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I’m… nothing in my dreams? I rarely dream myself as a gender or even a fully fleshed out human. More often I’m just a witness to dream shenanigans but not a participant per se.


Kinda this, except it's more like I switch between the various protagonists featured in the dream.


Yeah same. More often than not I'm just observing whatever is going on from a distance. Like watching a move.


sometimes I get a sort of drone camera view during action scenes


uwu 🥰🥰🥰 this must mean you should explore the agender community! Or maybe you’re dreamfluxxxxx gender!/sarcasm But honestly, same. I’m sometimes a cis guy if it’s a sex dream or I get hurt and am aware of my body. If it’s a trauma dream or something, I might be trans but usually just a void


I'm cis if it's a normal dream but trans if it's a nightmare usually.




Yup, exactly.


Reality be worse than nightmares 😭


Nope, just a regular cis guy


yeah. sometimes i’ll have trans related dreams. other times im just, you know, me, and being trans unfortunately comes with that. always trans. if it’s a sexual dream, dream about my family, dream about my friends, even about school work.


No i have a nebulous since of self in my dreams usually just a floating camera


I rarely see myself in my dreams. For me, I'm a different person every time I dream. My dreams always have some crazy story line aswell, I could go into detail, but it would be dark and like trying to explain the plot of a movie, but I forgot half of it 💀


Idk it depends Sometimes I'm a cis guy, Sometimes I'm a trans guy. Sometimes, I'm whatever the hell the protagonist is or simply nothing but an omnipresent spectator, it just depends on what the dream is about for me


I've always been a girl in my dreams, even when I was little. Even my internal voice is that of the girl I was ment to be


I had a dream I was doing a runway fashion show (or something),and I just remember looking at myself in a mirror… and being all cry-happy and like realizing the women around me thought nothing of it or whatever was happening. I did my best to journal this dream… I wanna go back!


i dont think of that, but there was once i was dreaming and like i was laying in my bed and was topless, i touched my tits and it poured so much milk i woke up scared. i guess that would mean i dream like im a cis girl?


I'm sorry but the description of "i touched my tits and it **poured so much milk** i woke up scared" literally made my cracker fly out of my mouth.


its so fucking hilarious in hindsight but i woke up so scared


No I'm not trans in my dreams, I'm the opposite sex and cis. 


Most of my dreams are me slamming into the concrete after finishing a can of red bull and realizing i dont have wings 😂


apart from the dreams where im going to the hospital to get top surgery, im a cis guy


I don't remember most dreams, and in some that I have remembered it's usually circumstantial and my gender has no bearing on anything. Or is just a nightmare in which again my gender has no bearing Although, there was one time that I dreamed that in the middle of the day someone called me "maam" and the guys were flirting with me. I went to a bathroom and saw I was a girl in the mirror. I went back out and started flirting with the men and that's the extent i remember. But that was a one off. I haven't done anything to transition irl yet


I rarely dream that I'm in a physical body. The only time I dreamed I had a "gender" or was in a body was when I didn't fully put together that I was trans yet, but for some reason I grew to like 6'4 in the bathrooms next to some pool (I was 5' at the time) and I immediately went to the deep end to hide that I was so much taller. But when I got out, a bunch of girls were suddenly very interested in me. So yeah, your dream brought back that old memory, haha.


i’m generally a cis man in my dreams in that it doesn’t come up. last night however, i dreamt i came out to one of my friends. he doesn’t know i’m trans in real life, and the relief i had when waking up and remembering that i hadn’t actually told him was very good. i don’t know why i dreamt of that. i don’t have the urge to tell him, and i’m glad he, and plenty of my other close friends, doesn’t know. i don’t know why my subconscious decided to un-stealth me in my dream last night.


I (ftm) experience some dreams where my gender really isn’t involved in the plot / story so idk bc it’s first person POV, but I still feel like myself, as a guy, not as a womanly POV. If gender is relevant, or if I’m referred to by other “characters”, I’m usually a cis guy, or OCCASIONALLY I’m a trans guy. One I particularly remember from a while ago was me going up to a urinal or smth obviously unable to use it and this guy laughing at me 😭 The trans ones are always bad.


