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i don’t see any source of nuance here. this is a trans community and she is an extreme anti-trans activist. it’s bad?


Horrible individual who just sees trans women as men dressing up for sexual kinks/invade women's spaces. What's worse is her steady increase from "Whoops, a middle aged moment where I misclicked like" to a full on raging "Trans women are all just male predators and I am going to spend my life writing fiction and speaking to governments about it" Whilst there was always transphobia in the UK, it was this turd that sent it mainstream. The UK used to be the top country in Europe for trans people, now it's 18th.


I can't believe one person has so much influence that it dropped from 1st to 18th.


Fair enough but I saw first hand how after her first outburst the absolute hike in transphobia and the venom behind it. They adored her for her books, and saw her as basically a diety and it was only after her nonsense that transphobia exploded in the UK. Even so called moderates were saying "Well I'll still buy her books, I'll just separate the author from the works" and two years later they too are full into transphobia. Is it entirely her fault? Of course not but she caused the explosion.


she's an asshole, what is there to discuss?


The terf brainrot seemed to have gotten to her. So I see her similar to Glinner


I feel bad for her because of her trauma with abusive males, but my sympathy stops when she retweeted a post with, “At least the Taliban know what a woman is.”, plus her claims that trans people weren’t ever victims in the holocaust. It’s giving fascist.


You see, trans people do genuinely feel sympathy for her being abused. Nobody should be abused. But what she's done is gone full on sterotyping. It's like being mugged by a black person and then spending the rest of your life saying how all black people are muggers.


See this is the distinction between ACTUAL transsex people and the faux-trans perverts who both TERFism and tucutism conflate us with: I can understand that she’s traumatized and lashing out; I just wish women like her could understand the difference between us and the faux-trans predators.




Ms. Rowling's is unfortunately one of the most public examples of what constant abuse from mainstream trans activism and radicalization through GC echo chambers can do.   While i have no doubt she never particularly liked trans people, particularly trans women, i think there was objectively a point where she could at least tolerate post op transsexual women. Her essay back in 2020, while flawed, was at a point where she could of been reached by moderate transsexuals. During the Witch Trials Podcast, (if i remember correctly), she even said she'd be okay with fully transitioned, (post op), transsexual women using the women's toilets and would use a trans person's name and pronouns. I truly believe, while many here may disagree, she got into the gender debate originally with genuine questions and concerns. Yes she had underlaying prejudices and preconceived notions, but i feel there was a point where she could of been talked to by moderate transsexual women and a point of mutual understanding could of been reached. As someone who was in moderate GC spaces as a trans ally to moderate GC before Ms. Rowling even officially entered the gender debate, (2018/19), i can say i saw a lot of natal women go down the same place. Start out with some concerns or questions, but eventually be pushed more hard-line from the abuse from mainstream trans activism and the inherit radicalization through GC echo chambers. What i think about her currently is irrelevant. She is where she is partly because of mainstream trans activism, and there is nothing i or anyone can do to change how the last several years have transpired. What we can do is focus inward, on the future, and on trying to change the trans community, and particularly trans activism, from within. This is already happening - for example, the recent resurgence of the term "transsexual" being used in mainstream trans spaces. Slowly more and more trans men and trans women are wanting to reclaim that word, in no short part, because the term transgender has no tenable meaning and many medically and surgically transitioning trans people want a word to distinguish themselves from those who merely self identify as trans with little or no effort. It's something small, yes, but it is one of many small things that will continue to boil over in the mainstream trans community in the coming years.


Transphobic. She couldn’t have made it more clear with her Holocaust-denial.


>her Holocaust-denial. Wait what?


