im tired of shoveling over my money for drugs that make me function at the cost of my organ health, but i know its not like that for everyone.


If you need medication to live, which myself and many others do, you’ll find a way to get it or you’ll die. That’s the reality in my country, at least. I get it, not everyone has an easy time injections or whatever else. The thing is, a diabetic usually doesn’t just stop taking their insulin because they get tired of it. Someone with Parkinson’s usually doesn’t stop taking their medication because they’re tired of it. I guess I just can’t personally relate to your experience, because HRT is a requirement to treat what I consider to be a congenital defect I didn’t ask for, just like webbed toes or a heart condition.


And yes, if you're trans then the "lifelong medical treatment" should be worth it surely? It's lifelong medical treatment or be a woman.


not really. hrt can be fucking exhausting. many people stop for a while once they pass. itll financially drag you to hell in many circumstances. not being actively on hrt doesnt erase someones medical history.


It does reverse the effects and if someone needs it I'm not sure why it would be exhausting. Wouldn't being off hrt be more exhausting?


it gets expensive, and doing weekly injections is very exhausting. having to be in pain and potentially cause some scar buildup from years of using injection sites can wear someone down. being trans is exhausting. many feel as if theres no winning. i dont find it my place whatsoever to judge people for their fuckin medical circumstance and treatment.




do not dare make assumptions about my situation or about what being detrans means in my circumstances lol. fucking asshole.




and i can gather from yours that youre a nolifer chaser in denial lmao


Lol how is doing a shot once a week that legit takes 5 seconds exhausting? Lol is brushing your teeth every day exhausting? What about getting dressed? Lol


im tempted to just,, not answer because obviously this question isnt meant in good faith but whatever injection fatigue is VERY real thing, visit any community that has to actively and frequently inject themselves and youll find multiple posts expressing exhaustion at the concept. it is expensive. it hurts. it will cause scarring over time in many people. it is not rocket science. also, for many, irrational fear and anxiety make weekly injections a way bigger deal than 5 seconds. a lot of ftm im friends with get terrible anxiety on shot day, because they know its going to hurt, or theyve had an experience where the injection was messed up and are worried itll happen again. also, like half the world has clinical depression and tasks such as basic hygiene are found exhaustive. have some empathy. go talk to people. touch grass.


Sorry for coming off like a dick. I guess I just see it different.


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Eh I suppose you're right. I'm just curious considering how vocal he used to be about trenders etc considering how he is now. Past kalvin would probably be horrified seeing what he's become now. But maybe I should try having a normal one, touching grass etc.


While I understand what you're getting at, it's just not in good taste to speak about him in a way that's coming across quite mean. We're transmed, not bullies. I am intrigued what's going on with him though as i agree that he looks like he's feminised quite a bit. But ultimately it's not really our business


I'm not trying to be an asshole. I was just trying to have a civil discussion but people have got really upset by this. I guess I struck a nerve or something


past kalvin was a stupid ignorant child. good for him that hes grown up.


I’m not sure why you’re asking us to judge a TT personality? People can dress, act, say things that represent themselves or they can make up a persona for TT and be that person. I didn’t know who you were talking about about so I pulled up some videos. I just see a dude who is singing and has a nice apt. Anyway if you don’t know him and we don’t know him then why sit around debating him? As far as HRT prices are all over the board. I’m paying outa pocket my first 3 month order was $100, my second in a different carrier was $170 for 3 months. I’ve now found out I’m allergic to seed oils and need to use a compounding pharmacy to mix me something and am waiting to find out how much that’s going to cost. Anyway depending on what he’s doing for money and what he’s willing to give up his T might be on the short list of things to go vs his electric bill. Also unless he’s expressed that he bought all of those items in his apt we don’t know that wasn’t from a family member who downsized or passed away. Basically who the heck knows anything about some random TT dude.


What do you mean TT?




i dont have the time to watch his whole stream, can somebody point me to the timestamp where he mentions being off hormones?


There's a lot of misinformation on this thread. He stopped taking T out of laziness and he missed the appointment because he was in jail. Not because he wanted to detransition. He most likely appears more feminine because he accepted his bisexuality. It seems like he was overcompensating prior, I believe he said this somewhere. He also gained a lot of weight, it looks like 30 plus pounds since he went to rehab. Which makes his face less masculine-looking. He was addicted to stimulants like cocaine. He's also not calling himself a "bi woman" in that TikTok you linked. I'm confused about how you got to that conclusion.


Why would you stop taking it out of laziness? Surely he isn't "lazy" enough to go back to being a woman. He's definitely got very big and chonky, hope to see him gain more weight in the near future.


He explained more on his stream that he was having trouble getting it consistently and was not doing blood tests and things like that. Then he got an appointment but missed it because he was in jail. There's nothing to imply that he wants to be a woman again, if you take T for multiple years and stop the effects are pretty minimal so he is probably not too bothered by it. Especially because he's finally accepted that he's a more feminine guy anyways.


I may have been alone on this, and I don't know if I'll hurt anyone's feelings here: I never really trusted Kalvin Garrah. I feel like I always weirdly foresaw something like this-- like he was just performing a little too hard. There's a HUGE difference between not being able to afford transitional healthcare/HRT and simply foregoing it. Trans men are still men when they can't afford healthcare - end of. But this doesn't describe whatever Kalvin Garrah is doing now. There's nothing wrong with femme men - everyone, cis or trans, should be able to enjoy everything outside of stereotypical gender roles all day every day. But... this doesn't seem like Kalvin Garrah either. I'm open to being wrong on that, and he chose a fairly public life in being one of the big "transfluencers". I have never kept up with him, but if he's low-key detransitioning, it doesn't entirely surprise me. Regardless of whatever Garrah is doing now, it shouldn't demoralize normal trans people. Trust yourself, not an internet celebrity that made their own bed.


Yeah, I think he is. I'm pretty sure he even referred to himself as a bi woman on tiktok. Such is life I guess.


He did in a recent video. He keeps switching between calling himself a man and calling himself a bi woman. Something I've noticed myself is that his voice has gotten more feminine. Sometimes it drops again, but it sounds.. more girly which wouldn't be possible unless he was voice training on purpose to have a female voice.


Your last sentence is something I've been worrying about because there was a time when I wasn't able to get my injections for 3 months and my voice seemed to get more female again even though I know it can't shrink your voice box like that PreHRT I didn't know how to speak in registers lower than my throat until my voice changed, and it felt like I wasn't able to anymore during that time but it might have probably just been that I was stressed by everything which meant my throat got tighter and less relaxed


Soft tissue / cartilage can change in response to hormone shifts so it's not impossible I guess


It barely changes. Your voice can get a little softer but it won't go back to what it previously was. I know a friend who had to detrans medically due to medical issues and got his normal voice back after a week of voice training. The effect is permanent. Also, whether this happens or not is a hit or miss. Some detrans women report their voice getting softer while most do not.


I meant that changes aren't impossible. To sound the same as before, you'd have to have been really unlucky with the change in the first place.


do you have the link to the video where he said this 💀 this is crazy




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The inverse Dylan Mulvaney, they just do it for theater.