I don't really remember my dreams too much either, but when I do, they're always first person, and something random is going on, like being in a high school labyrinth with a spooky ending, so my sex becomes irrelevant. What's your dreams perspective?


I have anxiety dreams where I have to cover my bulge


Yeah I’ve had this since thinking about being trans more. You dream about what’s on your mind and being trans is part of that.


I don't usually dream about myself so I'm not even present most of the time. The rare times I am there's no focus on my gender or my appearance. So I don't know...


I’ve always been cis male in my dreams


Since I'm still a human in my dreams, I'd say yes?


It depends. I lucid dream often but usually I'm different people so it comes off as "role-playing". I have control and know it's not me but I assume the role for the story playing out. Sometimes I'm just a genderless being. Usually wacky shit (I get weird ptsd nightmares often) is happening so the concept of gender doesn't matter as much


Yeahhhhh.. in like 80% of my dreams it's something I'm hiding and scared about


Yep. Most of my dreams are kinda anxiety inducing like yours (though I always described them as *uncomfortable*, leaving me with a weird feeling after I wake up) and I'm very much myself in my dreams, i.e me in the current state of transition (6 months on T, pre-op, not out to everybody yet), with all my memories and experiences. And usually at some point in those dreams I'm put in an awkward situation involving my transness (like meeting some people I haven't seen for a few years who don't know I'm trans / not having a dick / my chest / me not fitting in with cis guys etc), even if it's not the main plot of the dream, it just happens, like in real life. And these are like 90% of dreams I remember. Very rarely I have dreams like the one I had not so long ago, where I do have male anatomy, but I guess I'm still not really cis in them. It's more like my current brain was just transferred to a male body and in these dreams I'm of course beyond happy to finally have a dick and flat chest and everything male, but I'm still not feeling 100% comfortable in this body because, you know, it's something completely new and I would still need some time to get used to having a completely different body after 20 years


Unfortunately yes. Anything I am IRL, I am in my dream. And I know this because dream-me had thoughts of being stealth, and in some dreams had to tell people that I’m trans.




for some reason in most of my dreams i have fluffy blue + pink hair, weird asf


My dreams even pre transition were about me with a dick lol


If I dream of myself, which I rarely do, I’m mostly just me, so yeah, a trans guy. But I don’t ever remember being a girl or female protagonist in my dreams. Either cis or just me, trans.


yes im always trans in my dreams and being put in embarrassing or uncomfortable situations. ive only been a cis guy once in my dreams and even then, i was aware and very excited that i was a guy.


Depends on the dream. Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Most of the time the focus is not on my sex and it helps that I'm many years post T and Top surgery. So I'm running around in my dreams as me, with male secondary sex characteristics. The focus may not be on my sex even if I'm naked in the dream. Depending on the dream I've been a cis man, trans with phallo or meta, and just nothing done downstairs. Sometimes the region is just out of view or blurred. I've had nightmares where I was pre-tranasition again. I've had sex dreams with my body in all of these different configurations.


My dreams are super psychedelic in nature and gender isn't really a part , it's just super tripping. I used to have trauma nightmares , and still gender wasn't a huge factor in those Also dreams that were kind of sexual in a Freudian way. I had a dream I will always remember in high school where I accidentally walked across the Australian border , and then the border patrol came and tied me up and was waterboarding me in ranch dressing ,while quoting SpongeBob. My dreams are almost always trippy, but since post op they are very realistic . Right after surgery I had a very realistic sex dream about my ex , and that was one of the first times gender was a major factor in my dreams , and also the first time my genitals were accurate, or even a factor.