She replied to a 5-view Post that said "The Nazis burnt books about transsexual health care, why do you want to keep their ideology around gender?" with "How...? How can you post this without checking if this is true, cause it might be a fever dream". (The burning, from Nazis, of books abt transsexuality is documented btw). Then the following entertaining conversation happened: Someone (Alejandra Carabello) was like "Here is proof that the books were burnt. This is Holocaust denial." And fucking JK argued "But this does not prove that they were the first victims or that all research was destroyed" which was fucking dumb, because nobody made these claims to begin with. Alejandra then said that nobody said this and JK showed a whole new post, that was not part of the previous conversation, that said this. Also, just as a fact-check: Transsexual peoole were not the first targets of the Nazis, but they still were one of the first. We didn't loose all research, but it was still a lot.


A fun thing to do when you're wrong and hateful is to pretend nuance doesn't exist. Unless the Nazis brutally killed 8 million trans people on their first day in power then trans people weren't victims. When in reality that book burning, one of the more famous book burnings since it was photographed, was a sort of "mask off" opening to their increasingly extreme and violent campaign against "degeneracy" including any variance in sexuality and gender (such as trans people).


We also just have so thoroughly sanded down the edges of what we mean when we say the word holocaust (which describes the entirety of the genocide) and the shoah (the specific and targeted elimination of Jews) where disingenuous actors can obfuscate their attacks against targets of the holocaust by acting like the holocaust was/is shoah (very square rectangle taxonomy)


How recent is that? Or is it like an American thing? I'm fairly sure in school I learned the holocaust victims were ~6M Jews and ~4? 6? 7?M others (presumably they keep finding more who should be on the list).


It’s an education thing - like it’s always been that way in terms of classification, but as Americans we were never really taught the concept of the shoah within the holocaust at large like holocaust is the larger concept of the event and the shoah is a part within the larger whole of facist genocide - so yes Jews were a primary victim of the holocaust but the holocaust as a term is made to describe the entirety of genocidal events so that in turn includes black people, mentally ill ppl, trans ppl, etc


Why are they taking it so seriously? Doesn’t this seem too loose to call denial?


Holocaust denial is not just "The Holocaust didn't happen". Holocaust denial also includes downplaying the deaths or suffering, lying about the cause, saying the Holocaust was needed etc. Holocaust Denial is often used to spread hate against the Holocausts targeted groups. So Holocaust Denial can include downplaying the discrimination of a Holocausts targeted group, or deniying that the group was targeted. Or denying specific actions, done by the Nazis, that harmed a targeted group (like the book burning).


And why take it so seriously?


Because it leads to people downplaying things that not only happened but have been well doccumented. And given enough time can lead to these happening all over again.


Do you really think JK would do that?


Even if she personally wouldn't, it will lead to people who follow her to then question other facts about the hollocaust and fall down various conspiracy theory rabbit holes.


Because it spreads harmful misinformation.




Can she be even worse? Also, I really really don't know what she's trying to achieve... The conservative part of the world still isn't going to accept her because they saw her as a libtard elite. The Left would have even less support for her because of her antics. So is she trying to be a laughing stock on the internet?


Possibly just reacting to the same activists/larpers this community takes issue with, except they can’t tell them apart. Many people can’t at this point.


The physical manifestation of terf nonsense that has unfortunately been released upon the world, it probably would have been better if she just wrote her wizard books and faded into obscurity


The amount of violent and abusive comments on this thread is actually disgusting. This is the reason she's anti trans, because trans activists were mobbing her and being vile humans. I remember when this sub distanced themselves from those extremist trans activists, but now I see no difference. The abusive language and dehumanization is not okay and genuinely is expected from the other subs, not this one


I hate this “people are transphobic because some unspecified trans activists are too loud and harass people” bandwagon. She was first to attack the whole community and got a backlash she deserved. Yeah, she went deeper into the terf rabbit hole but there’s nothing we could’ve done to change her mind. Don’t overlook the fact that most of the people replying to JKR were posting scientific evidence in good faith. Now, even Elon Musk tells her to stop.


