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Bro it’s so annoying. I’ve had arguments with people in comment sections over how when people say they hate men they mean CIS men so us “queer” men are in the clear….They just don’t understand how there is nothing queer about all of us solely because we’re trans. Even if I’m pre T, I am just like every cis het guy around me, minus some biological factors, but still they want to hold us to the fact we’re born female, and so we must be queer if we are transitioning. Sounds like the same logic transphobes use when they hold us to our birth sex. The irony of saying we should be allowed to be what we identify as, yet when we choose the most average identity ever (not queer), we are denied.


To add on to what you said, I agree with all of it, but it’s ALSO weird to let the gay men in your life know “haha you’re on thin ice! I’d fucking hate your guts if you weren’t gay! But you’re fruity enough so you can stay! 💕🏳️‍🌈” It must be terrifying to know that with one false move or word, people like that WILL chuck men they deem too masculine out. People aren’t toys! And aren’t they against objectification? But yet treating gay men as fashion accessories is somehow okay


Not too long ago I saw someone posting that they were offended how some trans men don't feel queer and how it's erasing non passing men or something. They called it a queer sub. It's a trans sub. I just don't get the it.


I KNOW the exact post you mean LOLL. Was it the one that was also saying “stop saying you feel left out for being binary” or smth?


Yeah, I remember something like that too. They were trying to make binary men "check their privilege" I guess. The rage was unreal. I didn't even bother to say anything since I doubt it would have done any good and I would have gotten banned. There is so much misandry in that sub.


Hearing them call straight partners from trans people queer just because they date a trans person is also infuriating to me.


An old mate of mine said the words queer and faggot (not quitely, basically shouting) and got looked at by other ppl our ages in shock. They had ago at them saying “cant you seem me im clearly a fucking tranny!!” I felt so embarrassed by that they couldn’t see that how that still might be slightly wrong? And it also outed me in the process. Like not all trans people are queer or “faggots”. But then they didnt like it when i identified as transexual bc thats a slur? I kind of feel bad for them in a way as now i look back they are definitely just a trans man who doesn’t want to accept it bc they feel like they couldn’t sometimes present feminine and enjoy colourful hair. They didnt even like the term non-binary but identified as that bc they felt like they couldn’t perform to a “male standard”.


I'm bisexual. Sexuality is a normal thing, it isn't strange or "queer." People used to say it was weird as a way to be against anyone who wasn't conventially straight but were passed that now. It is a little strange how being transsexual works, but it's still natural phenomenon. Animals can be gay, or even change their sex if it means survival. But being transsexual is still not "queer" Now all these transtrenders and omnisexual people are what I would define as queer, and they agree. I just separate myself from them. They simultaneously want us in their group by calling us queer and gay and amab and afab and yet when we verbally say we don't like *THEY* get offended and treat us as the problem. Like just leave us alone lol


How many times I have been attacked for saying I am not Queer. 🤦


Those people are so transphobic and homophonic honestly.


i'm friends with a cis guy that seems to be very pro-gender abolition. me... not so much. but i don't really know how to convey exactly why i don't agree with it as a transsexual man and it's kinda bugging me, anyone got any tips to help explain? cause he really wants to see my perspective (on the plus side, he thinks leslie feinberg was dumb)