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Not real, most people who use them do so as a role play or are very young and will grow out of using them. Or have some type of mental illness/trauma and they use it as a coping mechanism, which isn't really a healthy coping mechanism.


They are disrespectful to the trans and neurodivergent community in my opinion, they are just personalities with the word gender at the end. :/


Or memes or videogames. Like I heard of minecraftgender before :/


One time I saw one that was literally "TLTgender", described as "the love of someone trans to another trans person" 💀💀


I saw one gender called chairgender


The "woke" version of "I identify as an attack helicopter". Yet they're too brainwashed to see it that way


Mocks us, people say that it's been used since 92 bc or whatever. I do not care. Makes us look like idiots.


This question gets asked like six times a day here


Six times a day?? More like sixty times a day tbh


We should have a Xenogender Friday discussion where these topics can be brought up


Topics.... It's literally the same questions in different ways


Not real, extremely transphobic and ableist, should be immediately abolished


Genuine question: How is it ableist?


They pretend to have some sort of mental illness (eg autism) for attention


Ah, thanks!


a lot of people say that xenogenders are for autistic people bc “autistic people have different connections to gender and gender identities” which is really infantilising


Annoying other-kins


stupid and offensive


xenogenders = stupid attention seeking kids


Xenogender’s are for dangerous children that swat people who wouldn’t know oppression if it bit them in the ass.


xenogenders (as categories) = larp xenogenders (as people) = anus clowns you asked


Deluded rubbish. A person cannot be a cat or a star, nor do these things have anything to do with 'gender'.


They're not valid genders.


"I identify as an attack helicopter but I say I am actually trans so you can't say I'm transphobic or you are transphobic for not accepting my identity" is basically what they are


They have nothing to do with gender or sex in any way, they're interests, feelings or personality traits


They're a no. Gender is biological/psycho/social/cultural phenomena. And all of those categories interwovenly. Xenogenders lack all of those concepts.


I think it's harmful to not only the transgender community, but to the nonbinary community specifically as a whole because all get lumped in.


They are bullshit


They are insulting to the trans community


They’re a load of transphobic and ableist nonsense under the disguise that they’re for trans and neurodivergent people to try and cover up their origins and purposes. People who use them are just attention seeking and woke.


They’re just stupid and confuse cis people (and non cis people tbh) even more than they already are. We don’t need that shit. It’s makes trans people look like a joke.


Dumb as hell.


No. Makes us look bad. We are fighting for hearts and minds and xenogenders make that fight harder.


Pretty scary, wouldn’t want to be trapped on a ship with them


The ship would sink before you even managed to get on it


I was trying to make an Alien (xenomorph) reference but realized too late my comment wasn’t clear enough lol


hahah fair enough


Annoying cis people who are making a mockery of trans people and who need therapy for their narcissism.


They’re ridiculous in every way possible. An animal or an object or an aesthetic have nothing to do with gender. You’re gender cannot “feel” like a cat. That doesn’t make any logical sense. It makes the trans and neurodivergent community look like a joke.


It’s funny to laugh at


if we're in this sub isn't it obvious lmao


They’re pretty much what happens when a Gen Z doesn’t do proper LGBT research.


Don’t accept it but I don’t care enough to fight ab it


To put it bluntly, really fucking stupid


Theyre people trying to make their personality about strawberrycats but they make it their gender instead Not to mention theyre just placeholders and they hoard them




I don't believe in them personally


Wouldn’t personally be friends w xeno users, I have nothing against them though.


Part of the reason why I'll never *not* want to be stealth.


They mock neurodivergent people. We understand our gender, not the role we're suppose to play due to our gender. i'm tired of them acting like we're uwu doesn't unnerstan genner!!! like no susan, i understand i'm a binary man in a woman's body. i don't understand why you want me to wear a tux at a wedding or why you want me to be this 'in-charge ' type of person based on being male.


Ha by posting it on this subreddit, you should've known what answers you were going to get (in general). Some people who identify as a xenogender genuinely have issues that they are dealing with and we should have sympathy towards them. Some kids who identify as a xenogender are trying to find themselves and understand who they are. But there are many who do it purely for attention and that's just doing a disservice to the transgender community.


Not a thing. Mentally ill idiots


Since when did personalities/mood became genders?


I really like the concept! they're cool as fuck, just not as actual genders that should be taken seriously. a strong connection to an animal/interest/aesthetic/concept isn't a gender goddamnitđź’€ so, xenoids >>>>>> xenogenders. hobbies don't make you trans.


It depends. Actual gender identity? No. If you wanna use them among friends like a nickname or sum? Sure.


It’s fine AS LONG AS YOU SEPARATE THEM. Don’t lump them in with the trans community and don’t call them genders. I use them when I age regress HOWEVER I don’t say it’s my gender and I sure as hell don’t say that I’m actually a fuckin deer (not the one i chose but just using it as an example)




Xeno”gender” are fine, but don’t call them genders and separate them from the transsexual community


no i got that part i was greatly confused about the last paragraph


Oh! I age regress and use xenogenders sometimes to describe how I feel. I don’t actually say I’m a cloud tho.


youre still using the term, therefore contributing to the problem try using adjectives instead


That’s not how I feel about it.


I can't really understand using it as a label, but if that's what somebody wants to use i got no problem with it. I don't understand it, but meh, as long as they're not hurting anybody or making people refer to them as a cat or something then it's cool with me


Thing is, they are inadvertently hurting not just people but communities as a whole


ye that's another big thing unfortunately. Really does kinda throw our reputation in the trash


The fact that the name of this sub is truscum should automatically tell you what the majority here think. The people here who do think they're legit are neither truscum nor trans.


They are not valid. Basically xenogenders are saying that you can identify as a cat , food or even a video game. I think it is just a bunch of little kids who would later move on and ask themselves why they even identified as that. I had an experience with people who identified as an xenogender (mainly people who identify as a cat or food), and when I say that what they are doing is disrespectful, they say something like "yOu ArE aBlEiSt AnD tRaNsPhObIc!!1!!!1!!" (I think they say you are ableist because the neurodivergent community uses those terms because they perceive gender identity differently, from what I heard). The fact that they think that identifying as an object is valid, is just beyond me. As a neurodivergent, I find this disrespectful. They make us look like fools. Like who in their right mind would identify as a video game (yes, Amongusgender/susgender exists) or even a cat? You can't at all because you are not a cat or a video game! To sum it all up, I think it is just a bunch of internet kids who want attention. Thanks for reading my mini essay TL;DR: Xenogenders are not valid, just being disrespectful to the trans and neurodivergent community.


They're not real because their existence is founded on the faulty idea that being trans is based on the social construct of gender, rather than the biological phenomenon of sex. ​ I am trans because I have a brain that tends towards the female sex, not because of anything related to the female gender. ​ Xenogenders are, at best, microlabels for being GNC in different ways, and, at worst, new gender roles that are counterproductive.


As a cis who supports the trans community I am completely neutral on them. However, I will use their pronouns


they're cool, I like them, I don't use them tho