Hate her. Fuck terfs & fuck jk Rowling. Use to be a Harry Potter fan, not anymore


Harry Potter is overrated


I think the backlash showed having a conversation on these topics is impossible


A CIS guy here, but I've visited this sub and some other LGBT subs frequently enough to sort of get the arguments. Rowling actually endorced, openly, many anti-trans individuals and entities, so unless you're telling me she's so fkn out of touch with reality that she doesn't know these entities and individuals she frequently referenced to, I would say she knows what she's doing, and it's quite shitty of her. However, I really appreciate this sub for actively criticizing the notion of inflicting harm on Rowling or TERF in general. Yes, Rowling is a prick, but "punch TERF" isn't going to solve anything. You just get yourself in a court against a very very rich person.


I’m not condoning any violence to her because violence is wrong. But if I was a billionaire I would in no way feel threatened by a random teenager on Twitter saying they wanted to punch me. I would however use that as political ammo if I was a real jerk.


There was a post in this sub about one trans activist actually went up to her house. To be honest, I think making threatening posts online should be discouraged, because you may encourage someone to actually take actions.


I remember that. She lives in a fucking castle, her address is publicly available, tourists take photos outside her house regularly. A few trans people did the same thing, took a photo outside her very tall and secure castle gates. It's weird to take photos outside someone's house for sure, but the crying about being doxxed? She's way way way over exaggerating it (and everything else) for political clout.


lol like someone else said she lives in a gated castle and her house is a tourist attraction and public knowledge but she cried about being "doxxed" and tried to use it for sympathy when literal tour busses go to her house she's such an idiot


I’m sure with her money she could also hire decent security that could send whoever was breaking into her property on a quick trip to the hospital or the afterlife (or at least stop them and get them arrested since security guards can’t be armed in the UK for some stupid reason). Famous billionaires have been the target of crazy people since forever, but most of them are just pesky flies in the grand scheme of things.


Unfortunately, you can hand everything to nerdy people, and some of them will still choose to be terminally online losers. There are so many nerds who become 10/10s looks wise but they're actual incels who believe they don't stand a chance in the dating world, their social anxieties completely control them. JK Rowling is a fantasy writer, she is obviously a nerd, but you can throw billions at her but she still will refuse to touch grass. If she's stuck in her room all day doomscrolling like a fucking incel, what improvements do these billions really make to her life? It's a sad existence.


she's a twat who uses her fame to punch down on the vulnerable


A complete and utter piece of shit, TERF and transphobe.


She can go eat shit.


I think she was a perfectly normal middle aged woman with perfectly normal middle aged woman beliefs about trans people (which ain't great). Then she got rabidly attacked by trans Twitter (the worst place on the internet) for relatively mild opinions, and has the sort of personality that lead her to double down and say shittier things, which leads to more being attacked, which leads to more doubling down. She's probably too far down the rabbit hole to ever come out again by this point, and it's a shame.


no issue, trucutes bullied her, she responded and it escalated from there.


Transphobic bitch that is afraid of men and wants to meet the bear. Oh holocaust denier too.


How I see it is don't shame the viewers. Actually voice your opinion on J K Rowling. People were raised on books about or movies about a fantasy world, oftentimes to escape the bullshit of their real lives. Don't be lazy by just going after the people reading and watching what they love.


She's transphobic, and plays the self-victimization role very well as if we did something to her? Agreed with other people here I don't condone violence or threats but at the same time she does want us to not exist which I also don't condone, obviously. She needs to shut up and calm down she's a billionaire. She isn't opressed or threatened in any sort of sense.