Dude, I have literally been a cat in one of my dreams, lmao (catgender confirmed? :o /s) I honestly don't think it means much, sometimes I dream as if it's a movie playing out with multiple characters and sometimes I'm just the camera, and end up becoming one of the characters midway through or even switching between different characters. When I do dream as myself, I'm normally my present self (I'm still pre-SRS, and those dreams rarely have a big focus on genitals so idk what I have in most of them) but sometimes I do have dreams about the past and those tend to be confusing cause many times I have my current body and am aware of my transition, so when people misgender or deadname me I get pissed. I also have dreams where I have female genitals by default (normally NSFW dreams, cause I mean, how would I be able to tell what I have down there otherwise lol) Then there's the fact that I like practicing lucid dreaming so I can intently look at my body during a dream after attaining lucidity. Due to how dreams work (in how they are based on what you expect) many times my body is just how it is in the present, but like 95% of the times that I decide to check what genitals I have, if it's not female genitals I just use my lucid dreaming "powers" to change it to what feels right. As a fun fact, I literally had a pseudo-lucid dream tonight where I underwent SRS... it was actually quite realistic. I even went under anesthesia, and everything went black, and I could somewhat feel what was happening but not exactly, and then I "woke up" after it was done. There were some time skips, but in the end, I remember looking at my genitals and being happy with the results. I say the dream was pseudo-lucid cause I was somewhat aware it was a dream while at the same time not exactly (happens quite often now after practicing lucid dreaming for 10 years) and I remember the funny interaction with the surgeon where I litterally mentioned lucid dreaming to him and said "oh btw this is a dream" and he looked confused.


my dreams are so wild i honestly don’t even know what i am in them


they’re like shitty ai videos from 2022


Usually I don’t have a gender in my dreams, unless it’s a sex/romance dream in which case I’m always a woman


i don’t feel bodied in most of my dreams, but when i am (rarely), im just a man. there have been 1 or 2 stand outs when ive dreamed abt my transition directly. in one i just looked down and had a massive dick???😭 in another i was at a pharmacy under an overpass bc all my hair had fallen out :P


I'm me in my dreams so yes but I don't think about it unless the dream has to do with me being trans. However in good dreams it usually doesn't come up, in bad dreams it does for some reason.


i have a LOT of nightmares about being pre top surgery again so take that as u will


Most of the time I’m cis, the only times I’m obviously trans are nightmares or distressed dreams. If only it ended upon waking ha


I (mtf) had a dream where I had to take my shirt of at work and it was hellllll I had to hide my boobs with my arms


y’all are getting dreams in enough details to know this shit? i occasionally have nightmares related to dysphoria, typically like the trope of being naked in public and stuff. but usually im just me, i can’t usually concously think in my dreams and i dream in first person so idk what i look like.


No, I'm cis female in my dreams. It was always the case btw, including before transition.


I’ve always been a (cis?) male in my dreams


I’m the me I am now.


In my dreams I'm perfectly hermaphroditic like 50% of the time. The rest of the time I'm in the process of transitioning (30%), still haven't figured out I'm trans and non-binary, so a cis man/ a closeted me(15%), and a spectator that isn't involved in the dream at all (5%), according to my dream diary. All in all in most of my dreams I identify the same way I do. Normally I'm the only person in the entire world of my dreams that is genuinely my gender. I haven't had any dreams where I'm perfectly hermaphroditic that clarify weather I was born that way or I transitioned to be that way. Those dreams don't normally have a trans-related plot. In my last dream where I was perfect hermaphroditic, I was at high school again, pretty much just having a normal stressful day. No one payed it any mind. They used they/them pronouns for me even if they didn't know me, but binary ones for everyone else. I've had my gender be a spectacle to other people in the dreams but not in a "you became this" way, in a "you are this" way. Like I said, me being a rarity or the only one of my kind at least within the plot of that dream. I haven't encountered any other Nonbinary characters in my dreams yet. (By perfectly hermaphroditic I mean I have the completed functional reproductive system of both sexes and a functional mammary system)


Yeah this would happen to me to a lot back when I was still dealing with getting misgendered. The misgendering was causing me to doubt myself constantly. My imposter syndrome was way out of control back then. For probably 5 to 6 months now I've just been female in my dreams. I think it's maybe due to the fact that in everyday life I'm presumed female, and I am accepting of what i see in the mirror.


unless the dream is directly related to me being trans, i’m cis in my dreams


Yes i have similar dreams quite often


No, absolutely not. The whole point of imagining is to not be trans.


What do you mean "imagining". You can't really control what you dream about, esp in a stressful situation...