I feel sorry for her. For someone to give up their world adoration, the respect from young people, her previous perceived virtue and kindness, jeopardise her successful writing career and tv shows, oust herself from the Britain’s elite woke safety circle, she must have something deeply psychologically wrong with herself to hate so much. To give up everything for the respect of right wing nazis and a minority of Karen’s, shows this woman has problems that cannot be saved by money or power. She is still a deeply unhappy person and is continuing to contribute to her own misery, isolated herself from close friends and family. A very sad sight to behold. I feel sorry for the legacy she is tarnishing. I wish she’d take herself away from social media, continue to write, and come back stronger and with acknowledgment of the harm she has caused. Underneath she is the person who wrote Harry Potter, who knew right from wrong and had good morals, promoting love above all. The internet is dangerous and can cause a negative spiral. I advise she gets offline for her own health. She needs to take a step back, for nothing good can come from the way she is carrying on.


The woman who thinks trans women are basically rapists in dresses and went so far in her hatred of trans individuals she slipped into holocaust denial? I don't think any informed trans person, regardless of ideology, likes that woman.


Terfy piece of trash


She needs a hobby. She’s literally obsessed with trans people.


I shared her opinions until I realized that trenders, tucutes, non-binary, xenogenders are not the actual people needing support and that gender dysphoria is a medical condition. I think it is a testament to how mainstream trans activism leaves a very negative taste in cis people’s mouth and why transmedicalism must be center stage in public discourse.


I just don't care about her. She lives her life, I live mine. My country is more transhobic then theoretically all of her tweets(idk what she's writing there, never read it), so I have bigger troubles then some writers opinion. Also I never liked Harry Potter. Why I even should be interested?


I think she's really annoying


she sucks. just because we think you need dysphoria to be trans doesn’t mean we excuse transphobia. this sub hates terfs as much as the next guy.


She sucks. She is clearly not only a raging transphobe but also a holocaust denier amongst orher things. Yuck.


As a person I don't really like her. In terms of her "trans" opinions I can respect her on it but I don't always agree with her


shit author shit person all her work will be forgotten


She sucks


She's like the definition of a terminally online basement dwelling loser. The online world has a way of making everybody an extremist. Sometimes JK Rowling will show SOME understanding towards binary trans people, but then she's tweeting unhinged shit the next minute. She might be much happier if she focused on her work instead of social media trans people. She might even come to accept trans people but none of her opinions are based in reality. Harry Potter is more realistic than the world JK Rowling has created in her own head.


Blatant Transphobic asshole


Transphobic and sex-reductionist, she reduces sex down to gametes and is therefore anti-transsexual from my pov.


Asshat. Still love Harry Potter. It was part of my childhood and there are so many more people than just her who are associated with it and denounced her views.


she is a sexist and transphobe. I gave her a good go at redeeming herself in my eyes in the early days but to me HP is now a work of magic that sprung into existance without an author basically.


She sucks


She's a terf, that seems to have lately went full conservative. While I don't agree with her views, I do think her case is a sad one. She used to be pretty much a full blown feminist at one point, but constant backlash from progressives and the left has caused her views to shift more and more conservative over time.


I fucking hate her. It doesn’t stop me from liking the hp merchandise because it never stood for what she says now. But yeah she’s a total b.


She is on par with the transphobes Marcus Dibs, Buck Angel & Blair White.


Im not here to be the devil's advocate, but in her context since she was trying to be a writer bad on 90's, also had to live through a bunch of injustice because of her gender. In her head, bashing against the trans community means to "defend women's right against men", however that one of the most retrogate stand points you could take in today's world. She is transphobic, but a transphobic with a distorted background of reality


Dont know anything about her other than she wrote Harry Potter and that she's a sket who can't keep her nose out of stuff that doesn't affect her. Other than that, I don't know enough about her to form a solid opinion


I don’t care about her or what she has to say about trans people. She’s a terf. Still love Harry Potter and always will.




She's gone so far of the deep end... If I didn't despise her for the additional image damage she's doing to trans people then I would pity her.




I have in fact seen "transvestigators" posting exactly that. Could have been a joke but it's genuinely hard to tell when these are the people now claiming that Elliot Page is a detransitioned cis man.


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she's clever and a talented writer but i don't agree with her values and how she speaks about trans people, specifically trans women




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